Exploring the ABANDONED High-Fence RANCH with THERMAL SCOPES at NIGHT!!!

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welcome back folks to the ranch we've finally made it back out here i feel like it's been a few few days here exciting stuff going on okay we are staying the night tonight and what we're gonna do is we're gonna scout well not a scouting's the wrong word scouting is the word you use when you're looking for something that you're then gonna go like hunt i mean technically yeah but like not we're i don't want people thinking we're using this to scout we're exploring that's a better word because nothing we see today is really going to affect us in what we go after as far as game goes uh basically what i'm saying is i'm not out here scouting deer with a thermoscope to then go hunt the deer it ain't deer season and we ain't doing that so just like i said we are going to be using a thermal we brought one out no pew just the scope alone okay so we're not hunt nothing no coyote or we're not shooting nothing okay but we got a thermal just the scope alone and we are going to be looking for whatever's out here okay a lot of you guys suggested we do this saying we should come out here well a lot of you guys said we should do it with a drone but i don't i don't have that fancy equipment so um we've got a scope and then we've got the old golf cart the old hunt wagon machine silent the death stalker silent guy okay so that way we can silently cruise around and look for stuff dear coyotes bobcats raccoons rabbits i don't i mean whatever's in here who know maybe there's still elk out here and they're just nocturnal son of guns we just haven't seen him yet probably not but um we have some other stuff to do as well this guy right here is an air conditioning unit for the cabin and zac's with me excited good ac well you weren't here the first time when we stayed the night without ac it wasn't all that enjoyable so ac unit that's priority we're gonna start it up first and get everything cooled off and then we're gonna take this and we've got bags of corn to put in the feeders we almost have a reese re-shipment of of protein stuff from from next level and they're gonna be sending us a whole bunch of stuff and so we um we're waiting on that essentially it should be here in the next couple days so we went up and got some corn just we could fill the feeders that all the trail cameras around here completely dead so we got new batteries and we also have a solar powered kit okay never tried it before but it's like a little solar panel with a battery you plug it in and you should never have to change your batteries in the trail cameras ever so we're gonna try doing that um and trying to get all that kind of stuff set up and ready for the day and then basically that's what we're gonna do or cook some dinner hang out enjoy the ranch life the cabin life and then once it gets dark get the thermal scope out and start doing oh there's chupacabra over there you know one of those things so what we're gonna find tonight no idea we've only driven around during the day we've never explored anything at night we have a couple trail cameras that have just seen mainly deer and raccoons and the normal stuff but we're hoping to see some cool stuff tonight it'd be really awesome we saw like a bobcat it'd be kind of cool i mean coyote's obviously pretty cool too um and also yeah like i said depending on what we see if we do see a bunch of coyotes we might come back and then do some coyote hunt like put the thermal on a gun at that point and go coyote hunting we just kind of want to see what's out there we're not again today's objective isn't hunting it is exploring this the abandoned high fence ranch at night night ops no lights just thermal so that's kind of playing with that being said first thing we're gonna do let's go inside and let's see how hot it is i wanna see it i it may not be that bad it's been kind of cool in the mornings well the fan's on okay what are we we're at 78 okay not terrible but this is our sleeping accommodations we're gonna put that ac unit out of that window so that way when we sleep it'll stay nice and cool we do have the bunk bed set up if you guys saw the first overnight video we got this thing set up this is where banjo slept in the banjo things i don't think the ac is going to make it back here maybe not full you might have to get another ace it's like a window ac unit but it's like a really big one um i'm hoping that will that will work so that's kind of what it's left like i'm not seeing any i'm not seeing any mouse poop i don't oh maybe i was curious if they'd get in here we haven't set any mousetraps or nothing yet we got a little bit of food and whatnot but like i said that's pretty much the plan we're staying overnight in the cabin we're getting the ac unit kicking get this thing down to like 70 degrees so we can sleep nice tonight and not um like i did the previous time we stayed out here i didn't get much sleep i'm like i said then just do some chores just relax it's beautiful out here sunny it's like 80 85 degrees and just enjoy some nature some peace and quiet you guys know what i'm saying so with that being said enjoy us trying to figure out about this ac unit together shoot dude it is blowing cold air ice cold air that is what i'm talking can you guys can you get a little bit can you hear me oh my dude it's so cold too so cool oh yeah we're gonna drop her down get her down like 68 oh god yeah she's super easy just literally hook it up to the window i mean this thing was like 400 bucks but the thing is has heat too so if i get like one of maybe two more of these things one for that