I built an ILLEGAL NETHERITE FARM in Minecraft Create Mod

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coming up I build a fully automated netherite Factory I also build an automatic lapis Factory as well as another XP Factory to generate so much hyper experience that I can finally get fully hyper Enchanted let's create netherite I need it I've only got one and I need it to create myself a whole bunch more armor and tools because in the last episode I created this system that turns experience into hyper experience using lapis and low squid and blaze cakes and Nuggets of XP but if you watched the last episode you'll know I only had seven buckets worth of hyper experience which was nowhere near enough for what I needed and now I've got over 25 buckets of it and I've still got a little bit of XP left going through what I don't have though is a great deal of lapis and even though I spent a few minutes this morning using my shiny Fortune 4 pickaxe to grab a whole bunch of lapis from in my mine I've pretty much burnt through all of that as well creating just this I actually need 40 buckets because I've spent a little bit of time sorting out these rooms where we're going to have our hyper enchanting each one of the rooms has four Blaze enchanters and they will all have a different enchantment they'll be able to hyper enchant but once I start pumping in that hyper XP it's going to send two buckets with to each one of these and whilst I could use Valves and things like that to limit how much each one gets I don't want to I want each one to have the full two booket worth as you can see here none of these ones have actually got enchanted books they've just got books and that's because of don't have these enchantments yet so I need to do a little work with my villagers to get all of the books that I need so how am I going to get a whole bunch more lapis without spending hours and hours mining well it just so happens with my fancy mod that I made if I mix nether quartz and blue dye on a super heated Basin it'll give me one piece of lapis which seems a bit expensive Until you realize I've got 23,000 quarts here and I believe if I come back to Hill Valley there should be a whole but yeah 2.6 million of it so I'm not short of that one thing I am short of though is blue dye I've got 990 of it which means I'll only be able to make 990 lapis because I don't have a blue dye farm and making one of those means corn flowers and things like that but I've got another idea you see another way of getting blue dye is to crush lapis and when you crush lapis you get two blue dye back and 10% chance of another one so if I was to create a system that made lapis and then crushed it to get more blue dye and then made lapis again it cost me twice as much quartz but it will generate me a bunch of lapis and blue dye which would be nice so that just leaves me with the problem of experience nuggets and whilst my mob P has been working hard generating me a whole bunch of this stuff it's all pretty much been used actually making that little bit of hyper experience we've got and I've only got 2,000 of them left so how am I going to make those well again coming to our recipes I can get nuggets of experience from crushing all sorts of different things including quartz which will give me a 30% chance of a nugget of experience and I've got millions of quarts so I should be able to get a whole bunch of Nuggets doing that but none of that explains how I'm going to farm netherite well we'll get to that later for now I need to come back to the library and think about where I'm going to be building this system to generate as lapis and more nuggets of XP and fortunately because of the way that I've arranged all of these Blaze burner or Blaze enchanter rooms I've actually got a whole bunch of rooms left at the end of this Corridor that I'm no longer going to be using so I think a nice big room like this could be a good place to start now bringing my quarts and my blue dye over here will be easy enough but I've got to get a super heated Blaze burner so hopping myself down to the ground floor and into our little power station area you can already see we've got some super heated Blaze burners down here running off this tank of diesel which is absolutely full to the brim so I just need to pump a bit of that upstairs and bringing the lava upstairs really shouldn't be a big problem because we're only going to the first floor so there we go we've now got that just here so let's make ourselves a little temporary holding tank just here about that sort of size should do and then just one of those there there we go we're now powering that pump now I want to get as much of this quartz as absolutely possible into a storage drawer and it could take a long time transferring 2.6 million of it so we're going to need some smart shoots and some draw controller slaves and of course a spruce drawer with a couple of upgrades on it there we go that's going in nice and quickly if you're enjoying this video then consider hitting that subscribe button it only takes a second and it really helps me out and while these Hoppers drain out and that continues to fill up I'm going to go and do a little bit of trading with my villagers to get the enchanted books that I'm missing and I haven't got all of them but I should be able to get a few well there's power four we should be able to make respiration three from a couple of respiration twos feather falling four Fire Protection One I suppose I could buy a bunch of those and make fire protection four and that just leaves sweeping Edge the next