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hi dudes welcome back to another episode of insane craft today we're going sickle mode we're going nuts i figured out how to craft the power of an infinity stone that's right i'm finally gonna have one of the infinity powers and not just biffle and sunday so i can become the most powerful member of the group i hope you guys enjoyed this episode it's it's pretty wild the ending is crazy we figure out something that nobody knows yet so make sure to watch all the way in to get it if you enjoy the video make sure to hit that like button alright it tells youtube it's a good video and other people should see it if you're new around here hit the subscribe button help us keep growing the family and enjoy the video welcome back to the lab dude we have been putting in some serious work okay last episode uh first of all you guys loved the last episode it did crazy good but you know as as creative as my solutions to be ian have been they're really not going my way outside of this xp shower which i'm in love with uh so today i think i have an idea for something even better but um it's gonna require some special work it's gonna require some fancy beneglin i think i found an exploit a way to get my own infinity stones or at least some of the powers of the infinity stones without anybody noticing without even needing the stones there's a workaround but we're gonna need some resources and more importantly we're gonna have to convince the dark lord to help us now we haven't worked with the dark lord yet we haven't met him but i've been told he's gonna be on the server today so i'm gonna try to meet up with him and see if uh i could convince him to do something so one of the exploits that i figured out is that some of the superheroes that we can get have super abilities not super abilities they have infinity stones built into them right for example there is mr vision and there's another one but that one isn't craftable which is why we need the dark lord to help us figure it out but vision on the other hand vision is very craftable if i take a look right here uh is that vision no it's one of these yellow ones i need molten vibranium we can do that and then another star we have that too do i still have any vibranium there's something like right outside but let's just let's just check my break i think we can handle that okay perfect will you melt the vibranium for me no okay i grabbed one of my trusty magma crucibles and uh i'm gonna take i don't know four vibranium hello can you not can you not melt down the vibranium no what can melt vibranium you know vibranium okay this can melt vibranium that's fine uh then we're gonna move this up here i guess we got some molten vibranium okay hopefully that's enough i don't know how much we need we're gonna dump it in here i put a little infinity tank up here this will be useful in case we ever need to move stuff and then it should go down here and now it's filling up and uh that should do it oh wait do i need an injection and pop that bad boy in we should be ready hello do your thing need to force that oh i i didn't melt down enough vibranium melt it all dude i don't even care we can re-blockify it or or whatever after ta-da i had to fix it because it got jammed but there we go we now can turn into freaking vision now if you don't know vision literally has one of the infinity stones like stuck in his stupid head so we're gonna pull four out okay and we're going to make ourselves vision okay well that's sort of anticlimactic uh what the heck is hey a vision look you can see he's got the yellow stone right there on his forehead what is that the the vision stone the memories the mind stone i think it's the mind stone so now i literally have some of the abilities of the stone but like oh gosh why does that what what is he just sort of hover what wow and he can fly i can already fly this is not oh no they didn't make him good he doesn't actually have the power of his stone i have reason to believe that scarlet witch is much more powerful so you know what let's go talk to the dark lord i don't know what just happened let's go talk to the dark lord and see if he can help us out uh dark lord not dark lord um hello dark lord are you there okay what why are you slamming my door i was the knocking what do you want hi hi what do you mean who am i it is i obviously that sounded like it was going to be amazing and then it was just not okay you know what i didn't nobody told me that dark lord was such a bully listen i've joined team darkness oh bad bad guy yeah yeah i got i got i'm you know i'm too powerful to be uh one of those loser avengers now like oh perfect unkillable unbeatable unhansomable so like uh yeah i was told i can uh come to you to get cool stuff that i can't get otherwise ah biffle in his big mouth they both start with b right i well he made me help him because he was too lazy to do one of his challenges so i helped him do it and then i was like help no all right what do you want um i need uh to become the scarlet witch to gain access to the power of an infinity stone which yeah man you guys all want infinity stones well i wonder why creepy one that does all the magic things and