room and one for this room then we've got full ac full heat in the whole thing for you know around 1200 bucks it's kind of expensive but so worth it i mean on a day like today where it's 90 degrees and sunny this is gonna be feeling real good when we when we go to sleep so to give you guys an update and i want you guys feedback too we're thinking back here now this room's already set up for sleeping which might be wondering why do you have beds in the living room on the floor when you could just put the beds here we didn't want to like move stuff in here because we're moving out what we want to do here is make this the man cave the chill spot the dude zone okay take all this junk out put some tvs there big tv playstation xbox all that jazz and then maybe like three recliners or a love scene or recliner or some bean bags or something and this is where we can go to just like chill you know relax take a nap watch some football or something like that where like we come and have like a mini fridge like right over there this is our chill spot you know maybe crank on some edits and just relax then we're thinking over here and i think i've been over this but in case you're new here this is like the current living room we want to turn this into like the dining room um it's also a hangout spot but like take out the couch obviously move these beds have a big dining table okay and then have like some hooks and stuff for like like a drop zone for all your boots and your gear so you kind of walk in you know maybe put some tile down or some laminate or something that can get wet hang up all your stuff have a table you know maybe have a couple like shelves over there where you can charge your camera batteries and stuff like that and that this is like where we eat um and have a table it's like sit at you know have meetings big business stuff you guys know the drill and then obviously kitchen's gonna say kitchen's bathroom's bathroom and then this one we just need to add another mattress so this is the bunk room where two beefcakes can sleep and then we're thinking at like a futon or a hide a bed or some type of other bed in the current bunk room that's gonna be the man case that way i mean usually it's just three of us um that stay here and if you wanted to sleep more you probably could um but we felt that the current bunk room although it's currently set up to sleep a bunch of beefcakes we want a chill spot we want a spot that we can hang out this spot could work like you could leave the couch and put a tv but it just you're missing a dining room you're missing a room to like you know have dinner at and you know eat all your cats and cook especially in the winter um so i think this is going to be turned into the man cave so if you guys have any cool ideas for us um as far as like what to do but mainly take out this is gonna suck i'm just gonna bring a hacksaw and just start cutting this man i ain't taking this metal apart like it's a cool idea but it's not that much a couple bolts to take out it's not yeah it's really it's honestly it's kind of cool and i feel stupid taking it out because you know you can sleep for people super comfortably we could put an ac unit and heat right there and you would have a room i don't know i just feel like we didn't come here to sleep we came here to have a good time have a man cave and like do cool stuff and that's kind of the idea is like redo this cab and transform it a little bit so let us know is that a bad idea would you leave this to bunk room and maybe make the other room the hangout room i just feel like coming back here after a long day of either fishing hunting whatever we're doing kick back in a recliner sip on a mountain shoe you know eat some food watch some tv edit a little bit to me i think this room has a good vibe too because you can close it off you shut the door we could watch movies and stuff and just again a nice little hangout spot that's kind of what we're thinking but let us know what you guys think this room is going to cool down really quick by the way that's not helping right now so ac is installed now we're on to outdoor chores okay we're gonna start off we're gonna go around to all the feeders trail cameras change the batteries install some solar panel stuff throw some corn on the ground kind of just do a routine check we haven't been here for a little bit so just kind of make sure everything is good to go um so with that being said you guys stay tuned shoot corn solar charger for the cameras or something like that um look at all this we got some delicious jerky from the exotic ram that i shot delicious and we've got some snacks those are pretty good too they don't taste like sheep do they well the oh they're all the old buses in there so we're all geared up we got some mountain shoe some water some jerky corn um like i said the reason why we're taking the golf cart today nothing else is we're trying to stay quiet because we want to explore once it gets dark so we don't want to scare anything so we're going to try to be i mean we can talk but we don't want mules running around or guns going off or nothing like that so so we're going to run around and just take you guys along with us on like just you know the casual ranch chores um if we see anything cool we'll let you know kind of give you updates on everything and get everything kind of back up and running i said it's been a few days since we've been down here i feel like it kind of just needs to be freshened up a little bit and then we're going to come back cook some dinner we've got some more wild game like i said in previous videos we try to consume like i would say 80 to 90 wild game when we're here