I bought the most expensive lottery scratcher I could find| what did we win?

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what's up guys today is another day a beautiful day right little moment hello getting smarter whatever today is a beautiful day outside today is a beautiful day to win a million bucks hopefully that would be awesome but yeah I bought some lottery tickets and these are $30 a piece lottery tickets this should be exciting and this time I promise I will try not to miss a number bear with me guys I don't do this often but when I do I do it big baby welcome to my channel here we go first card ultimate Millions this looks like a pretty awesome card featuring prizes of 10 million 5 million and two million dollars man I wish featuring price paid over 25 years that sucks uncover a diamond in the first row symbol in any bonus spot to win that prize let's scratch those first because this card is kind of big to fit in the whole screen so scratch that one first we are looking for a diamond see we got here that's not a diamond let me zoom in a little bit cuz I don't want blond people tonight see what we got going on alright and the second spot we have to scratch is a not a diamond that's a key a little glare across a star a rainbow in a bail boo all three of them was not a winner off to the next section which is this big section here and on this section match any of your numbers to any of the winning numbers win that prize uncover a 2 times 5 times 10 times 20 times or even a 50 times symbol to automatically win that prize oh excuse me incur a win symbol win all 30 prizes so what are we looking for people a win symbol this see these are lucky numbers let's scratch these off $30 ticket guys all we need is one to be a winner and we're gonna be a winner in my eyes let's start from the bottom we never do this first one is a 17 no 1758 do we see any 58 snow we have 38:54 no 58 number 9 there's no number 9 there 16 yeah guys I'm gonna try to take my time this time no 1652 no but we do have a 54 and a 32 next number 25 do you guys see any twenty fives over there cuz I sure Nick don't 26 alright that 26 is a winning number no 26 hang that have been 100 bucks 47 no 4723 no 23 come on winner winner winner 51 no 51:35 no 35 34 no 34 but we do have 30 to 45 come on baby 37 no 37 we do have 38:43 no 43:24 we have a 24 for number for number 12 no number 1218 do we have an 18 no one 18:13 no 1 13 15 come on guys number 8 oh we have a winner guys number 8 number 8 farm juice a $30 ticket and we have a winner on it the least we can win right now is one ticket which would be 30 bucks which will be our money back which will be a win in my eyes alright let's try to get some more numbers real quick number one no number one number 19 no number 19 22 no 22 lucky number seven no number seven there 55 no but we have 54 41 no 41:31 no 31 and 57 so we have one winner here which is number eight matching that one right there first ticket is a winner I am so juice let's move to the bottom half I'm going to come back and scratch that number eight after we complete this card next row we have uncovered double money sign symbols in any fast cash spot win prize instantly instantly so we need money symbols a big clover horseshoe whatever that thing is I enrolled no money sign but number eight let's see what we got come on ticket ah 30 bucks 30 bucks at the lease nothing wrong with that one ticket down and we have 100 percent our money back on just this car well we waste the gas going back for its liquor store but whatever same for this card same exact card same exact thing we're looking for a diamond on the top row let's see what we got no diamond no I mean no diamond a bail and a rainbow not winners let's go to the bottom half first and then we'll do the middle money symbols is what we're looking for no money simple there no money symbol there none there none there and then there all right all right you get lower and lower let's scratch these winning numbers 15 827 733 21:45 42 23 and 28 that's a group of good-looking numbers I'm gonna say there's a winner right here 25 that works sometimes guys but not today here we go let's start from the top on this one top row alright and we're off 37 no 37 27 58 there's no 150 on this whole row 35 come on guys come on guys we could do this 48 2859 no 50s up there 14 can we double the 7up and get a 14 or minus one from the 15 18 not a winner 46 no but we do have 45 53 no 50s on the whole row 54 no 50s on the whole row 39 33 over there 13 no 13 21 we have back-to-back winners oh come on baby let's do this back to back can you say back to my back can you say back to her back I'm sorry I'm a little excited 21 21 we have today Micawber's if I want to hit that right there what I said oh there's a winning number that would have been crazy but no let's keep scratching and at the end we'll uncover our prize which I highly doubt will be another ticket because what's the odds are them doing two tickets in a row no and I bought these all consecutive here we go 21 is a winner I'm excited 26 is not aware we do have 27 and 28 41 not a winner 22 not a winner 12 not a winner 32 not a winner we have 33 over there 29 uh close but no cigar we got 27 28 29 that's crazy 36 no 36 only 30 we have is 33 11 no 1157 no 50s women had 56 no fifties 55 no stay why don't they give us all in 50s and there's no 50:38 it's not a winner four is not a winner 19 ah keep it 47 no 47 and last one on this card number six okay so we have one winning number which is right here number 21 let's see what we got something good another I'm okay another ticket dang it guys how do we win back-to-back tickets one at 60 bucks we can't be mad at that that's more than half of our money back then we have this one I'm losing no I'm not I'm actually 60 bucks in the positive and I spent 90 bucks that's a little on the back there she's eating lunch a nice looking to show you lunch if there's a lot of Mama's lunch she made grilled cheese with sourdough bread which looks delicious did she put the cheese over the edge for I can get crispy then you could just peel that off and eat it mmm I'm okay thank you for the offer though it's like when I'm gambling I don't want to do nothing but gamble tap bro looking for time remember guys see we got a bill a star come on Diamond come on Diamond there goes a diamond no let's just scratch this for fun just to see what they work I don't even know big prizes in there 110 40 50 40 no I'm suck all right let's look for the double any symbol double money symbol no horseshoe no over no no in a pig here we go winning numbers we have three 21:36 six forty five thirty four twenty three thirty two and fifty five and thirteen now time to scratch we have a one two three four five six times one two three four that many chances to win I don't feel like doing the math here we go first number 19 we do not have a nineteen over there 26 no 26 but we do have a 36 when I was close 48 no 48 what's the odds of winning three in a row 46 know we have 45 14 no 1438 no 38 37 37 we have 36 47 no 47:15 I wish 17 no winner 59 look at that we won nothing because 59 is not our winning number sorry guys just had to scratch that number seven no number Seven's number one no number 158 do we have 58 no 5824 no 24 yeah yeah 33 no 33 no 33 we have 34 44 what a good number but new 27 no 2752 no 52 55 56 no 56:16 no 16 11 12 give us 13 for any left I see 11 12 only food you got one more team 57 no 57 last couple numbers 31 no 31 33 come on baby 51 no 51 last chance for love 22 no 22 but we do have 23 and 42 no 42 well people let's say this we won - well that is that two tickets for winners and there were tickets which equals 60 bucks which will I will which will which I need to make sense I will put back into more tickets this one was a loser but hey if you guys see something I didn't scratch because usually I miss stuff and it's not on purpose it's on accident thank you guys for leaving them comments telling me hey check that card yes number 42 on the sevens was 10 bucks last time we scratched it but this time we have two tickets winners they are tickets 60 bucks I'm going crazy in this house I need a storage till next time peace out people oh wait Friday tune in live auction see you guys there peace out people
Channel: Storage Stalker
Views: 9,373
Rating: 4.8885245 out of 5
Keywords: Storage auction, thrift, thrifting, garage sale, dumpster diver, dumpster diving, dumpster dive, garbage haul, garbage, haul, hauls, storage wars, auction hunters, treasure, treasure hunting, pirate, gold, cash, eBay, flea market, picking, pickers, American pickers, storage hunters, how to, auction, auctions, flip, make money, resell, unbox, unboxing, reveal, mystery unbox, surprise unbox, best video, funniest video, viral, gamble, resale, mukbang, asmr
Id: baKnrtXiLww
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 44sec (824 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 15 2020
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