To people who think medieval food is CRAP

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as the sun sets over the shadowlands our adventurers weary from their travels begin to search for a place to make camp with their scarce rations and growing appetites now is a good time as ever for a hearty feed but can our adventurers with a bit of Scavenging turn these common medieval rations into a gourmet feast [Music] another verse greetings I am Tyrant and today we have something very special in store greetings I am Nate because we are going to be cooking for your adventuring party be it we forage around we find some materials locally or stuff you picked up at Local Tavern so let's get started hey guys so that took so long but just up the hill there's a good spot to guys all right time to make Camp I reckon so this area looks good we've got Bramble bushes over there I can probably find some berries that's game I reckon you can go hunt that we also need to make a fire that zone over there yeah all right veggies there maybe some salt pepper yeah and plenty of firewood yeah so we've got plenty of firewood this is good let's make our camp foreign [Music] dear God man [Music] [Applause] [Music] so this I picked up at the local market it's going to make things a bit easier but I reckon we got ourselves a nice fire even if we couldn't find good seats now in fantasy and in even history we do have things like buying pan stuff like that this is the closest we could find on such short notice so ignore the steel but in the case that you don't actually have one we can also try of course a simple Rock just do be careful especially if you do this in real life not to find volcanic rocks they tend to explode when they heat up now this is Bluestone so it should be fine actually lucky I've got a few things that we picked up from town but I wouldn't have been able to do it if we didn't have like an adventurous sponsor which was the thing historically and we also found a really nice secluded place I don't think anybody will find us here because it's not our usual spy we're nice and safe here but we're also being sponsored to be out here by surf shark VPN there are so many threats online and they're only getting worse surfshark's virtual private Network adds a necessary layer of security for instance have you ever connected to a public Wi-Fi have you ever sent or received files online do you use online banking do you access foreign websites or streaming content by masking your IP address a virtual private Network adds such an important layer of security for every one of those actions it's through your IP address that nefarious people and viruses are able to track your location if you want proper privacy and security a VPN like surfshark is brilliant remember though VPN is not virus protection but it is more like privacy protection and it's through getting access to your data that some of the worst things can happen online here at shadowversity we have many important accounts on many websites like YouTube that if someone was able to get private information regarding those things it could ruin our livelihood in business there are so many threats online VPN adds another layer of security I highly recommend it and surfshark is brilliant and it has this awesome deal for you all you need to do is go to forward slash shadowversity and enter promo code chat diversity for an extra three months free there is a link in the description if you don't have a VPN I highly recommend it for that added security and the benefits Associated and surfshark is one of the best remember promo code Shadow diversity for an extra three months and thank you to surfshark for sponsoring this video we need a little bit of meat to do some adventuring cooking so how about you go and Hunt that and I'll go and collect the last few little bits of forage there and so you don't really need a recipe to do adventuring cooking just need some basic equipment and you're good to go and then we are going to start to cook yeah I can't wait I'm so hungry fresh droppings about 10 minutes ago sorry so of course we've got the important things such as the meat and manly stuff manly stuff but we do also need a little bit of sustenance in other ways like you know a little bit of fiber some root vegetables if we can find them maybe some berries maybe some data some mushrooms in fact I saw some dates over there that I'll get you to get here catch right and now I'll get the berry smoothie I think I saw Blackberry so check dates that's right so mid-20s currently single uh you know hit me up right dates dates dates berries Thorns ah Jesus got him [Music] [Applause] so we've spoken about things like the fruit and the veg and all that sort of stuff but the meat the meat is where we really wanna that's all we want to see so here we have some local game and some port and we have a whole big bunch of salt now why do we have salt well first off it makes your meat a little bit tastier but back in the day you didn't have things like refrigerators so how would you preserve meat well salting meat was a very very common way of preserving meat salted pork was considered to be well the one that tasted the least bad out of all of them so here we're going to Salt some pork first off we'll salt a few pieces just like you normally would but then we'll lather some in salt as if it was salted pork then this one here is our local gamey meat we're going to be cutting this up into smaller portions then we'll use things like salt and pepper to season and of course we'll add in some things like fats and lards these are all available as a medieval Adventurer so we have plenty of options for making our food taste I think pretty good but let's get started we'll start cutting up all our meat and portioning it out and we'll try some of our salted meats and some of our regular seasoned Meats [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you something that a lot of people don't consider when they're going adventuring is seeding having somewhere to sit just makes everything easier trying to cut trying to prep trying to start a fire without a seat so I spent about an hour chopping that up look how fine that is it's not it's