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medivh versus tavish let the games begin oh there's way too much value and not enough early game for a hunter opponent oh he's tracking this way again coin sea floor and then sea floor is this the double sea floor tech or do i just coin out the ash sharon sweeper what do you guys think double sea floor or sweeper perhaps you like double sea floor oh i say less chat say less after your attack stretch if it's a beast reduces cost by two bro you're not attacking that's weird man that's what we can do oh my god you guys ready for the otk all right first we do this can we do this yeah no this deck is just 1 billion trillion times percent better than a miracle spell i got two shots just for you your next spell cast twice what's cool about this one is that um it actually oh it picks its target randomly oh so that's i'm just excited about gorilla bot uh i don't know if playing mecca sharks really gonna do anything he's just gonna kill it right i can ah probably just gorillapod and save mecha shark for another combo down the line i think that's fine oh dredge hot bucket welcome to the hot bucket mega bucket do me trade yeah i should trade oh i should not because why should i why should i trade y'all you i'm punching your goddamn face after all why should i why shouldn't i face rush death rattle someone a beast from your deck yo you run king crush or something to protect your 3-4 the 3-4 the king oh my god what is this never ending saber combo that's a beast it's sunken bro what is this infinite first he plays a rush then he plays a rush then he gets a rush then he plays a rush oh oh you should have traded that but now face the power of my drill [Music] i drill yeah like i drilled the huh i'm sorry sometimes i just say really weird things i apologize what does colossal mean colossal is just basically oh god so much ram ranching choose a friendly max someone a copy of it so hypothetically and i just mean hypothetically if i do this oh my god it brings back the grills [Applause] [Applause] and uh i'm gonna delete that miracle deck why spend a hundred times the effort to play a deck that is infinitely worse [Music] sorry um warlock warlock is like either mill lock or curse lock or just lock that lock right but i don't think i keep mecca short because mecca shark is easily killable by warlock it could be murloc i mean give me tick tock tick tock click nice this is wow what a nice opener tik tok no it's murloc that's neat thank god i the trench surveyor do i want a 3-2 or 2-3 do i want a bada or do i wanna boom it's probably better too amalgam right interesting oh i mean this should be good against him he hasn't used coin yet i'm a little low on tempo so i'm a little worried i see you also like amalgam of the deep which is still definitely completely broken another trench surveyor let's try and go for power on the board hopefully this doesn't hit this one i hit that one hot bucket ah probably actually hmm what do you guys think i mean mothership is rush but it's someone's to max and i wanna i mean there's a chance to just stretch them both anyway right interesting most likely i'm gonna be picking them both up so what is the matter i'll i'll pick the ultimatum i can't trade because if i trade this in then you just trade this and gets the omega juice value and i can play this and i can play this his advantage is the coin oh that sucks that's a terrible shark doh uh it does make my turn a little awkward but belinda though six mana 10 10. perhaps i have value and deep front engineer if you oh right wait i have um i have spells in my deck right i got two sea floors wait never mind mecca shark seems good later on because it it's like it's high tempo now go mothership because this is a turn six and this is potentially a turn seven right um i could have sworn it went back together no i found the mega shark anyway there's no way murloc warlock clears the board because they will be clearing their own murloc which is counterproductive for their entire deck what about giga chad right how many how much mana gigafan it's an eight mana card so we're still gucci guy yeah the crazy thing about world uh mech make is that almost every card replaces itself and is in itself a threat as well let the games begin do i ever keep mothership no no those that's crazy that's what a crazy person would do but i am pretty damn crazy now i should try and look for a turn through play [Music] i found my turn to play oh this is such a nice combination to this but my seafloor gateway is now kind of doo doo and not the good kind of thing this is a super value which i kind of like like gaia is good but it's gonna be too late game to make a difference okay he looks like he wants to tap a lot so he's some kind of control if i see floor gateway here it's a three mana reduction which is not bad and i don't think he can clear my board really early at least i hope not if i play sunken sweeper in right now there's a lot of bodies on the table right [Music] i think i want just more focus on um making him clear the board because he's some kind of control yeah so that's the coin out of the way oh double sea floor gateway sorry i'm being weird again this draws a 10 this gives me 10 armor which is a lot and then i'll save double sea floor gateway for uh otk with mecha shark because he's control in the event that he somehow manages to clear everything i still have so much value this deck is kind of broken it's it's just all valley i could have sworn it went back together what the heck is this fire five rockets at enemy minions that deal two damage each you pick oh enemy minions no i need to go face bro steady the sail [Music] i don't know you like that bro instead meet my six man attentive wait why didn't he heal him did he heal him am i crazy i did oh interesting steady the sails he might play more curses than you you're gonna take 10 damage to the face i like that that's bold man i love it see most people would not want to take 10 damage to the face but you're not like most people uncouth uh i wonder if i no no this is fine again you're you're taking 10 damage to the face analysis yes [Applause] i can't believe i can't believe this is legal bro bro how's this legal a priest first priest of the expansion are unplayable please get out of my hand go away two trench surveyors okay all right and i topped that click clock tick tock big and i think uh the game would be secured they're tradable though i i mean yeah and by mulliganing it i'm trading it yes how you should think of it mulligan is essentially tradable on all your cards yeah that makes sense yeah that makes sense what's dredge