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Fucking click baits. Toast was not like this.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/extrAmeCZ 📅︎︎ Apr 14 2018 🗫︎ replies
with me up what it's done chat listen you should have seen this coming right six and a half hours later toast you're gonna get bad look look I don't think it's the last time I was banned it's because there was an exploit this is just using a card Blizzard gave us why do I have eleven cards in my hand sweet how can I have eleven carts in hand okay now that might be an exploit this guy's toast let's them oh my god they're gonna be spiteful oh and grumbo the combo end the grumble does this techniques motorcycle maybe I'm running four cycles right now [Music] why is he doing he's just chillin I mean not using on this so we got that going for us how long can this go on no you me no more dragon fire potions oh [Music] yeah right I could use a bit more card draw this bound courier this seems like a fine grumble to me [Music] I can't risk milling my actually does nothing about me walk away I haven't played life into yet some squash thing going and we got the live drinker chat it is all coming up millhouse the problem is if the grumbo battlecry triggers first and I'm in trouble and I don't have my murmuring elemental with my heart do the OL hex a hex hex on them now I could be greedy and you know place shuttle walk now I can play it safe and wait until next turn because remember that order is random so I've grumbles battle cry triggers first and I'm boned it's a 33% chance to come before just and on Chango hmm okay now I need fire plume this wife kind of wanted captain okay you know I'll take my time although right now the problem is I'm just gonna kill him oh wait I'll wait if I second I had my fire person when I'm Gucci right now chat we gotta be patient I should I kept the coin for this reason the sand binder can potentially draw my fire bloom as well okay you know I'm just gonna do an extra now Yolo that's a 25% chance to get F on this combo 25% chance because I have three certain a chain gang battle cries as long as rumble happens after one of the three Sara chain gang battle cry baba ganoush all right here we go okay and then this will get double true and I get the heel right and I'd get another ground ho and that played this because I got murmuring elemental two and then I heal and I some one another one and I get battle cry and these babies come back but because this has double battle cry we'll see another grumble down the line so this is the second life drinker [Laughter] yo dude just let me play out these grumbles that make me so happy please hear us out somehow oh yes no fun my balls are waxed yeah this guy's toasting I don't think that's what he's saying but I also don't know for sure it's a reference to the Jabberwocky oh that's my favorite dance band I wanna earn your fire plumb the murmuring elemental fire plume Phoenix huh elemento oh there's a serenade changing your Chang hang hang no it's probably a way to make it better what's the purpose Ola in case you don't get a grumble Oh Angie Hyrule spell power this vigor for removing my lights lightning storm that's the first time I heard dad play sound that didn't go what are you funny a dad that's that's a sound effect that's a nice sound effect we must cleanse watts visit you funny I'm setting up for a promoter Drake here oh my god they make drum Emanuel shadow walking next turn that's it's a 50/50 right and I like those odds he's gonna play his shadow walk you haven't played a return card yet though I'm gonna say this one more time chat it's random the order of shadow walk is always random shadow walk yeah we definitely want more battle-plan minions before we pop off every time someone says shadowbox battle-ax is not random take a shot oh wait does this guarantee me my murmuring no give me target for potential witness the end you fool you let me play my a walk just play around shadow walk see grumble happened first but that's fine because I'm murmuring Elemento we get another round on triggers grumbles trigger battle cries it happened before the standard changing but that's why we run murmuring I'm mental so we double up did your way ass back in your grumble sorry should I walk and then we get a six six because this energy oh I haven't played life drinker yet sake don't go and heels oh I know okay I'm not sure if this is gonna get me in trouble [Applause] okay blizzard I'm just playing cards I'm not trying to you know do anything illegal just want to make sure we're all on the same page here blizzard dude blizzard I'm sure as soon I'm seriously just playing cards okay I have to play these cards to kill the volcano sores listen you should have seen this coming right have you come on look with it you can't print a car like shuttle walk and not expect people to do this it's still going there are other tests I want to test out by the end of this week so if this animation can finish by then right oh wait not done wait wait me wake me up and can't wait so how's everyone's day going I made a huge mistake okay I regret my actions anyone keeping a tally it's been seven minutes actually my timer is going it's been seven minutes