I Built a Shooting Range in My Basement & What You Need to Know if You Build One Too

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you want to know what it takes to build a gun range inside your house stay tuned I'm going to show you what it takes to build a gun range inside your house it's going to be ventilation soundproofing flooring the retrieval system you name it the rubber all that stuff we're going to go into the detail of the cost so you guys know if you ever want to build your range 10 yards 20 yards whatever you have an idea what it's going to cost you hopefully this video will help you out let's check it out [Music] [Music] [Music] so we're GNA have Johnny in here today and the one thing you guys don't know about Johnny besides being a good friend is he's been in the gun industry for a while especially the targeting industry and he knows what it takes to build one of these ranges so we're going to lean on him a little bit as far as cost factors what and some more details that maybe I don't know cor yeah he's right I know a lot about everything specifically this thing so it'll be fun to talk about it and show you guys how to do it uh Matt you built a one lane right range and that was mainly because this was an existing hallway already it was a hallway prior person that lived here was going to turn into a bowling out ah and I don't bowl Chad's only one that bowls cuz he's a freak of nature so that's why I'd rather go to the gun range I bowl if there's Pizza okay so was a on Lane range on Lane range this is 4T maybe 5T yep cool and Commercial gun ranges they're usually about this width a little bit shorter maybe if they want to cram more Lanes in but you've got ballistics siding over here and over there with uh this ABS skin that makes it so when brass hits it doesn't Nick it up this is steel this is steel this is steel everything's really freaking heavy even though what we're sitting on is steel what we're sitting on it steel and it lifts up let's show you that now as far as length like what do you have 25 yards this is 30 30 yards [Music] yep you can do a range of any size I've seen private home ranges of seven yards right if they just want a pistol training Bay depending on whatever space they can make a range for that it's going to be cheaper obviously if there's less space because he's got steel lining both of these walls concrete okay so concrete on this side Steel on this side but you're going to have to be ballistic on all four sides so up here above you see this little pretty white stuff that's just below the ar500 or 550 steel that they have above so that's because of Ricochet anything can go however it is especially commercial range owners they'll tell you people are horrible shots I've never done that here though have I played the fifth I've shot a couple pieces of Matt's range down before you're going to have to have HVAC you can kind of hear that going on in the background why that's important is because lead dust will kill you and in commercial ranges they have air and the air pushes everything down range sucks it up into the ventilation unit over there so it's going to push all that lead dust as you're shooting it'll push it and uh push it down and then sucks it up into the filtration system right HVAC is extremely important if you're going to build a range for your home as well as having a to seal it off from the rest of the home so that there's not lead dust what's the ventilation cost for a big range ventilation can go from anywhere from $400,000 to a couple million based on your range size right because 10 also options options with your ventilation which I'm sure you didn't get either of those but commercial ranges they want their Shooters to be comfortable as well right so they're getting heat they're getting AC in there as well for the nice ranges you still are at 74° and in the summer you don't come in and it's at 85° in the the range but you're actually shooting as comfortable it's a 70° range and I think that makes a big difference whether people want to shoot at your range or not so splurging for that but some people cheap out on it yep some people cheap out on it and they don't put the air conditioning like the temperature and and the heat and cool and I think that makes a big difference in whether people go I know what it costs me to do ours cuz ours comes from upstairs and moves through that system and pushes everything that way I would put a guess that your agac was close to 100,000 a little bit less but yeah 80ish 80ish yeah so one Lane 80 now sometimes especially with private home ranges it's it's difficult because you've got to figure out where to put everything because there's a house above you right so you can't just put it on the roof like people do for commercial ranges so you got to I know that we have out in the front right there you've got a bunch of fans yeah out front is all the fans for the ventilation right they like the exhaust fans you see at top of a restaurant coming out the front of my house it looks pretty pathetic kind of cool at the same time no it's great nobody sees that half of the house yeah but that's that's a big consideration too so if you're building a house talk to the gun range people before you build a house if you're trying to build a range inside of it because you've got to know where to be able where you're going to be able to put the HVAC and make plans for that if it's an existing