thing I'm going to do is come up to my old XP tank grab myself a whole bunch of levels and get these books combined so respiration two twice gives us respiration three so two more sweeping Edge 1es and then two sweeping Edge twos gives us a sweeping Edge three two fire protection twos gives us fire protection three two more fire protection ones gives us another fire protection two two more fire protection ones gives us another fire protection two those two together gives us another fire protection three so if I put those together I get fire protection four and that should now mean that we've got plenty of quarts to be getting on with as well yeah over 130,000 that should be more than enough we've still got 2.5 million left so back in our new room then let's just throw that down for a second let's grab as much blue dye as we can take throw that in another storage draw and now I'm going to go and train a few of my enchants with these enchanted books we've got so you're going to give us sweeping Edge four give you feather falling there we go you've got fire protection and now we got a guy with power five which will give us Power Six right lapis let's go in the lapis production room and figure out how we're going to do this and we're going to need a couple of whisks and we're going to need some Crush oh we've I have never got any crushing wheels back to Hill Valley you should make make the stuff that you need closer I know I should but I don't and there's one set of crushing Wheels let's create a few more sets of these just so that I don't have to come back here anytime soon and this should be my last set and this is going to give us 32 crushing Wheels alog together which should be plenty to be getting on with here we go and done Blaze burner there mixer mixer and then we just need a Depo there and a Depo there and then we can tell this to pick up from there and there and shove it in there bring that out to there with a bit of belt on there like that stick a couple of crushing wheels on around about that point there something a little bit like that and then we just need that to go into this one so we're going to need another Blaze burner with another mixing bowl on it I've not got very good access around here now have I okay moving it all around slightly then I've now got my quartz over there and my blue dye there and that's because I need quartz and blue dye to go into that mixing bowl there and I also need quartz to go into this mixing bowl here so we'll have a couple of arms to do that and that should be this setup pretty much complete before I do anything else I'm going to have to put down a Rolling Mill and throw in a couple of those cuz I need a couple of straws and then I can give these Blaze burners both the straw reach to attach them to the pipe and now they're going to be super heated and I think what we'll do is just have another belt going this way put an upgrade in that throw a bit of lapis in so we know what it is and of course that's going to need a funnel and this is also going to need a funnel just like that and our blue dye as well is going to need a pel now we got to think about this a little bit more logically once that's run out we're not going to be producing lapis there anymore which means we're not going to be crushing it to make more blue dye so once this lapis is generated here we actually need to be able to take it back around again and put it through the Crushers but we also want to store a certain amount of it as well I'm actually going to double up this belt at this point here and then I'm going to put a couple of brass tunnels on there and that'll send some of it into our Basin we'll have a drawer controller slave on there that's going to have a funnel in it to send half of the blue dye back around here and that's going to go back into there and with all of those there we'll be able to see what's going on a little bit better and then we can use the draw controller slaves with brass funnels on and then we'll just set those to exactly one so we're not getting a whole stack through at a time and now we just need to get power to all of this gearbox there vertical gearbox there bit of chain drive on there and a bit of chain drive there and need to throw a shaft in there to get those going and they're now going in the right direction so that's good that's also powered our pump so we're now super heated so we just need to power the mechanical arms one of those there with a cog on there like that that's all of the arms now powered and now we should be in business so there we go we now have a fancy little system generated us lapis and I guess blue dye as well cuz that's going to keep ticking up too the only thing it's going to use is the nether quartz but we've got millions of it and now that all that's in place we can work on our experienced nuggets so let's come out of this room and I guess we'll hop into this this room and this can be where we Crush quartz well you used the quartz over there yep I'm going to need another big old box of quartz to crush it okay 360,000 should do it with a 30% chance of getting nuggets out of there we should get probably around about 100,000 from that and that'll be more than enough to get us some last few buckets of XP so I think what I'm going to do is move this box for a minute out the way throw a couple of these on the wall there like that and then let's say have four rows of crushing wheels that should be plenty I think and we'll want a belt going underneath those and above these we're going to have some more of these draw controller slaves just like that attached