These UPGRADED SPELLS from MALYGOS are INSANE | Highlander Mage | Descent of Dragons | Hearthstone

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right now along with thousand mages one of the worst classes in the game so we're gonna do our part today and raise Magus win rate by 1% and to do that all we have to do is win a couple games with Highlander Page who I believe is the best kind of age you got Alexstrasza and dragon Alexstrasza one deck that's my kind of situation okay this guy's toast oho a paladin hello fellow dumps their player welcome welcome wow this is a good hand to play our game breath and discover spell and you play Sepphoris I can play flame fired tree witch doctor and discovered a spell seems good I don't have that much dragons do so having malkos aspect or magic on early curve is great what three drops the Zephyrs usually give if you play it on turn two I wanted to know who runs this top pyroblast spell band I think spell Bend is fun against pal because they have some chords like Farrell's blessing and blessing on King but this bus that there's lap blessing going on runs acolyte of pain I can only assume he is okey K paladin I can make other assumptions as well we do want to pile on the pressure if we can holy line yeah this should give us some pressure Oh dragon breath into more dragon fries yeah let's oh my god he burn chavala oh thank you next page versus priest it's gonna probably be resurrected restraint that's the only priests list running around what zephyrus no - give me polymorph how smart are you Zephyrus there's my guy right one card mil one card mill one card I mill 3 cards just by having one two three four five six ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen in my deck really do I think him to give him one obelisk I I mean can I technically remove all his minions use this oh no no idea make sure I get dragon power discover a spell that cost three or less could be potentially good [Music] every O'Meara it's exactly really good in this matchup that luck Albatross against my highlander duck that's kind of that's kind of rude man oh god he actually has a bad luck to open us okay well alrighty then not much we can do about it besides draw the albatross feel bad early I kill the albatross the faster I draw them so I can activate my feet you know it's Everest again yeah he's gonna have a pastor not really really happy Highlander Card Highland the Carter Highland the card I drew all three Highlander cards against the Albatross priest oh there we go good lucks do country but he doesn't happen though I have my albatross right share played this for drum alright I drew the albatross already right decides to save this to health doesn't seem worth it some kind of resin but I am freed this game is definitely not going to fatigue you have to use all his stuff [Music] if Luna makes it less resistant more resistant to like breath of the incident like you can kill it but I still keep everything else resurrect oh god albatross again please sir enough with the albatross play this now before more albatross come to plays my crystal 210 that's already done sir I came Brasco Valley I'll save this I could not have to play it and yet pressure him to use his removal use one mass resurrection already these albatrosses are helping me in the fatigue matchup it'll keep detective behind to talk to he wants the breast of the infinite be my guest don't have a dragon in hand that's sad it's okay to not get value from this right there I said I'm saying to my left over to do what I think I have a six six on the board right throwing an albatross you know this occasion wants to mass hysteria again plague of sounds like a plague of mid okay how I think this matchup mirror entities still better I spell but it will prevent my melting though do I shot it with death mirror entity is more he's got some subpar units the residents make him have a keen my day he's like bad luck albatross him I please spell bender I can keep my mountain giant alive and my mountain giant could just get decent trade on the virtue of being a giant ass mountain I can punch people it's fine now it's a counter I know a dude albatross Syria Oh cabal cattle priestess I assume we want to play a plague of lame-o mass hysteria you're supposed to get in his quest hero power why isn't dragon castor dragon by the way he's literally riding a dragon my version so not cool hmm he might have the cow but the cow heals at end of turn you play both plague of undeath that's why we have so bicker so we can break the spell [Music] to damage off we felt I should play this while I still can there's another mass hysteria - greetings a way to do to damage face oh god he's gonna get the heal again and he's running grant archivist I was Sonia man those albatrosses really messing up my I landed cards I could coin out dragon caster on five - flamestrike step step is still relatively okay as well RINO's not not bad either we're gonna quite Dragon cast into flame strike or coin read o supreme archaeologist heck is this draw twenty cards no margin nations draw a card it cost zero very cool I like the quest progress it makes you feel like you're doing something and it goes up every turn I'm gonna apply pressure nothing fatigue himself this quest seems kind of terrible I really should not put a dragon on a car called dragon caster it's very confusing leaving up that one one make me regret life once in new maybe I won't say no play