at the ranch just because there's no close grocery stores or in the middle freaking nowhere and obviously it's a great way to you know deplete our meat supply from harvesting all of the delicious animals it's not that i don't like eating wild game sometimes it's easier just to run down to the store and grab you know mcdonald's or something like that than it is to cook up a deer brat but since you're in the middle of nowhere you kind of don't you it's good you don't have the excuse oh let's just run to the store and grab that isn't an option here so um again it's a win-win i love eating wild game and it gives me an opportunity to really you know kind of dive into it try new recipes listen to you guys gives you guys feedback stuff like that so that's what we're gonna be cooking up tonight is some more wild game and then once it gets dark we'll do some exploring so with that being said let's go fill these feeders shoe made it to the first spot folks we are actually right across from the cabin shops right here um we've got this guy going on here and it is practically empty there's a little bit now that i can shake it a little bit there's a little bit of protein oh yeah here's the mineral okay okay it don't look like it's been hit too bad we'll definitely add a little bit so what they recommend is 10 pounds per site per month so we'll dump 10 pounds on there and mix it up a little bit but yeah it's this thing there's some but it's it's pretty much empty so we'll end up just dumping a bag of corn in this and then like so we've got some some mineral here this is the next level here so this is supposed to make their antlers get all big and bulky and stuff like that we'll start with that and add 10 pounds there we go well i'm going to leave it like that sometimes you can mix it i'm just going to leave it like that and that way i can kind of see what the deer do if they've been stomping out or not it's kind of hard to tell but mineral down let's get some corn in the feeder look at this you only have to get out the mule see i told you this golf cart is the ultimate hutting machine oh yeah she's freaking empty boys perfect chummed a little bit for him corn check so now we're on trail cameras this guy is as dead as it gets here folks so go ahead and do a battery swap like i said i've got this guy a dual solar battery box so supposedly you wouldn't have to change batteries i'm going to change them now obviously to get some freshies in there but these things last depends on the battery brand honestly i'm finding out quickly if you skimp on battery brands start getting some no-name stuff they don't really last as long so you kind of have to spend the extra penny um to get some longevity but hopefully the solar will make it last at least you know awesome that way we get lots and lots of pictures of the deer and whatever other critters are kind of running around here without having to spend a fortune on these batteries you might think batteries aren't that expensive but this sucker takes 12 of them and they're about a buck a piece so 12 per trail camera per time you have to change them and if you gotta change them once a month and you got 10 trail cameras that's 120 bucks a month that's that's quite a bit of money so go ahead and swap these batteries and then we're going to tear into the solar and see if we can get it to work and hopefully get some good pictures of the deer that are going to munch on the corn and we got a little bit of protein and some mineral left [Applause] all right oh i think it goes right there oh oh yeah we got some lights that's good that's good all right let's try to open the sucker that worked all right solar kit instructions don't need those boom look at that this one's kind of cool so i think it's pretty simple you just take this little cord i think you're supposed to you're supposed to put this somewhere not on the ground because i feel like it's probably not going to get a ton of sun just sitting on the ground you're pregnant what direction that's south yeah we might have to we might have to come back and put them on like buckets or give them something to sit on but i think this just sits right here shut that we're gonna face it towards the feeder right over there and then look at that whole freaking battery in there so i'm guessing you just connect these guys red to red and black to black okay take the film off i'm assuming you think that's it i feel like that's pretty simple maybe i should read the instructions no i didn't maybe i should read the instructions that one's in spanish that don't give me a whole lot again okay here we go okay let's see how smart i was no instructions black to black red or red got it freaking dick um blinking make sure the 12-volt unit is completely charged we're supposed to charge these i thought a solar panel i thought it was solar power why do i got a charge if it's solar how does that work so where's the oh there's something right here okay oh it's red blinking red what does that mean charging all right all right so it's charging that's probably a good thing right so i need to figure out where to put all this other stuff oh take on your leg really oh god yeah big daddy oh he's sucking away too oh there's a charger here and then strap oh i think this will strap it to the tree we don't have a tree here though so i feel like we'll be all right with this current setup if we don't none of ours are on trees i think about it the sun should be doing one of them things i think how's that stay no i can just tie it i can make it work i mean huh looks like solar to me we couldn't get it on a tree or nothing but i mean that's got to get something better than nothing