you look at the bottom three cards of your deck and put one on top i believe no i said we don't want 10 mana cards all right let's see what we get let the games begin he had big no i think i need to do this engage there's going to be a like this is this is super value and the ability to go sweeper into trench survey is really good but i think it's more important to play for tempo i don't like that trade actually oh i mean it's fine actually know it's not hot bucket ah hmm big i don't know about big i mean big is just a 1-1 at the end of the day i mean deep water invoker is valued and it's a turn four oh wait i can't draw in there i can't forget obliteration that trade like this for value that's fine hot bucket that's fine too ish oh my gosh [Music] um this match might come down to how lucky i am with my mecha shark i'm gonna try and get big mecha shark value that's okay this is not a great value trade for him and he doesn't i don't think he has a way to deal two damage straight up right so i'm gonna get value trades here that's a little annoying but yeah he's gonna oh i think i have to wait on mecha shark i think mecca shark is the biggest change like the biggest swings here if i trade this in then he could just re-throw it in right by not attacking i force him to hero power it yeah does that make sense that makes sense yeah i'm going to try and save my mecha card oh that's bad hot bucket he needs to land two hits on this only one hit oh no this is bad this is really really bad i could have sworn it went back together perhaps interesting leaving this up is so bad but i don't think i have a choice i have my six i have my seven i'm gonna hold this i mean playing it doesn't really do anything he's gonna get so like 20 damage from this i might just die next year oh no unless eight ten eleven twelve just one rocket goes face and he wins okay if no rocket goes face i have a chance maybe he can't count shut up everyone shut up everyone shut up shut up it's illustrating you idiot you're at him still super dead though was that intentional trying to think what random mechs i can get to save my life one two three one two three four five perhaps double annoying tron yes yeah that match up like allowing them to stick damn allowing them to stick a mecha shark is so bad i think in the mirror matchup is whoever sticks mecca shark because that magic shark dealt an extra 15 damage let the games begin i know which one was really good yeah the nordtron screwed me over it prevented all of my trades against the mecha shark maybe i should have bumped the shield off because of that i'll keep that in mind next time because if he gets rid of is another tron even though it's not like valley value trade it allows my mothership to russian may the light grant you peace observe analyze engage with every step the light guides you oh hmm paladin paladin paladin paladin for sure is a tempo fight i mean sorry a value fight right tells why did that guy get banned so why was he from a band i see a lot of people in chat complaining about bands oh what are you guys talking about with the mods band tell us that guy only said one question and he got banned that seems unfair what okay okay all right because you guys care so much out interesting i'll indulge you this is the guy who got banned spam questions spam questions spam questions bam questions spam questions bam questions spam questions spam question is that okay is that okay chat for the mods to ban someone spamming a paragraph 20 times does that meet your approval tell us why not answer his question because i don't like from i don't like encouraging that kind of behavior just answer his question look buddy if you want to be annoying in your class when the teacher doesn't pick you and you have your hand raised like that that's up to you okay and that's up to your teacher to deal with something me personally i don't like being spammed the same question mainly because other people start spamming the same question over and over again hello okay um do i need to come pick it up now got it could you just leave it by the desk i have a business card for the next hour so i can't come down immediately i did not have a business but i was not about to explain to him what i was doing so anyway like i was saying chat um i i see this complaint especially whenever i stream hearthstone that the way i mod my chat is very draconian but it's also to prevent mindless spamming or people behaving like attention seekers uh i know it sounds it's harsh but it's the only way i can keep my chat from devolving to other hearthstone channels chat that doesn't have policing and you know not everyone's gonna agree with it i think that's totally fine but definitely also don't get upset at a streamer for doing what he himself is comfortable with you know i think that's a that's a fair thing to ask i'm actually thinking about dredging the sea floor gateway yeah i'm gonna dredge it even though i don't draw it i think sea floor is so broken with what i have in my hand it's worth it caution i trade they have ways to buff units right but i love smoking too much is people really wanting because the spam was bad i think there's this uh idea that oh my god that's fine now you can't quality concept you can wild power i don't want to play my cheap mechs but i should he's gonna wall pirate quality you most likely hmm oh that's fine i got a guy at the tectonics actually did i need to do that what's colossal colossal is just add two special minions it's just that add two special minions our story our redemption divine a fish paladin instead of minions health two plus one get the stats it's lost to a minion in your hands what the rush whenever this minion gains attack held double that amount he's doing unbalanced things bro i'm he summoned a three mana 2023 what just happened hmm at first i was winning and then i was petrified what i do please hit this video on the left okay he needs to not have a board clear please tell me he doesn't draw the nuts not the nuts he used two consecrations he needs wild power quality which is two cards or uh what's her face cario does carry a deal damage face tell me it's only minions there's no way carrie will do this damage phase right i mean if equality is good for us right so you can't even eat quality so it's only cario yeah it's only karaoke it's only caring but cario by itself does wait carry on hits face because if carol hits face i'm dead but if he had camera he would have used it already right oh my god he had a third consecration he's cheating fires in the style at his face i can't believe he had three consecration while i play for mecca short [Applause] also