Which Amazon Gadgets Would Spies Use? | DEEP X

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anybody who's seen uh Katherine Zer Jones in Entrapment weaving her way in and out of the laser beams will know exactly how these work the trouble is if you turn up in Teran with these in your luggage chances are they're going to ask some questions so what do real spies do well they use a pretty low Tech solution crisps crisps are probably the best Intruder detection system ever invented I kid you not hello I'm Harry I'm a former spy and I'm going to tell you which of these devices which you can buy on the internet right now are actually any use if you want to be a [Music] spy deep X take for instance this ordinary looking hind spaghetti tin as I'm sure some of you have guessed it is in fact a stash tin undo the bottom and you can hide your secret documents in there now I know what you're thinking it's pretty rubbish and you'd be right but I have actually come across another spy who actually used one of these for real um he was an Iranian spy and we were trying to catch him because he was trying to obtain parts for aircraft and we were looking for the paperwork for his purchases and he had hidden them in one of these it was actually slightly better he' made it himself you can make them yourself out of an ordinary tin and the reason we found it is because if you put this on a shelf it's pretty easy to find but he'd been quite clever he actually crushed it a bit and hidden it in the trash and we very nearly missed it I emptied his trash and nearly passed it up it was only when I checked it I found it so believe it or not seems like rubbish is used and then take this device small convenient easy to hide it is in fact a secret camera detector now the idea is that you take your phone you plug it into the charging port and when it's switched on it emits a red light which goes out and is reflected back by even the tiniest lens even a pinhole lens and most spy cameras are pinhole lenses you look through the eyepiece as the light is shown around and any Speck you can see that's reflected that indicates there's a secret camera there this actually works the problem is that you have to get right up close to it for it really to work and if somebody has got a secret camera in your room they're going to see you going around inch by inch peering at the wallpaper if you're not a spy you're certainly a bit of a weirdo so I don't recommend using it now of course there has been a lot of talk about hidden cameras being in Airbnb and places like that hotel rooms public toilets in some parts of the world yes you could use it to detect that but again you have to go right up close to the the lens in order to get some kind of response so you can use it but you're going to spend half your holiday looking for those hidden cameras probably best just not to get undressed in places where you think they might be so take these uh rather Nifty sunglasses yeah now now you want to be a spy don't you now they have mirrors in the side I'm sure you've seen them they used to be advertised in comics when I was young see behind you glasses and they do work if you put them on you can if you crane your head a bit see what's behind you so again seems like a crap idea but these are in fact based on a device that the CIA used and they make an important point about counter surveillance that when you're trying to spot people who are following you the idea is to put them to sleep act normally but then do something that catches them out that can be a maneuver it can be using a shop window to get a reflection or even if you did it on a select basis using a device like this just to get that Glimpse where they don't expect you to get it and the importance of looking behind you is this they may change their clothes they may change all sorts of things about themselves but they can't change their faces so when you're a spy you remember faces so any chance to see those faces behind you is a chance you need to take see the same face or the same features twice you know know they're out there abandon your mission this looks like a useful spy device you get loads of these on the internet lock picks now there are lots of YouTube videos out there showing the you the principles of how to pick a lock and you might imagine that spies spend a lot of their time picking locks and carrying out things such as these but we don't and the reason is this if you're found with these on you in a foreign country then you're up to no good they're more likely to think you're a burglar than a spy but they're certainly likely to arrest you or take greater interest in you secondly although you've seen all those YouTube videos you in fact need to spend a lot of time practicing a lot of the modern locks that you get are are not as easy to pick as the videos lead you to believe and also most of the Places You'll need to get access to as a spy they'll have electronic locks and other kind of locks so the way that spies do it is one of two ways either they get a technical officer to come in look at the Lock and make you a key or a skeleton key that will work on that lock so you don't have to do any of this lockpicking stuff or you find a way to actually get a genuine key from one of your agents and use it like that so lockpicking great fun as a hobby not much use for spies concealments let's say that you're working in a foreign country either from a hotel or some base that you control where do you conceal the intelligence that you've stolen this is the sort of thing that works it's an ordinary plug socket will pass most inspections and you can see it's got quite a capacity to hold your micro film or your secret documents or whatever all these sort of concealments are good the trouble is good search teams will test it to see if it works because they'll be wondering if it's also got a camera in or an audio bug you can also get sockets that will do that I can tell you about the the best concealment I ever found I was investigating an Iranian spy another Iranian spy and I found his secret safe which was hidden behind a bookcase in his flat got a specialist safe cracker in who opened the safe for me the safe was empty you can't imagine how gut Ed I was when I found that however his wife who was present while the search was going on because this was an official search actually said oh by the way he's got another one just behind it and in fact you could lift out the entire safe and there was another safe behind it and when we cracked that that's where the papers were but if she hadn't cracked if she hadn't told me about it I would never have found it and I guarantee no other search team would because you just don't look that bar so use your imagination that's the best way to build and use any concealment that you might use in your property you can get hidden cameras in all kinds of devices this one uh is in a necklace but you can get them in hats in pens uh you can buy little button cams