NOOB vs PRO: Robots vs Vehicles! (Scrap Mechanic Gameplay)

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what's up guys my name is khan and we're back today with more newbie pro scrap mechanic joined once again by dapper hello sir hello hello um so today we've got some friends as you can see um see that we have there are five different bots in the game we're only gonna use three of them there are the tote bots which are these little green ones they are the hay bots these orange ones and there are these big red farm bots now what we're going to do is actually fight them but not do you have a no i don't know oh i got a hammer yeah yeah the hammer will work except for the big red guys you can do it i believe i believe if that doesn't work on the big red guys no it doesn't no wow it does not i'm shooting him though he'll eventually die in like a while excuse me get out of here uh hold on i'm just gonna grab a spot here don't no he's gonna he's gonna he's there there he goes and then he explodes why don't you use this one this one's like crazy yeah it does slightly less damage though than oh it does yeah but it shoots faster anyway um we're gonna do that we're not gonna we're not gonna fight with uh with with guns on foot we're actually gonna build vehicles to fight the bots and it's gonna be really simple you're gonna build a vehicle that only uses some kind of like melee weapon so you cannot use spot guns on your vehicle you can't use explosives on your vehicle you can't use saw blades on your vehicle and you can't use drill bits but you can use anything else and you have to build it out of cardboard uh okay you can use like bearings and engines and stuff like that you can't armor your whole vehicle with engines because they have a higher durability you have to use them just as like you know the functional parts that they are and the reason why is we're going to do like a sort of round based betting system so we're going to be like i want to fight five green guys and if i successfully do it then you have to fight five green guys and if you can't do it then uh you know the round's over i get a point so on and so forth first of three points is the winner simple enough makes it makes sense no that's that's good yeah yeah so we're gonna make them out of cardboard that way they uh they actually have a chance of you know wrecking our vehicles so it'll be one at a time and make sure of course you include a passenger seat on your vehicle so the other person can um not only spectate but also aggro all the vehicle all the the guys they they go for the closest player so if you're just riding on the vehicle right they'll all just attack that vehicle right yeah exactly the other player running around got it guys yeah all right let's do it reach you one press button [Music] is [Music] don't you wanna love me [Music] me [Music] me [Music] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] all right dapper you're up first for the bot battle i'm gonna i'm gonna get the three bots here there we go perfect all right oh let's see what you built oh are you ready for this i am i am ready i mix oh my god bam what are your what do you have for functional weapons oh yeah yeah check this out ready which seat is the oh okay i see okay so you ready these are my functional weapons it's a lot more you're just gonna you're gonna look like some weird plane like that's some weird it's a weird plane thing going all right oh that's good all right that's perfect so we're not gonna see how it fights i guess uh let me show you what i did um this is what i made hold on let me let me get this so this is it whoa okay what's going on so i have i have a front and a back on the front i've got the flipper slammer of doom one of the best way to kill bots is to crush them so i'm gonna just crush them like this and on the back i've got three motors that flick up and it'll just leak them into the air and they'll take fall damage let's see look at that i can even lift your oh god it flips really think that one through but yeah so the idea is that if they hit the back end they'll get heated and then i'll just try and like you know hammer as many of them as i can oh god those back oh man no it hits me those things are violent yeah i might need to turn them down a little bit on the old thrust level of the the motors but that's the idea so we're just gonna we're just gonna kill the oh i didn't paint that switch you kidding me anyway that's awesome all right so uh you're up first i guess yeah so here's your options you got the little guys the the orange guys and the big guys how many of each do you want uh for the first round oh man keep mine you gotta kill them all what if i just said 20 red guys 20 red guys i mean you'll probably lose does it have to last each round two no no no you can you can swap it between rounds for a whole new one let's do 10 10 green guys remember you're dead when like your seats knocked out of your vehicle so here we go pop capsules and kaboom there you go they're all they're they're coming for you did you check if your your mulchers might be too oh my god there's one like stuck underneath okay you killed someone okay let's go you killed some of them oh my goodness look at that okay that guy got crushed i feel like we're gonna need more more enemies this is a good oh my god it got stuck in your blade or something i don't okay well that okay they're not even what are they even doing they don't even know what they're doing they're short for the top ones i gotta get them with like the sides they're they're also they're also just not even bothering to try and attack you they're they're actually just dumb they're very