a three mana 2020 rush versus holy crap 25 months i'm so sorry man that you watched my stream for that long the content's really not that good i mean i could coin the sea floor but it's bad because it's not exactly like i'm getting a good tempo play after i think i actually just coined the sweeper like i can say save seafloor for multiple mecha short for multiple combos okay now i'm thinking about doing it just so i can play tick-tock to trade this off yeah that's probably the best oh my god i hit the sunken [Music] city tax oh but also man kirk what kind of weird ass deck are you playing sir save the mecha shark use the mecha shark save the mecha shark use the mega shack save the microshark dredge if it's a minion give this minions give it this minious attack in health wait isn't that a bad thing oh and adds it they could have been more specific about that uh more mecha shark i know i just love make a shark no it's still a tutu huh i don't get it i'm confused anywho i love mega mega shark like gaia's like okay it's value no but mecha short guy has better are you serious mecha shark is a pyroblast instead of saying like 03 damage randomly imagine if it said pyroblast and that's it just the word pyroblast divine shield put a sunken moon catcher if only i know what a sunken moon treasure is oh i can go at sharon moon at sharon and then savior right but i'd rather summon a mothership trade or me go face i think i actually trade so he can't like equality bump this i don't know man i think we actually trade here like trading is good because ultimately mecha shark doesn't want damage to be absorbed we're going on a danger oh he's playing a fun dag [Music] reporting for duty you're trying to you're trying to have fun oh that's my bad bro like deep water invoker right think about it can draw me if i get sea floor i'm pretty sure he's like oh mega mundo dead he's he's like oh mega mundo dead if i can get amalgam of the deep into another mecha shark he's omega omega mungo umba um dead i could just play one mecca shark here right trey this and get six damage to his face that does sound pretty damn juicy there's a taunt in the way you can't hit me oh is a gross thing to me and i'm gonna report you to the police [Music] okay so hypothetically hear me out chad just hear me out dude there's so much value oh no she only takes one damage at a time now [Music] hot bucket initializing the scent you guys know jackson bro brother man here has so much healing perhaps okay now is he gonna play reno looks like i'm here just in time bro stop healing stop healing die hot bucket oh wow not a single mech i'm sad i must [Applause] so this deck actually has a 100 win rate so far because the only deck i lost to was another mech mage put that in the youtube title 100 win rate mech mage deck versus luther yo this hand is the pog i don't have a turn to play but i love mecha shark and i love love c4 gateway great great gateway i actually am considering not uh playing tick-tock off the rip here actually because you just get more like you're gonna get three damage later for this anyway but if he is control it's a bit of pain french surveyor okay i think i can play this hot bucket if you're up against a control deck i think you try and do mecha shark otk is what have i have learned double sea floor gateway home sorry that was me uh coming that was gross i apologize i don't want to click clock because it looks like he's control and i think gaia has longer value and now i can play deepwater invoker here for 10 armor i wonder if i should run rust rod viper for cario because man carry it was such a pain to deal with oh belinda melinda hello indeed [Music] i'm about to drop a 6 mana 10 10 on this fool cario is how many play with fire no shh oh you already used what bro you're playing a wild pyro this early on you're crazy my hands gonna be real full soon i should play this then because this is gonna go to eight and i play this it goes to nine i don't wanna overdraw so after you i have to play it this turn do you like to play with sir you need these for equality you are going to die bruh bruh you need those [Music] okay what i am worried about he might have that one mana card that steals stats which would be very sad do you take me for an ordinary mage steady afraid to play around paul but if he yeah he has the the one mana card really it's not too heavy he has the one mana card i am screwed oh no but no that's really bad for us well someone's some big old dragons i guess scum [Music] [Music] come forth my brood right just defense this card is broken radar detector draw any mechs found this way and then shuffle your deck you drew two mechs well you're sorry there's this you got some you gotta get rid of these cars holy crap [Music] you're actually trolling what the hell is that foreign hey it's never wrong to hit someone for 20 damage right like sometimes doing 20 damage your face might not be the right play but i think in this case it is definitely the right play right observed [Applause] our hardships only strengthen our resilience oh no now instead of taking one damage from my mech shark he takes one damage from my mech shark oh nice i can use these traits i don't think this deck is capable of losing it might be too early in the expansion to declare this but it i'm gonna go for it this is the best deck of all time of all time oh no it's okay if he's mech mage this deck still has a 100 win rate let the games begin i lose i lost i lost it's over go next go next go next go next like actually go next unless i hit uh c4 or gateways where the are you bro uh what do you guys think option a or option b or option c left or right left or right left and right left and right left or right left and right left right i think left right i want to say left because we this has a higher chance of sticking you're actually trolling ruins get ahead oh i could do it man i could do it nobody could stop me from doing this i could do it i could do it man i could i could [Music] okay like most likely he's going to trade this into this right the only way i get punishes if he somehow deals one damage aoe i'm gonna do it because i think that's the smart play because he has to trade into this i don't want to give up three damage i am so i'm getting so good hot bucket a neurotron is annoying but amalgam is valid interesting i think amalgam i'm getting a little low on value [Music] need light over here and then i go face with everything once again actually no he he has a chance to play um he has a chance to play shark into click clock yeah yeah this is the safe play because these sharks and two click clock i'm in so much trouble fires in