to some trim coming down the back here and we'll bring that over to this corner here stick a draw controller next to it and now we want a whole bunch of smart shoots again let's just sneak down the back here bring this draw trim around here like this all the way to the front of our belt and let's just remove those for a sec oh jeez I didn't mean to do that oh yes see this that's what I didn't want to happen so power then we're going to have a gearbox there we'll have a bit of chain drive there and a gearbox there and that should power these okay I need to craft myself another speed controller and probably stick that somewhere I guess we can shove it on there for now that'll do and then with a bit of chain drive I can connect that to that and hopefully we can get these crushing Wheels oh they are already going in the right direction that's good we just need to power the belt now and then another one across there and that's going in the right direction that's good everything's going in the right direction let's pop ourselves a draw controller slave there let's stick ourselves another Spruce drawer there with some Ed ruled upgrades in it and then we just want a funnel going into that so all we need to do now is reconnect our storage drawer slaves at the top and hopefully now this is going to start generators and a whole bunch of X yeah there it goes this is going to be full in no time look at that we already got $2,000 did was put some lights on jeez we now need to get all of those from both of these rooms this way through this wall here because this this is where our production facility is and we'll just bring those across here like this along the floor there and then we'll just go straight across the floor into that room and then if we really don't like the decoration we can always cover this up with a few of these floorboards a little bit like that do the same thing here at these doors and then here we could probably have some decoration on the wall to cover that up so let's dig out the floor a bit more here and we'll take that into this room and connect with these storage drawers here and now we don't need that storage drawer controller we also don't need this quartz here anymore and we can tidy that up a little bit like that so let's just take the quartz out of that one and put it straight into that one we might as well have all of the quartz in here and now we need to connect all of these storage drawers to this system in here and I'm going to put it in here because I want everything controlled from this room and that should now pick up everything perfect okay good news we're actually generating more XP than we're able to use the only reason it's going out of there faster than it's going in it's because it's filling up this tank but this tank is actually filling up faster than we're creating the hyper experience we've now got lapis coming in Faster then we can use that as well which is great we've still got tons of glow squiding and I still got thousands of that of the glow squid farm so that's not running out and our blaze cakes aren't running out either and now we're up to 33 buckets worth and that means I can actually Swap this pipe out here for a pump and I can steal a little bit of power from over here and that's going to send that all into our Blaze burners we should see yeah they've all gone blue that's good news these have all gone blue that's good news and now these are all blue as well this is good news the only downside to this is the ones that I haven't actually given books to like this one are now full of hyper experience and if I take its book off him I think it's just going to lose the hyper experience but I could always pump it back out if I need to you see I got a whole bunch of comments telling me that if I actually spin the pump around the other way it'll suck it back out of those and send it back into here which it looks like it's doing so that's fantastic as well so that means other than a few enchanted books that were missing we have done everything we needed to do to get our hyper enchanting set up one 100% complete and the only books we missing are projectile protection blast protection depth Strider sharpness Smite and punch and yes that's right we're on episode 40 and I still haven't got any depth Strider but I haven't needed it really so we'll get those at some point but before I do that I want to ask you some questions and my first question is what mods would you like to see me add to this world bear in mind I'm using the forge mod loader and I can't change that and we're on Minecraft 1.20.1 so any mods you suggest do need to actually be suitable for this version and I might consider adding those for the next set of videos the next question is what buildings and Farms would you like to see me build because well I need to build some more farms and things now I've got a big old list but I'd like to know what you guys think so get down there in the comments and let me know what you think and because this is episode 40 I'm going to be doing an updated World download for all of my patrons and that'll be available at the end of this episode and in order to get to the end of this episode I've got a whole bunch of building to do because we're going to start producing netherite that's right we're not going to go to the nether for it we don't need to go to the nether at all we just need a road to go to another building and this building will be a big one because it's going to have a whole netherite Factory in it and how are we going to produce netherite well we're going to need a bunch of netherite