I build a GOLD & XP FARM on the Nether Roof in Minecraft Create Mod

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coming up I build an amazing gold Farm on the nether roof I also break a bit of Bedrock as well as crafting myself a rather fancy lava proof suit oh and they added a handful of new mods let's create piglins and zombified piglins that's what we're going to be doing today and in the last video we built this incredible netherite Factory that produces netherite and I've got six of them actually I've got 50 blocks of it now all thanks to this lovely Farm but this Farm isn't working 100% it's we've got plenty of Cinder flow we've got plenty of obsidian dust which means we've got plenty of netherite dust and we've got plenty of ancient scrap we've even got plenty of XP but we got no gold and that's because turning quartz into gold is not very efficient so we need a new way of getting gold and in order to do that we need to go to the Nether and I think this is the perfect building to do that it also means we're going to need to go through the nether roof and to do that I'm going to need some obsidian some Netherrack some trap doors some levers and most importantly some TNT I'm also going to need some ladders and some ender pearls which I don't have many of and coming back back into this building we're going to need a big old portal which I've already built and as you can see I'm surrounded it with netherite blocks because I'm netherite rich so let's get this portal lit and find out where we're going to come out before I do that let me just pop down a warp plate we're going to need one of these and I need the little bit of Flint out the middle now we're going to go into The Nether and find that we're surrounded by l oh that's useful isn't it oh this is very useful place to come out into the nether let's just get rid of a little bit of this lava and there we go we're a little bit safer so we need to get up to the nether roof but I'm not sure what part of the nether we're in so let's use a little bit of free cam have a bit of a fly around and see what's going on we're not too far from my lava Farm just up a few blocks which means we really don't have too far to go to get to the nether roof so I think digging up could be a good plan and here we go now we found some Bedrock but we need this Bedrock to be one block thin so I probably need to do a little bit of digging around it so that we can find a good spot and something like this would probably be ideal cuz I'm pretty sure that's about as high up as we can go so let's grab ourselves some ladders get on these ladders Chuck up an ender pearl and there we go we're now above the nether roof that's very convenient and I want the hole that we're going to be making to be directly above that little hole that I've made so these four blocks here are directly above my little hole that I've just dug so let's get rid of some of this Bedrock oh and I almost forgot I'm going to need a bunch of Pistons too and we'll start with this spot just here we put a piston there we put a bit of obsidian there we put a bit of Netherrack there we put a tnt there a TNT there we put a trapo there and we put a lever there and then all I need to do is hold some Pistons if I flap that trapo I can go underneath and then I just flick that lever aim I've ruined it oh jeez start again let's try that again piston Netherrack TNT TNT lever trapo right we'll do it right this time flip the trapo flip the lever oh I popped out again quick so far this isn't going well okay Third Time Lucky piston nether TNT TNT lever trapo go under the trapo this time time don't come out of being under the trapo lick the lever put aim just there and hopefully with a bed lock boom we should have underneath that a hole I did it guys I made a hole in the Bedrock and now we can get oh jeez I can't get down and you might be asking why are you building a hole in the roof when you got War plates and way stones well that's a good question I don't need to at all but I want to because it'd be really cool to have an elevator that comes all the way down through the nether all the way up into here and at some point today I'm going to need power to break the rest of this bedro I don't need to do that trick anymore you see this backpack that I'm wearing the handy traveler's backpack has a trick up its sleeve and that's that it can put out a bed and because I'm using the carry-on mod what I can actually do is move this backpack away from its bed and put it down somewhere else and now when I do that and I put some blocks in front of it it still thinks that's the bed and when you pick it up properly the blocks disappear and the bag goes on your back as it thinks it's still got a bed so I can duplicate beds doing this and I can also break bedrock so let's put it down here let's pick pick it up let's pop it down there if I try and pick it up properly to get my sleeping bag back Boom the Bedrock is gone how very cheaty you know allowed to do that that's cheating no I'm using the tools at my disposal mate in order to achieve the things I want to achieve just might take me a few minutes so now I've got a big hole in the top layer I need to now get rid of these next layers and that really shouldn't be too difficult just following the same process that we've just done put down a bed grab the bag put the bag down move away a bit pick up the bag and there we go more Bedrock just gone but where does it go and what about all of these sleeping bags that I'm duplicating does that mean I've now got free sleeping bags well no they just disappear when I get rid of them so I'm not duplicating anything in fact I'm just losing blocks I'm losing all of this Bedrock so after a few more beds to break the Bedrock I'm now down we got a big old hole down here which means that we can add in elevators and power and all that sort of stuff which is fantastic but what I do want