i mean worst case you just change the batteries i mean i'd like to think the solar would work so i mean we'll keep you guys updated if it works or not site number one out of three complete see you guys the next one yeah we well we're not at the next spot but how to give you guys knock down the pond we got hella cheese out here folks i don't see any bull frogs though it's kind of kind of at this point i figured hey if i can't fish the thing oh just kidding oh big big big suzy mcgee right over down in there if you guys can see here that's big nancy oh dude there's a bunch of them oh god yeah oh oh yeah we're gonna have to wait a little while season doesn't open here until like mid to late summer but that is big old juicy mama right there probably there's one i see a little one over there but i think i see all these eyes there's a whole bunch of them around here i figured it would be good for bullfrogs at the very least okay um but you guys might be wondering what is the latest update on this well this hole needs to be fixed at some point but um i talked to chad he's my pond builder guy he did the cabin pond and right now what we're thinking is we're gonna come in here and we're gonna take a bunch of dirt from that mountain over there and a little bit over there and build this sucker up probably from where we're at now because like the distance tune where i'm at to the water is probably give or take four or five feet we're probably gonna add 15 foot on top of it bring it up um so we're going to bring the whole pond up 15 feet so what you see now is going to be 15 foot deep and that is going to flood everything all the way back there almost to the cabin so like we're just gonna have a full-blown lake in the middle of this property and i measured it on maps and it's pushing 10 acres so right now you've got about a acre and a half-ish pond right here you're gonna make it 10 times as big so just imagine one two three four five six seven eight nine ten of these just strung on the back it's not going to be super wide it's going to be like my pond at my house where it just kind of runs up the ravine it probably won't get much wider than this but it's going to run the entire length and all those trees over there all them big sally bass are going to be living up under those suckers oh look at those ducks up there you see those ducks right there um so that's kind of what we're thinking rather than dredging it dredging it you don't really get far on life dredging you're better off just building up so this pawn is going to go from right now it's about 2-3 foot it's going to get to you know maybe 20 at the deepest right here um and then hopefully the whole the rest of it you'll be 7 to 12-ish and we can the thing is all that's dry over this we could you know put some rock piles over there you can see we've already got one brush pile probably leave that guy right there and we can dig some holes and that's what's gonna be cool is before we even flood it we can actually like create the structure and do all that before the water gets up um it's gonna be probably a little while before that fills um just because we're thinking about coming out here the next month or two and doing that um unless we get a ton of rain this summer there's a chance we aren't gonna be able to stock this pond until next year but there is a there is a stream over there a creek if i can get chad to grab that creek and pull it into here meaning like you know go over there and build the dam across that creek and flood this then we might have a better shot so we're not really sure but i want to give you guys an update like i said i feel like it's been a while since i've kind of we we talk every video we talk about plans and i never give you like updates until it's happening that's kind of the update we're looking about a month or two out and hopefully we're gonna raise this up i just don't know if we're gonna have enough water to stock it this year it's really just gonna depend on the rain and stuff like that so next feeder's right over there we'll see you guys over there we made it to the next one folks this one is the this one doesn't get hit as often but um they i mean what what was here has been eaten this thing has a little bit left but i mean maybe because this thing i'm pretty sure was full last time we came down here so maybe they figured this out the problem is our trail camera has been dead for like two weeks so that's that's a promise we don't know what's been working and what hasn't been like so we don't have any more protein so we're just throwing some corn in there just to keep them coming to the spot might am i getting this figure down here maybe you gotta take it all the way down there you go oh spiders spiders really oh yeah it's empty all right well i guess they were using it let's get to [Music] filling [Music] freaking hot out here folks well site number two complete we got feed in there mineral down on the ground and a new trail camera set up with the solar hopefully it all connects like i said i kind of miss seeing the pictures i haven't seen pictures of something for like a couple weeks now so we've got one more which is going to be on that end and we're doing good on time sun's still high we're not spooking noils we haven't seen any animals we haven't spooked anything yet um so we'll see you guys at the last spot we made it to the last spot here folks still ain't seen no deer or nothing but like i said it's a little late and that's what we got the thermals but this guy is absolutely picked clean folks there's a little bit left but look at that that's how you know they're hitting the mineral when you got a freaking hole down