I Bought An Amazon Return Pallet and found this.. (MINI TESLA)

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[Music] hey yo what's up ladies and gentlemen it's your boy and welcome back to another video that was so hard this should be the longest intro ever [Music] today we are back with another amazon return palette but this time it's a little bit different we got the big body return palette today if you guys remember we did one of these a while ago and we got a ps5 in that one so very excited to see what we have in today's we don't have as many items but they're all very large items none of these were purchased but if you guys want to see us do a live amazon return palette unboxing be sure to go follow me on amazon live i'm going to put a link down below in the description i live stream every thursday at 1 p.m and we're going to be doing one of these live with you guys so with that being said one second yeah okay now guys i don't know if you could see but like i think we have a vehicle of some kind in here oh really this return palette might have a tesla in it believe it or not that's what my theory is what's this what's this first item okay i think that's the time machine as you all know i do a lot of online shopping and you may remember today's sponsor from a previous video as shop tagger they have rebranded and are now called karma karma is an app and chrome extension that ensures you never miss a price drop or coupon code i've been using karma to stay updated when new products come in stock and i managed to use them to get a new ps5 and a graphics card from best buy recently karma is super easy to set up just a few clicks and you can get the karma button added onto your chrome browser you can go to any of your favorite websites and get notified using karma to see if those products come back in stock or if they go on sale you can also save and organize these items in lists to make sure you shop more mindfully and do fewer impulse purchases there's also a special feature so when you're shopping online karma will use clever tech to see if there are any coupon codes available for what you're looking to buy and then they automatically apply them at checkout so make sure you get the chrome extension also when shopping with select retailers you can now earn karma cash added directly to your paypal account so make sure to check out the link down below in the description download karma for both your phone and your computer so that you can make sure you are saving as much money as possible while shopping online now back to the video all right this is a minigun okay what's this what's this what the [ __ ] this looks like a lamp base i don't think it looks like a spaceship launch pad jay's been editing too much for our new channel the space race if you guys want to check it out we just launched a sister channel to the tesla space called the space race where we talk about all things space related so there's a link to that down below in the description as well okay wait one thing at a time one thing at a time okay okay you're getting too ahead of yourself hey yeah i think it's a lamp i told you we're time traveling here maybe not a lamp guys comment down below what you think this is space what the [ __ ] is this yo yo yo this does look like some futuristic tech of some kind what this deserves what is that who also made that ai temperature screening system oh is this like some airport security [ __ ] oh this is some high-tech i'm making you guys check use this every time before you come in the office smash the like button already this is probably the most interesting return palette product we've ever got we're going to space it's a time machine it's a space travel time continuum machine oh it's a time machine you put two of these you walk in between and you end up with dinosaurs okay we're gonna set this up and you may never see us again we might be in the future we might go back in time and if you like this video we will go back in time and help you out so smash the like button right now and we'll see you a few years ago and make sure your things go well for you in the future i'm sorry i'm going to help myself that too but jase that's why we're both going and we're going to buy a bunch of bitcoin and then we're going to give you guys some okay start building tesla myself the tel what did we call it teleportation device it's complete and it's not a teleportation device look at this oh man i look good 97.7 degrees fahrenheit jay what are you 97.9 that's a pass and you can now fly it's your airways i don't know what exact i think you can put this in like a store or at an airport and you walk up to it and then it tells you what your temperature is and then tells you whether it's a pass or we haven't failed we should try well we're going to rig it to make it fail okay we've got a heater i'm going to put it on my face well it's hot how long do you think i ha i was really hot oh [ __ ] is that 97.9 oh it's so hot what if i do this oh 102 fail abnormal temperature alert alert oh damn oh that's so uncomfortable so we know it works if you're hotter than whatever the temperature is i don't know what it is but whatever a fever would be i'm guessing and then i think you can also set up things for badges so you could use it for more than just the temperature screening but it's not a time machine surprisingly or a teleportation i don't remember what it was you said it was next item oh space yeah no it's not jay's gonna see how much that thing is and we're gonna check out the next item this one looks a little bit more uh normal it says sit stand