scrap and in order to get netherite scrap you'd normally need ancient debris but in my mod pack we can make netherite dust and then if you deploy nuggets of XP and lava and press them five times you get a netherite scrap and in order to get netherite dust you just have to mix powdered obsidian with cinder flower on a super heated Blaze burner and we're going to produce every single one of those items including the obsidian and the Netherrack and the XP and everything like that all in one building that's going to go right here so we better get cracking the foundation is now in place and as you can see I've extended the platform on both sides so it's time to start building and the first thing I need over here is fluid I'm going to need a tank for lava one for some Diesel and we're also going to need water over here and why would I want a tank for water well I think it'll just look nice and of course they all need link into our Network which means I need to get both trucks down here and offloading their fluids into these tanks and there we go as you can see we've now got the tankers coming in and they're not dropping anything off cuz we've got no power here yet so we need to do that next so now we've got all of our tanks in and a power station that's generating is 131,000 stress units using the super heated Blaze burners running off our diesel so we've got plenty of power we've got all the fluids we need we can start working on this and this here is how we're going to make netherite just from Cobblestone it couldn't be simpler it's quite complicated we first of all need a cobble generator then we're going to use a recipe to turn that into magma blocks there is already a recipe to turn lava buckets into magma blocks but it's not a very good recipe because in my mind if you put lava in crushing Wheels you're just going to get lava on all over your crushing wheels so I added my own recipe we're going to put lava onto Cobblestone press it twice and repeat that five times and there's a 95% chance we'll get magma block there's a 5% chance we're going to get cobblestone back so that's how we're going to get the magma then we're going to turn that into obsidian and the way we do that is just to wash the magma and once we got that we can crush it into obsidian dust and then we need to go down this path here so we're going to take some more of the Cobble we're going to wash it into gravel wash it again into sand and then haunt it into Soul Sand then we're going to wash that which is going to give us gold and quartz and then we're going to crush that quartz into XP the gold nuggets we're going to press into gold ingots and that's going to take us all the way down here so we better go back over here and figure out what else we're doing with this some of this magma that we're getting we're going to crush it and turn it into Netherrack and then we're going to crush that into Cinder flower then that's going to be processed with the powdered obsidian into the netherite dust then we're going to process that into the netherite scrap and then we can combine that with the gold into the netherite and we're going to start with a cobblestone generator but not like you've ever seen before back over at Hill Valley we've got an immense cobblestone generator in here which is absolutely incredible in fact I think it's one of the most efficient cobblestone generator designs in the whole of create unless you count those glitchy ones that got patched out and we could build something like this but the problem with it is it's incredibly laggy every time the Cobble forms and then gets broken the entire thing just slows down the server and we get big old lag spikes so I don't want that and back over in the snowy area we've got another cobblestone generator down here and you need a lot of these to make a reasonable amount of Cobble and this one's also very laggy too because every time the Cobble forms and breaks again it causes big old lag spikes so I don't want that either so how are we going to make a cobblestone generator that provides a reasonable amount of Cobble that isn't laggy well I've added a recipe for that too all we got to do is get a mixer with some water and some lava and that's going to generate his Cobblestone which will be very slow compared to the other designs but this is a netherite farm it's not supposed to be fast I don't need Millions of it I just need a bit so we'll start there so having this set up somewhere near our lava and our water might be a good idea and I think something like this with maybe four or five of these should do the trick and we can basically pump in either lava or water from underneath and then the opposite into the sides so with a little bit of jiggery pokery for that power I've now got all of the lava and water coming into these basins so we just need power for these and I think we'll come across the back here like this drop a couple of shafts down there bring a cog off there throw a little gearbox on there and bring bring that across to there and now we're producing Cobblestone and we want a few item drains coming out of these so all of the Cobblestone comes out and goes all over the floor but we don't want it going over the floor we actually want it to go into these draw controller slaves that just want a few funnels on the back like that and then we can connect this up to a storage network but I'm not 100% sure where this is going to go yet and even at full speed I don't think this is going to be fast enough it's pretty slow so let's have a bunch more of them and the next one is going to be Cobble into magma