I Bought $7,990 Worth of UPS RETURN Packages and found this.. (PS5)

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hey yo what's up ladies and gentlemen it's your boy and welcome back to another video today we have a mystery palette unboxing again but this one is very special for a few different reasons there is a guaranteed ps5 in this return palette and somebody is going to win that one of you guys who purchased one of these packages so shout out to everybody who got one secondly this isn't an amazon return palette this is our first time trying something new this is a ups undelivered freight pallet so it was a lot more expensive it cost me two thousand dollars to get this one so with that being said if you guys want to see us get even more pallets be sure to let us know where we should get a pound from in the comments section down below please smash like button if you're enjoying this series and let's see what our first item is oh this is heavy oh my god it says nordic nest items on it all right we've got all the names of everyone who purchased one of these we're gonna spin this gonna tell us who gets this package right here all right here we go one lucky person is gonna get this they're probably cheese though cause they want the ps5 we got josh smith is the winner of whatever this is hopefully it's good i know it's not a ps5 which i'm sure that's what you wanted but this looks very interesting oh there's a bunch of in here oh oh this is dub season bro there's like nine boxes in here holy holy holy so this this is the delivery note oh this might not be the the most exciting products but it's a lot of products we've got a bunch of bowls a bunch of cups i hope you're moving soon and you needed some new cups there josh i was thinking it was going to be really good at first because there's so much stuff in it value-wise let's see how much this was worth this has to be worth 100 bucks oh i forgot about this one oh yeah yeah okay this one is the nicest looking one we got the ava solo boom that's a nice addition to any kitchen on amazon 270 god damn 270 bucks right away we spent two thousand dollars to get this palette how much money are we gonna make off of it okay so each of these is probably worth another 35 give or take we've got four of them we're looking at almost 400 in value let's see if we can make all two thousand dollars back from this palette that's a done now let's get our next box one's a little bit smaller it's a little bit lighter i have no idea what we got let's see who's gonna get it and it's roberto romano who bought two so this is one he still has a chance shout out roberto from montreal been buying every single one of these we do so i appreciate it fam let's see what we got for roberto honer cartridge compatible laser toner cartridge 60 bucks i don't know for sure if this is the right thing but it says 60 bucks on here and we have four of them this is a compatible laser toner cartridge but the cartridges themselves i think are 60 bucks give or take maybe a bit more okay i don't know exactly what we're dealing with here but based off what i can find right now we've got 60 plus 60 plus 60 plus 60 if you're not good at math that is 240 i'm obviously not that great either you're stupid this is another 120 that would mean 360 dollars worth of products for roberto romano that's a dog ladies and gentlemen that brings our total to 750 we're only two boxes in we might have to just do ups undelivered freight from this point on okay next box we're getting closer to that ps5 ladies and gentlemen all right let's see who's getting this box who's it gonna be i don't i don't know this is pretty heavy this could be good we got thomas thomas yep okay we got thomas pulling out the dove let's see what we got for thomas what this is sick from the movie soul by disney and pixar which is a great movie we got special soul glasses like a whole ton of them this is wavy i don't know maybe these are like the glasses that the guy wears 39.95 we got one two one three four five six custom soul ones which are forty dollars each according to this one moment 240 worth i'm never buying a return amazon return pilot again on top of that we've got all these other ones we got prive revo it's just like more glasses these are like nice 39.95 for these two 22 pairs of glasses that sell for retail at 39.99 880 plus 750 we're already at 1630 dollars we've opened three packages bro they're all different yo bro you're selling i'm a bad that is a big gigantic dub who was it that won that one me oh oops let's see what our next item is this one's big that's a big boy who is going to win this i don't know what it's going to be jimmy okay we got one of jimmy jimmy has two entries it's a pretty good one considering you have another one it's more sunglasses it's way more it's so many like this might be like a hundred sunglasses at 39 this is like this might be four grand worth of sunglasses oh my god how much are these ones 65. we got all kinds of pr what is this were these going to a store and like they got lost or something and then now they're here here jay you start counting this how am i gonna ship this this is gonna cost me a hundred dollars just to ship it this is wild i