to do is throw down a war plate take that out of there Pop That in there and now I don't actually need that nether portal at all cuz I can just pop out here which is very convenient and now I can pop back in there and appear here which is also very convenient and what I could do is I could even put a Way Stone down and call it the nether roof and now when I click on there I can go anywhere I want and then I can head back to the nether roof which is also very convenient so we got a whole bunch of different ways in and out of the nether roof now but what are we going to do up here well a piglin farm obviously but before we do that I want to talk to you about the last video you see in the last video I asked you what mods you want me to add to this world and what builds you want me to do when I had more comments than I've ever had before but before we start talking about what mods I'm going to be adding to this world I want to talk to you about the plan you see the most requested build idea I got was to make a diamond Factory a little bit like my netherite factory there so I've been fiddling with my own mod again in order to help us achieve that in a not very cheaty way because you see farming diamonds is quite a cheaty thing to do but then so is farming NE the right and I think if you do it in the right way then it's not quite so cheaty other highly requested plans were to build an airport a zoo and a factory for all of the different create items and whilst an airport isn't immediately on my list and neither is a zoo I am planning on doing a factory for all of the create things so I'm definitely going to do that so that just leaves what mods I'm adding and we'll talk about that in a little while because right now it's time to head back to the Nether and build that zombified piglin farm so if I understand things correctly which I probably don't a zombified pigling farm is just a big old Circle up in the sky that zombified piglins can spawn on then you anger them they all run towards you and then they fall down a hole and then you kill them for their gold but that's not very creative but before we do anything like that we need somewhere for them to spawn but we don't want to be building that directly over this portal we really need to be building it a little bit further away so let's head off in this direction a little bit and then build upwards so I'm just going to place some blocks randomly every few blocks no doubt gas and things will spawn on those and make my life miserable but that's okay actually I've got a a lot of gravel and whilst gravel is spawnable I can now make gravel layers and I'm very much hoping with these new blocks that I've added in my mod pack although that's not available on the download yet you'll have to wait a while but I didn't just create new gravel layers I also created sand layers which can be piled up as well as mud layers and Mangrove Roots layers and grass layers and rooted dirt layers Co dirt layers and dirt layers and this is going to help me a lot when terraforming new areas and there's another type that I created as well but we'll get to that another time so now that we're 64 blocks away from our hole over there I'm going to go upwards and just see how tall the actual nether roof is cuz I don't know at 255 is the building height okay in that case we'll come down to level 200 and we'll build our platform up here and I'm going to put a war plate down here get rid of my big old tower that I've just made and just put a temporary W plate down here instead so that we can hop up and down there pretty easily but we don't want this platform to be spawnable so let's throw down some Blackstone slabs why didn't you just make it out of slab slabs I don't know cuz I'm an idiot speaking of slabs wouldn't it be nice if we had grass slabs and dirt slabs and gravel slabs and sand slabs well I have see I can make sand slabs I can make gravel slabs I can make dirt slabs and I can make grass slabs I can even make Co dirt slabs and what's really good about these slabs is well they work like slabs they don't have gravity like other gravity blocks which is fine I don't really want them to have gravity but again this is really going to help me out ah no I'm falling down but again this is really going to help me out with my terraforming and what's really nice about these slabs is if they're at the top player like that one there and these two I can put flowers on them but not the gravel one but I can even put it on Sand so we can have Sandy flowers anyway that's enough talking about slabs so next I need to build the big old spawning platform where the zombie five piglins are going to spawn and that's going to be up there and doing a little bit of research zombie five piglins will aggro around the player within a 67x 22x 67 all the way up to 111x 22x 11 area so I don't want to be if I'm AFK at this point more than 22 blocks away from the zombified piglins but they're not going to be aggroed on me what so here on my creative test world this is my little plan we've got a platform with some zombie piglins on it and if I flick this lever that deployer is going to spin around it's going to fire snowballs and that's going to anger the piglins and they're going to fall down this hole and they're not going to like it down there and once they're angered I can actually turn that off because then they're going to get angered by this deployer and that's got a sword on it and that's going to drop us a whole bunch of good underneath there and what that means in terms of design is that these deployers need to be within 22 blocks vertically of the piglins but I don't I can be further away from them and because things won't spawn until they're at least 24 blocks away from the player I actually want my platform up there by about 24 blocks so about this height should be ideal however it looks like I'm making a Magma Cube Farm rather than a