I bought 50 Pounds of FUN Lost Mail Packages

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what is inside of undeliverable unopened uned unclaimed USPS mail packages I always forget that third one I know you're always every time you do that you're like uh like space out there's there's the three U's there's the three 's I remember two 's you do the one U okay but there's you do you you do you boo boo so in each one of these boxes there are up to eight unopened undeliverable unclaimed USPS packages yes 10 bucks per package sometimes it's a little bit High because it's like a phone case or a sticker but sometimes it's like a freaking baseball jersey or football jersey yeah you never know or 20 grand worth of illegal drugs you just don't know or you just don't know just straight up counterfeit money yes yes I mean like 1,000 bucks in counterfeit money it happens it was like $10,000 counter fit money fit money you to keep your knife for only one for the packages oh yeah sorry only one of the um bills that were in that set of counterfeit money only one of them said for Motion Picture only one did one of them out of all of them that's by a Jersey right there I think it is it's probably so soccer jersey I bet probably soccer that feels interesting oh this is Oh Heaven what is that I don't know but that's heavy I I can kind of see through the package a little bit it has hearts on it that's got some weight to it too e Fone case this one feels intriguing it's like I think it's a book it feels Booky fish hopefully it's a good book because I I just finished another book A book I started it one night and I to read I'm sorry I can order Hooked on Phonics for you if you would like are we still starting small to large this is a phone case I can feel it g why why a phone case why do they do this to me I don't know I guess I'm doing this one I can't tell where this one was going I can't see the city or state this this one feels like it's already been opened up in the past like it was way too easy to just open somebody owes us $10 um I don't know it's something that you plug into the wall and then it looks like that I don't know that's kind of nice it's actually a cool phone phone case that time it's an iPhone 13 Pro Max but it has like a a little little slider to protect your camera if you're not going to use your camera interesting it's kind of nice actually kind of nice I don't know what that is okay it's actually a decent phone case that time is it it actually is okay I'm impressed which one's the trash box this one where did you see that it's a oh good we have a 14 I think yeah we do here's another small but this is not a bone case though I don't have any more small ones I these two small I don't I mean the smallest that I have are these two yes yeah grab one of those small ones we're going small to large I think this is a book this is my next small and I really wanted to see what book this is because you can read I can read I can't read uid Ohio is that how you say that uid wow EU c l i d uid That's what I said uid I don't know if that's right I've never heard of that town before and the the person's name is more interesting I don't know how you pronounce that person's name the person's name in the town go hand in hand yes they're meant to be I cannot see again on this package I do hope it's a good [Applause] book what is this what did you order sound sounds wild and broken Sonic Marvel's Evolution creativity and the crisis of sensor sensory Extinction what what that does not sound like a good book here's my new shirt darling Oh that would look good on you yes it would I should totally wear it's a little shiny shiny like the the the material is a little on the shiny side it is a 4X I can totally walk this shirt I could totally wear this shirt this book cost $13.45 where what store did it come from word wordy wordy your online book shop based out of gorest gl14 La is the country code is a country glor gorer is that a country I don't think that's a country maybe it is I don't know yeah mean that's that's the country yeah cuz that's the code I don't know gor goras the country I don't know we're learning all kinds of interesting things tonight watery your online bookstore thank you for the book I will enjoy it learning how to read with your book Thank you next biggest package okay that's this for me this was going to Rosel New Jersey Chester Pennsylvania it's good town you been have you been there probably probably so you haven't been there I think it's close to Gettysburg I'm pretty sure it's close to Gettysburg you are just pulling my leg Yeah I think it's right under the road from Gettysburg what is this it has like a Bambi on it oh it's a little handbag thing with a Bambi I have a bracket this is nice I have like a a bracket what's on the inside a bracket oh those are screws 10 bucks this package for a bracket sometimes brackets are $10 and today your bracket was $10 I guess this is my next that look like it look like freaking mess it was examined examined by Customs taped all by Customs that's you baby that's yours right there that's yours okay well do you want to know what's in it yeah I kind of do okay okay where was it oh we can't even tell where it was going Customs were shs they were also intrigued by that package Customs taped that thing back up very well well apparently it did okay to proceed on to wherever it was going Customs didn't like it though so my next biggest one probably be this it looks like a bunch of trash this one is unendorsed business mail third class non endorsement oh my gosh they went through every single one of these packages inside here every single one of these has Customs like tape on it please do not open this package if you are not the recipient Customs did and you're doing it too it's from wish please scan this QR code and follow the commands on the screen okay not oh we have hair extensions wow this prob is worth 10 bucks though I bit it says is how to detangle synthetic hair is this is synthetic hair 22in synthetic hair is that where Tim Buck you think is this really like how Customs goes through your packages and repackages them yes you didn't know that they will tear your packages apart there was actually on the Reddit boards somebody sold a vintage graded like Nintendo game like new and box sealed that was graded by wada it it was worth like 20 grand it went through customs they actually broke the case open