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this video is sponsored by pretty litter right now most of the world is stuck indoors bored sleepy are not really doing a lot we've become house cats so what if there was a project you could do to keep both yourself and your enormous fluff ball entertained really I promise you there's a cat in there somewhere he's not all just fluff you see I made my old cat Reggie fort Reggie and then Tom had Tom's time machine but ruffs been feeling a little left out imagine if that's why he meows at me so much this whole time he's just been asking me to build him a fort well now I finally am all it took was a worldwide lockdown so to make it up to him I try and make it the greatest box fort in the history of cat kind I'd need some cardboard boxes and a glue gun paws were a concealed Punk now I really did want to build this entirely out of cardboard ideally out of users really thick cardboard tubes as uprights and supports but because of the lockdown I just couldn't get hold of any so instead I'd have to cheat and build a wooden frame I know I'm disappointed in myself too but I wanted to last and be safe and sturdy for Ralph so this was realistically my only option so here's the plan the castle will be about 1.6 meters tall 1.2 meters wide and about 45 centimeters deep inside there will be three half lengths alternating levels plus a fourth longer top level where Ralph can stretch out and watch over his kingdom there'll be a few windows dotted around and of course it will have a fully functional drawbridge the first task was to cut out the different levels I marked them on a sheet of wood including the protruding bit for the towers and cut them out this was a perfect visualization of the capsules footprint our my first real impression of its size and already my project manager was checking up on me since I couldn't buy any new wood because all the shops are closed this whole castle would be a mismatch of leftovers from previous projects some of the uprights were from an old shoe rack I took apart and others were offcuts from when I built these two units last year and the main sheets of wood were from when I built my old guinea pigs a run a couple of years ago [Music] once everything was cut to the correct height I added battens to the wall screwed in the surface and then secured the uprights the spirit level I repeated everything to build the second level but before I went to me further added a doorstop because it was only a matter of time before I accidentally send the whole thing crashing to the ground and then I added the third level again securing it to both the batten and up lights now I'm going to get Ralph and just check the height side man he can easily climb between them I bribed him up with treats and yeah so far so good and then finally I cut out the top level the slightly longer one which I'm hoping will become a favorite sleeping spot of his this time I attached two battens to the wall and used more pieces of the old shoe rack as uprights all that was left with the towers and this is where the lack of wood really became a problem I only had two long uprights extra side panels from when I built Reggie's bridge those two pieces would go on the inside of each tower and at the edges I had to sort of budge together some shorter pieces using shelf brackets it's such a hodgepodge mess of shoddy carpentry and once again my project manager came in to assess my progress he somehow failed to notice a massive cat castle but immediately noticed the tiny doorstop I'd installed so I put him on the top and bribed him with yet more treats he left a lovely patch of cat trouble and had a bit of an explore but decided he was content for now at ground level with some head scratches so it's the next morning and it's only now really dawning on me that I'm gonna have this massive cat castle in my room forever the next job was to make a working drawbridge now as a cat owner I know there's a very high probability that Ralph will never use this thing so I want to make it as appealing to him as possible sometimes he sleeps on hard wooden surfaces whilst other times he favors soft and squidgy things such as cushions beds or me so I'd include a variety of different textures on the castles levels in the hope that you'd like at least one of them the bottom level I'm going to leave just as wood this one's going to be covered in fabric this one's going to be covered in cardboard and then the top I'm going to carpet I got this really cool zigzag material free from the shop bots who were giving it away as an old furniture sample i cuts it roughly to size and attached it using a staple gun well that was a plan at least there was literally one staple in there and I can't even go out and buy more the lockdown strikes again instead I use some tiny nails to hold it in place and some glue to seal it under the edge the next level up would be covered in cardboard which I again glued in position and then the top story would be carpeted with the leftover piece of Ralph's favorite carpet now I know he likes his stuff so he's got no excuse not to use it I cut it to size and screwed it in place again gluing it over the edge once again Ralph came in to investigate and after dribbling all over the freshly laid carpet he had a bath from the fabric and a rest on the carport could it be that had actually made something he liked and then finally it was time to attach the cardboard