blocks so over this we're going to need a belt a little bit like this and we're going to need another belt in front of that a little bit like that we're going to need a spout just there and a couple of presses next to that now we're actually chewing through this lava faster than our truck can bring it over so I've reduced this to just having five Cobblestone generators and now we've got lava over here as well and I've just arranged this setup a little bit better adding a little bit of power and some more shaft we can get this thing actually working so that if I was to throw a bit of cobblestone on here the system should work now it's going to do this five times which at the moment is very slow for one piece of cobblestone but again we've got a speed controller so we can turn that right up and get that going full speed but again we're out of lava because my van's just not coming fast enough so after a little bit of faffing about I've now got a pipeline all the way from our liquid storage building over there all the way to our lava so that we're constantly pumping in lava from an infinite source and now these are not running out and the good thing about this is I've now got two sets of them and the reason for that is because we're going to need to use it in two different ways so these are going into these storage drawers these are going into those storage drawers and both of those are completely separate and the reason I want them separate is because I don't want half of the process stealing all of the Cobblestone and leaving the other one without any anyway back to the magma processing system we've now got two brass funnels on there one to take in the magma and this one is being controlled by a redstone link that will only allow cobblestone in there if there's less than 1% of cobblestone in this Barrel here so that should work so now that we've got the cobblestone generat and the magma done and we're generating a reasonable amount of magma it's time to turn that into obsidian and crush it and I think we'll stick to this half of the building for doing that for the obsidian washing we're going to have four fans set up like this with a little bit of water in front of each of those I don't think it needs to be water sources but I'm going to do it for completion and we just need to take magma out of there and put obsidian in there and the way we're going to do that is with these funnels that are going to be extended all the way up to the vent blocks this one's going to have a magma block filter and this one's going to have an obsidian filter and with a couple of copy cut panels and a bit of glass we won't get blown all over the place so now this just needs connected to the storage drawers there it is it's going through so we can tick off Cobble to magma block we can tick off wash magma to obsidian so now we just need to crush it into some obsidian powder for crushing the obsidian again because we're not using huge quantities we are only going to need one set of crushing Wheels with the crushing wheel on there and one on there we'll bring these storage drawers along a little bit bring those up to there bring the drawers underneath this belt which we can shorten a little bit bring them up there this one of course is going to be obsidian but this one we're actually going to use an andesite funnel because there is a chance we'll get our obsidian back when we crush it into powdered obsidian so we don't want to filter what's going back in there so what we need now on here is a bit of power connect that with a little bit of shaft and cover it up and now we've got power to that so that should be producing us some obsidian powder so let's throw that in there and now we'll generating that too so that's the journey to our obsidian powder complete now we need to work on even more of this mag magma to create Netherrack to crush it into Cinder flower so a few minutes later and I've scooched a few things around a bit in order to optimize this layout so we've still got these drawers here over this side now we've got some Cobble generators ready for this side of processing and now we've just got four of them over here generating Cobble for our obsidian and our Netherrack so I've moved the magma block processing thing next to that and then we've got a split tunnel system here which is going to take our magma blocks split them between both of those tunnels half of them are going to get washed into obsidian and the other half are going to get crushed and that should give us some Netherrack then we've got these crushing Wheels here which take the obsidian and turn it into the obsidian powder and now I just need a set of crushing Wheels which is going to take the nether rack from here which should just be sat there yes it is let's shove that in our drawers over there and that's also going to generate us Magma Cream as well and this Magma Cream we can also turn into magma blocks so we need a couple more machines over here and what I'm trying to do is keep everything for these drawers on this side of the building and everything that's going to be in those drawers are going to be on that side of the building so there's the crushing wheels for our Netherrack which is going to give us Cinder flower let's just give that a draw and now we just need to squeeze in a tiny little press somewhere and I think we'll just do that behind this and there we go we got a nice little press set up now as well we just need a little bit more magma cream and we need to spin those round so they're actually going in the right directions so there we go now that's going to