Zombie pigling Farm at the minute so this biome probably wasn't the best in fact I think that zombie piglins only spawn in nether wastes so I made a good Magma Cube farm and that's not what I wanted at all oh jeez now according to the wiki zombify piglins will spawn in Crimson forests or nether wastes and I'm not near any of those so I guess I've got some flying around to do well it turns out if I'd have just gone North a little bit more from where I was here's the map here's where I am that's where I built it and that's our hole then we've got some nether was all around here which is ideal so let's craft ourselves another waist Stone plunk that down here call it nether waste's roof and now we can hop back over here destroy everything we've just built and move it over there and that's easier said than done because of this lovely Magma Cube Farm now I don't know if magma cubes are affected by light level but I've got another plan for that and that involves talking to you about what mods I've added see last episode I asked you what mods I should add to this world and there was a lot of responses so let's start by talking about which mods that I'm not going to be adding and that starts with a very highly requested one which was immersive engineering I'm not going to add that because because it's not available for Forge on the version of the game that I'm playing this dry for create was also very popular and I'm not adding that because that's in beta still and it's basically got a lot of references to drugs and alcohol which I'm not added to this world likewise any mods that include guns or War as their main theme I'm not going to be adding to this world because I don't think that's appropriate for this let's play tinker's construct was one that was recommended a lot and I'd love to add that but it's not available for this version of Minecraft create dreams and desires also looks good but that's still in beta and create new AE which I've actually tried to add to this world before but it totally broke the world the entire thing just became completely unresponsive so I can't add that and of course I got a whole bunch of comments for create connected and create power loaders so a lot of you obviously watching shells again both of those are still in beta I don't need the power loaders one cuz I've already got mod loader on this pack which is well more convenient than that one and the create connected does look fantastic but I'm not adding anything in beta because beta mods tend to break your world or at least change a lot and then break things that you've done with them but the mod mods that were recommended the most were mechanism which I've played before I absolutely love and I am planning on adding that to this pack at some point when we get into a more futuristic technological age add Astra which takes you to space so that you can go visit all other planets in nice little spaceships and I really want to add that but that's a big part of the series that Mr beard Stone and I are playing on our create astral Series so that'll have to wait too and the mod that I got recommended the absolute most was a nuuvo I think that's how you say it and that is all to do do with magic in fact I got loads of people requesting that I add magic mods and good news I will add it but just not now you see I do this let's play in phases we're currently on phase three and each phase has a different theme and a different idea and I'm not planning on my magic phase for a little while so you're going to have to wait for that one but it does look like something that I'd like to add so what mods have I added well we'll get to that later except for the torch Master Mod see I can make Mega torches now which means that I can prevent mobs spawning in certain places places and I can almost make those I just need some diamonds and some gold and the bad news is I'm completely out of diamonds but I got loads of gold so I think I'm going to have to go [Music] mining so there we go after a little while I've now got nearly three stacks of diamonds so we need diamonds gold wood and torches wood and torches yeah torches made out of wood make easy one Mega torch please thank you very much and now if I pop this down over at our Magma Cube spawning thing we shouldn't get any Magma Cube spawning so let's just hop up to that little mini platform that I made Chu that down there and then just disappear for a minute hopefully when I go back all those magma cubes will be gone yes they are good right and get rid of this platform now so now we got a big old platform in the correct biome and we're actually getting piglins which is quite surprising I don't oh jeez because I've got a mega torch although I didn't put that down until the piglins had already spawned so that's why that's there get off me block you and I'm currently just going around the edges of this making it a little bit more circular and it's not really going to be a circle it's going to be more of a squashed square but I think that's fine now realistically this platform's probably nowhere near big enough because the aggro range is much bigger and I've only gone out 24 blocks in each Direction but before I start adding more layers and making it even bigger I want to make sure it works so now we've got a little hole for them to fall into we're going to need a deployer in there that's going to need power which we can take from low it's also going to need a Smart Shoot below it and a Smart Shoot so that we can filter it so that the sword that we're going to put in there doesn't disappear and it's also going to need a shoot above it so we can throw on really I've got a oh I see it's an advancement for another mod that I've added oh jeez okay and then we can put the barrel up there set this into attack mode and I got a handful of Swords here that I can use this one's got looting and sweeping Edge on it that'll be useful I've got