all the stuff and has the power of infinity stone i mean what i'll do you a solid all right thanks i appreciate it i'll scratch your back but remember i scratched your back you scratched mine okay what is what does that mean i don't oh don't worry it's okay ready no i think i i think for your tasks oh what's my i have to i thought i'm just gonna give it to me what's the task what's the task that's not that easy all right i need i need three things rule of three okay you get a ruler of three i don't know where to get rulers is there a ruler ruler i need a swamp talisman need a tier 8 rocket oh okay the schematic specifically you don't need to make the rocket i'll be nice who's it what's about a necronomicon you know the scary book that talks about the scarlet witch oh god oh yeah oh wait okay yeah yeah yeah necronomicon okay tier 8 rocket did you write this down i'll go get it i'll be right back never i mean real soon what do you mean i mean never no no i wha i'm definitely coming back no i'm i met definitely i edited your sign i'm sorry i'll be back i'll be back i'll be back gonna go so the dark lord's given us three tasks to help us get the power of an infinity stone i figured i'd come back to the base and uh do the easiest one first so they need to make a necronomicon so it's like a book that like writes about the dead and stuff uh it's book rotten flesh iron ing it's like easy we have that okay you know what i'm gonna make one for myself just because it's kind of horrifying already on one task done take that dark lord i will admit the other two not as easy we need some sort of swamp key swamp talisman you need to get the swamp talons in pieces i think that means i have to go explore swamps and beat up druids or something like that if i recall correctly so we're going on a swamp hunt going on a swamp hunt going on a swamp hut okay this is the swamp so i'm pretty sure what i'm looking for is going to be somewhere around here right oop get popped hello schwab oh wait that's it that's it right there what the heck okay i think i think i just come in here and i fight the druids right oh wait you can affect me wait what i'm wearing infinity armor what what's your big plan here hello okay yeah that's cute wait what the nah uh-huh all right that works uh no thank you no oh god oh god there's more uh what the heck no absolutely not shut up dark druid alter uh okay can i help you like at all or like what oh okay no go down okay so what's up explain this to me did i get anything i got a swamp piece talent oh okay that's that's one of the things we need so we need more of them can i just sit here and farm them like what's oh this is where we need to craft it oh that's kind of cool okay well i think we've cleared this one out i think they respawn over time but i'm gonna mark it and we'll just come back later what's going on here what is going on here is this a village spawned inside another village am i like in some sort of weird chaos zone what the heck they're like the terrain's all messed up was that a firework why is that a fight what is what is going on over here so oh that's a portable i don't need those right now why are those rings why are these perfectly in a circle anything perfectly in a circle on this mod makes me uncomfortable gosh that is a nightmare of nightmares oh oh oh oh oh that's another one that's another one give me give me give me why they're like they're already dead who killed them wait i got a swamp talisman piece whatever killed them they dropped one all right we take those what is with these birds you just you think this is a place you can be stop it oh they're back hello i need i need what you got hey i've had enough of you oh what was that sound oh we got another one we got another one okay okay we're three maybe we go back to the other area and farm that last one because i marked it down wait before we go one just respawned hello wait he dropped it i'm pretty sure i'm pretty sure that's it right there oh oh yeah oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh okay what if i do what do do do um oh gosh what the heck this is sick i don't know much about the between lens mod but this is dope um give it here oh there we go okay uh we'll take that dark lord we've already crushed two of your tasks this last one's gonna be tricky though okay because he wanted to tear it rocket and i only currently have i think a tier i think has a schematic for tier three so i can go to only go to a tier three planet but to get a tier 8 rocket you have to beat a tier 7 dungeon and that i can't go that far so mars is tier two we've been there jupiter tier four neptune is tier seven wait oh i know how to get to neptune i don't need a rocket wait a minute if we do this right all we have to do is sneak into the admin space what the heck is going on there i don't even know sneak into the admin space on neptune and then look around for a dungeon on neptune i can cheat the system get wrecked dark lord i mean i hope he doesn't see that oh okay so now i just need to find the entrance to one of the dungeons like we did on mars and i'm invincible so this is gonna be easy dude neptune is freaking toxic bro i think you have to like check the i was like you have to