produce us more magma blocks from the tiny little bit of magma cream we get which we're not going to get many of because well we're not crushing that much magma so this is going to be slow for now that is one half of this building complete now we got to do the other half which is going to be Cobblestone to gravel to sand to Soul Sand to quartz to experience how hard could it be and in no time at all I got a whole bunch more machines set up that are doing half of the stuff that we need them to do so we're crushing Cobblestone into gravel which is then getting crushed into sand and that's also giving us clay and Flint which I don't really want and then behind that we've got the this haunting machine which is haunting the sand into Soul Sand and then we got a washing machine which is washing the Soul Sand into quarts and gold and all of that's working very nicely and it's all coming through here so we're generating a good amount of quartz a good amount of gold and way too much flint and gravel I guess we could probably burn it so checking the list I have done everything off the XP side of things apart from crushing the quartz to give us the XP and I should add PR of gold into gold ingots here as well so two more little lines and we've got plenty of space to squeeze it all in and there's our quartz crushing system giving us XP already let's go find a slot for that that can go there and now we've got our gold processing system in place we're taking gold nuggets out of there they're going into there and they're getting pressed into ingots which means we're now generating a whole bunch of ingots in fact we're generating a whole bunch of everything we've got 653 Cinder flow 2,971 obsidian powder we've got 1,532 Nuggets of XP and 94 gold ingots which is pretty much everything we need for the next step of the plan so I've ticked off everything off the list apart from mixed powder and Cinder flow on a super heated Blaze burner to create nether dust and then we just need to take that nether dust and put some XP on it and some more lava press it a bit a few times and then we're going to get our netherite scrap and then we can combine that with the golden which there's three more things to do right okay I want to keep this area at the front of this open so I think we'll have our little Blaze burner Mixie thing just here put a basin on top of him stick a mixer on top of that and we'll stick a Depot there and one there with a couple of draw controller slaves there in front of those we do need to get that diesel over here so I guess I've got some digging ahead of me now we'll get some pipe under the blaze burner run it along the floor down here and then come across all of this junk so I'm going to go under this rather than over it so I can keep it all nice and tidy above it I'm going to stick another Depot there so that's going to be our inut and I was kind of hoping this would naturally spit out that way but it looks like it wants to go in this direction can I spin it round oh I can okay well well that's better then however in order to get the right items into the bowl we're going to need a mechanical arm I don't think I've got any so I'm going to have to craft one but that shouldn't be a problem and this arm needs to take from there and take from there and put it in there put that there and now we got our mechanical arm powered as well so we need to grab some of this and a little bit of that put one of those on there and one of those on there spin them both around set them to one each and now I just need to connect these ones to these ones and now this should get into action it is doing is it going to create what we want it is we've got netherite dust there we go we're now generating a whole bunch of netherite dust so we've done that bit which is everything I had on my list but the next thing to do is set up this process in line nuggets of XP lava and a press oie doie we'll do that back here and that's going to be very similar to this one so this system's about ready but this one's going to be quite tricky because it needs to be able to talk to both of our storage systems which means I might have to join them together the reason for that is it needs nuggets of XP as well as the netherite dust and if it makes a mistake it's going to create powdered obsidian or Cinder flower instead of netherite scrap but XP lives on this one and the other ones live on this one so I need this XP join into this top section here but I want everything else join to this one let's first of all join these ones all the way over to this so now that should allow there we go those little ones to come out what I think I'm going to do is just come down the back of this try not to interact with these storage drawers and then come on ground around this bit here over to this line and that should now allow the Nuggets of XP to come out yes we're getting the Nuggets of XP on there now excellent so these are now processing and once it turns into netherite scrap it should go into that funnel there there we go we're getting it netherite scrap is coming through now so all we need to do is give that a storage drawer and possibly sleep hey guys ow I should probably put a roof on this building no thank you oh I'm in bed leave me alone ha gotcha so we now have all of the ingredients CH so we now have all of the ingredients we need to start making the good stuff this is very exciting so I just need one more machine will you shut up you're all dead how are you still making noises and all we need is a mixer and some of these I bet I could squeeze that in right here Depot Depo Depo