three of those oh nice okay and this one as well okay well we'll chuck all of those in there then that's good and then they've all just Fallen straight out of the bottom and gone all the way down there that's why we need a filter so we need to tell this filter no swords and then if I put that on there and I put the swords back in the barrel they're not going to pop out of there anymore and just temporarily we'll throw another Barrel underneath there so that if this thing does get any drops it's got somewhere to go so that's the killing system done without any power which means we now need the aggro system in place I've got loads of snowballs already so that's not a problem now powerwise obviously if this thing's going to be directly over the center here it would make sense for the shaft to go down there but then that's going to get right in the way of our little killing system and we don't really want the piglins to have to pathfind around that to get to the deploy it will you stop so we'll have to power this from above and then we're just going to put the mechanical bearing down straight above that like that although we are going to need a clutch on there so that we can on and off it that should potentially work one thing we need to consider is how we're going to push the piglins that end up in these Corners here into that sword fortunately for me though I do have a bit of biod Diesel and that works fine in the nether so we can just push them towards it like that and in which case it would probably make more sense if that deployer was in the corner rather than in the middle unless I had two buckets of this that should actually be close enough with a deployer there because well it just will be and if they land on these bits yeah I think that'll be close enough we might occasionally get some stuck in the corners but we'll figure that out when we get closer to that point so that should be everything we need up here except for power so we need to go and get some power and where are we going to get power from in the nether well I could pop myself a pcel here and just have buckets of diesel actually just sent through the Nether and we could power our power station from that or like we've done previously we could power things from lava on water wheels cuz we don't need much power so we use lava and water wheels so let's Chuck on some big old water wheels throw ourselves on a speed controller and now we've got power and now that's all in place well we can test this thing now if I turn this off let's get rid of that torch go into free cam hopefully we'll see a bunch of piglins start spawning up here oh we're getting normal piglins not just the zombified ones okay what happens if I fly up to this level here oh now we get a bunch oh and a gas that's a problem if that gas shoots a fireball at our snowball machine it's going to blow it up oh jeez okay right let's just turn on the snowball machine and that ah the Gast is shooting me down here stop it turn it off free cam well that fired fast and now they're all going in is it working are they going to keep getting AGG gred on that deployer down there it doesn't look like they are they're turning the snowball machine back on they are still angry at that but they're not carrying that aggro across to the other piglins oh they don't like me very much and I've not done anything why do you not like me what have I done oh well this might not be a problem and the new ones spawning in coming down and now we're getting drop bears as well but I bet we're getting a whole bunch of drops down there they're all getting minced like I hope they would do so that's good and yeah look at that Barrel it's absolutely full of stuff in which case I probably just want a little AFK platform up here cuz they're still managing to spawn in and get upset about it all I just need to consider how we're going to get rid of the other mobs so that they don't fill up the mob cap magma blocks and yes I've got a little AFK spot just up here now and it seems to work for the piglins at least but before we start worrying about magma blocks I want to tell you about which mods I've actually added and why do I keep coming over here to tell you about these things well it's not dark and dingy like the nether so with the latest version of my mod pack I've updated as many of the mods that I can and which means that my edium mod actually lost the zoom function so I've re added in okay Zoomer and now I get that nice Zoom effect as we know I've added the torch Master mod and I've also added more villagers which means we can get a whole bunch of different types of villagers with a whole bunch of new types of workstations and due to very very popular request I've added create the factory must grow which adds a whole bunch of new blocks as well as oil and pump jacks and all of that sort of stuff so we can fiddle with all of that at some point and the final mod that I've added due to again great popular request is Alex's caves which means that underground in certain places there'll be huge caves full with a whole bunch of new mobs and new things to do and that sounds very exciting and that's it that's all I've added so uh yeah magma blocks and I'm hoping that this system over here has produced enough of us to start getting on with it h 31 that's really not going to cut it is it I've got 67 in my inventory well that's really not going to even do a tiny bit of platform so I guess I've got some digging to do so I'm going to need this and this and this and this and this I need to go back to the Nether and we'll go to our lava area this time and I need to find somewhere where there's a whole bunch of magma blocks and I don't think this is the right biome for that now this area here is pretty much directly below where we're working upstairs and the nether waste does have a lot of magma blocks around it however none of these areas are particularly good