I bought my wife a cheap supercar

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and i learned you got to do something called an italian reboot [Music] i've chased a lot of cars uh in my time and some that were very difficult to find very difficult to buy but i never guessed that the most difficult car in the world for me to acquire would not be for myself it would be helping my wife find her dream car the exciting thing i came to realize is my wife actually is a car girl she likes cars and for her she didn't grow up around him she's seen a lot of cars with me but she hasn't got to drive them necessarily she doesn't necessarily know them intermittently and she hasn't raced before but she's enthusiastic so she's been working for home for the last um well since covett hit as a senior graphic designer big corporation really proud of her there but she's no longer doing that big grind commute on i-75 and the car she has was uh perfectly nice for us we had to go on a trip it's a you know four-door good car it's reliable it's comfortable it's respectable it's nice but when you no longer have the need of commuting on a highway in that regard and we don't have kids yet it's it's not necessarily really exciting at times i i feel bad because you know especially with doing youtube and racing and building cars are my life you know i'll buy a car i'll sell a car i'll i get to live lots of my dreams with having them and it's loads of fun and i've actually been saying to my wife for the last year i'm like you want me to build your car you want to go racing i'm going to build you a race car do you want you want to do this she's like i don't want to race that's that's your thing her kind of little dream that she always goes back to is a movie with audrey hepburn called how to steal a million and she drives this little auto bianchi and uh she's holding up like audrey hepburn and ripping through this metropolitan town and drives up on the sidewalk in this teeny little italian car that's an open top and that to me that's my wife's little dream something like that i'm like this that's not gonna work like i thought about like a nissan fagaro she really liked that and all but i'm like we need something that's kind of real world america a little bit so we started looking and one day on facebook marketplace a car pops up that i never think of a fisker karma weird car from 2012 you know beautiful exciting it's got four doors and it's actually an electric vehicle that's got a gasoline engine that only powers a generator so the fisker karma in theory is actually a really usable car because you can just plug it in and do virtually all your driving around town just on electric mode but then if you have to go on a long distance drive you can just fill up at a gas station and then the gasoline motor charges the batteries so it's kind of like a a diesel locomotive and how it works and so we saw one for sale ohio and uh we decided to take a saturday we were both taking music lessons together and we go out of town to check out the swisskar karma the guy that had it was was cool guy he shows it to us we we take it out to drive it and she just loved the style of it and i got to be honest i fell in love too i thought it was a really neat car and uh the karma does this cool thing where under 25 miles an hour it's called um when it's in full electric it's called stealth mode when the gasoline engine isn't on but under 25 miles an hour it emanates this unearthly spaceship noise kind of outside which frankly was cool that was cool and i'm writing this thing i'm like this is weirdly exotic this is about the most exotic car i've ever been in i don't even know what this is i can't even wrap my head around it and i'm like i think i love it but it also freaks me out so she fell in love with it i'm like okay well theoretically this works and i've said in my life there are no bad cars you just have to know how to care take them but fisker karma has got a number of things about it which i'm not going to say are bad but can be cumbersome that ended up not being the car farm the other cars in that kind of realm were well why don't we drive a tesla i use tesla and see if this is neat and so we go check out an s it was silver now this gray interior was pretty low miles and we get in it and i know this is gonna sound like nothing for like every single one of us car guys out there but the first thing my wife liked and don't don't hate she's like oh my god there's somewhere actually to put my purse in it you know that sounds like nothing but because the tesla has a totally flat floor with the batteries it's actually really great for everybody because you can put your feet and it's comfortable in this room and you can put something there and um honestly i thought it was really impressive awesome car and i'm kind of like okay good this is it my rifle like this it's kind of techy but it works for the real world mostly and you know the service isn't as bad as other things and this is where i knew my wife was a car a real car person it was boring to her she's like it doesn't it doesn't look like anything like you could see like something inside of her kind of die because she's she's like this is a car that's awesome at being a car but it's not awesome being interesting the next thing was and i thought okay maybe we'll try this i'd remember and i told this van ricky