I Bought a "120 Year Old" Roll of Coins, Was it a Scam?

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here we have a rule that this seller on eBay is claimed as 120 years old they said that they got it in an estate sale and that these coins were rolled up around that time and were left there ever since now I'm not exactly sure based on the quality of this paper how true that is I don't know too much about old bankroll paper and I also feel like that this seems to be pretty high quality and in pretty good shape for such a story to be true but we're going to find out today whether or not I actually got scammed now you might be thinking why would someone pay so much money 270 dollars like you saw on the thumbnail there just for an old roll of pennies well my hope is that these coins are actually going to be in really good shape and I'd be able to sell them for let's say 10 or 15 a piece and that would be five or seven hundred fifty dollars back on my investment now I'm the one who's taking a gamble by buying these the person didn't really have much established feedback or anything so if I do get scammed I would say it's on me I took a risk at the same time I impulsively just decided to bid when I saw the person claiming that the role was as old as it was and we're gonna find out together what exactly happened sorry for the really bad angle here I'm doing my best but as a single cameraman and I guess prove air of coins I do have a lot on my plate in all seriousness though I am actually really hoping that these coins turn out to be in good shape the ones on the end I don't know if I even showed you those or not and you can see they actually have some decent details so that gives me hope that maybe these ones were a little bit worn from being on the end and the rest of the coins actually are going to look nice so let's see what ends up coming out of here together now that already the different colors and stuff already has me a little bit uh wary because I feel like that with that level of different uh aging already on the coins unless there was going to be coins from like the 1850s and 60s in here and such I just don't really see how the Queens would have such a large amount of wear on them and maybe that happens quicker than I realized of course I really don't know but let's wow that was really uh a great uh roll out there so yeah um let me get back to you guys but uh I'm gonna go and have to say that this was definitely not a great purchase so now I got a hold of the camera here but um yeah a lot of the coins are not exactly looking to be I mean they're not in terrible shape don't get me wrong some well some of them are not in terrible shape but let me see if there's like any sort of Rhyme or Reason to these coins that look worse like look at this one right here right now to be fair that coin is from 1861 so I could be wrong I mean if you look at this coin you know if you could say all right well this was rolled up let's say in 1902. you know this coin was 40 years old maybe I would already have some wear and tear on it you know that is pretty fair but at the same time I'm just not quite sure I also would have to say though that based on looking at these coins right off the bat here I'm not really sure that I'd be able to sell these uh at least a lot of these for like ten dollars a piece or anything because a lot of them are just pretty worn I'm gonna have to look up some equivalent things on eBay but like that one for example like 1902 if this role is that year I mean if this coin literally looked like that the year it came out then I have to wonder like what was this coin through exactly you know because it should not be that worn down I don't think these coins especially back then were made of metals that really did keep them in pretty good shape and to be fair the back looks nice I mean it's not terrible and I wouldn't say that this was like the worst purchase ever I would think that I could sell these coins for at least like three or five bucks a piece or something I mean some of them are definitely in decent shape but of course if anyone in the comments wants to weigh in you guys can let me know as well but I am going to separate them all so you can see a full view of everything real quick from what I can see here the role was definitely not from 1900 or around that time I mean some of the coins in here I found I think one of them was like 1905 for example so had to have been later than 120 years ago but beyond that I also do think that realistically this was probably a little later than that or maybe even a lot later than that and I probably did just get a little deceived however the coins in here they're definitely a good mix of dates and some of them I do actually think I could sell for a decent little bit like this I'm trying not to get the shadow on it here but this 1884 it's actually in decent shape I mean the camera doesn't pick it up amazingly but it does have a nice kind of red coloring and it has a lot of detail and that's the other thing is a lot of these coins do look like maybe they were actually only circulated for like 30 or 40 years and then pulled out because a lot of them do have decent details on them a lot of them are also dirty to be fair but I do think that they would actually grade somewhat decently and I also do think that there's a chance I could at least get my money back do I think it's going to be a big payday or anything like that probably not but let's hope I can at least break even that would be my goal get back after shipping and all that so hopefully maybe get like I don't know like three 400 from selling them in total enough well with eBay costs and everything it's gonna have to be a little bit more than uh what I paid obviously but uh with that being said I really appreciate you tuning in to my first video ever if you end up being interested in a follow-up on how I did from this or you want to see any other videos like it let me know in the comments and I really do appreciate your time peace
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Keywords: how to find rare coins on ebay, is it worth buying things on eBay, cracking open an old roll of coins
Id: eo7ADu3uso4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 20sec (320 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 04 2023
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