house it is what it is you got to figure it out and they can figure it out in most cases but uh if you're building right now your home and thinking about putting a gun range in it wait talk to the range people first and go from there right cuz I've [Music] seen sorry when there's threats I just react you swell up all right retriever system I believe it's a lot like cars these days every car has the same capability to have the same technology and this at the time when you built this range this was the top of the top right so over here pretty cool you can come into this range home system let's get home you can go through their drills and they have a whole bunch of preset drills in here you can do a charging drill where the target's running at you and you're firing at it as it's coming back that was one we did with post when we were like right here and then the target's downrange 10 yards and then when it it starts to run at you then you can turn around draw and you got to get five shots on target before it gets to you right so fun stuff like that I mean there's different types of Lights like you can go you can go dim you can go police where you can go fire an emergency whatever kind of training or distraction or for cops if they're training at an indoor range they want those lights being the background they're familiar with when they're training with a firearm because if they're in a shooting likely those lights are in the background I can't remember how much that system cost though I was having trouble thinking about that I was actually trying to find the invoice the other day Lanes usually will be priced depending on the equipment you get right because you got the top of the line stuff but you could go anywhere from like $6 $8,000 per Lane on an estimated price to $155,000 per Lane and the expensive part of it again happens with all this steel and all that steel and then all this foam stuff that's noise reduction right that's what that's what the purpose is is noise reduction no Reverb you had concrete on this side which is good right which means that's istic right but as you come down here and you know because you shoot the walls all the time you can replace these pieces one at a time shoot walls see how they puzzle piece in you can take this piece out and and get right here Chad it shows you how thick they are they're about 2 in thick you'll see some of the bullet holes up here right Johnny did shots will go up there they're going to Ricochet off that steel but they're going to Splatter and and that's what the white part is for is to catch that splatter don't shoot steel Targets on your indoor range and this is why because it will chip up the floor oh right here is this it yep that's it now in building your gun range rubber is going to be about a tenth of the cost as having a steel trap a steel trap costs 10 times more rubber is also much more sound suppressing so it's not going to be super loud have you ever shot a steel Target at a suppressed event the steel Target hit is much louder than the shot right like it it's hurts so same thing with a steel Target Steel Indoor Range like it hurts to shoot yeah it's like it's a very loud it's very annoying so for any home range a you're not doing the volume that matters the only reason to do a steel trap is so that you can recoup all of the lead that is coming to your range and you can sell that and recycle that you shoot a ton but you shoot how many rounds a month thousand maybe when it matters we're talking about a million rounds a month that's when it matters right couple hundred thousand sure you you'll be able to recycle it but you're going to instantly get that return from recycling that lead and that brass from about a million rounds a month and that's that's a busy range that's not like a crazy busy range we clean the about once a year if you come in here too like we can see there will be some whole whole rounds as it get cap gets captured in there it hits rubber it does not expand it does not explode all those things so when you have it cleaned people come in they shovel this with hazmat suits on they should this is like an OSHA thing right we'll go wash our hands now OSHA you promise they'll shovel that and sift it out as if they're mining gold it's really neat the way they do it cuz they use a rake and a leaf blow cuz lead's heavier so the leaf blower blows the rubber away and all you see see is lead it's pretty time consuming cuz usually they have a machine that does it doesn't it that was kind of a more ancient way to do it about 6,000 lb or over and then on the back you still have and you'll see it up here a steel plate because you have to be 100% encapsulated by Ballistic material right so there's a steel steel plate coming up to meet these baffles is what these are called and the baffles have steel above them right and it's probably yeah 1/4 in 38 yeah there's spaced in between it cuz it's got yeah and you've got plywood on the back side of this and then you've got the steel it safe space basically and then you've got your HVAC right through that door right yeah the downside that you got to move the rubber to get there which lesson learned do that that'd be one of the things guys don't do that but nobody makes a ballistic door so we had to have one built cuz you know boilers and water heaters don't do well to do you just go to Doors Doors R Us or doors.com uh no I had one professionally built from a