dumb we might need more aggressive bots here just gonna yeah so we just run these over um yeah as long as your seat doesn't get uh get knocked out you're good to go they're actually they're actually like what are they doing i don't know oh that guy's attacking dude he might break through my seat oh no he's dead never mind [Laughter] oh three laps no one will get into this impenetrable fortress i'm gonna up the ante really aggressively on the next rally i'm gonna go for who you would big army like this 10 10 guys is so minor we're going for a big stuff i mean i have to still kill the 10 but uh are you i mean going first kind of sucks because like even if i said 10 you'd be like 11. i mean i guess i'm going to go bigger than that though okay i still have to kill these 10 on my own like i can't just make a bigger bet right like it right oh i could just nice okay there's one nice last one one more just get it with these side ones real quick no you missed them oh there it is all right all right perfect there you go nice shot all right so i have to kill the 10 first and then i'll and then i'll set a new bed so here we go one two three four five six seven eight nine ten oh you have to kill the ten first of course i can't just i can't just be like oh i would have killed them you know what i mean like i gotta if i if i lose to these ten then you get a point you see what i'm saying right right right all right pop capsules you guys not even am i not close enough all right let's see what they eat oh there they go yeah let's do this thing oh it might be too fast still i i needed to turn it down i didn't can we not even it's not even grinding them okay perfect so that's a failed idea let's check the crusher of doom okay perfect no we're up to a good start oh my god did you see that it just flattened like all of them okay there we go you just sit on top of them yeah these green guys are actually just stupid they don't even attack you they look at this okay much quicker than mine much more concise yeah this thing is just too aggressive all right so i'm going to turn this down a little bit in power i have to do the next round because i i have to set this new bet so i'm going to go a little more aggressive right off the bat uh we're gonna go with 10 hey bots and 10 green guys okay all right here we go they're turned down those let's see if this this helps nope they just they oh my god oh my god this is so oh oh they needed some parts okay let's just leave those on let's just one of the bigger dudes down crushed him crushed him let's just back up into these oh god oh god but we're on top of everybody oh wow guys can we can we please guys guys okay let's turn this off for a sec let's get i just need some distance yeah they're almost as fast as me i'm i need to increase my engine speed here we go there we go we just got to get the oh god oh they're clogged up oh no nice oh i didn't do it up there you drove over okay hold on here we go oh yeah just sit on just oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh wiggle like a fish wiggle like a fish wiggle like a fish wiggle like a fish wiggle like a fish no i didn't think of having an auto flipper mechanism it's okay we're still in this we're still still in this we're still going you're you're getting them still yeah this this is this might be more effective than you right now all right fly them flatten them flat come on get get them out get them up come on are they dead okay they're all dead they're all dead they're all dead wow that actually worked your vehicle is just as effective upside down interesting if not more man this is gonna get brutal when we put like one red guy it'll be that'll be it are you ready yeah all right three two one go oh my god are they doing are they doing damn i can't tell yeah we're just we're just gonna chill here i mean i don't know if they're doing damage or not they're jammed up on the front oh oh oh oh oh oh oh that might be bad oh nope never mind cool i can't even tell if they're doing damage they like sat at your front end they might not have done anything those side ones yeah those side ones are like the best oh no they are doing damage they're hacking out the side on my side there oh and on your side yeah they packed the whole move yeah as long as you keep moving honestly you're pretty pretty solid yeah the side was oh tossed him up we might need to up the ante a lot here to start actually yeah yeah like like a red guy plus a bunch of other stuff you know uh you're you're getting hacked though they are chopping your uh oh oh they aren't chopping this oh you're like on top you're not crushing them yeah you are yeah get them there oh those guys aren't no no you did take some damage still got your your blades are all too high they're going to hit the red guys see that like but the only thing that i have going for me is those side blades basically yeah which apparently are the front ones do you see that it just one shot that dude that's true nice boom okay all right respawn your vehicle and let's up the ante like crazy let's do one red guy you just want one red guy no no no no no i want one red guy and let's do 20 of the yellow bots okay all right here we go pop capsules here we go let's go for the red guy let's go straight for him you just plow into the group i can't even tell you all the red guy fell over he's all kinds of stuck here oh my god oh my gosh that was insane insane that was awesome uh you i'm not facing the way i thought it was no oh they knocked your weapons off they knocked the backboard oh oh he's on top oh he's not you can't move i can't move oh he's doing damage oh no i can't move he hasn't killed you yet though