I Bought 50 Pounds of LOST MAIL Packages - LOOK WHAT WE FOUND!

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today we have two mystery boxes full of unclaimed undeliverable and unopen USPS I had to glance over and Che I was like oh my God she did it I I had to cheat unclaimed unopened undeliverable USPS mail packages that is hard for me to remember those three you I just can't do it unopened unclaimed undeliverable so each box has between seven to eight packages per box cost is like 10 bucks per mystery package of unclaimed undeliverable mail yep you missed the unopened but that's okay I skipped it purposely because we did not want to confuse the people at home oh I figured you were just gonna you skipped it just to see if I would pick up on with all these UNS and UNS and oo and there's just too o and O and La too much oh we learned during the Super Bowl oh yeah that we always call it teu uhhuh during the commercial that they shot it's te it's te did you know that at home home it's not pronounced teu it's temu somebody made somebody made a Tik Tok video about that it was a lady and she was like did you know does anybody know that that's the way it was pronounced K nobody knew how crazy is that that's pretty crazy nobody knew nobody knew cuz cuz cuz the uh commercial came him on during the Super Bowl and we both stopped and I was like how did you hear that they said we backed it up remember I backed the commercial I was like they said temu I was like I got some monster packages in here you did I'm kind of jelly wow I'm Jelly I'm Jelly I don't I mean you might have only got seven or something I don't know I didn't count them as I was Chinese balls hopefully you really want those Chinese balls back when I was a kid I I had some Chinese balls where you put them in your hands and and it helps like like your finger strength and stuff maybe someday I'll have some Chinese balls again cuz it actually it's it's good for like they have that thing too that that squeezy thing that I want Chinese balls cuz be because it makes that sound that that it's like that ASMR sound or that it's you cannot describe the sound anywh else it's it's kind like a ringing sound but it also has a clanking sound to it too as it goes around yep I'm actually still kind of shocked by this whole temu thing I mean that was like a massive thing we we we we had to pause and Rewind and just verify that cuz think about all the YouTubers who did the sponsorships with the temu everybody said teu did they never correct it like all the sponsorships I don't apparently not te teu wow puts a whole new spin on the world TAMU TAMU I kind of like like the name better though it's like it's not so U temu well okay temu I feel like Americans in general America we tend to put a harsher sound on words like you know I mean TAMU is very where we're like teu te teu I could teu jump but this is U it's it kind of sounds like a fine wine that ages gracefully U but teu it sounds like a domestic beer right like a cheaper domestic beer u sounds like like an imported fine wine yes big difference would you like a TAMU or a Teo o if I'm angry you give me that teu that's going to just jump me up to the next level of anger but if I just want to chill and relax you're having a TAMU TAMU just pass me the TAMU bottle please oh give me some t with some gray Pon oh oh would you like a cheeseboard with that too Shak Shakur temu and gra wow people are getting so bored right now I know small packages darling I have these two dinky ones we might have to do mine first I have these yeah that's these two are like the smallest of like the small okay we'll do those two then those might be Chinese ball oh that's not Chinese balls that's not balls that that's closer to balls than this maybe let's see where this is going dra no State and no zip that's a problem that might have been why I didn't get to you cuz this says Draper I'm sure there's multiple Drapers within this country as a city mine was what does this bag say it has like multiple writing important oh it's not that important since she put on a state ZIP code not that important what do I have oh it's factory sealed his smile color corrector serum for teeth brightening we have a wire to wireless USB adapter still Factory sealed very nice with a barcode hold up this one has a barcode too sells on Amazon hold up hold up hold up hold up hold up hold up hold up hold it up hold it up wow it looks like this on is this is the 5.0 this is what I'm trying to find out if it's the same size the car actually it's called the Carin kit the 3.0 on Amazon sells for $112 whoa I think this might be what to choose it's still Factory sealed well mine only sells for $19 and you guys look at this image that they put on to sell this product I'm just going to go ahead and say that's not the most attractive image she got paid some money to take that photo I would hope the the like everything that that you do is Forever on the internet so forever she's like says apply two pumps and brush for 2 minutes it's a violet that cancels out the yellow it's exact same thing cpc2 200 CP 2A this one's the the cp200 u2w is 112 So the U2 U numbers like they look exactly the same there's probably just like one small difference that one sells for 112 this one it's going to take some research but it's at least half of that or or more it's still fact we'll call it $75 so it's a wireless