there okay that that's how it's like okay yep they're obviously they're obviously here and you know the other ones were kind of like 50 50. the one by the cabin i thought got hit more than the last one we were just at dude that crate's flowing that's a good sign we've we haven't had any rain so the fact that that's that's flowing it's pretty pretty good that means there's going to be a sustainable water source down here hopefully year around but dude it has gotten so green right here like this is it's greened up super nice i really do want to find a place for a food plot oh it's a squirrel i do want to find a food place or a food plot here maybe we just do the ones that are up there but this just to me is just screams white tail i don't know something about it just i said it since the beginning this is the spot this is the juice but anyways let's get everything reloaded [Applause] there we go last one is complete we actually did the sport we were supposed to we hooked up to the tree oh yeah see the sun's setting it a little bit it's hitting this side better but the sun should kind of go over i don't know there's a lot of trees here i'm not sure if that's gonna work but that's the idea you strap it to a tree you've got your cord dangling and you've got your camera pointed right there this one is looking good this is kind of where my gut tells me we're gonna shoot big big bertha here refill it up there is some protein left in it was just kind of tilting so it's kind of banked up on one side got it refilled got some new mineral down on the ground so that being said as you can see we still got a little bit of daylight so we're gonna head back and head back to camp get to cooking eat some dinner we gotta wait for it to get dark and then once it gets dark we're exploring at night with thermal with the absolute silent golf cart stay tuned phew we are ready to cook folks as you can tell it's starting to get a little dark out here um we ran to the store we got dear weenies okay that's what we ate last time but zach over here i said what side you he said sweet potatoes thinking okay sweet potatoes how we can cook a sweet potato he's thought the microwave so i've never done that before might create a sweet potato it might work it might not so we're gonna get the weenies cooked up first so for those of you guys that are new these are cheddar cheese wieners made out of deer this is straight up deer meat i mean i'm sure they mix all sorts of other stuff in here as well that make it taste a little bit better than just straight venison but overall it's pretty good you haven't had one of these before have you no i haven't because i feel like you might be thinking deer is like yeah i think you're gonna you're gonna be impressed with this i mean you know it's i've said this before you know it's the good stuff when they're attached that's when you know you're dangling with the good stuff you want you thinking one weiner or two wiener what are you what are you feeling how hungry are you okay two wieners you on two wieners all right i guess i guess i have to go two wieners and i can't just be a solo weenie we're on this grill i need to bring an actual girl out here that girl over there kind of scares me to open it a little bit for now i'm gonna stick with my little catching cook type deal i mean this one this will work nice so we're gonna go ahead and cook this up let's go inside and we'll see what zach can do with the sweet potato phew it is 72 in here folks the goal is like 70. so we're close we'll get we'll get there that's pretty good i was like i mean it's been a while a few hours but i mean for just that little sucker going i got that fan going my finger hurts real bad by the way i just burned it off camera that sucker but i mean it's even 72 is comfortable to sleep in i'm more of like a 69 guy personally 70ish but i mean 72 will work so what do you okay what are we looking for here this'll work just put some oh yeah you gotta put some holes in there my finger is actually hurting real bad i might need to put something on it i need something cold oh sheesh i could just grab you a cold beer i think cold beer cold beer would go over here in the house just hold on to the cold beer huh it might right now i'm putting it on a piece of ham that's a pig that i butchered uh i don't really have anything to i mean i might just have to keep it on here for a minute here just say oh here i can film you from here don't worry i'll just i'm gonna sit here and just yeah i i made a stupid mistake i grabbed a piece of metal on that grill out there and whatever anyway so uh potato sweet potato catch clean cook that's what we're doing right here north carolina delicacy oh big north carolina guys so we do have a microwave uh the old tap and that thing was probably made before i was born uh but i mean maybe it'll work yeah i'll probably get hate for cooking them this way but i mean things like i've always i mean the oven that thing that thing don't turn on so i mean the grill we don't really have a good grill or anything so we're gonna have to do so i do know you need a puncture otherwise you will have an exploding potato on your hand just take it just make a bunch of holes what quick question what's ever seen as a potato on a yam anyway does anyone know that an answer yes i've never had yams is it is yam is a yam different yeah 100 i think so is it is it i'm pretty sure is it yam a sweet potato or is a sweet potato a yam which one came first the chicken or the egg i don't know what i'm saying at this point but uh if you guys know what the difference is let you let me know but basically just pop a bunch of holes in there and then you got