for putting down my machine so instead I think we'll do a bit of vein M ah so instead I think I'll set myself on fire and do some vein mining now this is pretty slow going although I have already got quite a few Stacks but there's something else I can do see if I make a netherite diving helmet I can actually go swimming in lava I'm going to need netherite shoes as well and a back tank but all of those should be relatively easy to make so a few minutes later I'm now ready for the Nether Again however my back tank needs charging up so I assume that means I need to plug it into something that's going fast and this looks like it's going fast is that working no when placed powered by connect it collects pressurized air okay I think I understand it if I put that there with the shaft there and put that directly under it there we go now it's getting charged up the only thing I'm slightly concerned about is there's no recipe for netherite diving leggings so I'm just assuming that the normal netherite leggings are what I need so let's find out oh yes I can I've reached the goal swimming with Striders but my I don't have a jetpack now which is quite annoying and let's see if I can enchant any of these things we obviously want Unbreaking on them oh and I can and now these have got a bunch of different enchantments we've got Unbreaking protection and respiration on the helmet protection on the back tank and Unbreaking protection feather fall and soul speed on the boots so I'm definitely ready for lava so hopping back over to this area here it's time to put on my back tank put my Jetpack safe in my backpack and now I can go swimming in lava and grabbing a bunch of this magma blocks although I can't see under La I still can't see I thought you'd be able to see under the lava and now I I appear to I I can't get back up again was it just really deep yep I guess it was just really deep okay well I guess we'll just stick to the surface then but at least now we don't have to worry about getting got by the lava oh look at all this magma so much of it and gravel so now that my pickaxe is pretty much dead and with my Jetpack back on because I like to be able to fly I've now got 3,372 magma blocks and I think that's plenty so it's time to go home so I think rather than replacing all of this because it's going to take me ages to dig it all the way I'm just going to place all my magma blocks on top of it so let's put some magma blocks in my off hand then if I just click there like that there we go we get a whole patch of the stuff excellent there we go the entire thing's now covered in magma blocks and I've only got 239 left so that was close and if I need to extend this platform any I'm going to have to go digging for some more and I think I've decided that when I'm at this Farm I'm not going to use that deployer system with the Snowballs to upset the piglins because if they're going to be angered on me anyway I might as well throw the snowball in which case in my AFK spot I'm going to need some slabs around here like this so that I've got a little window to throw the Snowballs through I'm also going to need a barrel full of snowballs and considering I've got them all in my inventory anyway I really don't need it but what I am going to do is put a bow and some arrows in there instead so let's get rid of the torch again hop back up there and see what happens this time are we going to get any piglins spaw in we are zombie piglins they're all spawning in let's get a bow oh do we still get drop bears now I just got to shoot one of them there we go I got one and now they're all going to come over to me go down oh I didn't put the trap doors down oops I'm really good at Minecraft guys right here we go oh they're already mad at something oh they're mad at the drop bear well that could be a problem thank you Alex's mobs for ruining gold farms for me there we go I got one now they're all going to fall in there and get minced excellent oh this is good news so so far I would say this is a resounding success um that's not ideal ah stop it you're breaking my AFK spot oh jeez there hardly any of it left stop it are you really spawning on the water wheels jeez and after a few minutes of fixing things I've now got a system where I can flip open the trap doors upset a pigling that one's got some clothes on and then close them again and hopefully that means they'll still be aggroed on me which they are and hopefully it means the gas are not able to see me to shoot me but they really should start getting aggroed on that deployer down there and the new ones are coming in yeah look they're looking at the deployer now so they're angry at that all this is good they're not angry at me anymore so sitting here for a little while and watching this run as you can see we've got a big problem and that is drop bears we've got absolutely thousands of them and I've done a little bit of research online and I've seen quite a few people have had the same problem these drop bears just ruin gold farms and there really isn't anything you can do about it except to turn them off so hopefully now I've done that none of them will spawn anymore but I need to despawn these ones and I also need to stop these piglins from spawning on these water wheels which shouldn't be a big problem before I do that let's just run away so hopefully everything should have despawned by now I can hop up back to this platform stick a few bottom slabs on these water wheels to stop things spawning on there so let's hop back upstairs and hopefully we won't see any more drop bears on here we should only see zombie piglins the occasional Magma Cube and there's a drop and doing a little bit more digging it turned out there was a config file that you could change that actually change which biomes they can spawn in so I just stopped them from being able to spawn in the nether waste and now we shouldn't get any more drop bears