carplay adapter for like your stuff your stuff your stuff okay thanks for buying it it was important activate your 12- month warranty and get free stuff too oh boy next ooh oh oh this this might be it you you have more Smalls kind of heavy is is this not of your yeah that's got way I know what is this I don't know what did you buy if I knew what it was I wouldn't have to open that feels like sandals but those are heavy I know it's heavy it might be like weighted sandals or something weighted sandals maybe that's like next next small guess yeah okay do this Miami wow that's why it it did not get there Apartment A is the address Miami no State it's just apartment a Miami mine has the city is Matthews no State and missing digits to the ZIP code that's why I didn't get there their address is just Apartment A in Miami so there's probably I mean I think it'd be pretty easy to find just drive all around Miami but there's probably only one Miami than just Florida though there's probably a Miami that's true Delaware there probably is that's true too probably is good point so you don't know which Miami that might be and Apartment A what is this darling I don't know I can't get mine open be very careful with your addresses and I broke my fingernail really low and so it's hard to like your things open use your oh I have a smart watch Smart Watch that's a lot of tee better than a dumb watch maybe I don't know a dumb light watch might be cool too I don't know what this is this is what the Smartwatch looks like and if anybody's looking for smart watches we do have quite a few available on our eBay store so if you see one that you are interested in you can let me know and I'm willing to work out a deal or if you want to buy them all you want to buy a bunch of them that's fine too I've also been listing a bunch of stuff on our um website uh which is franchise k.com link down below you can check out the stuff that I've been listing there um that stuff is not listed anywhere else it's only on uh franchise kicks.com and if you see something that you're interested in any of these videos you can reach out to me the wife 317 at yahoo.com and I'm happy to let you know if I still have it what is this guesstimate what that is I have no clue that is I feel as though this is bands for exercise where you can make make your own size band it doesn't feel stretchy though well we're going to find out going to open it up all the way well I have to anyway what do you think it is it might be trash bags you think so I don't know I don't know what it is maybe throw it against the wall see what happens maybe it's bouncy if it goes through the wall it's a keeper It bounc Off the Wall we get rid of it is a trash B does it open yes it opens oh you know what you could do with this you put those nuts in it from the mall and then you can see it the cones and they keep getting smaller and smaller and smaller that's a possibility we have nut bags nut bags create your own nut bags you you just got to get a nut sealer to seal your nut bags now I have nut sealer out there wait we can combine those we got one in a TAMU a TAMU way back in the day actually we got several of them and I kept one so that you I haven't used it yet but it seals it and so you can reeal your back bag yep seal your nuts with your seal nut bag we've got a nut nut bag nut bag nice nice nice that makes me happy bag oh nuts that's all I wanted next that's probably about the that's a tenu I know TAMU TAMU unendorsed third class something that's a different reason that's totally burnt off on that one Williston Park New York never been there never even heard of it oh shoot did you cut yourself no I I totally like went into the table like I left a mark you damaged my table I mean not that there's like not but if I would have like oh that would have been Bad News Bears oh my I have a money box we have Albert Einstein oh that's awesome I won't put it on cuz somebody's going to want to buy it you know his birthday is March 14th Pi Day which he created pie which is 3.14 which is also my daughter's birthday pretty awesome I have to say the Albert Einstein mask is for sale and we will not put it on because I would not want to buy somebody's used mask myself it's kind of a cool mask his hair needs kind of some coming and stuff his hair needs a little bit of shape and com a little bit but yeah it's not bad kind of cool Halloween's right around the corner I know it'll be here before we know it it's like 9 months away I know I mean it's literally like 9 months away I bet you know what that means smell on the mask M smells like a Halloween mask you know what that means though right Halloween's right around the corner it means football season again just a few months away football season train Camp starts in 5 months is well um isn't it this month that they're having the combine I think so like the end of this month month I think they're doing a combine yep then the draft's a few months away then they'll they'll they'll do some mini camps and then training camp should start into July yep so it'll all be here before we know it and then we'll see the Colts next year win the Super Bowl here's another T this one feels weird these are like the same sizes Panama City Beach I like Panama City Beach good oysters there Pena Georgia is that how you pronounce it Kena Kenesaw yep Panama City remember that place we used to go there