to microwave for how long what you think five online but i've always done them seven seven i mean throw them in throw them in at six we'll go six yeah oh god yeah that thing nothing came crawling out so that's good six minutes oh god yeah she runs she runs like a champ all right well my finger still hurts real bad but that probably helped the swelling maybe a little bit i'm not really sure so anyways we're gonna let this cook for six minutes weiner's will probably done six minutes and we'll let you guys know what it looks like and how it tastes and for dessert i got a uh beefcake delicacy zebra cakes can't even go wrong with a good old zebra cake so once we're done eating hopefully we'll go out there and start exploring start seeing coyotes bobcats and all sorts of chippacabras and stuff so stay tuned phew they're looking good those little wieners right on there well they're heated up i think i deserved your sweet potato so let's go what the hell is that i don't know this is why we're going to use the thermal something i wouldn't even call that a bark or a crow or growl what what that's what kind of sound like i'm scared i'm going she sweet potato hot potato coming in hot look at that guy that's a beefcake of a sweet big one big daddy i was gonna say man i'm gonna be lucky we got a golf cart to get around and i was i need to be like a wheelchair or something after all this this food oh there yeah there you go so we got our wieners ready to rock and we got two of them and then big mama jam slip let me see what you got going on here what's the strap cut her in half okay she's she's a steaming one too all right and then you got some butter butter so you got a knife right here if you want to do this one of them guys can i get you a little butter action in there okay all right don't be afraid oh don't be afraid to get a little buttery what you're saying all right there you go okay okay come on you got it yeah you got it all right butter them up then this is the good stuff ooh brown sugar sugar oh i was telling that i'm like listen we got toast marshmallows or i'm not interested he's like i'm not about the marshmallow in life really i know a lot of people that do it i've never tried it you've never tr you've physically never tried it all right well next time we're eating sweet potatoes together i'm putting marshmallows on and i'm freaking toasting them because that's fire here i'll let you do your pinch on yours okay so i just gotta do a pinch and give it a little give them one of these guys like that much for one good okay okay like one of them boom yep then you just kind of then you just mix it and mix it and mash it all right i'm gonna get to mix and imagine what are your thoughts before the toilet i mean i feel like you get butter and some sugar you could be eating ass and it might it'll taste good you know what i'm saying so i mean i'm not doubting your doubting your abilities here i will say it around the edges is a little tough i'm not sure a fake one might not have cooked that big dog might need a little extra second but you know it'll it'll be done enough for me to really taste here taste test chew that's fire right there man that's almost like dessert i could eat this they could be my whole meal oh i'm hot all right you were you were right that was a good call they're so easy to do they're so that's that is easy microwave again big sheila might have needed a couple extra minutes but i'm gonna start picking out okay now you got to put this wiener in your mouth is what has to happen because you've never had one of my deer wieners this is a cheddar cheese deer wiener oh yeah is it warm in the middle i was a little nervous i didn't i usually check them i didn't check that one that's good we think about that you probably wouldn't think that's deer would you no no there's no way but it's better than your it's normal yeah it's better than just a straight up hot dog this thing oh crunch not the first time we've eaten it but first time you've eaten it 10 out of 10. 10 out of 10. well we're going to finish grubbing up here and then now that it's dark outside we're get the thermal getting the golf cart and start exploring stay tuned all right ladies and gentlemen we're in the golf cart let's get to scanning all right nothing that way we've got a deer feeder over here so they could be over here oh what is that i don't know if that's something that are just part of the tree what's going on oh that's definitely oh bro there's something oh god what is that oh it's a deer dude i barely could see him next to the tree yeah there's his head his neck over here this is crazy he's behind a tree i need him to step out he's like right on the other tree line it's definitely a deer grazing dude this is so crazy to like so weird oh oh there's something under our feeder there's something small something really small i bet it's a raccoon or a possum dude this is crazy why didn't we do this sooner yeah there's a raccoon he's just sitting under there there see now you can see that guy yep he's munching on that corn we dropped oh it's a possum it's a possum i can see his eyes yup look at his face dude he's a possum dude this is crazy maybe it could be a raccoon i don't know i was gonna say for the stuff on the feeders yeah we can go back and check the cameras and then actually figure out what we were looking at bro i have my phone on me right now hang on there's this i found the deer here it is yeah there it is it's still behind the freaking tree you can see its head though dude this is wild bro now the quality on the scope is not doing too hot right now oh yeah that's a good one oh i see something else something small look at