missiles gorilla black can discover more things and buy more things that mean more mecha sharks you didn't clear you're actually trolling need light over here caution yo yo bro hot bucket okay he could still go for a big mecha character if he doesn't kill this i win what no that's cap bro oh you didn't go for the guarantee clear you're bad you're bad bro you did it god gave you a way out and you said you god you're actually trolling this one goes there this is lisa sorry i can't count 7 10 no not yet right oh now please though oh i'm so good bro man bro he like you leave a mecca shark for one round and mech made you lose the game it needs to die i think that was the right play though like when i think about it i think he went for the right play because he needed to get really lucky because even if he pings it he clears it but it's just so slow so i think he made the right choice let the games begin oh wow nice hand i won't be playing anything early on but i don't think he'd be aggressive anyway back in my day a two mana two three mech that freezes was considered broken uh i'll get value because i can go um ash sharon sweeper into trench surveyor and get big value on my giveaway this needs to die for sure so i don't mind doing this and i go this and i play this to draw and i play it and i see floor totally fine totally fine he's playing quest priest which means he will have a card that instantly kills me i mean this feels kind of bad actually i mean gorilla bought it like a shark yes we're going on a dangerous voyage if you can play a whole bunch of colossals huh that's cool hot bucket and i can play this and i can play this and i can do this and i go pop up another trench surveyor yes so much value yeah that's the crazy thing about mechmage is the value i'm undead after this take damage shuffle two goals good god oh this guy's kind of annoying right i need to kill this oh it's messy oh it's nelly not messy perhaps the infinite what does palin's car do uh a dredges and draws first you dredge then you draw but sometimes you draw right he's doing things and i don't like it hmm oh oh my hand is full how much is that car that instantly kills me [Music] 10 mana okay he needs to draw next turn then he's gonna dredge it to the top man i didn't i had a i did not hit much in the way of mecca sharks right that's so sad error hot bucket i can't observed i couldn't kill him wow he just plays the card and i'm dead damn that's my fault then i kept mecca shark for way too long that's my bad i didn't know i didn't expect him to just play one card and get it in the hand right away that is vs not really they had to do a lot i just didn't expect them to play a two mana card to draw next turn because the odds of you shuffling into your deck is a one in 19 and that one card needs to be the bottom three cards and then you have to have dredge to hit that bottom three cards to put it in the top of your card um but you know i could have seen it coming i saved mega shark for too long to try and go for like a combo play why should i just play mecha shark early on to force him into a bad position so that one's on me for sure i know i would say that one's on me but that's the first time i've seen the quest in action so i'll know for the future error hot bucket oh you're corning trench i mean this play is fine if you have a full up turn to play i hope he doesn't ping and trade because that will make my next turn kind of awkward also having this card and starting with coin is total i think playing this is fine no that makes my turn so slow i think that's okay though if i gorilla bot here interesting yeah it makes the temple pretty bad so perhaps i think it's click clock here i think this is gonna be a temple based matchup if i trade this and yeah it's one health but then he can use this to trade in i'm okay with that i was gonna play those cards but now that i hit this i'm not so sure anymore [Music] i had an idea but then it all went to out the window when i drew like a shark because mecha shark is broken [Music] okay that's actually holy crap let's do it hot bucket oh my god mecca shark is not balanced i think they should change this to like maybe minions only you wanna cast a spell i wanna it's like flamewaker but if flamewaker took steroids i can't take them not all of them oh observe analyze observe analyze engage yeah i've learned just more gum then they just just just smoke him ah i see you too like mecha shark a fellow mecca shark enthusiast dude your mecha shark is missing my gosh [Applause] versus valeera let the games begin um let's see here none of these cards are seafloor gateway so why am i well they're going to be aggressive right so i want click clock these cards aren't bad either yeah did not see floor gateway or mecha shark i mean yeah it's fine never bring a sword to i don't want to take three this card is also just so unbelievably strong man one mana three one is that legal that's a pirate and also pings one damage like what the hell it's a flame of with a bonus like a flaming has a drawback but hearthstone has progressed to a point where this is a flame it with a bonus on it and the four okay yo you thought mech mage was broken i think rogues are broken look at this a three mana fortune oh the amount of tempo value you get crazy i don't even know how you stop this as like a semi-ag right upside right now hot bucket i'm gonna save this he's down to two cards so maybe he'll run out of steam soon trading oh here's the second one come on random mex go nice i play a discovered annoyer tron to trigger him and he's like oh god he's so lucky he got a random annoying tron and then i hit him with an actual annoying tron he's down to two cards there's another tron is going to save the day here oh no and i had deep water invoker to get some drake fire amulet value this is a random pirate and i don't know what this is play it play do it do it play it do it do it do it but no that's not that good right uh hmm stoned by stone storm wind shall fall you traded it but then you don't get to draw why not just play it why not just play it and then you get to draw oh wait he doesn't want to replace his fish hands he's gonna throw any damage on my face huh or is he gonna trade like a hey interesting that you trade huh you know something i don't piece of sorry that was rude what does he have mr smitty for you dave mr smitty don't they i don't have any more oh he's gonna mail me oh he has a belinda in hand he needs to top that smitty to kill me do you take me for an ordinary mage okay okay each of these cost five do you know what belinda does rogue you understand how belinda works right that's just your