thought the ps5 was gonna be the best thing needless to say this is going very well now let's uh add to our total i'm gonna ballpark right now 50 glasses are in there low end there's definitely more 50 on average time 39.99 that's two grand we're at thirty six hundred and thirty dollars retail let's keep it coming i mean i feel like we have to catch an l soon next up we got big and i can't say his last name because he's obviously trolling and i'm probably gonna have to ask him for his actual name because i don't know if i can ship this to him with the current name that he put on there you guys can use your imagination and guess what the uh the fake last name is it's an infuser there's so many of them we've got 13 of these and they are baxter infuser sv system like this is some legit medical grade right here was this on the way to a hospital like i feel kind of bad right now so we're not gonna add a total to this because i don't know how easily you'd be able to sell this it looks like it should be worth something if anyone knows anything about it let us know in the comment section obviously a very interesting item i'm gonna say that's like borderline maybe our first l but also maybe our biggest w because if it happens that you can sell that and it's like an expensive medical product then that would be worth a lot of money jay's still counting glasses just take that in next item who's gonna get this this looks interesting brian okay brian is getting this one it's about 115. i think i messed up by 150 150 120. so double what we were projecting before with 50 glasses by the way guys i'm gonna take this opportunity to let you know we also just successfully purchased an air pods and earpods pallet from best buy with at least 30 products in it so that's gonna be coming in soon hopefully so i'll get that up on the website for you guys to participate in oh this looks interesting we got a modern wall bar shower kit oh that's a dub a towel bar modern towel ring all the all the other stuff so basically you can re-deck out your bathroom with this shout out to brian man this another dub 240 dollars from rona and that's not including this boom just like that a little extra for you let's see how much this is worth another 75 dollars ryan you're welcome best decision you ever made purchasing someone off itchyboy.com i've heard that many times so our total right now 3 630 is actually 5 630 because we were half of what the amount of glasses were plus we're adding another 240 plus another 75 we're just gonna round it to 300 just to be nice and 5930 dollars is what we're at right now quite a bit over the value of the palette even if right now you sold everything for fifty percent of its value maybe this ps5 is not real like think about it we're gonna do one more and then we'll get the ps5 got another big box who's getting this costco box or i don't it might not even be costco all right we got shanice let's see what you got coming we got unicorn cake pillows 10 11 12 22 x 12 264 i mean that's still a dub like you could probably sell these for half price somewhere i don't even know i mean it's not a huge dub but it's not a tiny one six thousand one hundred ninety i hope my math is correct if it's not correct me baby you're stupid every time i think the dubs are gonna stop they just keep coming it's ps5 time we still have a few more very interesting products but i don't want to make you guys wait until the very end of the video to see the ps5 so it feels pretty legit the box is a little bit broken now the ps5 so retail this goes for about five to six hundred dollars we're gonna open this up before we figure out who's winning this okay i want to make sure this is in fact a ps5 inside here this is crazy got the ps5 controller boom brand new dual sense ps5 controller that is legit show me the ps5 oh my god it's a playstation 5. it's huge i am mind boggled part of me just believed it couldn't be like it was gonna be fake but it's actually a playstation 5 ladies and gentlemen and someone is going gonna get this right now all right now we're gonna add one thousand dollars to our total because that's what this is worth all right who is going to win it we've got 11 names [Music] tony marco is the winner of the ps5 congratulations a ps5 ultimate dub i was like today has been great i've thoroughly enjoyed today i love it when you guys get dubs all right next item now don't go anywhere cause we don't know what else we got coming yes i know you guys came here for the ps5 but there's obviously some other very interesting products here we got joshua shout out to joshua let's see what you got um a lot of books used books i mean the thing is books are worth money they are knowledge is powerful that's i'm sorry man you got microsoft office 365. who reads that we got exploring the bible we've got uh academic writing thinking critically these truths history of the united states and the new oxford annotated bible like these are definitely worth brand new definitely over a hundred dollars sometimes you win sometimes you lose folks like tony honey's a winner all right let's see what our next item is oh this is heavy who's getting this big this might be the heaviest package we've had yet it is harrison