which uh you can wear and film like that and you may have seen investigative TV programs which use those things when they're doing undercover investigation the trouble with all these devices and I think I've used most of them at one one time or another is that you're usually using them not so much to record the person who's talking because you could just use an audio device for that they do it to make good television but that's not what spies do we're not interested in good television we're interested in data we're interested in things like the numbers on a keypad that somebody punches in you might want to film that we're interested in the combination of a safe we're interested in filming their signature when you want very specific Intelligence on a job like that if your camera's in a necklace or a hat or your wrist watch or even a pen it can be Ruddy difficult to actually get the right angle as they are opening that safe and you end up doing this with your hat or your necklace or your watch so nine times out of 10 these devices although they sound like a good idea they're actually no use at all you'd be slightly better off if you want to film something with something like this spy pen unlike the necklace which is attached to you or the hat which you'll be wearing at least with the pen you can manipulate it with without looking suspicious so you've got a better chance of getting the key shot of that combination or the signature or whatever intelligence it is that you need to use but again these are terribly welln and on a search to any high security premises this will probably be picked up so use it with discretion now this is um what they call a lie detector test their proper name is polygraph because all these test do is Monitor certain outputs from the body such as blood pressure respiration rate and so forth Now in America they love lie detectors they're used for all sorts of purposes but the truth is spies know they don't work there is no machine that can currently tell if you're lying none of them reliably work take these lie detectors the CIA will give you a polygraph test if you are selected to be a CIA officer but in fact they're not interested in the results of the um polygraph test because it's known these veryy too much what they do is they give you a polygraph test and then the polygraph tester says to you well thank you for that um we're interested in your responses I got to tell you it's quite clear to me from some of the responses you've given to the test that you've not been quite honest often they highlight things like drugs use or previous criminal record and they say what I'll do is we're going to give you another test on those key questions this time I'd like you to be really honest with your answer because otherwise your entire application could be in doubt and would you believe about nine times out of 10 people will confess to drug use or something else in their background that they weren't actually going to say because they believe the machine has really picked up a lie it hasn't it's a contract and I teach people all over the world how to beat polygraphs or lie detectors as people mistakenly call them and the answer is don't worry it can't tell relax just do the test they still won't know we've actually done a dating show with the LI detect attention I did it for a Belgian TV company they were doing a thing on spies Tim riss who's a a very big Belgian TV star part of that he wanted to be talked to be be a lie detector I took him through it and showed him and he could see it wasn't working and you could actually see the guy as moving the needles with his finger to try and show where the lies were that's how bad it was so yeah anyway I digress so you might want to record audio or video details of a person a meeting who knows what and you can buy quite cheaply now on the internet some of these tiny little um Chinese spy cameras as you can see they're really small now you can't just stick this on a bookshelf or whatever it's going to be spotted the reason you use these nice small cameras is because you can build them into things like books or tins or cuddly toys there's always one big problem which is power now the battery in this will stay for about 4 hours so if you're hoping to film activity in a location for any length of time this won't do it one solution to that is to use something like this which is is actually connected to the Main's power now this hasn't got video it's got audio but a people will move them and B often because these things are on the floor the audio can be terrible so you have to practice a lot with these you can't just plug them in a room and expect to hear everything as with all these devices planning and Imagination is what really counts so how do you detect if somebody has been into your room into your office um your hotel room some premises that you want to protect how do spies protect those rooms well one way that you can protect a room is with a laser trap such as this now these are so common these are in fact used by children for a game the idea is the same everywhere that they shine an invisible laser light that's picked up by a receiver if you break the beam then it sounds an alarm or sets off a camera or whatever the particular trap is anybody who's seen Katherine Zer Jones in Entrapment weaving her way in and out of the laser beams we know exactly how these work the trouble is if you turn up in Teran with these in your luggage chances are they're going to ask some questions so what do real spies do well they use a pretty low Tech solution crisps crisps are probably the best Intruder detection system ever invented I kid you not so you going to eat the crisps do I look like a man who eats too many crisp don't answer that why are they good because you take a crisp any crisp and you place it under a rug in the room or under the doorm or somewhere where somebody is likely to tread if they Tread On It They'll break it now as you can see this crisp very distinctive shape once they've broken it there's no way they're hiding the fact they're broken even if they rush out and buy another packet of crisps they're not going to find a crisp like this if I get stopped going into a country then nobody's going to question the fact that I've got something like crisps and the best thing of all is not only does it work to spot whether somebody has come into your room while you're out but you also get to eat the crisp
Channel: People Are Deep
Views: 120,373
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: amazon gadgets, gadgets on amazon, top 10, spy gadgets, new gadgets, unique gadgets, cool gadgets, smart gadgets, new gadgets on amazon, coolest gadgets, amazon gadgets 2023, amazon gadgets review, gadgets on amazon 2024, amazon gadgets you need or dont
Id: dJgLnNK78YI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 4sec (784 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 15 2024
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