how long can this go on oh thank god yeah buddy okay but hey look it's your turn yeah you should play life drinker before playing this combo else it just keeps going forever there's no point to play shadow walks without life drinker all you do is just bring out the animation for like eight like if I do it again it's not gonna kill him it's just gonna repeat the same thing when you had to play like I'm trying to see how long I can get the turn timer - I'm trying to set a record here I'm gonna be the first person in hearthstone history to kill his opponent not three damage for from natural causes of old age the sky's toasty done it again yeah Oh decaying them not just in the game but in real life real life otk the animation should be half over by them this guy's trees a toast I'm from 2019 is your combo ever gonna end how would they fix this how would Blizzard fix this because they have to fix this this can't be left on fixed speed up animations those 5000 itchin toes I'm so glad I call off sick today to watch you battle cry limits can I concede I can probably concede because the game's not over it's still going but I can see it should be fine you guys won't concede it's just gonna keep going for the next twenty minutes and if he doesn't kill me I can just redo everything and then spend another 20 minutes every time you think it's gonna end the starts up again because it's a total of 20 rotations right sorry 19 locations 19 rotations tell us don't concede but just stop doing it over and over again those how about life drinking folks okay that was the plan you can see the life drink here my deck was on the right okay so let's say each round is ten minutes and I can do it for 30 turns in a row so I can keep this guy in this game for five hours this is the second game we discuss and then I'll be honest I expected to broke hearthstone break hearts I least once this expansion I did not expect it to come with in the second game hundred bits from a Christos toast you can get banned look look I don't think it's the last time I was banned it's because there was an exploit this is just using a card Blizzard gave us this isn't I'm not trying to break hearthstone it's just I'm playing a card that's designed to behave like this why do I have 11 cards in my hand sweet how can I have 11 cards in hand okay now that might be an exploit why how that shouldn't be possible oh no blizzards gonna use this as the reason to ban me this guy's toast this guy's toast this is the skies hope not I mean this is not the skies toast this is a different person now I'm not gonna keep doing it all it's gonna do just spend ten minutes doing nothing I'm gonna wait for my life drinker yeah it was only ten minutes it's not that long ten minutes to look at some animation in the grant I can't play prime motor Drake Kazak you risk killing and we'll wait for the live drinker and then when IOT came there is six cards left you need to play his grumble first before he can get his turn as he listened to those then bro donated to the elimination what have you done I'm checking my emails on my skype cuz I'm actually paranoid about a phone call from Blizzard cuz that's what they did last time they talked me up and said tell us we're gonna have to ban you I haven't seen yet oh by the way can you guys tell me if the mousing over up cards work right now cuz I you add an extension so that if you mouse over a card you can see what's going on okay I'm gonna play a couple of grumbles it's not because I'm trying to break anything it's because it has a primordial Drake battle cry attached to it and it actually helps me I'm gonna play one grumble that's it see it comes with defensive tools which is really important because you need to be defensive when you play shadow walk on the board because when you play shadow walk on the board you also can die right after the second we draw life drinker we and we I'll show you guys what the ODK is I'm he's at eight hell he's gonna die anyway the reason why we haven't been killing him because we haven't a life drinker yet but the idea is that you play life drinker and then you kill him sooo sucking him off if I can demonstrate it for you guys before he concedes no live drinker yet read yeah you need a live drinker now what a nice guy dude I can just pull off the combo there just okay so you like drinker which deals three right and kills you and then each Rumble you played deals three this wrong with you so if you pull off the combo technically you can play tank grumbles I mean ten shuttle walks in one turn what's dirty damage that comes back each shadow walk you play deals three damage and that's how you OD k them the reason why we weren't out decaying them is because we didn't play live drink it beforehand so what we ended up doing was just delaying the game by 10 minutes that place out my dogs that bite my claws that catch it's like PTSD already and this is my second game with this deck so oh he don't back oh oh oh god he kills me in 10 turns I don't run heels cuz I took our Healing Rain I was like no one will run an aggro deck Oh God and down to 24 already he's essentially fireballed me for 1 mana Oh God - mana to be damaged your face is pretty good no he'll I guess life drinker