let's see what you got harrison let's see let's see what the is that it's literally just filled with that huh oh is this like some type of medical robe yeah this should definitely get donated to your local uh hospital they could probably use it right now uh i definitely one of the less exciting ones i have no clue how much this is worth so we're not going to add it to the total and i don't know how easily you could sell this sorry about that one harrison but maybe you know some doctors i i don't know all right let's get this kit rolling let's press them okay we've got a few smaller boxes here so we're gonna go rapid fire ladies and gentlemen what do we have here and who is gonna get it vincent oh we got bike pedals bike accessories i guess not bad i can't imagine this being worth more than 50 bucks that's a bit of an l right there all right next up we got roberto all right roberto what is your second package gonna be your first one was pretty damn good it's gonna be hard to beat that to switch a single point level sensor and switch for refrigerators probably worth some money so there's two of those oh we got some more parts oh my god so we have an assembly single point level switch two of them 115 volts one 230 volts that's all i got no clue what the value of these are these have to be worth a few hundred dollars though i'm not gonna add to the to the total for those but there's no way this isn't worth at least a couple hundred bucks all right this is the weirdest most eclectic mix of things we've ever gotten all right who's getting this one this is packaged tight we got jimmy with another one all right jimmy let's see what you got what what what what what what oh it's a big l it's literally just a ton of these it's like a bracket damn look like they put the good stuff on the top ladies and gentlemen i'm sorry jimmy that's a bit of an l i know you got two so you're probably really hoping to have a better chance at that playstation but unfortunately you got a ton of brackets oh my god bro these these small packages on the bottom are so heavy oh we're down to the final five folks who's getting it nathan whitmore what is nathan whitmore getting this what is this stuff it's so heavy it's literally beats tiny ass ones at that traditional czech beads preciosa these look like they might be around 10 bucks a package all right nathan again i don't think this is what you were looking for we started off really strong but the l's are starting to pour in folks holy what even is this why why are these at the bottom of this i didn't even see who gets this yet after the ps5 it was really downhill it was really downhill from there we got hard dill man i feel bad hard deal i am sorry okay this is a little lighter oh it says disney on it okay this could be interesting let's see who's getting this package before we uh bust it open we got all right let's see what you got cesar it's uh tyler perry's medea on the run the movie 28 of this movie oh a different movie but another 28. this one is cheaper by the dozen oh and cheaper by the dozen two technically you just got like 60 movies with all the same ones you might be able to sell some some of these for like five bucks at a garage sale or some you could potentially make your money back on this but it might it might take a little bit of work we're down to the final two items oh one of them is actually just already chilling so we got a wi-fi extender let's see who's gonna get that we got tj and dwayne left and the winner is dwayne all right duane congratulations 110 dollars not a dog but you made your money back that's not bad last up is pj love lady i don't have a great feeling about this but nonetheless here it is yeah like i can't help but feel like some of these things are kind of worth money it's like a handle of some kind i don't know what these are tj but now they're yours we took a few l's at the end there folks but overall big money we're gonna put the total on the screen for you guys so i paid two thousand dollars i think i would very easily be able to make my money back from reselling these products and possibly double my money i think would be a good goal you guys want to see us continue to gauge how much money we could have made from the pallets in the next videos be sure to let us know smash the like button big shout out to tony for winning the ps5 if you guys want to join any more of these palettes yourself go to itsyaboy.com we got another video on the screen for you guys to check out as always thank you so much for watching and we will catch you next time
Channel: ItsYeBoi
Views: 131,133
Rating: 4.949791 out of 5
Keywords: itsyeboi, return pallet, pallet, unboxing, amazon return pallet, ups undelivered freight, ups undelivered, ups return pallet, amazon undelivered package pallet, ps5, playstation 5, ps5 unboxing, playstation 5 unboxing, itsyeboi return pallet, itsyeboi amazon, ps5 return pallet, ps5 find, amazon customer returns, massive unboxing, amazon, mystery unboxing, itsyeboi unboxing, tech returns unboxing
Id: W2Pl-fT7M80
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 55sec (895 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 29 2021
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