this dude he's moving that's that's all right you can see his tail where'd he go where'd he go with that well there he is yeah you can see his fluffy tail behind him dude there's literally a raccoon going right towards the cabin look the cabin's right that's the cabin he's headed right towards it where he went now dude this is wild bro we haven't even oh there's the deer there it is now you guys can get a good look at him we haven't even drove 20 yards dude we literally haven't driven i've seen three animals and then there's your little that looks like a possum right there we haven't even gotten to the good stuff yet i don't see anything else dude now you can see the deer clear as day yeah there's a deer right there dude this is about to be crazy we literally haven't even left the cabin left and i've seen like six things oh there's two deer there's two deer a possum a mouse not recording so you guys can't see any of this stuff but left oh yeah yeah you see them yeah yeah they're just sitting out there two deer and then do you see the possum under the feeder yeah i think so yeah it's just like a red blob and then there's a red dot on a tree too that's so crazy dude we just got here they're just sitting there dude i wonder what that is under the feeder i think it's a possum because i can't see the fluffy tail like i could see on the other i could see the fluffy tail on the raccoon running he stood up i think it's a possum it could be i mean we can turn and see what it is you can see there's deer like clears oh yeah yeah they're just chilling well we just found two deer they're looking at us i think we might have made too much noise there's something to the right look at those oh guys hear that one there's something to the right of them oh it's another deer it's bedded down look at that guy you can see us see is he here's three deer dude they're just watching us one is significantly warmer than the other which is odd like one you can only see its head and the other one's like really dark that's so strange and that guy's just bedded down it looks like this is just the craziest thing yeah everyone's laying down right now we're basically just right behind the pond and uh we didn't see much between here in the pond but we got on the back side and there's dude we should start seeing some more stuff now we're kind of getting in more coyote bobcat country a little thicker stuff so hopefully we see something else all right folks we just found i can't tell what this is it might be a deer i don't see any other ones he's right in front of us we're going on a path down to the southwest corner here i bet it's a deer i mean i can see that the ears it could be a coyote i can't tell how high up it's sitting bro i i don't know it might be a coyote no no definitely a deer yeah that's big mama she's walking she's checking us out she can hear me talking she can't see me though she might be able to see me i don't know they probably have pretty good vision at night yeah she's hanging out you can see how much he sticks out that's where he finding it easy to spot animals obviously at night they show up pretty easy so well there's big mama let's keep cruising i think we might have found what is this let's see might be a deer dude that could no that's a deer little one though i was gonna say pearl this could be a coyote it's a small one it's ears are pretty darn floppy to be a coyote i think yeah that's old bambi i think or innocent bambi don't even know we're here yeah bambi maybe next year pal she's coming right at us though she don't even know we're here now you can see her pretty good so it's weird just her head's kind of oh no it's getting a little warmer oh maybe she's not that small dude she has no idea we're here right now can you hear her walking no i can't oh yeah you can't hear that like crunching of grass how far do you think she is oh she's not that far maybe like 30 yards she's peeing can you see that no but i can see she's squatting down looks like it looks like millie when she pees oh she can hear me she's looking dude this is the coolest thing i've ever done she might be laying a deuce she's taking a freaking minute pinch it off cheese and rice now she's munching dude she don't even know this is just crazy that like how stealthy this thing is she's gonna just keep on going i think i was gonna wait and see how close she'd get to us she's kind of coming towards us now i it they don't have great vision in the night time dude she's coming right at us i think she's gonna run into us dude she might get she might freak it might be like one of those like funniest home video scenes where you get your ass beat by a deer so you can hear me she's just looking at me now she don't know what she don't know what's going on i want to see how close she's going to get she's still going she's standing oh she knows she's stomping she's passed she's looking at her butt right now i think she's just looking at us it's funny and she's walking away well that was a pretty cool one you just watched a deer poop pee look it's butt all without being seen she know she can hear us talking though but if i guarantee if i didn't say nothing she probably walked right next to the golf cart so we'll let her scurry up in the woods i don't want to bump her too hard let's keep exploring where i hear walking like 10 yards or so do you hear that yeah well there's something what is this thing i don't know just like it might be about it it might be a skunk oh god oh god it might be about to get sprayed it might be it looks kind of furry oh it's definitely a skunk it's got to be scared to crap at me yeah no what the hell is a sucker it's a raccoon it might