he's he's struggling i don't know excuse me sir sir i don't know why he can't kill your seat he's hacked his seat like 60 times the red guy the right guy is too much i'm so stuck right now i can't move well i guess the hay bots are just not even they're not even doing anything right this the red guy the red guy won't kill the scene i don't know why he won't kill the seat we are oh please please not attacking the seat baby's attacking the cardboard oh no there goes there it goes just took them six tries all right well oh that's unfortunate all right dapper one point for me one point for you gotta beat all these guys to defend my one nothing lead so far otherwise you'll get a point if i die um here we go pop caps good luck i feel like if i can kill the red guy first oh i keep forgetting to okay they're not they're not coming at me yet okay i need to change my engine settings real quick they're all just hanging out they're yeah they have an aggro range oh they they got help no no they're upset come on boys come on boys get crushed uh get crushed crushed okay crush get oh get eated you got heated pretty far that's good okay okay get crushed yes yes yes yes yes oh wow yes yes okay completely needed this is actually just better to make my vehicle a giant i lost a wheel do you see that i see that i'm upset oh this might not be good oh i lost a piston too oh no i didn't i'm just this might be very bad this might this guy's not happy this is my this might i should have made a mechanism to flip me over yes let's go wow okay i'm missing a wheel i'm missing a wheel but i'm okay oh my god we have i have to and my my back right thing doesn't bring things do you see that yeah i see that it's like stuck yeah i don't know how that happened get crushed i feel like my crusher needs to be more aggressive for these red guys oh get eaten wow okay oh no oh no oh no he's dead he's dead i'm alive yes wow yes look at this look at my front look at the piston on the front it's just going nuts you see that one piston that's just like i see not even attached to anything oh my goodness all right one nothing and since uh i have to start the next wave i've got a new vehicle here uh i'm gonna do the most ridiculous thing ever one red guy right yeah and 40 of the little green guys okay here we go let's do it let's see it happen it's a lot of little green guys yeah it is oh my god they're faster than the red guy oh no here he comes here he comes he's angry man mcgee i'm just gonna flick him oh [Laughter] that works so well wow no no no no no they're getting underneath and i can't i can't drive where they're like lifting your whole vehicle oh my god that's what happened to me there's so many of them it's just a laggy mess oh my gosh let's just go let's get go run the roto run the one run the i can't move i'm literally stuck on them i'm just bucking like crazy and hoping to get off here oh yes yes you're like crowdsourcing look at the back did you see that yeah that's gone oh my gosh oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no this is not i might lose this i'm not looking good i'm not like pasta fisted already oh no there goes two wheels oh two wheels are gone i got redundant wheels we're good as long as the red guy doesn't come on crush them crush them crush them crush them crush them crush them ah just get get back on your feet man get on your oh that that guy does so much damn it i know he just does all he just does these big sweeps god gosh okay another wheel gone down three wheels not good see my plan for killing them is to flick them because they take fall damage if you can like flick him hard enough right right like every time you see him fall over he takes ball damage but i i think i might be oh i lost my pistons completely oh no that's it it's just gg now there's nothing like eventually just going to kill me honestly even if it takes them like three years like you look at him he's praising he's doing the 360. i made fun of a farm bot in a couple of survival videos ago now he's just 360 you got my dead body wow all right i'm going to call that a gg even if he doesn't kill like there's nothing i can do so it's uh 1-1 1-1 but you still got to fight this wave so let's see once we kill them all oh my god there were still so many green guys left okay so i think the strategy this time is going to be not plowing to the giant group the giant horde i don't know you know whatever you think is going to work you might want to back up from the giant horde though yeah that's what i'm doing all right so it's 40 green guys one red guy the same wave i just lost to uh 1-1 if you can defeat this then it'll stay 1-1 if you lose it becomes 2-1 so you know true you don't want to you don't want to lose this one all right watching your thing start up every time yeah unfortunately there's not really a redemption round this week because we're just um we're just sort of killing stuff there's no there's no redemption in war guys everybody loses that's the life lesson of the day are you ready dapper i am ready all right three two one go oh boy here they come yep okay okay oh i'm a little worried about you know what yeah i don't know what the plan like what do you do oh yeah you just like grinding a beam in that guy's face oh you hit him you killed him i killed him you killed the red you one shot the red guy the side ones man the sidewalks are crazy do that oh that's not good you literally one shot the red guy i was not expecting that at all sick you might win this you might actually survive this yeah if i can crush all these dudes i'm like crowd surfing right now i was honestly hoping my crusher would be better but it it isn't okay no no now i