up opened up the seal game just to see what was inside the game and then of course it was a Nintendo game they so they put all back into the package shipped it off to the rest of the seller of course they destroyed the value it was worth like a $20,000 game Customs broke the graded pack the case opened up the Nintendo Game to see inside the package oh mg that's Customs always be careful shipping stuff through customs because they literally will destroy your package this says bubble cleaner I don't know what bubble clean cleaner is but obvious whatever bubble cleaner yes Customs they will destroy your pack look every single one open up but at least this person they I know and then they like just tore into that they weren't as bad as I've seen some packages this is like lipstick or something this is just repl like a replacement faucet head thing I don't know what that is looks like a spray bottle or something spray bottle or something I don't know what that is this is like a pouch like a fanny pouch thing this is like a snake earring wow yeah just stuff wow wow and wow stuff okay good job Customs keep fighting a good fight they really beat that up keep fighting a good fight okay okay next small package I have like this is this is kind of a small two that are similar so I'll just do this one I'll do this one okay this one went through JFK I don't know where the ad is though I see the person's name is Derek so if you're Derek I got your package well I can't read anything except for the word Emerald Emerald Emerald like the cook Emerald gosip you got Emerald's package no look like the street is Emerald like Emerald Agassi o is that Spider-Man it's some kind of a Spider-Man thing it looks like Nerf oh you you you wear it like oh I see it so you wear it as like see like you have your glove you wear it then like you shoot out your your little Nerf thing kind of like you know what I'm saying that's Nifty it says your next your next well o problem is it's you neck so it be your apost r e next this is true I'm just saying a little bit of grammar issue your next would be you are next your I don't want to be that person I know you're a big I don't want to be that person but that shirt would be you possibly are you next most U most people don't know that unfortunately be that person and then this has like just a skull these are very thin shirts not high quality not high quality these actually feel like a handkerchief almost they are not high quality these are super cute you could literally see the persons like areolas through this shirt if you want a lightweight shirt here you go say hate hate what did that say I don't know what mine says oh it says love one says love other hand says hate I don't think mine says anything love hate on his knuckles somebody was very dark and decided to order some shirts when they were feeling quite dark and they obviously don't care about the your and your difference but that's a whole different story there there and theirs you know what I'm saying there there and there I don't like the way that Siri changes words words to the wrong words like the other day oh boy I was talking to text and I said lose loose and it put in loose oh gosh and I did not say that and I sent it and then it sounded ridiculous oh gosh what do how will you recover from that tragedy I don't know how will you recover I do not seriously how will you recover I'm still traumatized from it I know you are do not like it I know you are this one I can't tell where it was going all I see is spring at something postage do I have a hair tie and a pair of pants these look like kids pants size large they're a size one is this a shirt oh boy it is yes sir it is put it on darling I think it's a like a shift dress yes it is that's all you do we have another one as eclectic is that one it's like a little shifter US size extra large large extra large that is more like a medium and a large or a cuz all this stuff runs so small oh yeah Run's very small I think we're like we have an odd number we have an odd number o these two are kind of the same okay that has a little bit of weight to it oh I can't see oh wait what does that say e Effingham Asheville North Carolina Asheville that's where that um that Mansion is right the uh Belmore is it in Asheville belore who the builtmore Mansion Who lives at the builtmore I don't think anybody lives there anymore uh but the one guy his mother is like part of that family what's his name um it it's not Conan it's uh oh that guy on CNN he's [Music] a I can't think of his name but anyway Cooper yes Anderson Cooper yeah that's it part of that rich family yeah I have some oh my goodness round things yes we're putting it on darling it's what is is it this thing is heavy it is it's heavy very bedazzled it's heavy got weight to it I just have some round things that I don't know what it is try putting this thing on that looks like a holy scoli oh Bo this thing's long it's like really long is it heav oh my put it on want to wear this all night put it on and it is it SE practically it's heavy too it is Imagine wearing that thing all night long it is kind of see yeah it's see-through it's heav so you would have to have an underdress it's it's it's horrible isn't it I would never want to wear something that's heavy and like it's so long it'd be like dragging behind you the whole night right I guess it'd be dragging but if somebody out there's interested in this very heavy like it's a size large it says mesh like beaten with real diamonds they're not real diamonds don't mislead people oh they look real to me if these are real diamonds if these are real diamonds we are so retiring that's a lot of diamonds darling these look pretty high quality too that's a lot of dress that is so take that away that is so heavy that probably weighs 5 lbs I bet you imagine wearing that all night long that would hurt your your like your shoulders and your upper back can you imagine the pain that you're going to have like the next day I think this is something for golfing and it has like maybe dark I don't know I don't know game of some kind ready yeah three big packages three go this one might have a lot let say that for last we do that as like a combin yeah okay okay I'll this one says no Parker postage due address is completely burnt off cannot see anything what does that say p p pic pic p pic where is that somewhere where's paic I can't even make out what state