average aggro player oh draw two cards me like cards card is good draw a card good medivh versus liadrin my blade burns with holy fire let the games begin initializing descent hello oh my mek vs mek except one difference paladins don't have shark mages and that is the difference between you and i sir the shark we are not the same observe holy crap you're trolling hello oh no if you leave up the shark you are going to die i cannot stress this anymore if you leave the shark up after an enemy minion deals three or more damage destroy it oh so i should check for this first right avenged galapagos savior fire the missiles oh my god another try pretty much single-handedly won't meet this game by the way by the way just so you know no cap want me the game oh crap i didn't expect him to kill it oops you were supposed oh no you weren't supposed to kill it you were supposed to obliteration yeah i wanted to live so i can trade it in for the big value our hardships only strengthen our results oh that's that's the play huh i want to play naval mine i can't buff it right ruins dead ahead wait he's still alive how dare you still live i must there we go [Applause] medivh versus nancy let the games begin job done job done effects no trust me i'm about to end this man's whole career by the way we're on the same page here right everyone knows that i'm about to end this man's whole career side effects no trust me i'm a oh my god i'm sending him to the shadow room bucket error hot bucket i don't even know bro perhaps are you gonna clean that up wow i guess i oh no he cleared my board now i have to play a 6 mana 10 10. do you take me for an ordinary that's so unfair like a six mana deal eight damage to all minions that's so broken then you nerf then you're in there for a lock brush out of the oven i guess i i guess i could play like a five mana uh someone a sleepy dragon i guess i don't have i have zero spells in this deck um maybe the matron then i could have sworn it went back together mecca shark doo doo doo doo doo guys i know why it did seem good but he healed for 10 health for four mana all right let's not pretend like he is not cheating here okay can we just not i'm tired of pretending like he's not cheating i don't know that much about warlocks but i'm pretty sure there's no five mana card that deals 10 damage okay that's four that's three that's three wow i mean not a bad board clear dude this guy is so lucky i guess i'll settle for another five man or someone two giant dragons then which one seems cooler they don't i mean i guess cali goes huh leave me be guys i remember gigafin can still win yeah twisting the other what what turn it nevermind he's dead oh reno jackson damn what you doing here where you been man it's been a while reno my boy have you been you doing good interesting okay well this girl's face sorry you know i just can't pound your master just a little bit just a little like poundage complacent drop the sea mines damn i should just play the c mine huh technically i don't have a way to kill me a few gigafans yeah i should play the c mine make him explode all over his face okay he's gonna deal three damage to me which isn't a lot all right should we switch to something different this deck is broken this deck is absolutely mundo megaly unfair so i'm gonna keep playing it this is not a this this is not a fair deck i promise you mecha shark will for sure get nerfed actually i can't promise that i'm relatively sure let the games begin as sharon sweeper is a sharon sweeper mecha shark it's not right it could be i don't love ash sharon sweeper well i definitely don't love this let's play for tempo oh oh hmm [Music] i wonder if that was the best play i want to um play the sunken before i play seafloor right what a super value not just regular balance advanced value oh mecca shark you came back hot bucket although my curve now is a little awkward that's fine the winner of this matchup is whoever gets a better mecha shark combo that a norton is actually being so close we can afford to play slow because we can have a big mecha turn bubble but that's fine that's actually [Music] i'm about to do what they call a pro gamer move i mean leaving this up is kind of scary but it's unlikely that he has rush unless he has two of them you're trolling no that's my fault i thought i would clear the board with my mecha sharks but it didn't do that much because he had laughter i swear most of my metro truck went face okay it's not my fault he has two of them oh no there's no more rush right there's no more rush unless you have second mothership or you played one who the is this what the are you sure are you me right now checkmate well done look i played so well my mecha shark rng was dog dog man but i i i misplayed that make a short turn i didn't have to go that turn i could have just played my own uh gaia i i medive versus rexa i misplayed as much i did get bad on you for the record let it be clear that i got terrible again but i did not play well god that's hard to say no i did not play well i did not play well was bad rng but i did not play well and no amount of pokemon is going to change that fact i thought he wouldn't have like a second guy uh oh my lord this is a boner-inducing hand my blood i think we coined the seafloor off actually we'll play trench here i think it's fine hot bucket i'm gonna take a significant amount of damage i mean this is just one damage each turn right it's not the end of the world all right now we can play the song two sharks baby oh my god who is what is that please bro oh thank you thank you there we go there we go guys see how good i am when i have good rng like i i rolled that hunter because i had good energy the only times i've lost with this deck is if i had terrible rng because i'm just that good of a player i need to order food i'm hungry oh no a mage are you also interested in playing uh black mage okay so here's what i do here's the plan i played this deck make it very very popular get everyone playing aggro decks then play a deck that counters this deck but i don't even know what that count is this deck is infinite value you can't out value it you can't out tempo it because mecha shark is the king of tempo yes um oh it's not mech mage that's weird dude why don't you play mac mage someone's being weird because we upload hearthstone videos hell no can i get a hell no chat is that a mecca shark say less anybody hmm i could trade or i can hit him in the face over and over again [Music] i'm gonna order a grilled chicken sandwich wait this one has cheese i can't eat cheese man maybe i should go on a liquid diet i hear that's a great way to lose weight take