block mixer Mason you know what I mean mixer spin that round storage drawers storage drawers storage drawers storage drawers controller controller controller power power power tidy tidy tidy tidy tidy block block block mechanical arm take from there take from there put in there set up there pel in netherite scrap on there gold on there exactly four at a time set that to exactly four and and the items are coming out but there's a problem here we shouldn't be able to get gold and ancient depri on the same thing so I must have connected these Network somewhere which isn't necessarily a problem it just means we've got 10,000 Cobble in there now and not in there so all that hard work I went to to keep these two things separated and they joined together the other slightly concerning thing is that this has got everything it needs to make what it needs to make but it didn't put in the ancient debris in there for some reason ah this needs to be on forc BR Robbin that's why let's throw that back in there and throw that back back in there and this should start mixing together some netherite which it doesn't appear to be doing oh it does it's done it there we've got one let's put it in the drawers and now we're generating netherite we've got four five six seven of them oh this is wonderful now like I said before we're not going to end up with millions of these things so I can't see myself making a beacon out of them anytime soon but this is all working rather splendidly and what a crazy little Factory it is if only it had a building to live inside of wouldn't that be nice and what would also be nice would be to get rid of all of this clay and Flint cuz I've got way too much clay in here already and I've got 3.2 million flint and I don't even need flint and then we can put that on there with that filter on it and then we can send all of that nasty horrible stuff into the Flames we do have 26 netherite ingots now in that case it must definitely be building [Music] time [Music] n [Music] and here it is The Inferno 100% complete externally and pretty much done on the inside too oh jesz there a lot of mobs I might wait till morning to show you the rest of it but I kind of want to show you it in the dark because this entire place has been designed to be dark and dingy a little bit like the nether as you can see around here we've got some dead trees using various wood will you stop it okay imagine it's nighttime and dark and this place is all sort of in Shadow apart from these bright lights around the outside that say Inferno see I actually wanted it to say netherite but the wall wasn't log enough to get that in there so I decided to add Inferno instead sticking with the outside we've got all of this dirt variants and Mangrove roots and leaves and things and we've got the chipped Dead Leaves to just make it all look like the area around this thing is all dead and decayed and that's why I've made these trees this one is using the Cyprus Wood and these ones are using Mangrove wood and I think they've come out pretty well now I only actually built two of these and then I used the schematic Cannon to basically twist them around and clone them and move them around a bit and I think it works well and the idea of these was that they were growing over the fence into the building to sort of surround it and I've done that on both sides it's not exactly the same everything's slightly different and you can also see around here that I've used a few of the Dead C things a few lava pools some dead bushes just to make it all look well dead so let's have a look at the building then starting with this fence obviously we want a secure area here if we're keeping all of our Nethers in this place which is why we got a big old fence with a chain link fence behind it and a whole bunch of barb wire on the top which actually does hurt quite a lot if you land on it it's a bit like cobwebs but really spiky on the inside of this little area here we've got some containers we've got some gas bottles with some NS we've got some of these Blackstone lamps some cages some more gas bottles a tank of lava and a tank of diesel just to sort of fill that area up a little bit so that takes us onto the building and what I wanted was a charred exterior and I wanted to use as many of the nethery blocks as possible but let's start on this side we got Blackstone deep slate and balt bricks that go all the way around with a few lanterns on and then that comes up to this area here with our big sign and this sign is on both sides of the building and eventually I'll bring the trees around the back of this as well when I extend the platform in the future but for now the platform doesn't go any further than that going up another layer we've then got the obsidian and warped wood layer I wanted to sort of incorporate the purple side of things for the obsidian powder that we're creating and this floor's got lava Behind the Walls and nice orange windows and I think with the roof on there that doesn't look too bad it's a little bit more fantasy than a lot of the things in this area but I think it works and then onto this side now I actually wanted to make this out of Nether Bricks and Netherrack bricks and things like that but those were just too vibrant they didn't blend very well so I just decided to make it out of normal brick with this top on here and put some massive chimneys on there and we've also got these fans as well which we can actually see from inside the building too so now it's time to go inside and the reason it's called Inferno is because inside is an inferno it's just covered