we should only get zombie piglins the occasional magma blocks and a few Ghasts and hopefully that means this system is now [Music] working so as you can see this seems to be working and it's been running for a little while now although I don't think it's as optimized as it could be cuz we're getting quite a lot of gas we're getting quite a lot of magma cubes and they're not going anywhere which will eventually mean that we're not getting any zombie pinkings what we haven't got however is any sort of storage system hopping down underneath this thing you can see I've got a big old container that's collecting all of the drops but we don't have any way of getting those back to the factory so that's what I need to do next first of all what we need to do is get the items out of here and all the way down to the bottom oh no don't shoot me down here thank you no oh jeez no no stop it just die just die come here and die anyway before as rudely interrupted by the gas what I was going to say is what we first need to do is get all the items out of here all the way down to the bottom and I think we can do that with just some shoots but before we start sending items down there we should probably organize a system down here to actually collect them and deal with them and that of course means getting out our storage drawers so we'll start with the draw controller we're going to need a bunch of drawers for all of the different things and we're probably going to want some compacting drawers for the nuggets as well and that's not a compacting drawer that's a compacting drawer and if I'd have done these two the other way around so that compacting drawers were on the bottom and the draw controllers on the top I can then just grab a whole bunch of shoots and just run those all the way up to the top here we are popping out of that level there and now we're just about up here so we just got to sort of dog leg this round a bit but I could really do with this container being in a bit of a better position so now we've got a smart shoot on there which is filtering out all of these items and they're mainly the ones who want to keep but we are getting some more stuff through there as well mainly swords but we are getting the odd bit of armor too so what protection one twice huh I think that's a keeper right okay yes anyway crushing Wheels that's what we need which means we need more power down here which of course means we need more lava and more water wheels and after a couple of minutes of fapping about I've now got a couple of crushing Wheels coming down somewhere underneath this so we just need to get items down there so again we're going to need some shoots and we're going to need a Smart Shoot and we basically need this filter but the opposite so those those those those and those all in there like that deny list tick and we're going to put that on there like that that and then I'm just going to extend this Vault over that and that should allow all of those items to get crushed and hopefully we're going to get mainly gold from that but we might get a few other things as well let's put that there and hopefully now there we go we're getting nuggets coming through from all of the things that are being squished wonderful we've even managed to get some iron somehow so I think we're going to need a few more of these storage boxes just in case anything else comes down here now I wonder can I get those crushing Wheels going any faster 160 not 170 160 is probably fine so now I need to bring all of these items out of here and I need to get those over to the farm that shouldn't be too much of a problem because a long way down here we've got that portal which links back to the farm but it is quite a long way so I think the first thing to do to make life a little bit easier is to just delete this portal and I'm going to just rebuild it up here and hopefully this will still link up let's find out it did excellent good let's just spawn proof that what I'm going to do now is get rid of all of this and a couple of minutes later we've now got track all the way down here well that's not going to go through the portal cuz it's too steep really do with this portal in the floor I really want to break any more obsidian yes I do you don't really do no not really sleeping back down move that around try and pick it back up again boom there we go just five sleeping bags later and we've now got enough space underneath that to put in the floor a little bit lower so let's break it again and we'll bring that across there instead relight the fire and now my track should be able to go all the way into there and pop out through the other side amazing so we're just going to need a train and a way of loading all of those items onto it of course and now we have ourselves a fancy little nether train and this is going to be my driver so no you're not going to work I need to put some blocks down throw you that way get on there there we go what a wonderful little driver you are sir so now we got a driver we got a train we got a track must be time to collect the items let's throw ourselves on a bit of trim there and a draw controller slave there we'll have a couple of item drains coming out that way with a bit of CAS in and an interface on it and of course these are going to need some funnel and they're also going to need some of those on there to stop things spawning on it now if I just bring this track around here to link up with this like that we can get rid of all of these bits that we don't need pop this little chap on there instead get rid of all of this and look at it he's connected he's doing a good job so we need to put his little station just about there NE the gold Farm pick up and look at you filling up with all of that tasty rotten flesh that I don't need the only thing I actually want to take from here for now are the nuggets and the ingots that's all I want so if I put that on