i bought my Berserk MANGA collecting HOLY GRAIL...

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in this box is my Most Wanted manga item of all time let's take a look but firstly hi I hope everyone is having an absolutely wonderful holiday season and as I do every year I've purchased myself a little gift a couple of years ago I bought myself the PS5 and last year I bought myself some awesome new manga but this year I've bought something extra special if you didn't know already my favorite manga series is berserk and there's an item that's currently exclusive to Japan that I really wanted to own in my collection and that item is the artwork of Berserk this art book was an exclusive release to the kintaro Miura exhibition that was held in Japan after his passing I have wanted it ever since I don't even know what's contained inside but today I'm gonna show you but that wasn't the only thing I bought myself I also decided to purchase myself a bit of manga history a bit of Berserk history and that is a very special issue of young animal the issue that contains chapter 364 of Berserk which if you weren't aware is kintaro miura's final chapter this is the issue of young animal with cantaro miura's final berserk chapter contained within its Pages this literally blows me away and it also came with this messages to kantaram Euro booklet and an awesome poster that I'm going to show you so without further Ado let's go on over to the table and get a closer look okay so the first thing I want to check out is this edition of young animal magazine which is just a part of Berserk history that I now own we'll have a look at the back oh never mind but yeah this is chapter 364 of Berserk which is kintaram Euro's last chapter and they actually went all out with this I have already had a look but they went all out they did some berserk posters which are just some of the like most well-known pieces of art first of all but also the volume covers at least in the English release I like this one and like that one isn't but that one's a really cool shot as well we've got Gods fighting Zod there with Griffith in the background uh guts on a horse from the Golden Age Arc some really awesome shots of guts and griffith this one is amazing an amazing two panel spread of them both just looking dope small Golden Age stuff I wish I could somehow get all of these out of this magazine and just frame all of them the eclipse there guts fighting mogus mosgus whatever the Donny's name is I'm pretty sure the art book's gonna have a lot of these in I'm hoping it's not all of these but and then some more there and then this is um kantaramura's other series I can't remember what it's called it might be giganto machia but I don't think it's that one I think it's the the other one that he started and then we're gonna move into the actual panels massive spoilers for berserk here but we're gonna have a look through the panels themselves do not look at this if you're not up to date with berserk and then there's like the the shot of guts the actual panels themselves look so cool in this magazine they're obviously way bigger than the normal manga volumes which I just think is amazing and the the paper quality is that of like a newspaper or like quite a thin manga page but yeah this is really freaking cool to see it like in its original printing I feel like the quality of the art looks better here than it does in the in the other volumes I still don't know whether I want to upgrade to the deluxe editions of Berserk just to have it in this bigger size but these Pages here are so cool obviously I can't read it it's in Japanese so I can't read it but I already know what happens in this chapter I've read this chapter already it's an amazing way in my opinion to send berserk off if they were to finish it at this chapter which obviously they haven't yeah I just think it's such an amazing end to kantara Miura as part of the story it's this kind of idea of Calm before the storm based basically and we get the the big reveal of who the Moonlight child is which is really cool and we have guts kind of struggling with his sword this is actually the last time we see him really wield The Sword and then obviously the Moonlight child in the little Berserker armor he's so cute and this is the the kind of the real calm and then we have casca realizing who the Moonlight child is what makes up the Moonlight child at least this panel here looks so good so freaking good and then we have obviously guts looking at the Moonlight child as he changes into Griffith and then this panel here again just beautiful I wish they'd release this panel without the text amazing and that's the end of Berserk at that point it was the end of Berserk no one knew whether this was going to continue no one had any idea and then there's some messages there's actually a message here in English it's a really touching message um from The Young animal team and we turn the page again and now is the rest of the volume is kind of all the other stuff that's in young animal I'm not gonna flick for it because a lot of it is very adult for example this page that I've just opened up has a naked lady on it and so does that one okay let's you've just proved my point thank you so much I don't know any other Series in here but then if we go all the way to the back we get some more berserk stuff so there's again guts and griffith some more volume covers skull night this one which is again one of the best volume covers that berserk ever come up with is amazing and then our guts versus Zod the Moonlight child and casca the Berserker armor the little crew sidro ivaliria and then this one is another just a beautiful bit of art really kind of summarizing what berserk is this family that guts has created and yeah I love I love this bit of art I think it's so touching God I want some of these panels so bad to be able to frame them I might try and buy myself another edition of this and just to have a look pull the posters out but I don't know so we'll move that over to the side and quickly just have a look at the