I Bought the BIGGEST iPhone EVER

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I was scrolling on my iPhone 15 the other day and I swear I could not read the text messages it just seems like this screen is just too small so I decided I wanted to upgrade to a bigger iPhone so I did a quick Google search to find out where I could find one and I found this pretty legit website with a steal of a deal I mean what could go wrong so I ordered my Dy iPhone what the [Music] heck oh shoot I just bought the world's biggest iPhone like actually the world's biggest iPhone this is going to be a little bit of a different unboxing than you're used to who else can say they literally unboxed a 55 in iPhone only me our iPhone 15 Plus+ plus dude I have no idea what to expect I have no idea what's in this box I'm just as clueless as you guys we need a screwdriver to open this how am I supposed to open this screwdriver stack dude I'm so excited oh my God this is so much work I've never had to unscrew an iPhone before this is so difficult for no reason I think our facade is over all right it's time to open our brand new iPhone oh my gosh dude this is a legit iPhone how are we going to get this out I need your help to carry this out there's no way it's so heavy bro we're not yes we are how do we get this out maybe we need to be on stools that is a dumb idea that is a dumb idea I don't think you can you trust [Music] me you are still dumb I can't get it out why did you order such a big iPhone if we break it hurt I'm witnessing my body for this iPhone being D iPhone lift it lift it lift it can you stop laughing okay so we got the iPhone out of its box 40 minutes later now it's actually open this thing iPhone plus plus plus is [Music] heavy what's down there the reveal of the giant iPhone the reveal of the giant iPhone oh my the reveal of the giant [Music] iPhone dude this is crazy I love it it's so big and it's so pretty now we actually like need to get this thing actually turned on we're strong are we carried it in here now okay stop laughing please this is no we broke it size my D okay oh my God I did that this is a little bigger than I thought this is our fully functioning giant iPhone and I mean fully functioning this thing actually swipes and is touchscreen it actually swipes it actually swipes and his touchcreen and has a working camera and yeah baby that's what I've been waiting for doesn't do anything but you can press it so it's cool you know like it's it's cool I wish it did something though you're probably asking yourself okay cool it's a giant iPhone now but what do I do with it you can actually download any app that you actually normally have on your phone on this thing in a bigger screen we're going to need to download a lot of apps most important apps first yeah good choice the most important thing to be honest on a giant iPhone what do we have iphon 4 to make calls so let see if we can call somebody we call 911 911 dude no I'll take a pizza or a pizza okay is this thing actually going to work I'm excited please work thank you for calling Domino help can I order for delivery okay and going to get your name order for Sarah um can I just do a large pepperoni pizza that would be all actually can we make stuffed crust oh CR for our Crush we only have the regular hand Jaws team crust and Brooklyn style on large okay the normal crust will do would you like to add a $2 donation for the children hosal yes sure I feel bad thank you for your payment our team is now working on your order goodbye we legitimately ordered a pizza on the world's giant iPhone I feel good now I feel like we're done next thing I want to do is time one of my old friends I haven't talked to her in a really long time and what's a better way to call her than on the world's biggest iPhone I really hope she answers okay he there you are how you did Rosie how are you oh Rosie I think this is the best thing we've ever done how are you I haven't seen you in a long time you look a little crusty maybe maybe take a bath or something we'll talk we'll talk later she is not doing well honestly this phone is cool and all but I kind of want to change the wallpaper for it because this is the newest phone this is the newest and the best oh I like that one oh yeah yeah that's better a pink iPhone is always better next thing next I really I'm thinking I want to bring my Tik Tok game up I don't have too many followers on there so you got to add me scrolling on this thing is a whole chore I'm like just go all the way up it sounds great Tik Tok is so great dude although this is kind of exhausting this is so nice my cat I like this this is absolutely insane see movement if you guys know it just move it I want to see some movement I'm not seeing enough movement sorry we didn't mean to me on you don't look it don't look him embarrassed stop we need to make a Tik tocker and I want to make one oh I'm going to do this one I'm going to do this one yeah that's the tiktok we're going to do I got to practice guys give me a [Music] minute what is he doing like look so stupid I'm the baby TK to famous we're getting a call oh our pizza's here okay perfect thank you I'll be right out okay hello and behold we just ordered our giant well it's a normal Pizza on our giant Ione this is a pizza that was a good idea are you ready to see my final finished giant Tik Tok I've taken dancing classes for 3 years I don't want to put it on the screen backa let me see please just don't laugh I don't even know I [Music] this this is why I'm not a Tik tocker all right stop turn it off whose idea was it to take Tik toks anyways I don't I thought that was stupid okay so there's really no point to having an iPhone if you're not able to watch YouTube should we watch I like Mr Beast Mr Beast we're going to watch Mr Beast on the giant TV dud this looks insane we buil for this video and whichever one of these 10 St Bo of money but YouTube actually looks amazing on this thing I mean technically when you think about it it's just a giant TV so let's say we have a giant iPhone that's cool or whatever but what are you going to use it for to have a party so what do you need at a party music if we can't play music on this thing it's a bust like I want to be bumping dude the sneakers are good the sneakers are good I give us fers a thumbs up because if I were to have a party with my GI iPhone like I think that would get everyone hyped just like what's up guys welcome back to my party that's what I was thinking I like so stupid there's really no point into having a giant iPhone if you can't like do some giant drawings cuz I like to draw one of the biggest things is you have to have to draw on your giant iPhone that's what you have to do so I drew this picture and in case you couldn't tell it is me oh our game downloaded dude this looks actually so fun like it's so colorful I don't remember it's sounding like [Music] that when would you realistically ever do this like would you ever like just come to your room and be like I'm enjoying this I'm not going to lie I thought I thought it [Music] was like waiting I'm like watching it like had enough for that we really need to try out the camera that is the most important part of a giant phone in my opinion it looks so big we could try taking a selfie to be honest just got my new phone new selfie check oh gosh that's not good not good at all we should jump we jump in the air 3 did it come out oh it worked low key the camera not hidden it's a l pixelated not going to lie dude why does it look like that like it looks so crusty Dusty you think you pay $50 for a phone you think it's going to be good what's up this this the fre stop photo shoot photo shoot honestly I feel like just having a camera on this thing in general is kind of a w if you look down here you can see like this little thing whatever that is I didn't think this is actually going to be a functional camera so I think it's a w slow motion video this is not going to go well it's going to be really loud I don't want to see what that looks like because I just know it's really [Music] bad that was not me who took that video to be honest I think the camera is like making me look more stupid like I don't know I think something's weird with it to be honest having a giant iPhone is cool and all but what's a giant iPhone without some accessories to go with it I think we need a giant airpod to listen to our music and yes this actually works we just connected our giant airpod to our giant iPhone ow ow ow okay it's really loud I don't know honestly come on that's pretty cool it's be H honestly I really like my new giant iPhone and I'm actually really happy with the purchase I'm going to head home now and I'm going to take my new iPhone with [Music] me
Channel: SarahGrace
Views: 2,642,974
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: iPhone, giant, new iPhone, iPhone 15, apple, SarahGrace, giant iPhone, unboxing
Id: wbLm6MLXako
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 51sec (651 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 18 2023
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