me pick me oh you're playing uh the bad deck buddy let me tell you i tried playing that deck it's terrible absolutely terrible bruh trash trash doo doo garbage let me tell you this one goes there the queen's power lies beyond your comprehension who is the queen all right organic coconut pineapple juice organic banana or organic kale organic celery organic cucumber that sounds disgusting i'll order one grilled chicken pesto but that comes with a lot of bread bro please bro please bro please bro bro please uh mayonnaise organic mayonnaise chicken caesar wrap with romaine dressing organic chicken with lettuce flame strike what year is it everyone go spread the word spread the gospel of how crazy good mech mages i i am face rolling i'm not even making decisions i just look at the cost the mana cost of the cards and match up to the mana i have versus valera shall we dance let the games begin that is the extent of my decision making i can't play this because i fish fillet right i need a neurotrons or cycles yeah this guy's gonna fish for lay me i need a neurotrons another tron is the fish fillet counter don't want mega shark yeah maybe chick-fil-a no fish fillet i think i need a mulligan for um click clocks and ooh this hands kinda bad yo this guy's stuck in 2021 who plays that strictly oh he can't afford the new cars when i feel bad i could have sworn it went back together definitely a neurotron smells like breakfast you're playing this already damn cray-cray all right mecha shark i'm counting on you buddy i mean he could just exit si extortion on that but that's it's fine it's still double trading hmm if i get this to a 2-4 it's really awkward for him to kill right because now he has one extra health if he hero powers i mean even if he i guess he could fish fish would be terrible here nice that's good because if he leaves this up it's mega juice time mega juice that's fun that is fine he's gonna get a lot of value though but i can't really do anything to stop them so it's just gonna happen hmm random mechs oh yeah i mean it gives me more options right the nordron's good but i want more value he's gonna draw something this card is kind of good cutlass courier but he's running a weird combination of quest and pirates which i don't think really makes that much sense oh not the fish fillet not the fish fillet oh this card also gone fishing extremely broken one man i draw one is already crazy good this is a one mana discover one and then draw it so what's the rub oh popsicle cooler i thought i would go with this over an oil tron actually if i play a neutron it's kind of annoying that's why it's called neutron but popsicle it comes with a free freeze how much mana has scabbers hmm interesting eight okay well maybe i do play another tron i mean if your hero powers and smacks it and it's also pretty good for us right forces him to use two mana to do something he doesn't really want to do perhaps i'm okay taking a damage here if you want to do that i do have a neurotron to protect me and ultimately deep water invoker to draw some big old cars what is this three mana t3 he's trading disgusting this guy again i think i'm comfortable using the mecha shark here interesting someone's two right ruins nice pog i say 7 extortion that's fine if he plays scabs this turn is a little mr smitty oh no you're trading bro you're not just trading you're trolling i wasn't afraid that was a troll perhaps oh dear monday we want to switch deck the why fix one eight bro if i play against a deck that is strictly better than this i would switch but this is just this is just ass pound city how do you beat this i want to see a deck that like beats this very convincingly let the games begin shaman as much as i like mecha shark i like seafloor gate way way more like mecha shark is good but it's much better around like the mid range mark where you can combo it with other cards oh yes oh if i can get this buff on the mouse in this pog nice oh my goodness he skipped what kind of deck are you interesting automaton scale click clock seems kind of uh it doesn't seem that fast you know but security automata can't scale sneeze good for late game but i think i should have late game locked down i could have sworn it went back together that was kind of weak overall i think it's fine i'm gonna do this oh what a weird foresight huh ash sharon scroll that's a one mana card isn't it you paid three mana to play a one mana card the match don't add up there was a quick mask right now yeah yeah yeah oh i could have had a second mecca shark oh it is bad i should not fill my board i should trade the one i actually know he can't play snowfall guardian yet never mind now there's two two more dudes left okay i guess you just don't have mana next turn hmm do i try and get lucky six damage perhaps i have to get really lucky right or i can play mothership and rush it in now i think we play mothership here interesting he's gonna skip his next turn this guarantees nine damage to the face and if he's snowfall guardians that means he's leaving on my mecha shark anyway oh he runs overdraft what is this deck this storm is in me wow what was that through discovery that was your discovery huh he has second overdraft the rng on this guy rng perpetual flame gets second overdraft gets random ass lightning storm no waves can are you serious are you actually serious right now i might lose but not because of skill this guy just rng the hell out of me and also i missed on the deep water invoker for 7 extra armor yo gg bad energy hmm that's not even close pick the eight mana dude why is it not even close sneeds lisa i want a chat what are you guys doing what are you guys doing interesting complacent i mean he could technically clear this right i mean snead removes the board but it's a burnt shaman removing the board is like a very temporary solution i don't doubt that removing these minions is a good thing but you have to understand the goal is to win another happy game it is much better to try and go for a place that actually has a chance of winning can you stop oranging the rng to watch error hot bucket oh god nine damage i think i still lose though i can't deal with two random lightning storm and a random perpetual flame it's just too much it's too much it's just too much error hot bucket belinda this storm is in me ugh not much to do there i mean snee would have removed minions yes but i also would only have a sneeze because we went what was it what was it that we picked amalgam into gorilla bot into trench surveyor into sunken and that's why we had the max and we just picked sneeze we do have an eight eight that was a rough game yeah i played that