check each and every one of these little holes to see if there's anything in there and then just boop there it is okay so this is a tier seven dungeon dungeon hello would anyone like to party and a lunar sapphire i don't know what those are they seem nice there's no there's just no mods mobs like hello cheese curd uh what are you kidding me there's actual cheese curds in this mod after all these years of hearing ian say the word cheese curd there's cheese curds oh now there's a mob now you guys want a party huh yeah i mean it doesn't really matter maybe you guys are smart enough to just give up ooh cheese curd cheese curd cheese curd i have to give these to ian bro he'll he'll appreciate it geez oh no okay what the what are you what are those oh wait he can survive a hit what um what do oh no he cannot okay i was about to say sir how dare you here we go oh all right all right ready ready ready and hook t rocket let's go okay uh anything else can of food can of food redstone like dude i poop redstone can i can i keep the key can i have it can i have a bag can i have a bag nope okay dude okay hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on get rid of those cheesecards uh tier viii rocket swamp talisman necronomicon we have all three of the things the dark lord asked us to get now all we have to do is go back to the portal go back to his house bang on it angrily and get the power of an infinity stone we're one step closer to taking over the gang and ruling the darkness i mean uh being in charge of the villains or something i don't i don't even really know anymore it's just at this point we're all competitive middle's too strong ian's too strong i just can't be killed but i'm not strong they're unstoppable forces but i'm an unmovable object that just makes me sound fat i want to sound strong oh not dark lord or not a dark lord dark lord not dark lord i don't know hello hello hello i have done your your tests they took forever i barely survived barely let's see you asked for uh four iron nuggets a cheese curd and uh a spider eye right no but you're not getting this cheese curd back because it looks delicious oh thank you toxic okay okay well i i did actually get there's your necronomicon there's your uh swamp talisman okay and your nasa workbook schematic for a tier 8 rocket oh perfect perfect perfect all right once don't don't come down here no no no no no no all right huh oh spying on me no maybe no all right i think you did a good job you got me exactly what i wanted i'm very proud you seem to be very very good at what you're doing i just don't want to see betrayal out of you okay no no no i would never i wouldn't i would never darklord who i'm not entirely sure what exactly you do here uh thank you you wanna see me blow stuff up oh i like explosions i actually like to file a complaint dark lord all right why when i summon the reign of uh sort of the cosmos do they not do damage like sort of the cosmos what what item are you using the gauntlet of uh treasury projection well i mean it's projection i'm gonna go if that makes sense you're projecting something yeah i stand by that i believe it can hold that much power it better that's a lot of power man i hate it here all right i gotta go do uh infinity stone stuff we'll see you later thanks dark lord dude the dark alert's pretty lit he hooks us up man okay so first of all let's drop off all these spoils that we don't care about hang on to the cheese curds though because i feel like that might give me some points with the boss i no longer wish to be thor because honestly he's a little underwhelming in this version i'm sorry to say and now wait wait make me oh all right i just did it scarlet witch look look on the left i have an infinity stone if i do this i now have the power of what is this the space stone is this the is this the grabby mcgrabberson thing i think this is the grabby mcraverson thing and i can fly i mean that's fine but you realize this means i can hold my enemies still and bomb them now oh i now have a direct power that can compete with both biffle and sunday let's go let's go show them what we've done i don't think they're gonna like this uh that's new okay uh i'm jumping on a trampoline what what is that where are you going to travel together now what is this together can we just jump on a trampoline we can yeah i can wait whatever you want no we could just chill we're trying okay we can chill i guess can't boys just chill no boys can't just chill dude that's illegal now what yeah poor frost he's just there he has no idea he's like afk just getting memed on right now imagine him should we go kill him i'm down publicly oh niffle i murdered him a murderer no i don't think do you want me to blow it up wait do you want me to you know i can just you know yeah you know yeah yeah yeah yeah okay no i just you know just you know what do you want from us okay listen listen listen i'm here to inform you guys that there has been a power change you know how you guys think you're so handsome because you both have infinity stone powers and stuff right injection yeah yeah that's what i said what the heck is this go away um yeah that was anything yeah it's crazy that's it does it though does it though