story where i drove a maserati gran turismo the two-door car in that rally through california that was a really neat car and i figured if i searched hard enough we could probably find one with decent amount of miles in that same kind of price range of maybe thirty thousand dollars because that's right that's a little bit under the average used new car in america so that's pretty reasonable there was one locally that i'm like come on let's go check out this milestone drive it and this is also where i weirdly realize my wife is an actual car person because we go to get in and you know it's pretty she's she's seen it she's interested in it so we go to drive this and this particular car the guy put on a straight pipe x-pipe so you get that really great high-pitched howl he made it so that the uh the exhaust was always on open regardless of whether it was in sport or normal and you know that engine is basically sharing its lineage with i think the frey 430. i mean they sound gorgeous and depending on the car some of them had a really nicely shifting automatic gearbox with uh paddles which i normally hate but in this circumstance it's uh it's a sporty alternative toward just a boring everyday car but so we were driving and she's in it and it kind of threw her off because the maserati has such an unbelievably beautiful sounding exhaust note it's a race tuned engine all from the lineage that goes through ferrari and everything that it made race car noises as she put it and she's not wrong i mean it sounds like a proper european road racing car this one's a bit loud and she's getting on it she's like it's freaking me out because it's making these sounds and i feel like it's going to just do something insane at any moment i'm like well it's still just a car the moment came where she's on it and we're hauling the mail pretty good and i said okay let off start breaking i'm like downshift and it's going [Music] and i see her go like this like that that like that sideways grin and i'm like i don't remember seeing my wife do that and afterward i'm i gotta be honest i was kind of frustrated because i love the cars but it's like it's like trying to pick the restaurant when no one can decide it's like what do you want there happened to be a maserati gran turismo an 08 up in minnesota of all places it i think like a mercedes dealer they had some high line stuff and this one came in off trade real low miles like 13 000 miles it's pretty color combination was white with red interior which is you know it's um it's subtle i think it'd be good for man or woman but you know looks good for a woman's car it's got like check engine lights on off liquor like it's like a christmas tree basically you don't know when they're coming on or flickering it's on some weird setting and it was funny because i looked at the pictures carefully and i talked to the salesman i'm like well it looks like it's got a check engine light on what's up with it he's like yep nope we don't sell any cars with check engine light i'm like oh check engine light's on in your picture and it's idling and the water temperature's up so probably gotta check engine light on and he goes and checks he's like yeah you're right he's like well we can't we can't sell to you we're gonna put it to a miles right here and come check it out and i said well let me put it this way even if it's got a check engine light i still have some interest in it he's like well we don't sell anything anybody with a check engine he calls me back a day later they didn't take it to the maserati dealer because i think another light came on or something and they weren't sure what they were going to do with it i said okay sir i'm a longtime car guy i understand what you mean about keeping your quality up and you don't want to have any bad feedback and i completely understand that but let's be honest there's three choices with this car you're either going to take it to a maserati dealership and spend whatever amount of money it's going to take to make this car be happy and totally refined or you're going to sell it as is to somebody who gets it and is willing to take the risks as is that disclose and understand it or you're probably going to punt it at auction which is what i said and that's the honest way to put it he says well no we would either fix it make it right or we might wholesale it i'm like yeah wholesale is a nice dealer word for punted at auction they ended up deciding kind of not fixing them and then he was trying to sell it to me and i'm like i'd like a friend of mine at least just lay eyes on this because the oil lights flashing on it which could be a sensor's out and then something else is coming on and so i did just a random kind of shout out on my youtube channel community page and said hey if anybody's up in the minnesota area here there's a card looking at i'll love it if there's an enthusiast just look at it for two seconds if you would and somebody reaches out and i looked on the instagram profile i'm like this is like a high school kid okay this is already kind of weird and i wrote this person because he seemed smart and he was nice i said thank you for reaching out but respectfully i would be much more comfortable speaking with your father about that but it and his dad was a car enthusiast and he's like okay no problem so the next thing you know i get a number to the enthusiast fans dad