poster I'm not going to be able to get this in full view as you can see this is uh Zod and guts and this is going to be framed in my manga room shortly but yeah that that is just uh amazing amazing bit of art there and then on the back there's some kind of interesting panels um from berserk if I can get a hold of another copy of this young animal issue I am going to frame both sides of the poster another really cool thing that it came with was this messages to kantarum Europe booklet it's got some damage at the top unfortunately but I imported this from Japan so there was always gonna be some damage but this is basically a book of messages from fans and his colleagues and other people that knew him and just going over kind of what he meant to them it's all in Japanese but I'd love to see a translation of it and it has some Wonder beautiful artwork kind of very different style to berserk and one of these in here is actually from Koji Mori who is the current Runner of Berserk this this particular artwork is woof wow so cool yeah one of these is uh his good friend Koji Mori who now runs the berserk kind of continuation there's some other cool stuff there yeah I'd love to be able to see a translation of this or to one day be able to read it myself there's just such cool stuff in this in this little thing again like the the iron sword the iron sword the dragon slayer I'm pretty sure this last bit is Koji Mori just talking about it's like I'm basically I'm a little mango I'm depicting it I'm pretty sure this is Miura and Mori together then that's Mira's office at the end I'm a little puck with betchy on there but yeah that is just honestly one of the coolest things that I own in my entire collection it's just a piece of Berserk history but the main thing I purchased was this artwork of Berserk which is a hardcover art book that was released exclusively at the exhibition this is the only place you could have got it from at this current point in time I imported it over it wasn't cheap the whole bundle I got was 120 pounds I'm more than happy to own this because it's just freaking awesome and I'm gonna crack it open that's probably a mistake in regards to worth I I want to look at it because that's why I've purchased I've purchased it for myself I've just lost all the value and if they ever don't release this again this is probably going to be one of the most expensive things I own because of how important it is oh will open anyway this video is going to be super long but it means so much to me that we're just gonna do it anyway the quality of the book first of all really nice like a really nice matte front the the wording is slightly embossed on there it just feels premium premium and there is gonna be a space for this to go I haven't purchased the place where it's gonna go yet but all makes sense soon um I don't know how I'm gonna open this and really get to show you because it is brand new and I don't want to break it okay so we're gonna have a flick through I'm not gonna show every single page because there's a lot of pages here we go characters in berserk interview with kintaro Mira cover art collection page 214 280 and 224 so what are all the other pages I want to be really careful with this because it was very expensive okay to start this is this is really freaking cool I thought every single one was going to be like an A4 spread I'm so glad that it's not and I have never seen the contents of this book um obviously that's that's guts there the contents of this book are brand new to me and oh just so excited Okay so we've got we got like important panels that's his story we got some black and white stuff the color stuff is really cool to see because obviously we've never never seen that oh just what a panel I'm hoping there is a particular panel in here that at the start of this was one of my favorite panels those ones are very close to it but but not quite Griffith sorry leaning over guts there wow Cuts right in his horse these are this is wow that is insane this is beyond oh one of my favorite panels oh this is this is crazy I'm kind of speechless one that I own this and two that I get to experience this in person I kind of want to go through every single page I I might just do it that is crazy the the quality of the art is just it's something I love so much about berserk but this this like format this size is is amazing to see wow The Battle Before guts leaves the band of the hawk and basically kick-starts okay whoa basically kick starts uh the entire story that one is getting covered by my hand I don't know how I'm going to change this page you know what we'll just blur it that one's very inappropriate kind of grossed out that that's in there the first appearance of skull night so some of these were included in the other the final edition of young animal I really hope one day we we get to see the I've just realized there was there's boober on that one as well it's gonna have a lot blurring in it I feel the I hope one day we get to see the exhibition in the West in the UK or or America's fine too or even anywhere in Europe like I will travel I will travel to go and see it this right here one of my favorite quotes in all of Berserk um I think it goes along the lines of only the the sound of the wind announce the end of the fight and that quote obviously you know if I've misremembered that that's just really embarrassing but that quote means a lot to me in my personal life uh when I read it for the first time it was an important moment and yeah that that panel is amazing panel some more here I could go I feel like I could go through this for hours a little bit weird that's casca kind of after the golden age I think no it's not it's got people in the background too oh fair enough I love these these kind of behind the scenes looks at the Golden Age like this is stuff we've never seen before this isn't in the story this is the band of the hawk kind of helping people and inspiring people it's really cool to see I love I love this book it's amazing it's showing like insight into things that we've never seen