deck now i'm not convinced only because he had to rng two perpetual flames and two lightning storm to win resting my eyes that's a cool duck though uh with the ash sharon scrolls one mana four four yeah this is new hearthstone one mana three twos are overrated now we do one mana four fours ah hmm maybe it is these uh i think it's gorilla bot because i don't really have a thing to do next turn definitely not this actually maybe it is needs uh hard to say he's gonna do big stuff right i don't have a turn seven play right now i have a five i have a six but i don't have a seven i trade we will never trade while growth nourish it's 20 it really is 2016. perhaps gorilla pain all right just treat this and drop a minion if that's what i'm gonna do it's a druid right it's clear is on next year's scale here i think the earlier we get onyxia scale i'll get better [Music] i'll do this is that the right play i wonder just resting my eyes going faster going for the value play you sexy boy oh how naughty of you you can coin on nexia next turn oh nevermind he's gonna coin now oh good naughty boy oh gay way i love but can i get max there aren't trash the good news is um he can't coin on next year the bad news is i don't have a way to buff my navel mind so it's just gonna eat up a spot on my board for no reason what six man i gained eight mana that's so stupid good morning six man i gained another eight mana that's so stupid seven mana draws three summon an eight eighth yo yo why is this legal man are we all are we all seeing the same thing are we all just okay with things like this happening i could have sworn it went back together oh that's actually pretty good now i'm gonna trade i wasn't gonna trade this is a huge pickup absolutely ginormous this annoying tron is gonna be the difference between winning and losing enervate still in the game perhaps this one grows there oh i'm not sure that was the right play yeah this bomb is ruining my day i think i missed one damage right yeah this one this bomb is just so bad like it's actually single-handedly losing me the game right now just ping it twice do you think i have man up through around he could on nexia here and there's really nothing to do about it we have plotted london now we rise oh he played a temple ashara that's actually wait a second is it me or did you get bigger yet i have right [Music] we will never trade hot bucket oh mega shark though i mean a super kick a sweeper is like three micro sharks good morning my beautiful kill oh this might go the value distance huh he's down to four cars he definitely has like because he can't have kazakus or next year can he i can definitely have it next year is the goal to draw your entire deck and play kazakus this naval mine is gonna lose me the game no cat oh look i told you let's make a shark caution hot i mean unless homie here pulls out a double arbor up oh he just infinitely draws bottom feeders that's his win condition that's cool and then he plays wow those are absolutely terrible those are garbage bro you guys you just played garbage ruins i'm so glad you specifically left up these two minions so that i can lose the game thank you i'm so glad both of them got left up so they can full clear because god forbid i have a chance against this god forbid that i lost the game off that man bro cringe bro cringe stupid naval mine oh explosive she will destroy this but also all of my own stuff it's definitely not the sheep guys for the record perhaps it's the sheep is it the sheep it's not the sheep guys over here all he has are bottom feeders right but these bottom feeders won't catch up in time they're too weak they have to use it he has to use these bottom feeders to trade to get them bigger i actually thought i was gonna lose that holy crap i out valued big druid as meg mage his deck is built around big mana value and it's still lost in the valley war against mech mages thank you let the games begin uh if he fish fillets me i'm gonna cry eat a fish filet enjoy losing the game security automatons engage actually he could just uh no wait no he could swordfish me next turn nevermind unless at top deck unless i taught jack annoy your tron here unless i talk deck hot bucket probably click clock right it's tempo perhaps okay he has fish he definitely has fish just do it there's a chance that you missed this on the oh we did not have fish oh oh no you're going to lose this game really hard oh no he could have a second puffer guy which would be devastating oh my god you are going to die what kind of person brings this towards the fish five who have you been fighting this is like undertaker from back in the day except it's two mana oh that is not a feels good play go go double gorilla krakatoa return to monkey so this goes face and this also goes face and there's also those face oh my and i hit the neurotron that's all foreign [Applause] rogue is weak uh he then hit his best card which was swordfish like this deck has three op cards i would say swordfish fish filet and pufferman yeah i'll out i'll take everything on the menu sir yeah no oh oh uh yeah no i'll i'll take it off yeah actually i don't know if i should have kept these two definitely this um maybe it wasn't actually i don't know about holding this now i think about it let's see what do i take i could have sworn it went back together yeah i think i should toss that shirt yeah i should i should toss these two they're just not good in the temple matchup in my honest opinion i'm about to do illegal things anybody um so i'm not opting for uh mothership because i'm gonna get value through um asharan trench into sunken what the automaton throw into that you should test it out with brand no brand is value the this deck does not need value this deck has too much i've never run out of steam with this deck yet take me pick me doink i'll discover hero power hey i got you friends oh my god yeah no yeah yeah no sorry yeah no um i do think keeping at karen wasn't the right play though the sweeper because it's it's very low tempo and the value doesn't kick in until much later i feel like ash sherman is only good later on so medivh yeah i've been feeling like man let the games begin it's hunter so i'm gonna keep the water evoker trench surveyor it's a 3-2 that gives me another mech and it's a two drop right if i mulligan it it's more likely i don't hit anything good right so now there's the combo what deck was this oh it's the infinite rush deck which is pretty good against out there because they have an easy way to clear all the mechs quickly hot bucket i really like seafloor gateway and the only way i get the c4 gateway is if i dredge it because it's