professional B door Builder with Ballistic it's all yeah take up to frame 44 Mag directly shot you did uh What's this called again this is real fancy oh they use the same stuff that they use garages garages and stuff your hazmat suit and cleaning it up and taking care of it and doing all that but that's one of the things I would have done over is this what would you have done I would have done probably a gray oh color wise color-wise just because it's not bright cuz this whole gun range is dark this is on the brightest setting the lights are so done the lights to totally different more of a spotlight more of a like a 24,000 lumus something really freaking bright Dem so you could dim it and stuff like that but the FL I would have gone a different color just to make it more brighter in here so you're not use it so you can actually see it's not as dark because it's hard to see the Target and it's all the way down here sometimes so that's why I take a GoPro and I put it on that and connect to my phone I can see where I'm hitting on the target cuz the GoPro is connected to my phone live which most of the systems now especially the top tier systems have a camera built into the retriever so they're looking at the Target so on the little iPad down there you see where your shots are landing um so that's pretty cool so coming back down you said the ventilation unit was about 80,000 yep 80,000 for ventilation for a one lane thing where they had access to put the ventilation units that was pretty easy they didn't have to do too much work to do that a lot of the cost is going to come again from the steel from the labor everything is ready pre cut when they deliver it £ 25,000 of Steel go look up the price for ar550 steel right now Matt would have paid a million dollars easy for this range today in today's market you you really have two decisions to make one decision two choices do I want to shoot at a static Target or do I want to actually train and have targets that interact with me and turn and twist and flip and jump and dance if this cost map 400,000 for another Lane with steel on both sides you're probably another couple hundred thousand just because I know the cost of Steel has gone up a lot since then like 10x really from when you bought I would bet this is a million doll project 700 to a million what's the cheapest way to do it rubber like that but when you want to replace the rubber here because it's shot up and there's a lot of Le stuff you have to remove all of that and bring in new bags and how many lb 6,000 lb of rubber I think they may have figured out something cool they they have a a rubber block that is hollow and they line the walls with it they line the back with it and so then it's almost like like Legos like they stack on top of each other and then if you shoot into this one and that one needs replace so it's Hollow and they put the shredded rubber inside right but then if this one gets shot up to where you got to replace it you just take that one out dump out the bad rubber put new rubber in and fix it instead of having to replace the whole thing right so that was pretty cool that I almost did but then it wasn't as much fun as this would be yeah it's just a bullet trap and that's it yeah so there's a there's a company out in uh Utah that does some pretty cool ranges called Spire ranges um they do cool stuff there's Milo that we talked about that does the con Xbox style ranges Mega is one of the really big ones they own most of like military contract type like I said at the beginning there's probably five companies that matter when it comes to building a gun range and choosing and I feel like it's a lot like the car everybody has access to the same Tech so outside of that it's like pick the partner that you want pick the best price everybody uses the same company for for ventilation and if you guys want to know any more ask questions and comments me and Johnny will try to you know answer them the best we know if I don't know the answer I'll refer it to Johnny and maybe he'll be able to answer it and help you guys out as well also 12% chance that we said something wrong here today so call us out on it if you know sure range companies if you're watching this comment below with your website let everybody go look at your stuff man if there's one thing you can say you change after you built your one lane indoor range for $400,000 mhm what would you change what would I change one thing it would have to be lighting see I I agree but I think the whole reason why you would say that is because of the YouTube and the YouTube didn't come until 6 years after you built this no I didn't like the lighting begin with before YouTube it was it was before it was before YouTube once we put it up it was so dark it looked like a man cave anything else so that's why I had like a Snap-On light here just to make that brighter the magnetic light they put in toolboxes and stuff if you guys got any more questions and you I'm sure you guys are going to tell us if we did something wrong of course I'm good with that but if you got any more questions or anything at all please hit us up and hit subscribe take care
Channel: The Collector
Views: 366,431
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: bT2ZvGz9BqQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 7sec (847 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 22 2024
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