i'm like yeah sir forgive me this was uh so and so your son mentioned watches he's part of all this and that you guys were car enthusiasts would be open to looking it was very nice and they went to look at it after after they got off of work and so they looked at the car they sent me some videos they had a nice time father and son thing to do it was it was cool you know and i really appreciate it and they gave me an honest take about it and the guy had been you know the car world so they call me and give me a rundown of the car i'm like thanks very much and send me some pictures and the salesman calls me is like where are these people like i told them this it's been a half an hour or whatever and i'm like uh i don't know don't you have their number and they're like uh but i'll call them they're like yeah we're in the parking lot at the dealership you just had to walk we've been here for last ten minutes telling you about it and i feel kind of bad i think the salesman was having kind of a tough day it was the end of the evening but it was starting to be sort of sort of funny how this was going so the car seems all right but it was making me nervous because now it's this maserati sight and scene i'm not going to travel that far away to look at it it's still like all the money we have this has got to be something my wife could actually drive theoretically if we're gonna do this and to be fair also i am not buying this for my wife she is her own person and woman and has her own career and she can make educated decisions and do it on her own i'm just the guy that has to help facilitate her entry into the car world which is so much pressure because she's my wife and i live with her so if this goes badly in any way i'm gonna i'm gonna be uh feeling that one probably so actually make a deal with the guy gave him initial offer then we found out there's more lights on him like and then the climate controls doing goofy things as an italian car from this time might and the buttons are sticking buttons are sticking and doing all this so i said i'm like look here's where i'm gonna be at apparently he got an off or just at wholesale punted at auction not really but you know what i mean wholesale it off for a little bit more i'm like all right here's the deal he's like would you do more than this i'm like no but i'll match your wholesale offer and i'll wire the money tomorrow or today and that you know that's always a good thing that money talks enough to screw within this guy wants to punt it but incredibly we got the car and it doesn't suck and it had some bugs um and some of the check engine light kind of thing apparently the system learns itself and i learned you got to do something called an italian reboot which is somewhat humorous because when i saw the battery in the trunk it has a quick release on it like you don't need a wrench it's like a bicycle skewer on a mountain bike or something i'm like okay quick release okay let the capacitance go away plug it in i'll be trying to fix some of its own problems but the the oil is still flashing i'm like okay i know that's a sensor and the thing hasn't blown up i know it's got all the pressure it's fine this is skitting me out because i feel like it's gonna blow up this beautiful engine but she loves it it's got this nice stereo system it's all happy but i'm freaking out about fixing this thing you know it's not like we're made of money and i'm gonna have to fix this and i really have time so we're like what the heck let's drive it down to see ed in atlanta it's a whole road trip so now we're road tripping on it and you know your car guy looking after your wife or you're too accustomed to having to take care of all of your own cars because the most joy i felt in so long was like three hours into our journey the oil light just went out and stopped flashing car decided it's okay it just fixed itself and it stayed out i think it's gonna stay out and even if it doesn't i got a new sensor it was like 10 bucks off ebay from ferrari that's amazing so so far so good and my wife's really happy turns out she's a car enthusiast too but maybe this is just like the maserati is a gateway drug and i don't know what i'm getting myself into in any case my wife is happy so happy wife happy life shopping for insurance can be an absolute nightmare but it doesn't have to be thanks to policy genius they're our sponsor for this month at vinwicki and you can visit them at the link in the description below you tell them a little bit about yourself a little bit about your property and they find the best deal by shopping amongst all the major carriers at the same time in fact you can bundle things like homeowners insurance and auto insurance and the average user that bundles both of those things saves about eleven hundred dollars a year so be sure to check them out and thank them for their support of benwicky you
Channel: VINwiki
Views: 293,133
Rating: 4.8869996 out of 5
Keywords: Casey Putsch, Genius Garage, vinwiki, car stories, wife, women, girl, supercar, maserati, granturismo, cheap, depreciated, surprise, car buying, autotempest, vehicle history, italian, error code, oil pressure, road trip, Fisker, Tesla
Id: Pb1CJ4Skeso
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 3sec (843 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 17 2021
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