I Bought a £150 ($200) Gaming PC From Facebook - But What's Inside?

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hello everyone and welcome to another video now if you have Facebook then you've more than likely come across the Facebook marketplace the integrated buying and selling site that a lot of people post their unwanted sometimes junk on now I've had mixed experiences with this I've bought a few PC parts from there in the past some of which have turned out to be the real deal and some I've got for a pretty decent price but other times I've been ripped off all that aside and when I saw this PC on there I decided I just had to have it considering it looks quite decent spec wise now this was listed as coming with an i-5 GTX 770 as well as a 1 terabyte hard drive all for the grand sum of 120 British pounds roughly 150 US dollars now I expected to have to clean it up a little bit as you normally do with used PC's or components but I was more than happy to pay this asking price however things took a pretty dramatic and hectic turn it seems that everybody was after this PC and the seller kept messaging me saying oh I've got someone else offering me this someone else has offered me this can you come and pick it out first because if you can you can have it literally there was a long waiting list for this system because as soon as someone spots a bargain on there everyone jumps on it and I thought right I've got to get this thing so I jumped in my car drove a couple of towns over which in the UK means about 30 minutes so nothing significant and I picked it up I ended up paying 150 pounds because someone said they would match the asking price and I thought you know what I'll slip him an extra 10 I went on there now as far as the basic specs were concerned I knew that there was an i5 processor in here eight gigs of ram and a gtx 770 from the pictures what I didn't know though was what the exact specs were what the other items like the motherboard the PSU and the hard drive make was for example so when we got it home it was time to slide open the case and see exactly what was inside but first as you can imagine this system needed a little bit of a cleanup so the first thing to do was to determine the specifications of this machine the case is a good place to start as it seems to be a bit fennecs prodigy an ITEX enclosure used in this case by PC specialists this one's seen better days it's got a few blemishes here and there and one of the handles has snapped off at the screw so it's a little loose it's also very dusty but to be honest most secondhand pcs I buy are and a bit of dirt never put me off I wanted to take a little peek inside first so I attempted to take the top mesh part off here as you can see and it took me a lot longer than it should have I do like the design and shape of this system and the way that everything sits inside here but it will only accommodate ITX motherboards from what I understand and it seems a little fiddly to work on but to be honest if you're not always swapping out your PC specs like me then this won't be a massive issue opening up the case one hand it also proved to be quite the challenge but I was excited to get an idea of the full specifications as well as the overall condition of this machine both inside and out the first thing you'll notice is the pallet gtx 770 it seems the spider had at one point decided to make this one its home and i don't blame it because the triple fan design of this card provides the perfect call airflow during the warm summer months i was also surprised to see an SSD hiding around the back here because I had read there was one terabyte of storage but not a separate dedicated OS Drive which was a nice bonus it's a Kingston one too which is pretty cool I turned it on to test it and during this time I discovered that the full specifications are as follows an Intel Core i5 46 70 K 8 gigs of 1600 megahertz HyperX ddr3 a 1 terabyte SATA hard drive with the aforementioned 120 gig SSD a DVD drive the BitFenix ITX case and of course the palette 770 which is the 2 gig version I want a Corsair vs 650 which is a questionable unit and finds itself in the second-to-last tear of my go to PSU quality list over at Linus tech tips an IOC 19 inch monitor was also included in the price as you can see I disassembled the whole system to clean it up and this gave me a better chance to see how the case looked inside it's a very aesthetically pleasing chassis and you ever get the feeling you're being watched anyway the fans of the 770 should give you an idea of the dust that had built up over the years not just here but across all the components after spending about three hours outside this PC was looking pretty tidy I've also removed the dust filters that sat behind the front and the top mesh because they were too far guns are clean and this is okay to do if you don't mind dusting your system a little more often I certainly don't in fact I find it pretty fun is that just me I'm really happy with the overall outcome here but the next step is to see how well these specs work together when it comes to running new games first things first though and it was time to test the processors performance I've read numerous forums regarding the 4670 Caze abilities even today with some people discouraging others from upgrading just yet as this thing is apparently still quite capable in the multi-core test it found itself sitting between the older I 530 450 and an i7 3770 about 100 points either way actually I'm sure this closer competitors out there but these are the only examples I have access to to compare it with you can see a modern fork or a thread CPU like the Rison 5 1400 pulls ahead the single threaded result is more interesting though because this is where performance exceeds the modern Rison it's not a massive difference but it does mean the 46 70k should still be a decent gamer and that's not taking into consideration the fact that this can also be overclocked thanks to the K in the title as we move on to games you'll see it's the graphics card in this build that lets sit down the 770 was once a fantastic choice like many cards in fact but it just doesn't seem to have aged well it's essentially a refresh of a 680 with faster memory but like the more powerful 780 it falls short in some modern instances maybe it's because nvidia don't care about kepler enough anymore to optimize drivers for it or maybe it's the architecture