not store-bought at all well I like garlic you like garlic I love garlic well let's put some garlic in where's the spoon oh yeah we also have a bit of uh our salt because salt is good and in moderation of course I found a couple of pieces of Rosemary which is over there so throw that in oh is that yeah see just because you're out in the bush and doing these sorts of things doesn't mean you can't live little little yeah live a little yeah well a little bit of ginger as well should add a bit of flavor we've got some pepper here as well oh yeah nice pepper always brightens your day you know it's funny a lot of people consider medieval food to be really Bland but I can tell you from experience it's not there is so much now Flavor now what we're doing might not be some exact medieval recipe but what we're using is all from these sorts of periods yep it should be noted there is a little bit of change carrots didn't look exactly like that the radishes didn't look exactly like that but there were carrots and radishes Ginger salt pepper it is something to note as well that people's palettes have changed over time to us this is quite scrumptious and I'm sure even to them it would have been but just because we're not making some historically accurate recipe doesn't mean it wouldn't be a perfectly feasible Adventurer meal or fantasy meal because this to me and you've always got like a little sneaky person in your adventuring party you can pass me the bowl who uh might just randomly hop into a farm seal a carrot and just go obviously because we are here and you're there you can't actually smell how good this is but I can assure you right now I'm getting very excited about eating and something else as well with an adventuring party a lot of people stop for the night Camp have something to eat and go taking their eight hours for their wizard to have a rest not realizing that spend a couple of extra hours and lead to make your story or really impress your DM they may give you a few extra experience points just to really live it because it's a bit of preparation goes a long way now not only in a fantasy setting but even if you're well not exactly camping but if you're out on the road you would stop around this time it takes time to set things up it takes time to cook you don't want to be doing this when it's already getting dark you want to be well prepared before the sun has gone down exactly and when you're cooking you want a nice bed of hot coals which means when it gets darker laid up that's really easy to start a nice roaring fire to keep warm we're in Australia so we don't have any dangerous creatures here at all we have no natural Predators we've got to worry about its uh completely safe to just camp out here but in all seriousness that is something you have to take into consideration a lot of creatures will stay away from fire and smoke it's a natural thing but there are certain creatures wolves will come to the smell of food Bears will definitely come to the smell of food and if you have intelligent creatures like dragons maybe even wyverns they'll know there's adventuring parties so maybe you have to be a little stealthy when you're doing stuff like this something also to mention is well cold-blooded creatures are a little bit different at night time they might like the warmth of the fire and uh start crawling around yeah the warmth of the bed roll how big how really big spiders really enjoy coming by the fire at nighttime don't they they do and snakes crawling into your bed rolls not good not good so as you can see we have an assortment of cheeses here and our dates and our berries of course while the meat's cooking why are you half it's quite good and as a tree I can't recommend it enough the oldest of all things well is it the oldest little thing no I don't think it is close enough but bread everybody should know how to make bread it's very easy to make bread as well basically two ingredients we are going to add a couple of other things just for a little bit of flavor a bit of flavor not for anything else no but there are just two ingredients one of which flour or grain really fine fine grain so basically you get your grain you crush it up and you get great yeah and that's our second ingredient ah you know water and when you're doing this you're looking for a nice consistency that starts to pull together in that in those doughy balls you see Bakers do so we're kind of pretty close to this now and you might need to add a little bit more water to get the cons the consistency you want yeah or a little bit more flour but it is a lot more flour Than Water by volume now once it's at a good doughy consistency we can add a few things for flavor like a little bit of garlic a little bit of salt salt do the thing it always comes back to Salt gotta do the thing do the bay there we go there we go you're missing it oh my God [Music] thank you [Music] dinner time [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh it's finally done we get to eat I'm gonna lose something takes a little longer to do Adventure cooking and then it doesn't do cooking at home but it's kind of worth it because look at that view the sun's getting real hard big guy yeah just call me fat no not really I guess I think it's time we turn in for the night what do you think yeah I think so oh I may have spent all of our funds on spices and didn't get tents we got nice food though eh yes we've got nice food so what are we going to do exactly I'm sure we can use a cloak or something for a tent actually I've seen a video on this yeah on shadowversity yeah Kramer one of our co-hosts has made it so you can check that out straight away straight after this one we'll put the link in the description but uh until next time and so with their bellies full and spirits lifted our adventurers shall rest for a time until Adventure calls to them again hello at least I've got all my Survival equipment
Channel: Shadiversity
Views: 171,438
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: GBWgSc5UJ3w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 18sec (858 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 10 2023
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