to get the oysters yeah the Oyster Bar what was the name of that place oh it was like this house you had to get there early like before they opened up like an hour early cuz now you could not get a table they they um converted a house in to the Oyster Bar gosh what was the name of it I can see the building cuz we've been there many of times hey Siri uhhuh Panama City Beach Oyster Bar the top 10 go go ahead with your story huh but anyways it was so good it was the first place he and I ever had oysters this is it I think yeah yep that's it hunts Oyster Bar and seafood restaurant hunts it's l a house that they convert into an oyster bar not much seaing so if you if you want to eat there good they open up at 11 a.m. so if you're ever in the Panama City Beach area try it go there try it that's all they have is oysters so they have um Oyster Rockefeller and um steamed oo good oh maybe they do have a couple of other chees and stuff y they do yeah oysters and well I'm just saying oysters are like that's what they have oh I like it I like it too they're they're pretty sexy babe cuz we found about the Hunts from the locals too we actually asked some some of the locals there like where's where's where do the locals go to eat and they said we go to Hunts and then we went and played bingo at the local Bingo hall with a whole bunch of locals and there's a person there that that actually gave us Christmas shirt yeah it is her like Dober like like yeah she did cuz we didn't have a Dober and and she was like here I have an extra one here is this yours like well thank you she like gave us a Dober just so we could play I think that's the same stay though that we went is that the no maybe that was our first time down there too I was going to say cuz we stayed at a hotel down there pizza too we stayed at a hotel down there that was supposed to be like a pretty nice hotel and I found cockroaches like in multiple places I was like this is gross it was supposed to be a really nice hotel too P yeah remember when we got eaten up by those horse flies and the jellyfish were like stinging in the water oh gosh that was interesting little bit of costume jewelry this is all in one package yeah we we went down there like at least three times I bet and then me and my parents went down there once also yep there's like a little little like B bag that you can attach to stuff it looks like a tennis shoe that took my parents to the Hunts Oyster Bar and like they have more food there just beside oysters so like if like you just just just want Seafood like they have shrimp and like fish and stuff too and like they actually shuck like the oyster straight from like the fishing boat back to the Hunts and then they shuck them there like like at the bar yeah they go out in the morning I mean it's it's all freshh caught that day shooked so this is like a moon necklace this is a star necklace this is a pearl and this is a um like a larger heart necklace there's butterflies on this one and I don't know about this one oh it's got little heart little little hearts you won't ever be able to see them anyways those will probably go up on our franchise kick franchise.com once I get to it sometimes I don't get to things real Qui same as the Albert Einstein mask will probably put onto the franchise.com yes that' be the best place to sell that mask so it's brand new Albert Einstein if I'm priced if there's a price on there we can talk like if you see pricing on there and you're like let's talk a little bit so I'm good with that okay I'm doing the TAMU TAMU I've already done a TAMU I think I did a TAMU I thought I did a no TAMU Tam I did it it was a money box oh should I do the TAMU then no I'll do it I think this one's the next smallest I think this was going to Malden Massachusetts Cameron Park California never heard of it is that SoCal you think Cameron Park it sounds kind like SoCal this can't sound so palish calistic XP alidocious that's what I said extra large we have a vintage T9 trimmer professional oh what does that say that does not look very professional Salem look at that it looks like it's missing pieces Salem broom company that's kind of cute quality can't read it established something that's kind of cute Salem broom company nice doesn't that look like it's missing pieces it's actually decent quality I don't think so yeah but I mean normally that would be closed up it's U honey I know it's TAMU it's not exactly the best quality it's TAMU TAMU extra large some people get real upset with you I know I'm going to stop talking bad about the TAMU cuz some people got real riled up I got some hateful messages from people that were very upset that I don't like temu cell phone case I got some hateful messages cell phone case people were pretty certain people were very upset and a p so I vowed to be nicer to temu even though I'm not a huge fan of the website are these heated or just oh no they're just like GL they look kind of nice though yeah not bad has little grippies grippies yep that's too too big they are size extra large is what it says these are the next two darling okay hand me one I don't care thick or thin thick you want the thicky oh this was going to Phoenix Arizona so this guy's name was Bobby not at its address in Louisville Kentucky so there's probably at least two Bobbies in all of Louisville Kentucky I bet well this one has two different addresses on it that's