be a raccoon it's tails giant big ol fluffy freaking tail yeah oh yeah that's right that's a raccoon i think or a squirrel oh no it's it's a skunk skunks have fluffy tails yeah they've got the bigger tails yeah that's probably a big ass skunk he ain't he ain't spraying us and then over here we got this guy which i don't know what this is a blob of something i might have to get closer it's either deer bedded down or it could be a coyote that thing whatever it was dipped it was a deer bedded down i never saw it or it could be a kite it could have been a coyote that's a little smarter it's pretty tough to see though i just saw its head i look more like a deer than a dog all righty folks we'll just pulled up to one of the fears and i think we got a ricky or opossum tough it's tough he seems a little small oh god he's standing up like a grizzly bear dude the sucker is trying to square up i'm not sure about this guy he looks dangerous he's standing up on his hind legs like a damn human he's just standing there what do you think he's thinking right now i'm serious he's literally i think he's standing on his hind legs like an angry grizzly bear and he ain't moving what is this sucker what are you thinking i think it's a raccoon but bro he's oh oh my god dude he's getting in the feeder bro oh my god did he open the lid no dude he's hanging on it like a freaking monkey i swear to god this is the most insane thing i've ever seen like through the holes in the ball his top his paws are through the holes and he's hanging on it like a monkey and his head is eating out of the feeder i swear to god i just watched him crawl up there like a freaking ninja this is the most insane thing i've ever seen i cannot believe that just happened this is i do not want to mess with this guy this guy's dangerous dude he can the drill i wonder if the trail cam's catching this oh we have a trail cam right there i want to see what happens when he falls down dude that he literally grabbed it did a pull up and right now he's just suspending himself and just absolutely chowing down i want to see him try to get down and then we're going to look at the trail cam footage there he goes he dropped oh my god dude these things are nuts these things are nuts look at this trail cam footage dude he literally he just like grabbed it and swung his hind legs and climbed what the heck that was the wildest thing i've ever seen no wonder all of our freaking proteins get munched let's see if this this camera got it oh dude it got it it dude i told you he's in it he's in it like he's up in it right now look at him set someone on his hind legs holy crap and then he dude he's like grabbing it and curled up on it what in the world well you guys just witnessed an absolute ninja of a raccoon so they can get in our feeders oh yeah that's a that is something i have never seen before in my life i'm not sure i want to see it dude those suckers are scary we gotta we gotta trap these suckers all right let's keep cruising all right what do we see what do we see here folks i think another deer yeah she's looking at us right now well i got lots of deer she's just staring i don't see anything else i'm pretty sure it's a deer i doubt it's a coyote coyotes probably wouldn't just stare right no yeah it's definitely a deer all right well saw another deer shoo we made it back ladies and gentlemen as you saw well we saw quite a few creatures fortunately no chippy cobras no big foot no bobcats or coyotes lots and lots oh good talk about critters look at these fur freaking jew malaya junebug things look at these suckers right hopefully they can get inside now look at these things crawling the windows wow they're so freaking many i mean we should have left the lights on hopefully we don't have any holes in our screens we're gonna be freaking we're gonna might lose this war look at all these suckers anyways you guys saw uh raccoons lots of deer um kind of what i expected i was really hoping to find some of a predator there was one animal that i could just see the head of it and then it ran away and we're pretty far away from it you know the deer seem to like hang out and not really like mind too much when we would like look you know sit there but i think that one might have been a coyote but it was really far away um other than that didn't really have a whole lot of predator action but i had a good time hopefully you guys had a good time watching um a lot of you guys told us to do this take a thermal out and explore the next video you guys see with the thermal will hopefully be getting coyotes down on the ground that's going to be the plan is actually going hunting sometime maybe over the next few weeks to month or so um you could expect to see that video maybe maybe tomorrow i don't know when we're going to go next um whenever i guess the weather's right i also kind of want to get somebody to come with us that knows what they're doing never hunting coyotes at night with a thermal um well i kind of have my backyard but that ain't really hunting this is like finding a spot strategically placing out there putting the calls out i don't know what calls to do at night i think like in the spring there's like a bunch of pup stuff so like you know you know the puppy stuff and do all that type of deal so i don't really know you have to let me know what you guys want to see in the comments section down below hope you guys enjoyed today's video and peace [Music] you
Channel: FLAIR
Views: 623,080
Rating: 4.9431796 out of 5
Id: fODDJZyuyz4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 30sec (2370 seconds)
Published: Sun May 09 2021
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