in lava and magma blocks and we have these skinny little walkways to get around the whole area making the entire thing feel a little bit dangerous but then it should be dangerous because it's creating stuff that's you know shouldn't be created and we've got 515 of them now and then it leads to these stairs here which come up to this little catwalk and into a room that has nothing in it yet but it will in a minute and then there's some more stairs that lead up to another room here which is our obsidian room and I've got plans for this one too this room has got all of the lava visible from the inside as well and I think that kind of worked and it's also got access to in the top of this which there really isn't a great deal in here but we might be able to use this room in future for something as well although I have no idea what that would be so we're heading back out back into here and back down these stairs there's a couple of things I want to talk about what's going on with this Factory and that is that we're creating an absolutely ridiculous amount of powdered obsidian and Cinder flower and as you can see we've got a whole bunch of netherite scraps but we're not creating much gold in fact we're hardly creating any XP and any gold at all which means the actual process of turning that into that is really really slow so what I've done to try and alleviate this a little bit is I've slowed down this mag processing facility as much as possible and that should hopefully mean that more of the Cobble can get sent over here to be turned into gravel and sand and then quarts then experienceing gold but I've got another plan for experience too thanks to all of you guys in the comments you see it turns out you can haunt Stone into infested Stone and then when you place that and break it with a drill the silverfish pop out and then you can Crush those and turn them into Nookies of XP and because this episode has already gone on way too long I'm just going to cut to it being done this isn't my world this is my creative test world and I have built a silverfish XP farm and how it works is we've got a cobble gen here that's getting blasted into stone that's getting haunted into infested Stone it's going in here it's coming up there it's getting deployed there it's getting broken by that drill the silverfish fall out they go through the crushing wheels and very very occasionally they will drop a nugget of XP but really not very often I've got 22 in here and this has been running for about 5 minutes now I could make this entire thing a whole bunch bigger have more Cobble Bean generated and processed then deployed and broken but to be honest with either size of that and all of the resources it would cost in terms of crushing wheels and all that sort of stuff I just don't think it would be worth it cuz you really don't get very much at all so I think we'll leave this room of requirement to require something else and the one that I've got plans for upstairs I'm just not going to have time to do today cuz that's going to be a big project that involves going through the nether roof would you believe so tune in for the next episode to check that one out but now what what I'm going to do is grab a bunch of this netherite head over to the library press the elevator button and wait for the elevator take the elevator upstairs and then I'm going to grab myself a smithing table a bunch of smithing templates and some diamonds if I only got 28 that really I must have more diamonds than that I've got what I've only got 28 Diamonds oh jeez well I'm not going to be able to make as many of these as I thought there we go we got seven of them which means I've got one for spars seven diamonds left and now we're going to pump all of this hyper experi into all of my enchanting things let's turn it on and send it through that should go down pretty quickly there we go and now all of these should be nice and blue excellent so I think first of all we want Unbreaking four on everything so let's click our pickaxe on there and now my Axe and now my shovel and my helmet and my chest plate and my trousers and my boots and now I'm going to add a bit of protection five to everything get an upgrade on feather falling and respiration and Swift sneak and now I'm going to enchant my sword as well now I've got no Smite book and I've got no depth strier book I may have accidentally broke a pipe and given myself a whole bunch of levels and I've been studying for 10 minutes already and they're still going into the disenchanter but good news it's giving us a lot of XP so now that I've got some tools and equipment with ridiculous enchantments on them let's make them even better and there we go I am now 100% fully nether writed but I hate the of it I have got some trims though I've even got the silence trim but I've got no more [Music] diamonds
Channel: FoxyNoTail
Views: 182,497
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, lets play, minecraft survival, minecraft but, minecraft funny, minecraft map, 1000 days, 100 days in minecraft, minecraft 1.20, modded minecraft series, modded minecraft, create mod, minecraft create, create, new series, foxynotail, minecraft series, create contraption, applied energistics 2 mod, minecraft builder, minecraft building, minecraft storage building, massive build, huge build, netherite farm, netherite factory, lapis farm, minecraft netherite farm
Id: PUvxhV0HwSA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 36sec (2316 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 25 2024
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