itself furthermore it might be the two gigs of VRAM whatever it is the 770 isn't a GPU I'd recommend anymore ok it depends on the price and the circumstances but let's say that in a large open sea you've used graph it's cards that our better choice is swimming around out there at a similar price point that will offer more performance nonetheless let's talk about that performance in Apex legends the card was running at 99% usage as we played at 1080p with a mixture of settings you'll see more than 60 frames per second if you drop the render resolution but this will of course make things look a bit blurry the full native 1080p experience will mean a return a 45 FPS on average this average was determined over the course of one game one thing I was pleased to see was that there were no significant stutters or frame drops during this gameplay so it's not a bad experience as long as you don't decide to turn things up too high in battlefield 5 I played the opening introductory mission here a few times over to see a similar average to apex at medium the graphics card will run about 99 percent usage most of the time but there were some cases where the processor would touch 100 it's not surprising considering that this has just four threads now that's not bad I'm not saying old just for threads but in a game like this that seems to be very CPU dependent it will mean you'll be bottlenecks in some situations if you were to pair the 46 7ck with a more powerful graphics card it's still a pretty good-looking game but it's not going to get any prettier with this combination of paths without us having to make some pretty big performance sacrifices remember each level will differ with regards to fps Far Cry 5 at 1080 P normal saw a return of 40 frames per second you can see here that the CPU and GPU are often running at 199 percent respectively but Ubisoft titles tend to do this to processors and I remember when I first tried running Assassin's Creed Odyssey on my I 544 60 a while back only to find that I was getting some pretty bad stuttering just like that CPU this has four cores and threads and just like Assassin's Creed far cry 5 is an ubisoft title i reiterate that because you'll tend to see higher CPU usage or at least I do I found 6 Corizon processors tend to be the sweet spot for a nice 60fps experience fortnight however will run just fine high settings were easily doable but I was using medium here apparently I was having internet troubles according to the game so it crashed back to the I'll be after about a minute this happened every time I tested it with these parts which was weird especially considering it didn't happen with my main PC but in the very short time I play that I can tell you that you will get at least 60 frames per second with medium settings or even high my gameplay was cut short so I didn't want to put any figures up on screen regarding averages etc because they might not have been entirely accurate any i-540 670 K or 770 owners and fortnight fans out there need not worry though if you want to play this one because you'll have a great time this system loves average frame rates around 40 I'll tell you that much because in just goes for the average frame where it came back as 41 this game tends to be more aligned on a decent graphics card and you'll see by the figures in the top left corner that our i-5 wasn't really being pushed all that much whereas the 770 was working very hard to produce playable figures this takes place on a massive map so you'll see variations here and there but honestly it was quite a smooth experience and this is the title that will really enjoy the company of an i-5 to play it on but what it will like more is a powerful mid-range graphics card like a 1060 or rx 580 Metro Exodus ran - which was a surprise considering how good it looks but just like I said in my last video the developers have seemingly tried to be very inclusive about PC specs with their minimum requirements stating an i5 4440 and a GTX 670 when we remember that the 770 is essentially a 680 refresh it makes me wonder just how well those minimum specs would do here though the average was okay but during this opening level the frame time was all over the place an unsteady frame time will lead to stutters and in this case there were quite a few what's interesting is that after a while the car seemed to just give up and started running the game at 16 frames per second for a while toward the end of my test I'm sure this would have picked up again but the game is sort of all over the place after going back and capping it to 30 during this level it seems to fix things a bit so that may be worth trying if the or game is jumping all over the place like mine finally I decided that 30 FPS was a more realistic target for shadow of the Tomb Raider and this was certainly achievable with the medium settings at 1080p the i-5 will jump to 100% usage in some cases but it won't stay there long and it's the graphics card that struggles more as is the case most of the time I think now if you cap the frame rate it'll be a smoother overall experience to conclude I think this PC was priced pretty well not taking just the CPU and GPU into consideration but the other components like the case as well which can still retail of upwards of 70 pounds here in the UK the i5 I think really needs a chance to shine on its own so pairing this with a more powerful card would still give you pretty decent results if you're shopping around on the used market and want something reasonably priced and overclockable speaking of which I didn't do that here because the GPU would have still limited performance but I'll be testing the true power of this processor in a later video for now though well I hope you've enjoyed seeing my facebook find PC in action if you did leave a like on this video if you didn't leave a dislike on it subscribe to the channel if you haven't done so already let me know if you run with either of these components in your PC and as always I hope to see you all in the next one
Channel: RandomGaminginHD
Views: 902,037
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cheap, budget, pc, build, system, computer, desktop, prebuilt, bitfenix, review, gtx, 770, 4670k, 2019, quad, drivers, corsair
Id: mW0pqYzkzEw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 29sec (749 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 27 2019
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