there instead and spin those back around again now he should just fill up with the things that I actually want so now he just needs somewhere to go and it looks like the track's already coming through here it's not really in the ideal Direction but that'll do we get him to come back to about this point here what we'll do is we'll dig a hole underneath this stick an item interface there and hopefully we'll be able to pull it out from the top there so let's drive the tiny little nether train through that portal and see where it ends up and what we need to do in terms of spinning things around around there he is he stopped at the station what a good job you did disassemble train here we go reassemble train just need to move that slightly to there instead and now that's connected wonderful so now all of the items are going to come down here and we can deal with those in here and get them sent straight into our storage system down there in which case we'll have a bunch of trim on the top of that one a bunch of trim on the top of there with a slave there some shoots coming through the roof we just need to get them from there to there how hard could it be what could possibly go wrong it's going to be a bit floaty for now but that's okay if we just stick a vault there stick a shoot on there they're all going to go into there we'll put one of those lovely brass funnels on there and then they should hopefully all come down here and go into this shoe they are oh that's wonderful but just to make sure we don't have any issues with them just pouring off the edge I'm going to actually put that shoot there and put another one of those there and now we got a fancy system that's getting all of those tasty items out of the nether which means we can produce a whole bunch more netherite oh jeez we got loads nice so this guy needs to go to the nether gold pick up and he needs to go to the nether Farm drop off and both of those were just going to have him on Cargo in activity for 5 seconds and then he should just go backwards and forwards between those two stations picking everything up and dropping it all off there you go look at his little hat that he's got he's so wonderful and now he's off again back over to the Overworld one thing that does mean is that this area needs to be chunk loaded let's just load both of those so all that's left to do is just make this Farm a whole bunch more efficient and I know exactly how I'm going going to do it but it's going to take a while as you can see what I've gone for are some rings of magma block the idea is that if the magma cubes spawn on here they'll bounce off the edge rather than go into the middle and taking up the mob cap and I'm not quite finished I need to add in a few of these glass trap doors to actually encourage the Pigman to step off that platform and land on the one below and likewise I need to do the same here so what I'm actually going to do on the top layer is just bring that back a block so that they've got more chance of actually well deciding to fall off it and those are the last few trap doors to throw on there we should hopefully be good to go and there are a couple of other changes I've made too my AFK box is a little bit bigger now and that's just so that there's actually room for me to move around inside without accidentally standing on the war plate and if I go on the walk plate and go all the way down to the bottom huh I can't actually see okay we'll go to the top and fall down you might already have guessed but there's no middle section now we've got this bit and the item Vault and then the shoot and then the power just goes all the way down to the bottom and everything's powered off these water wheels down here so I don't have to worry about other little platforms and things like that so uh I guess it's time to figure out if this is actually going to work which means breaking my mega torch there we go hopping inside and seeing what happens and hopefully we'll get some piglins oh yes they are spawning let's get myself my B bow and arrow and find one that I can actually shoot at you look like a prime target sir shot that Pigman hopefully yes yes they go they pathf finding over the trap doors that's brilliant hopefully they'll all end up down here and hopefully they'll all get very upset with that deployer although they do seem to be focused on me so I guess I'll just have to stand right here in the middle but that seems like it's working oh I have just in magma Cub spawning up there they're not spawning on the layers below now are these oh they're angry at the deployer now so they're not worried about me anymore so that's good I was a little bit worried that with these Rings we get slightly less spawns but it looks like we're still getting plenty of Pigmen but for all intents and purposes this Farm looks like it's working the gas shouldn't be a problem cuz they'll just fly off and despawn anyway the Pigmen are just spawning in nice and quickly they're all ending up down in the hole we'll hardly get in any magma cubes than the one we do get just end up falling to their Doom oh it's all working out rather well I know I'd get there [Music] eventually [Music]
Channel: FoxyNoTail
Views: 79,391
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, lets play, minecraft survival, minecraft but, minecraft funny, minecraft map, 1000 days, 100 days in minecraft, minecraft 1.20, modded minecraft series, modded minecraft, create mod, minecraft create, create, new series, foxynotail, minecraft series, create contraption, applied energistics 2 mod, minecraft builder, minecraft building, minecraft storage building, massive build, huge build, gold farm, nether roof, xp farm, breaking bedrock, break bedrock
Id: RHuo7TvHEhI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 33sec (2073 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 03 2024
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