that is it was going to Parker Avenue so that's why there's no Parker because apparently there's no Parker Avenue oh we got some Gucci cheese oh boy these are nice though here is a cake slicing tool nice kind of soft yeah they look better quality than the stuff that we usually get they actually are they're they're they're decent here is another cake slicing tool it says designed in Paris the brand is dick hard excuse you d e c a r s DZ cares when you watch this back the card when you watch this back listen to how you said it the first time how do I say it dickard well yeah diard yeah keep saying it di cards deards deards but when you when you're saying it slow this says size 45 which is like a 10 or something like that these are actually decent quality shoes dick cards you you might want to stop all your head I have a a slicer [Applause] thing I'm going start wrapping in a second just keep okay keep going all right we lovely no I want no people they'll they'll get mad if I start rapping again I was really enjoying that people will get mad they don't like it whenever they don't like it whenever we rap for those of you who I think we're pretty good rappers we used to rap a lot and it was quite good I thought we were pretty good there sometimes we we even had record labels reach out to us we would flow for a while sometimes we did we flowed people loved it we flowed until they didn't love it anymore and then they told us to stop kind of broke our hearts yep hit me right here they called me the Midwest Buster rymes they did they did is that right they called me the Midwest Buster that's that's what that's what they did they did and am I am I the Midwest Snoop or you're the uh yeah you're like the Midwest uh what's that one chick I'm the Miss Becky Nikki instead Miss oh yeah cuz she she does that with the with the ganga with the ganga first I eat your brains in brains I have not heard that cuz that's what a gangsta do you know you know that verse no I didn't know that verse it's like the song's called Monster like has like eight rappers on it and Kanye West tried to get her thrown off of it because she took over the song and like blew all the guys out of the water on the song Make Kanye West mad because what doesn't make Kanye mad well this but but people know what I'm talking about where where she was like I'm a monster okay you're like the Midwest Minaj and I'm the Midwest Buster okay okay can we get back to the video anyway yes we were very very good rappers oh Sheen oh Sheen said in a very very appropriate way I said nothing wrong no undertones at all here we go here we go quickly I'm going to get do mine faster than yours I have hair BOS baby hair BOS beanie says something it has it has a beanie I'm on to my second package hurry no idea that says g yep got it no idea what that thing said we have baby pants Y in that color and in that color nice baby pants all brand new Sheen this looks nice is it Kanye I don't know it's upside down for one y it's Marilyn Marilyn Monroe size large uh more like a small I have more more like a small I have a baby baby pants with a bow and a baby sweater with ruffles okay that baby stuff was 3 to six months for anyone who is interested in the details I have more baby stuff this shirt is very soft has Ruffles and it has a pair of pants that go with it can't get it with a tag that is on the outside of the pants instead of the inside of the pants nice because that makes sense oh we got more baby stuff 62 size it says whatever size 62 is this is zero to one month size 62 did you already do this can't get it open we have some satin hats that'll look like this nice would you like the hot pink one definitely nice oh heck yes yes why do you look like a chef with a hot pink cat I look good though I look good I look good I look like I'm in the salon that my hair is all a hot mess and you look like a chef I a professional at work I look good oh boy all right no matter what I do I look professional I know you just you know I just oo you're just rocking it all the time professionalism Los Angeles California California this is a size large large baby stuff can I keep my pink hat uhhuh I think you should keep it I have a pair of ribbed leggings that's what she said and a size large you're so funny there's your new bibs oh help you when whenever you feed yourself oh look little baby socks little tiny baby socks baby socks like tiny little baby socks like tiny that's not going to fit around my neck that is not going to fit around my neck oh we have a baby brush it might fit fit around my wrist maybe last two things are you guys sad we're almost done got some PJs I have a pair of leggings PJs leggings PJs leggings extra large PJ tops PJ extra large I'm going to keep these PJs you get PJs too no I got leggings that have pockets oh my goodness and you know how I feel about leggings that have pockets if they have pockets wash them down what does that mean like you wash them down you keep them in you huh washing down okay weirdo you're weirdo you're the one wearing a freaking shower cap and a and a bib and I'm ready to cook all right so this is what you see that you receive in undelivered un claimed un deliverable I already said that and I said unclaimed hold on the the I took yours unclaim unopen unopened the three 's the three 's the three 's that we can't ever remember un un and un uh-huh unopen un un un delivered un oh see there's Uno un and un I'll never remember that Uno Unk and un it's just undelivered unopened and unclaimed yes those are the UNS the three 's mhm yeah that's what we got that's what we got hope you enjoyed it and we'll see you next [Music] [Applause] time
Channel: Franchise Kicks
Views: 50,294
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pallet flipping, return pallets, returns pallet unboxing, pallet unboxing, flipping side hustle, amazon pallet unboxing, amazon return pallet, amazon returns, amazon liquidation pallets, thrifting, amazon pallet unboxing 2023, amazon customer returns, missing amazon packages, unclaimed mail, lost mail, fashion, clothing, lost and found, unique find, strangers mail, lost package, lost cargo, unclaimed, pallet, auction, one piece, backpack, what's inside, whats inside, usps, ups
Id: T_1rMrxXP7Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 30sec (1770 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 30 2023
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