oh yeah okay listen well i just want you to know that i have a power of the infinity stone now too let me down hey yeah yeah okay listen we have this hold on let me find the snap snap button not again not again i'm gonna survive it uh oh yeah i made that for you do you have this yeah that doesn't do anything i have that what is wrong with you listen listen the point is i have the power of the space though now so i just be like you know yeah yeah you having fun oh all right you put me down yeah i i did put you down actually you're uh am i yeah yeah no i accidentally let go um somebody get them there we go oh hey also also though what what so like i'm pretty cool did you just pull me did i just get pulled and then shot in the air you just got you just gotta ski okay but also wait wait okay wait before you pull me again uh i also what the heck are these things i should earn massive brownie points by the way by the way by the way ian what oh why do you have that spell now don't valor no we know which one is you stop it stop it stop it we still know which ones yes mix them up mix them up mix them up mix them up mix them up mix them up mix them up it could be any of us and you're choosing correct one still you it's still you okay this is not one of my for loot videos stop this makes my mix listen i want to give you a present that's gonna make you uh make me your favorite media you have to be president i've made you uh listen i've i found something that's going to make me your favorite minion are you ready are you ready are you ready okay listening listening listening have some cheese curds are we trying to play favoritism cheese curds ian ian i found you some cheese curds hold on [Laughter] listen i brought you those stones do you know how this man feels about cheese curds okay okay all right but yeah don't even were like two years ago okay yeah dude we're bringing them back it's curds biffle oh steady pull schedules pull yeah listen i'm just here to let you guys know that i too have an infinity stone now and i have cheese curds so he's powering up oh no i'm powering up oh no oh not again not again ah you suck you gotta hit yourself yeah come on shot him downward what i'm trying do it again what is this clip listen i have an infinity stone oh you must respect me he hasn't one infinity stone thinks he's a one i will literally snap this entire server away he'll do you're finally doing your normal height i got it you got it no i'm i'm your height i just wanted to get on your level listen listen listen finally we found something as small as henry's youtube channel got him listen to the point where you want to tell him i'm down yeah do you guys think that the three of us are wait where did all my hearts just go wait where did all my hearts just go why did that almost kill me what's happening wait wait wait does that explode i think it explodes what you do to me wait wait i don't have an injection in me that's a good idea i don't have an injection is that actually you stay still stay still stay straight use it yeah use it to think afterwards i think i just figured something out boys wait what do you do how do you know what i did i know what i did i think left clicked me now um guys yeah i know that does that i think i just figured some stuff out hold on no no no no no no no wait wait wait no no no stop no no it's taking my heart oh look at his heart look at his heart no it's literally taking my hearts away that goes through infinite armor yeah it does your hearts wait i'm taking your hearts oh my god you are wait give my heart back give my heart i'm out of here we found something [Music] double tentacle no no no no it doesn't hold long enough i have a heart and a half left i have a heart and a half left we are too strong i need that power does not look great i need that power i need that power i need that power i don't live here only you gave me more cheese curd which only gave me three i got more i got more you know let me let me know it's the initial it's the you know the first the first thing that counts you know first impression is the most important i'm gonna leave it's true you should later well that's terrifying they found a way to get through my infinite armor i have to get even stronger but we have one infinity stone kinda we need more hope you guys enjoyed this episode of insane craft if you did do me a favor stick around check out some more videos on the channel if you like this one you'll like the next one too and we'll see in that one you
Channel: Sigils
Views: 781,081
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sigils minecraft, sigils, crazy craft, insane craft, crazy craft 4.0, crazy craft 1.12, modpacks like crazy craft, insane craft server, insane craft modpack, crazy craft new, making crazy craft insane, best minecraft modpack, new minecraft modpack, insane minecraft modpacks, modded minecraft series, avaritia mod, Infinity Gauntlet, Infinity gauntlet upgrade, making infinity stone in minecraft, minecraft infinity stone, crafting infinity stone
Id: -n9LgVM3Hbk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 40sec (1300 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 18 2021
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