desktop workstation some vlog when you get these ones you just always make your money back this has to be a few hundred bucks no oh okay we found what it's supposed to look like pretty close it's actually a screening system for kovit did it say how much it is is that that is there multiple versions what's the cheapest one it's min two grand money made that's it okay it's 300 bucks we've got a little carried away there that's still great that's still a dub it was like the first thing we saw was three thousand dollars we thought it was over it was three grand we'll end the video right here exactly it's a sit stand desk so i think you put it on a desk and then it allows that desk to go from seated to standing that's pretty cool ryze x pro this is cool but like we've all seen these before you just put it on your desk and then it can go up higher go down lower whatever it is you need oh [ __ ] that's pretty wavy sit stand desk 200 bucks or you can buy a sit stand desk for 300 bucks it's kind of ugly i'm gonna say it's not like aesthetically throwing this on top of your desk not the biggest vibe imo but it is cool and it's ours for 200 bucks so if you guys want to buy it it is on the website should we just sell this stuff to you guys on our website i feel like we can just do that because i'm not going to use this and i'd sell it to someone for like 50 bucks maybe we'll just start putting stuff on there for a fraction of the price and then if you guys want it you can buy it okay next item what is this it's a fishing rod yeah fishing maybe i'll take this up to the cottage it looks like it's missing some pieces oh perfect now you don't even have to go home you could just sleep here i think this is your size touche well well-played is it for cribs yes this is a premium oh okay well should we put it on the website i don't know what to do with any of this stuff that's the problem i do these videos and then i'm just left with random things next is says acid oh no sorry you're just gonna cut like the tip is that a snowboard smartass oh it's a piece of vinyl tile flooring why would anyone buy one of these it's thick luxury vinyl tile yeah yeah we need a bunch of this our flooring here is still cement imagine the office covered in that i'll be very expensive i'm not doing it okay next item oh it's a porsche i think it's a porsche oh my god if this works my childhood dreams have just come true oh my god oh there's tires oh it's a it's a luxury vehicle what you know about getting cars in your return pallets look at the seats this is like perfect size for me just saying it because i knew you were gonna say it i'm just getting it out of the way [Laughter] oh my god i think it's a porch or a ferrari if this thing works this has to be at least 500 bucks okay okay we're gonna put this together and see if we can get it working okay the back of it is is not looking pretty the front looks pretty good is this a porsche or ferrari it's not a tesla i don't know what it is it's a f for porsche oh you think this honk it even has an emergency brake this is kind of comfy still like it's safe to say we upgraded you get it got it you can see the back uh has seen better days kind of looks like our tesla roadster after i went a little crazy with it and ran it into the cement and it exploded oh this is legit you guys thought this was a sit stand desk but it's actually a mini car jack look at that you see those tires moving you see the engine dougie oh the lights nope oh there we go the headlight wait so can we drive it i'm so sad the bumper is destroyed because this would have i think it would be perfect otherwise we do not care okay moment of truth you can feel the back tire just struggling it's definitely montage time baby [Music] [Music] let me out into the real world i gotta flex on these fools what's good what's good the wheel is [ __ ] watch i'm giving it okay we're gonna see how fast this can go even though this is so absolutely destroyed it's kind of amazing eat my dust all right here we go again last time we lost the wheel doing this just cause it's raining we still gotta film the video oh rip it through puddles baby all right open the door i'm getting it it's freezing watch this watch this [Laughter] e-brake it's my parking garage [Music] feels good to be a gangster all right ladies and gentlemen another amazon return palette in the books again if you want to watch me live unboxing another one of these be sure to follow me on amazon live link down below in the description i'm going to be live said that word so many times in the last five seconds on thursday at 1 p.m eastern standard time so you don't want to miss it as always thank you guys so much for watching and i will i don't are you okay you're okay are you okay though okay thank you so much for watching and we will catch you next time toodles
Channel: ItsYeBoi
Views: 116,558
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: amazon pallet, amazon returns pallet, amazon customer returns, amazon pallets, itsyeboi, unboxing, returns, mystery box, amazon, tesla, mini tesla, tech, amazon tech, massive unboxing, resale, reselling, liquidation, amazon liquidation, amazon return box, amazon returns unboxing, amazon return pallet, amazon returns pallet unboxing, liquidation unboxing, liquidations, mystery unboxing, amazon returns, returns pallet unboxing, tech returns, amazon return pallets, itsyeboi amazon pallet
Id: hiyiVDl6vYM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 59sec (719 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 02 2021
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