it was pretty boring actually just a couple of hours measuring and cutting and then doing it all again because I've got it wrong in the first time I cut battle medicine to the top this typical castle square pattern and then these sort of Church shaped windows I deliberately made these off-center because there were internal wooden beams preventing them from being in the middle I made sure they were symmetrical to one another released first I hated it I guess I should have just made them central but smaller to begin with but as a workaround I cut out some window frames which I spray-painted gold and glued over the top it fix a problem and the cold accent look kind of cool I also made a portcullis out of popsicle sticks you know that gate thing from the 1p koi which I again painted gold include in position to go with the whole recycled theme of this project I tried making my own flag out of some leftover fabric and old clothing but it turns out textiles is not one of my strengths instead I settled on some decidedly easier to make bunting and attached a real union jacked at the top the very same flag I took up the UK's tallest mountain in a previous video the last thing to do was to name the castle and I honestly had no idea what to call it so I put it to you in a poll on the community tab I really liked 40 McFaul face suggested by Jacob Sachs be the Kingdom and land unified under Warren Lord and the lands of the holy castle of Ralf put forward by Shazam pop and my personal favorite the brilliant Chateau cat Oh from the Tim traveler one of my favorite YouTube channels but ultimately chateau de Ralph's one with a whopping two-thirds of the vote [Music] under my complete disbelief ruff took an immediate interest in his new castle [Music] an interest that lasted precisely four and a half seconds four and a half seconds I spent four and a half days building this thing so this is Chateau de Ralph's the most luxurious cat castle in all the land and this is Ralph's not using it what you have to say for yourself Ralph this is exactly what Reggie did with his bridge I think there must be some kind of secret cat code they all adhere to in order to frustrate him bewilder they're humans as much as they can so Ralph is sleeping on this carpet and not this car Pierre weather retreats and which has been put there especially for him or maybe Ralph's just a lot cleverer than I thought maybe he knows that if he completely ignores it then I'll go to the supermarket and I'll buy one of every type of cat treat they sell in order to bribe him and then not only will he have his very own castle but he'll have a bountiful feast to enjoy whilst up there whatever his motivations it worked [Music] some of the time he thinks he's hiding in that I can't see him Ralph the tails a bit of a giveaway and other times I genuinely can't see him until he suddenly pops out from one of the windows there is he likes to rub up against and scratch on the cardboard so I'm sure this castles gonna have a very limited lifespan but at least he doesn't hate it [Music] and I made sure he'll remember the thoughts that came before his he's sleeping I think that means he likes it now before you go I want to show you something really cool see these tiny orange dots in pretty letters cat litter they work in exactly the same way as litmus paper indicating pH level if your cat's urine is acidic such as this lemon juice the litter will turn a yellowy orange indicating potential kidney problems and if it's too alkaline demonstrated here by bicarbonate of soda dissolved in water the litter will turn a blueish green which could be a sign of bladder issues or a urinary tract infection healthy urine or water will turn a sort of olive green and if there's blood which I'm demonstrating here with food coloring the litter will turn red obviously only a vet can diagnose medical conditions but this can prompt you to take your cat to see one to look into things further and cats are notorious for hiding symptoms so early detection like this could save your cat's life and it's not just we Wizardry pretty litter isn't your ordinary kitty litter it uses lightweight crystals to trap odor and release moisture meaning that there's no smell it's virtually just free and incredibly lightweight unlike normal extremely heavy litter that's a pain to buy transport and store just a single bag last an entire month all you have to do is scoop out the poops and give it a stir every now and then visit pretty litter calm and use promo code half-asleep Chris for 20% off your first order that's pretty litter calm and promo code half-asleep Chris for 20% off slow fan for my favorite little booties Rothfuss very fluffy ears and tongues on all the time I hope you liked the video subscribe to
Channel: Half-Asleep Chris
Views: 5,323,491
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cat castle, cat fort, box fort, cat box fort, cat box, cat cardboard box, cat diy, cat project, cat toys, half asleep chris, Ralph and tom, Ralph box fort, keyboard of meows, black cat, fluffy cat, world's greatest cat castle, world's best cat fort, world's best cat tower, world's best cat castle, world's best box fort, world's best cat box fort, cat fort diy, cat box fort diy, cat castle diy, cat video
Id: F0JsBgnU--c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 19sec (679 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 09 2020
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