an issue yeah that's an issue can't deliver one package to two places it could have been while the USPS did not deliver it got what would you get we got some Gucci it's probably real too Gucci Gucci got to be real look at those gu we got a jersey darling look at those bling bling oh boy we did get a jersey these are not feeling like real Gucci oh no those are plastic those are not feeling like it plastic yeah those are not authentic Gucci oh my gosh that's kind of cool is horrible too Joe burrow like women's size medium from Super Bowl lvi which would have been like what two seasons ago right yeah that that's when uh the Bengals lost [Music] to it was the Chiefs right didn't they lose to the Chiefs in the Super Bowl I think so cuz the Bengals lost I think Chiefs beat him with two seasons ago there's no size on this it looks like it might be my size I'll just try them on new tags onfield Joe burrow oh they are perfect oh you got some Gucci but you can tell those aren't authentic though I know they're horrible this probably would hurt your feet too horrible quality look they even send you a Gucci a Gucci bag did they Le spell it right no I didn't didn't look did they at least spell it right yeah okay A stitch on Jersey it'll be available probably on franchise kicks.com Joey B size medium four big ones left they're all about the same size they we we have two flat and two round we should do those together then okay are you considering these round yeah okay we'll just do the roundies the roundies roundies Brooklyn New York oh well it didn't have a state C cxo cxo I've never heard of that cxo where is that this thing is very not but cxo cxo maybe down in Arizona or Texas I don't know have on it so I don't know never heard of it I'm discovering that our schools have got a jacket have failed our children um in learning how to do basic tasks of completing your address yes they failed and how to read a like a clock like like just a normal clock with arms yes a lot of kids can't do it just the normal stuff I think I have a winter jacket kind nice too I got one too with a charging yeah I have learned that most of these do not come with the the portable battery charger that you have to buy it like separately that's not right oh it's a size 2XL oh that's a women's 2XL that's not a men's 2XL this is a size small they're very similar well not not really this has got to be a women's 2XL way too small for men's 2XL you oh look at the name of that look at the brand name on that one pronounce that Jiu-Jitsu natui jiujitsu nailed it that's there you go I don't know if you can see it but there you go nailed it nice puppy black jacket with a like a heated thing part of it so that's kind of nice probably good 20 30 bucks at least last two last two mine is no such number ooh this this is the one that was kind of heavy that's almost our house address close the numbers Brooklyn New York oh bre B Brew something b r e w that's all that I can see that's it it's all burnt off mystery address oh my God what what what is it Hermes what is is that good Hermes Hermes Hermes it's called Hermes I thought it's called Hermes it's not Hermes ow they're sandals thought it was going to be something fun and they're fake oh yeah they're fake fake fakey fakey oh God these stink it's very oh what material is that horrible what's the material I have no idea what that material is what's that material what is that it's a paint smell it's a definitive paint smell it's kind of like a like a vinyl oh that's horrible it's a shoe they leave a weird feel on your fingers too just put them away they leave a weird feel on your fingers are these the same oh yeah well no it's no they're different did you already pull these out uhuh I don't know what size that's different smell like no those don't smell no those actually smell like normal those actually look much better too these are weird they're size 47 H okay you have a very weird smell and weird texture weird now what that's it that's it that's it we're out of packages well that was that's it I want more more more I want more you have to wait till next week shoot you wait till next week I mean we've got more just not right here oh can we do more no oh do you guys want us to do more no they want to see more next week what was that they came from like buying somewhere was it my butt yep that was your phone where is my phone making Celestial noises oh it's right here oh yeah that was my phone y it's it's like blowing up all right well I guess we will see you next week with more fun box unclaimed undelivered unopened mail the three 's the three [Music] [Applause] [Music] 's the
Channel: Franchise Kicks
Views: 44,705
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pallet flipping, return pallets, returns pallet unboxing, pallet unboxing, flipping side hustle, amazon pallet unboxing, amazon return pallet, amazon returns, amazon liquidation pallets, thrifting, amazon pallet unboxing 2024, amazon customer returns, missing amazon packages, unclaimed mail, lost mail, fashion, clothing, lost and found, unique find, strangers mail, lost package, lost cargo, unclaimed, pallet, auction, one piece, backpack, what's inside, whats inside, usps, ups
Id: mFYLa_R1_zs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 0sec (1740 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 22 2024
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