I Built A Secret Gun Room!

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hey how's it going everybody welcome to another video today we're going to be talking about The Gun Room this video is long awaited and I'm very excited to bring it to you so let's go ahead and get started a little bit of background we outgrew our old house as we're expecting our third child at the end of June so we needed something with a little bit more room so we got to house shopping and maybe the worst time in history everything that came on the market sold quickly for more than asking so it's a miracle that we actually ended up finding anything at all let alone something that checked most of the boxes that we had going into it I explained to my wife during the home buying process that not only had we outgrown the old house but I've outgrown my safes I've been storing things and stacking things in so many different ways that I'm just tired of it so during the home buying process I was sure to keep my eyes peeled for where I could put things and you know possible new areas for safes new safes for the Crown Jewel maybe even a place to finally build a gun room so the house that we finally did end up going with is pretty awesome nice big open floor plan adequate bedrooms for the little ones and meets all the wants that we had going into the home buying process but one one major thing this house does not have is a basement and that sucks that's the one thing that I was kind of looking for and that was kind of the the blueprint Foundation of what I wanted to do because I figured a basement bunch of wasted storage space for the most part anyway and I have all sorts of real estate to build something that I wanted but the house is on a crawl space so that went right out the window now as far as crawl spaces go it's pretty nice it's a waterproof lined crawl space with a sump pump but I'm not going to be storing guns down there I'm not going to be crawling down there like John Wayne Gacy that's not going to happen so I had to get a little bit more creative so the next thing I thought of is well I got a nice two and a half car garage with an attached Workshop Edition on the back but that quickly was decided against because it's not climate controlled living in Michigan and having such bipolar weather I figured that's probably going to be way more trouble than it's worth so I had to find a spot inside somewhere Pro tip having an open floor plan on a house is awesome but what you don't think about is how much that sucks when you're trying to find a spot to put safes or build something as it completely defeats the purpose of that floor plan being open so you got a house with all these nice bedrooms and after deciding what kid gets what room you get stuck with the unfinished room so my stuff got stored up there for the time being until a more permanent solution was found thankfully the answer to that problem turned out to be hiding in plain sight in that very room after a little Theory crafting and sketching I decided what the hell let's just go for it that room was unfinished at the time of sale anyway so I had to work on it at some point right I figured I'd just kill two birds with one stone I'd have a more permanent place for the guns and ultimately I'd finish that bedroom at the same time I mean we're getting pretty sick of camping out in our daughter's room anyway so I decided to take a section of that bedroom and essentially just frame a second closet which turned out to be easier than expected most of the decision making was kind of set in stone due to where the windows are it could really only go in the spot it's in so I just kind of ran with It ultimately the room's gonna end up just shy of 4x10 which isn't too shabby I can make that work for sure so everything was going well the wall went up I slapped on the door I added a code lock to keep the kiddos out I decided to line the inside with slat wall I then thought about mounting systems and I just decided to go secure it I picked up a bunch of their mounts for the gun wall and I was making pretty good progress I was happy with how everything was going I decided to run some electrical as I knew there'd be no light on the inside of this room when it was all done all the receptacles and the ceiling lights sit on the other side of the wall so I pulled up a section of the subfloor closest to the wall to tie into the electric and my progress was suddenly Halton the framework of this room's floor was in need of some major work these floor joists were twisting and bowing so bad that I just couldn't ignore it I knew the room needed some floor repair but I had no idea how bad it really was until I started ripping it all up so unless we wanted to wake up in the kitchen one morning uh the floor was pulled and the wall I had just put up had to come back down so over the next following few weeks after work and on the weekends I slowly began straightening the joists back out sistering and adding blockers and securing everything together I even ended up reworking some plumbing and venting that was in the floor and then finally ran the electrical to the room I knew I was building after and I finally capped it all with some new subfloor on top all in all the room is now much stronger structurally and I can good conscious continue with my original Mission so at last the wall finally went up and the door was installed the door jamb was then trimmed down flush with the framework because I decided that this door was going to be a hidden door and it would sit recessed in the wall with something in front of it to gain access I thought about a bunch of ways to cover it up maybe a bookshelf accent wall that opens there or something but ultimately I kept coming back to the mirror idea so I decided it'll be a mirror so I took measurements of the door and frame and found a mirror that would work I went with a larger wall mounted mirror with a wooden frame that would turn out to be important later when securing something to it and then I just had to decide whether I wanted it to swing or slide open I decided sliding would work better as the door is already going to be swinging in and I didn't want two things to be swinging so I figured sliding would probably work out better I ended up picking up some heavy duty drawer slides that would fit attached behind the mirror flush so they wouldn't be seen when it was mounted on the wall I also finished installing a missing slat board panel in the corner and then I got to work on the drywall I added a footer in front of the base of the door to help with the illusion so it looks like it goes from floor to ceiling and while the mud was drying I started putting guns on the walls and playing with different layouts and this was actually starting to feel like a legitimate Gun Room that's pretty psyched I stole the shoe organizer figuring it would probably work out pretty good at this magazine storage then I stubbed in the electrical on the inside of that new room and decided on doing a reclaimed wood style excellent wall instead of just doing drywall and I'm so happy that I did that because I think it ended up looking pretty awesome I mounted a light trimmed up the inside of that room and then I painted all the trim work black now at this point I think it's important to stress that this room is not meant to be a fortress I'm opting for the security protection aspect by it being a completely hidden space now if someone were to break in the house anyways they wouldn't get far is either me or my wife would just shoot him she's a stay-at-home mom and I don't go out a whole lot besides work so somebody's usually home in the rare case that we're both not home I doubt most thieves would even bother to look for a room they don't know exists no Thief is breaking into a house trying to solve a Scooby-Doo Mystery by moving mirrors and looking behind picture frames they're going to be looking for valuables and places that valuables are normally at they're going to look there and they're gonna leave because the longer they're there the higher chances that they're gonna get caught and that goes without saying that in today's day and age the average person has cameras all around their property myself included I also have a dog and like I said Somebody's normally home so if somebody's not supposed to be in or around my house I'll probably know about it pretty quick and as far as the code lock goes that's purely just there to keep the kids out and anybody I let know that room is there out anyways next we picked out a color that we'd want to paint the bedroom and I got to work on painting both the bedroom and The Gun Room in that color I then added trim to the base of the new wall to match the trim that was already in that bedroom and then when all that paint was dry I replaced the receptacle and switch covers I mounted the mirror to the drawer slides and I hung everything in place after a little adjustment everything was mounted securely and it opened smoothly covering the door completely I couldn't believe how well the illusion worked at this point it was all starting to really come together and I was ecstatic next I picked up some carpet remnants that would work well with both rooms I laid them out and cut them into fit then it all finally became home sweet home I added the homie touches I hung the curtains I moved the bed in I bought and mounted a TV and I added some decorative canvases that I liked I think it's all done enough to show you all now I'm not completely done as I would still like to replace the bedroom door the bifold closet doors I'd still like to build a 2 by 12 shelf that runs the entire wall on the inside of the gun room where the ammo cans are currently sitting um that's kind of why that carpet's cut a little short along that side because I didn't care because I'm going to be building a shelf on the bottom there at some point anyway but there's always time in the future for that as this whole project been kind of an undertaking and with that I'm proud to introduce for the first time a tour of Gun Room version one [Music] all right [Music] [Music] [Music] have a little day
Channel: Great Lakes Gunner
Views: 218,321
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 80CF-qOqIOw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 16sec (616 seconds)
Published: Mon May 29 2023
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