you can play that crazy well fling and even then it's fine I'll just play we do good he really wants 0 mana card disability sucks I'm sorry to say I have one two three four five five dragons to draw he's halfway to his quest and all he's done so fast draw some cards that the birth is a very good card though too much deal for damage for damage that can go face which is the most surprising thing to men are for damaged faces yeah damn this is uh this is a hard-knock life right here well this is good for you right you can spend a turn tapping get your ability and maybe start fatiguing yourself you love tapping don't you good like sighs and solid but yes I have until something twisting nether fireball cuz I want to smoke his ass hell yeah mother 7 more cards and you get zero Mella cards it probably runs eleking shuffle so you can draw his cars for free that's big brain if a car little uh little ice-cream on ice here now those can give me fireball which is great because I love killing people or pyroblast which is even better because it just instantly kills them ah there's the oh you plot twist with tome of origination so you instantly complete your quest oh and then you start playing too many free cards one car makes things worse because you're drawing so much cards I don't he's the master deck builder here hey you have a Germanic are not playing it was the whole point of completing your ability mmm he'll heal for six which means he'll go to 15 which I give the bank credit for his great tip probably zoom imagine let's do a snip snap snap terrible but probably too slow to get me back in the game and you like doomsayer nice don't say a very good anti aggro very powerful come on flaming come on do it the warlock I think runs so finely worried right for the burst it's so aggressive with their demon summons you have one now your options are quite limited and what you can do all right can play this next turn but I could do them say next turn to clear the board for a mountain giant why is everyone running bad luck Albatross against my deck no no no alpha crossing I'm not about that not about that life giant mm getting the first giant on the board is such a huge advantage if you get the second giant you kind of just you know oh man just kind of copying his play luck you have zero men are your options are not very high you won't trade he's too smart for that all right she'll do smarty pants who's my little sporty pants i won board advantage you get past my reborn talked her to get that doomsayer and my cm it can't have divine shield windfury this makes a lot of sense since in most health care if he has his own cm it oh that's so annoying you see I'm matching us card for card spell breakers bout breaker Mountain giant mountain giant you can't coin abyssal summoner which would be a nine nine here but haha infinite hogging um what can you do he could play the gun shooter what's his name you know the guy with the gun to get with the girl I can't pick that cause if I ping it it makes the gun shooter strong right two four six he can call in and use gun shooter I know he has named its just kind of blanking right now yeah I'm not gonna ping dad and what I'm not gonna set his gun shooter Oh Lord God gun shooter got a shooter lowered garfi they doped at him I have an 8 8 on the board one toasting the other one not to try one Twilight Drake vessel summoner would be a nine nine which is just annoying enough Kalecgos and malik goes first you get the callicles then you get the Malygos who's handsomer well they're both pretty damn good-looking [Music] let's copy that that's not a battle cry minion so there was really no thinking needed kills one for free yeah there might be a little tougher for him to kill if malygos gives me fireball I can throw it at his face like that see someone in 99 and then play dark skies unless his math was a little off this math was a little off you could have a nine nine and do going to Raxus this is such a greedy list who's my greedy boy you are again I can't lizard and ping that's a two-man a play what do I do with their main doubt my eat manner well I can't or tolling into looking for possibly flamestrike [Music] okay right I'm kind of sad not gonna lie I'll ghost could give me 76 damage what the fireball maybe should look from Ali goes first for potential lethal how much mr. fireball cost one mana or is it format but gives 8 damage shadowflame won't deal with much he could talk and that would do a lot that's some b-boys malygos give us I guess it really just oh wait I'm not holding a dragon to mana a much better it gets me there's weight deference should give me fireball right cuz effort gives me zephyr naps verb mrs. Lisa right Oh Zephyrs Yuri always had past perfect that was the perfect hoard [Music] hey lights out
Channel: Disguised Toast 2
Views: 233,886
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hearthstone, battlegrounds, hearthstone battlegrounds, disguised toast, blizzard, priest, druid, mage, warrior, rogue, shaman, hunter, paladin, warlock, hearthstone highlights, hearthstone gameplay, hearthstone battlegrounds gameplay, descent of dragons, highlander mage, Malygos, Aspect of Magic on right, alexstrasza, dragon queen alexstrasza, best mage, hearthstone guide, highlight
Id: cEFKHvit7sc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 47sec (1547 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 04 2020
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