basically just uh kite them all into these side ones yeah yeah that's good i'm just hoping a lucky one gets on top and smacks you you know what i mean like that's i don't think it's gonna happen though these green guys are such a joke they're so they're just so bad oh no oh okay okay yeah nope just yeah oh they broke the front look at that look at that they're they're doing something good thing i have 12 there you're going to land and crush them [Laughter] that's so ridiculous all right you gotta you gotta do some more damage you only have four wheels that's so crazy to be yeah but they're protected yeah i know i i get that like they haven't you haven't lost a wheel yet i'm just it's i have six and i lost so many of them dude you're doing you're doing really good i think you're gonna get this no i don't think yeah like look at yeah i don't know if the green guys are gonna be able to take me out no i think we need it it's just no more aggressive it's just getting them all yeah i was hoping that they'd be enough of a distraction you know while the red which they did to me they they made a bed and i couldn't kill the red guy fast enough but yeah that's fair they kind of held you down yeah they held me down and then i got flipped over that oh my god that was it all right all right you got this yeah yeah mulch that guy mulch that yeah i mean you'd have to have a green guy like jump on top and one shot your seat for this to not be a loss you know like right and if i could do this again i would definitely just do the side ones all the way around i think all the way around the whole vehicle yeah yeah because uh those those work pretty well i feel like the top ones would be pretty effective if they if they were lower they were lower yeah mine um mine don't seem to work at all nice nice kill killed everybody excellent there it is the next challenge i'm just gonna i'm just gonna throw it out there i think green bots are pretty much useless i feel like eddie yeah yeah i wasn't even thinking about using the green bots all right uh let's do three red guys it's three you okay all righty uh you one shot the one red guy man if you could do that with three i might i might be screwed here all right you ready i'm oh wait wait no oh yeah remove that lift that's a good idea yeah i don't want to get stuck on that all right all right let's do it all right three two one go uh did i not cat pop capsules there we go thank you okay okay okay just do a drive by like i did last night just oh well that's not good oh they're all shooting oh they're all okay oh normally the poison glass uh knocks you out of your seat and does damage if we have but we're invincible because we have god mode on so you just one shot that guy you one shot two of them what what did you build the corner ones that are too tall the corner ones that are that corner one that's too tall it spins in a million miles an hour yeah that one shots him if i can just dude i'm gonna lose i'm going to lose this newbie pro there's no way that one you did you didn't one shot him there you just hit him oh oh no oh no oh he knocked one of the side ones off come on red bot i believe you're the no he's dead wow wow sweet oh my you one shot red guys what is this what is this garbage all right here we go i'm probably screwed here this might be 2-1 all right i got i got a plan i believe this is my phone yeah this this might work this is pretty crazy this might work this move right here there we go there we go yeah all three took fall damage all right perfect let's just let's just try this again let's come here no no i need to outrun them i should have increased my motor speed all right let's just just oh i didn't increase my motorcycle oh i broke the wheel off i need a faster motor i should have increased my motor speed okay hold on i got an idea yeah you can just do it like nascar oh just like that look at that oh oh no that took off a lot of pieces oh all right i'm stuck on the wall here this is not good this is not turn off the wall dude oh no turn off the okay okay oh i lost a piston too oh no oh oh no i lost both pistons oh no okay he got eaten we have a chance we still have the cha oh my god i can't believe how bad i'm doing dude what is he just sliding around for you your wheel is gone oh my god and the pistons are gone i i needed a faster motor speed off the get-go oh my god they broke that no way no way i'm just i just have to i just have to oh get wrecked let's go get out of here get out here son both pistons are broken yeah oh yeah both like i had yeah he's i just have to hope that i can kill them with ramming tech oh i lost another wheel those pistons though oh come on come on come on come on just just get eated just magically get no no no oh no no this is not a good situation to be it doesn't look good it's just not good at all come on guys come on come on just don't oh man don't do it no just don't just oh i'm dead oh i'm dead that's it there it goes two one two one dang nice all right dapper uh two one three red bots killed me so i'm gonna go with two red bots oh okay and twenty of the orange haybots ooh my nemesis okay yeah i don't i don't like the yellow ones they uh they got me last time i gotta beat this if i lose this then it's 3-1 and i lost no matter what and then the last round's just for your glory just to prove that you're amazing so here we go three two one go all right good luck yeah i got i got a secret i'm gonna do the same thing i got a faster engine this time oh my god the orange guys oh no okay okay hold on hold on okay they're all the same speed that's good oh it flipped my vehicle did you see that tried to lift up like five of them and it just