before now we're popping into the eclipse which is a moment probably one of the standout moments in berserk especially from the start that's the moment in uh the Black Swordsman Arc where guts is remembering his friend and then the absolute Carnage of the reality of their friendship well okay that's vastly inappropriate we uh let's let's skip through some of these and casca after the Golden Age the eclipse gets his rage guts kind of walking into a Darkness as he leaves at the end of the Golden Age Arc and we've got some kind of bits and pieces in between another amazing panel one of my favorite YouTubers Mugen actually talked about this panel in one of his videos very cool God's just piping demons I like how this the the book itself is telling the story of Berserk but it's doing it in chronological order somewhat it's adding stuff as well it's it's kind of telling this story in order another one of my favorite panels This panel right here might be getting towed at some point because I just love it I feel like it means so much to the story I can't wait to have to blur out everything and it's gonna be great father moscus getting absolutely annihilated gots there feeling he feeling emotions and the return of Griffith protected by Zod some color bits here that we've never seen before I don't even know what this is another image of guts there it's an amazing image loads of little Snippets I'm really enjoying the ones that we haven't seen before like these kind of brand new panels concept art sort of vibe Griffith like behind the scenes look at what the characters do off-screen because we see so much of what they do on screen and not so much the rest of it obviously his first time wearing the Berserker armor before it goes wolf mode I'm looking forward I'm hoping I'm hoping they do the beach scene I think we might have missed it there's also no this one this one is amazing I don't remember that being in the manga but if it was then I'm just dead wrong but that one is so cool they haven't they didn't do Hill of swords as one of the concept Arts unless I'm skipping Pages by accident it didn't look like they did Hill of Swords which is kind of disappointing that's another like really important scene and then we got the beach scene and guts thinking about it and tiger they didn't do the scene on the beach either where um the one that I pointed out in the magazine the last one wow that that's another one of my favorite panels that's just it kind of just explains the wonder of the world kind of the cultural side of Berserk when they introduced ganeshka that was very cool and then we've got all of the new band of the hawk again some of the coolest designs um in the new band of the hawk and now we're jumping into the boat Arc Moonlight boy oh they did do that that panel that's very cool they did this one too which is another amazing panel a kind of preceding a very important event and I assume this next couple is going to be that's cool I thought they might have done the really weird panels of when the Two Worlds kind of cross over to each other um yeah I think I think some important ones have been missed uh this is probably one of the most famous berserk panels it's even on the front of this art book I think they have missed some some really awesome panels which is a shame but how can I fault this because this is one of the coolest things I own in my collection and then kind of casca's rebirths this panel here literally literally brought me to tears I can't lie first time I've ever cried at a manga berserk did that berserk did that well and truly it got close many times but that reunite reunition the guts and casca reuniting scene they didn't really reunite but you know what I mean and then a load of words I assume the last couple of pages and then we've got all of the uh all of the volume covers and when they released which is crazy because I read all of Berserk last year this year um 2022 apart from the first couple of volumes so to see like how old some of the stuff is like 98 in here we've got 2013 was kind of when the boat Arc because that's not the boat Arc I don't think 2009 there crazy how quickly I kind of rushed through it 2017 2018 yeah there you have it the artwork of Berserk I know that was a bit of a deep dive I think it deserved it because it's such a cool item and I wanted to get my first impressions of actually opening up and seeing what it's like I might edit it down who knows but yeah that's it those are the things that I bought myself and kind of taken aback so there you have it I literally could not have been more excited when I received this in the post it's been something I've wanted ever since I finished berserk and to own a bit of Berserk history just means the world to me and that's why I thought it was the perfect gift for myself I hope you guys have enjoyed this video and enjoyed this look into one of the most awesome bits of Berserk memorabilia that exists and if you have as always please be sure to like subscribe and hit that notification Bell to be alerted every single time that I upload let me know what you thought of this art book or if you're planning to buy anything extra special for yourself this Chris I hope every single one of you has an absolutely amazing holiday season and I will see you guys in the new year bye bye [Music]
Channel: The Nerd Lounge
Views: 9,348
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: manga, anime, manga collection, manga collecting, manga haul, game collecting, lord of the rings, manga review, review manga, manga hauls, haul manga, anime review, manga recommendations, manga first impressions, manga collecting tips, berserk, berserk manga, manga berserk, berserk art book, art book berserk, artwork of berserk, berserk artwork, young animal magazine, berserk 364, berserk last chapter, berserk magazine, berserk art work, art work berserk, berserk art
Id: 31Vf6g4Zo3Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 20sec (1160 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 23 2022
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