two it's it's at the bottom of my deck i actually think it's evil gateway because that card is just so good i'm giving up a draw essentially to get it and i think it's worth because it's a three mana gain five man i draw a card how do you know it's at the bottom because it's dredge dredge looks at the bottom evoker can draw but we want invoker to draw drake fires right he's not a smork deck he's like a tempo beast rush deck hmm i'll save the mecha shark pops a cooler or sneeze i'm gonna pick sneeze actually ah mothership's not bad either but like this mothership is the car that run in my deck and steve is not a car that run in my deck there go vis-a-vis he has a beast that pretty much costs 4 mana less he can play king crush right now it's a smoker i like that i like that a lot did you go next like actually you jiggle next like actually like did you go next i got two went face it's over like it's actually over it's actually over like like like get me up like well get me out bro bro get me out it's over man you're trolling actually i think this is fine killing that it was the most important thing but so much extra damage when phase feels bad he's gonna have rush minions so he's gonna be able to kill this most likely this bear is really annoying [Music] um oh quickly coming out how many oh thank god he only has one time if you control hydrolon summon two more hydrolon heads wait a second that hydrolon was from a random selective breeder he could have a second hydrolon cut off a head and two shall take its place does that there's no way he has a he's gonna revive hydrolon right oh thank god discover a friendly beast that died this game revive it that's broken please give me 10 armor i'm going to die are you serious 66 chance failed bro oh god it's hydra's all the way down it's over i i missed the 66 chance to win the game what can you do what can you do i play perfectly not my fault rng me that's a pretty unique game though i like that then you make your hydrolon cost nothing with ram and harpoon and you just infinitely semihydrolon it's unique i like that one yeah it feels bad because if i hit drake part amulet i survive that turn and i play uh the drill i'm not gonna question the perfect curve the perfect curve oh i would not have coined that you didn't even deal damage to progress your hero power just scrub a black arrow hmm dude does this guy realize hitting divine shield doesn't actually progress his quest complacent the queen's trove is forgiven perhaps [Music] our enemies will meet their ancestors i mean this isn't a big deal after you cast a spell do damage you equal to its cost to the enemy hero right i don't care about that i kind of care about this though or do i hmm protecting these are important but then again punching him in the face is always really effective [Music] i don't mind leaving this up it's just face damage i'll survive the queen's troll this forbidden oh one damage no oh commence obliteration [Music] bro i'm never lucky you better watch um chat we got edgelord here turn off the horrible music it hurts the stream playing music for 12 year old girls why are you such an expert on 12 year old girl music sir it's kind of weird chat but i won't make the decision you guys will do we ban this guy because we're not playing music he likes and he's complaining or do we forgive him he he i think he's some kind of streaming expert you know something i don't permaban yeah i agree bye-bye i i agree ruins get ahead [Applause] thank you honorable twitchchat for bringing justice to this world once again imagine being so triggered by justin bieber that you believe it's only for 12 year old girls and even if i do like listening to music for 12 year old girls feeling entitled enough to demand the streamer stop it and then saying it's ruining the stream like the amount begin of steps to get to that point to be cringe it's a lot it's it's a lot hi a friend don't say hiya to me i don't know you like that you'd make a cute puppet no i needed you to buff the left one oh that's murloc hmm this is the worst minion to buff but i mean the good news is he can't kill this and buff his other murlocs so win-win situation i see this as an absolutely please cheaper cards please for the love of harambe give me cheap cards no no what is this garbage i'm getting right now by rng two buffs on motherships toast your blood pressure man i'm worried about you oh plus i don't have any four mana card anyway besides deep water invoker so most likely i can still just trade this if i get three job i can play it anyway so it doesn't really matter i guess if i trade this last turn sheesh that's a big murloc give all murlocs in your hand plus one plus one repeat for everyone oh my goodness click clock click clock tick tock body don't stop do i trade i feel like i should because murlocs have things bad things that they wishing on me hmm who thought it was a great idea to print the five mana h7 whoo who thought this was a good idea well the youtube i'm just gonna trade okay garbage but i thought about going for the valley trade but then oh no he's got mutants look out oh wait he's got with us everyone panic oh honestly that that's not that bad i could smoke but i'm not gonna do murlocs run aoe [Music] sweet jesus doesn't love murlocs oh my god two gorillas ship was being piloted by two monkeys what the bro you're so fringe man i don't know how you how you live like that basil cringe say hello to my little friend [Music] bye-bye board as long as he doesn't oh my god gig offend me i'll be okay okay that's not gigafan is this wild nope this is standard welcome to 2022 standard you know when you duplicate a colossus minion you also duplicate all the little tentacles that comes along that observed [Music] well as long as he doesn't have gigafan i'll be okay observed let's do the math three murlocs to clear six mechs [Applause]
Channel: Hearthstone Arena and VODs
Views: 55,518
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: disguised toast, hearthstone vods, hearthstone best vods, disguised toast hearthstone, disguised toast hearthstone stream, disguised toast mech mage, disguised toast back to hearthstone, disguised toast hearthstone ranked, disguised toast legend hearthstone, disguised toast hearthstone 2022, disguised toast hearthstone legend, toast sunken city, toast voyage to the sunken city, disguised toast synken city mage, toast mech mage, sunken city mech mage, toast sunken city mech mage
Id: b0XCh5y18AQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 206min 56sec (12416 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 14 2022
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