would work but yeah this guy's toast it's gonna hurt it's gonna hurt tell us how do I use Twitter Prime I forgot that you think I'm the kind of person to sell off a twitch Prime yeah I'm gonna remind everyone that if they have an Amazon Prime account they can we get to the coaching how to get a free stuff to any channel on twitch for some taking notes they can simply check by click on the subscribe button in the top right you think I'm that kind of person what am i doing don't want another Sam binder alright Chad you gotta brace yourselves because I'm about to the notifications about to pop off oh man that your power is hurting a lot I can't actually kill any of my own minions so there's no point to do that I should go faced in my opinion this penny to manage Eastern Europe I mean that really messes up his temple speak your piece shall we grumbling this damage is kind of adding up I'll need more zillah's right oh god I'm dying for turns out I only hear the live drinker you ready to drink it some life I drink your milkshake I drink it up delicious mmm downside to this if I draw shadow walk next door I can't play it give me the good suck that means good luck I'm audio Drake I mean we just kill him right 300 and this was a bad match up to he was full-on aggro okay I know I said I want a one by then Plaza combo does it it doesn't really count as a game if you don't get to play shadow walk I pulled off the combo twice and then third game I just beat as acid to the ground by sucking him off with double life drinker ah a fellow degenerate one time I guess I can just keep both taller toes that second game you play shouldn't count as one game it should count as five games cuz it took so long cannot argue with that logic who just played us now and get that triple reduction going favor let me show you the arcane okay okay he's got a plan I do not know what that plan is but he has one I'm so glad that dirty rats not thing so all your convo Dex can now be played haha those generous I like it I wish they copy I copy this now what do I want to copy with this it's whoever pulls off Sarah and I chain gang grumble combo first shadow walk I guess life shrinkers but I really wanted to drink his milkshake though now what's the point of drinking his milkshake and I'll see a huge benefit I'm gonna play this now just to get it going hmm it makes it more damaging but I don't know I don't think so I can wait those I'm playing against the guy running your deck that was the first game I played since the expansion got released and I haven't been able to enter game yet this guys that played there's an in-place Terran I chain gang I don't have enough room right X choco bar is hosting stream for 500 viewers thank you so much extra bars appreciate it she won broccoli the reason why is because if I slammed down shut a walk I want to freeze as much people as I can whereas if I do it on the Saturday night it's not exactly bad remotio Dre came bad either it's fine as long as he does that hex title search we chillin like a villain there's a fine volcano the second rush out of walk I'm sending him to the Shadow Realm Oh life's sucker this combo takes too much cards you're talking to the guy who went to a tournament playing otk rogue that requires nine cards in your hand and had a hundred percent of race anyone can make it work be to the toys that buzzing noise come on shuttle walk I would like to win the game oh god he's just healing my minions others to party this is some funny ass game grumble so each time I have like a one in eight percent chance to win I got mad at I'd stand by and there's a dead dog though not to when I guess because I haven't played grumble yet it won't be like yes we're just sapping that I should probably take out the bear locks for draw that's good give me that shutter walk it's over buddy [Music] that could suck this is why we don't run Zilla and clogs the hand give me the Sherman's a lot as well as a bad idea not but then again target so here's the plan each one these shuttle walks represents six damaged because I can play them infinitely the life drinkers suck battle cry triggers up to nineteen times and just like real life when you get sucked off that much you will die no my wife I even the animation to kill them take so long how's everyone doing today he's dead yet nope got that yet that this guy's toast give it another hour or oh right now hmm we have 100% win rate with this shadow walk tact we randomly put together [Music]
Channel: Disguised Toast 2
Views: 1,757,169
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hearthstone, Kobolds, Catacombs, and, Disguised, Toast, Highlights, funny, epic, moments, crazy, rng, hs, knc, k&c, insane, priest, warlock, mage, rogue, druid, hunter, shaman, warrior, paladin, weapon, the, witchwood, offlinetv, offline, tv, shudderwock, shudderwock otk, disguised toast shudderwock, Grumble, Worldshaker, new cards hearthstone, odd hunter, baku the mooneater, face hunter, elise trailblazer, lady in white, baku hunter, the witchwood, echo, rush
Id: C2Zjj-3iN6E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 18sec (3378 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 12 2018
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