flipped my vehicle instead oh oh no oh my god oh there goes the wheel they're getting all the pistons oh okay i might be able to still do something here wiggling like a fish wiggling a backup a backup you're back up i have one piston still yes okay okay i gotta oh my god i tried to lift like 15 orange guys all at once and that just didn't work come on get get smacked get smacked yes yes yes i lost both pistons oh oh i'm wiggling i'm not controlling this i'm not controlling it oh come on just kill just kill him kill him kill him yes yes eat them into the wall yes just keep eating them sweet get them get them get them do damage do damage do some damage come on come on come on yes just keep going oh it's working upside down just do uh the wheels are just spinning and hitting them i think is what's happening come on do it do it yes just keep hitting i guess get back up get back up wow no this is not a good spot oh my god they're working together they're stacked up i think i think you're pinned man i'm screwed let's see oh i can drive no i lost my seat oh there it goes oh my god if it's any consolation look he's gonna kill everybody unbelievable i built the world's worst vehicle this week bro all right um well congratulations it's 3-1 you won um you won the first your first newbie pro that's that's actually amazing i guess the series is over um all right so we gotta you gotta fight two bots and 20 hey bots but you've already won this is just so i can be like three two and not you know a three one embarrassment you know what i mean yeah this uh this vehicle was definitely not luck uh all skill yeah i know for sure i mean dude it's crazy i honestly thought the pancake flipper was gonna be so good i'm like i'm just gonna build a flipper it's gonna slap them down i can lift up the big guys and throw them it'll be wonderful yeah no apparently i i need to work on my bot killing skills good luck i mean for bragging rights here you go three two one go let's do it if you can kill this that's uh that's a three-two victory or a three-one victory if not you still win but uh oh dude those side ones are so good oh but they're getting under me again yeah what they just run straight oh no you didn't kill the record you just knocked him over oh no you did did you kill him the yellow one's my worst enemy are you stuck i am oh you killed a red guy look he's gonna blow up like half the guys in the front wow uh oh you're still stuck okay you're you're probably honestly just gonna kill them oh oh yeah that's not what was happening on my screen a second ago uh the side ones are are gone yeah oh you're riding on top of everybody though some crushing action this vehicle's so good i don't know man there's only three guys left you got this you got my weapons are going oh and he's going to drive away just drive away just don't let him hit your seat don't let him hit your seat you got he's not dead yet you got three weapons left get away from the wall you got this shoot shoot just back up back up you got it i believe i think you're missing you're not missing a wheel you're good yeah you just gotta hit him with that front one oh it didn't do anything though it's okay you got got time man this vehicle is unbelievably good it's so good i did nothing again okay just get smacked get smacked no no no no no no he doesn't want to get smacked can i no no no no see what's he doing oh okay he's done that sweet perfect two left two left all right let's just do a little drifty action here oh he's not dead he's not dead no when he dies he does like a little sparking animation come on red guy you got it you gotta give me that point red guy come on come on just get him kill him kill him kill him kill him kill him oh my god this guy's he's terrible he's terrible oh no there's no way come on come on i can't believe how effective these spinners are dude there he's dead he's dead he smoked him dude that's insane that's insane that's so good that's crazy oh god oh do i at least get a new vehicle for this one i don't know uh this is the super bonus round for all the points uh good luck here you go dapper about about a drive away there they're all uh they're all coming here oh yeah that's right i just gotta if i just type this right uh-huh uh-huh there we go oh there we go oh oh oh now they're all they're all just mad i don't know why this is right yeah who knows why oh my god you already just killed one wow anyway uh let us know what you guys think in the comments down below everybody go to dapper's channel give them a big round of applause for winning oh my god winning a newbie pro uh i'm i'm actually embarrassed i thought i was better at killing bots than that did that guy just hit the other he looks like he hit his friend oh he took out my like best weapon though yeah you're one you're one spinner but yeah let us know what you guys think in the comments down below give us other newbie pro challenges i actually really enjoyed this challenge despite uh despite losing i still really really liked it i think it was a lot of fun but yeah let us know what you guys think in the comments down below of course check out dapper's channel like subscribe and uh we'll see y'all next time bye peace [Music]
Channel: kAN Gaming
Views: 116,568
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kan gaming, scrap mechanic, scrap mechanic noob vs pro, scrap mechanic noob v pro, scrap mechanic multiplayer, scrap mechanic robot battle, scrap mechanic bot, scrap mechanic robot
Id: LAwfXqJM5Xw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 1sec (2041 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 17 2021
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