Amazon Return Pallet Unboxing - Here's What They Don't Tell You

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all right everybody we just got a huge Amazon return pallet from the biggest auction house here in Kansas City and we're going to be answering the question are these still profitable in the year 2024 can you still make really serious money with Amazon return pallets we're going to be showing you exactly how they are we're not going to be sensationalizing or click baiting or cutting any Corners we're just going to give it to you straight so that you can figure it out for yourself and I hope you enjoy the video all right everybody so we got a huge haul going now um I've put a lot of this stuff out here there's a little bit more behind me as well as of our investment overall we got about 300 bucks here worth of product this was broken up into a few smaller palletes but I put this at about the equivalent of an Amazon monster pette um so it's not an insignificant investment but it's also not a ton of money so it's not like it's something that we got to worry too much about okay it looks like we got a big fan of some sort here let's see okay okay let's see okay looks like a little folding seat or something is this a little bed cuz I could use one of these actually okay so we got some folding dog stairs I I'll try to sell this this could probably go for something might be eyeball in some of these skates but they look pretty nice so I'm going to try to sell these two these look like they're in good shape let's go with what just fell here ninja we got a ninja oh no we got the close cam this looks like somebody just made some really yucky yucky yucky yucky something real yucky that is all I will say about that okay so this is disgusting this will probably go in the trash pile speaking of [Music] trash boom what is this it looks new okay some type of air system of some sort [Music] okay what's in this one let's find out curtains that'll be the maybe B this one's got a hole in it wood night stand with three stor drawers it's kind of a mess but we will put this in the maybe well we'll put it in the keeper B I'm going to try put this together make something out of it now this had me excited looks like a nice blue blanket or rug maybe it's a rug oh it's a rug sometimes the average looking stuff it doesn't sell too well but if you got something kind of Z kind of weird that'll actually sell so we'll put this in the keeper keeper bin all right the astute viewer may have seen this and might just know what it is this is a Dyson you can see we got it here and this is um this is the legit one uh I have sold quite a bit of these before so I know how to tell if they're legit and this one is a legitimate authentic Dyson air wrap let's let's power it on and let's see if it's going to work okay well that was a little sad um but like I said it's still honestly this kit especially if I sell them separately it's still about 200 bucks and you know I'll have some fees and whatnot but that'll still pay for about half of this whole pallet so this is still a decent find I'll put this somewhere safe what do we have next this is something that might be worth at least using myself let's see it looks like it's some type of shelf metal shelf and server rack so it's still a nice little piece of Kit I don't know if you can see what this says this is a b day okay it could be worse it looks like it's actually not used okay it it looks like it's it looks like it's not used and that's not the worst thing in the world actually I mean honestly see I'm glad we opened it this might even be worth reselling this is a good one now this is good for me this might not be good for reselling but we got a lot of these carpet tiles carpeting on my loft might not be such a bad thing I've been thinking about putting in a little reading Nook and this might be nice to have some little carpets and if not I could probably sell these too you never know what could oh we got another one of the blinds okay I know what this is this is like an air conditioner window unit uh like frame it's basically worthless uh let's see what's in here this one's a little heavy okay what do we we have here some type of yard stuff these floating shells ah more floating shells cool [Music] cool remember the last time we had a ninja well we got another one let's hope it's not yucky like the last one oh oh this is the nicer version though we'll put these put that in the maybe pile didn't quite didn't quite make it there where were we okay let's see let's see oh remember what I was saying about car seats so maybe maybe we'll get some money for this this is one of those kind of kind of miscellaneous things I'll put it in the maybe strong maybe strong maybe pile you know this might not look like much but if you got a girl buy her one of these and she'll thank you she'll love it it's one of these drawer organizers this one looks like the bamboo smells pretty good smells like a sushi restaurant actually all right we got some more stuff and my this looks exciting it's another goie looks like it's just a space heater you know that might actually not be a bad thing to sell so I'm going to put this in the keeper pile assuming that it works that's the other thing this is some weird I think my Grandma had this before she died she was a big cozy TV enjoyer I don't know if you ever watched cozy but that had the good shows on a Little House on the Prairie all the good stuff oh yeah this this is worth like a good 20 bucks I'd say probably actually um again if I sell it I think that you know my threshold is usually if it's worth $30 of profit it's worth my time to sell it and I'm not trying to be snoody it's just you got to realize these people on Facebook Marketplace they're kind of they're kind of babies sometimes sometimes you got to Baby them a little bit I don't like foam I don't like this type of just bothers me look at this mess this mess I tell you and it was worth it we got a big cup everybody we got a big cup all this mess it was totally worth it cuz now we have a big old cup and it's got a hole in the bottom so it's not even a cup it's some type of scon we got a scon everybody we got a scon Everybody celebrate celebrate good times we got a Scot and we made a whole mess we made a whole mess for it but we got a scums so that is going to be cherished I bet you didn't know there was even stuff on the floor you know there's just so much stuff all around it's like hard to know hard oh and this I did see I forgot about it until now this would be perfect for my baby nephew [Music] something I just stepped on a big chunk of foam and I made a mess okay now this has also gotten me a little excited sometimes I'm I'm here and I only got fast food at the shop and so sometimes I want some good home cooking and this might be a stove oh it's better it's not a stove I don't know why I thought it was a stove [Applause] clearly this is not a stove but what is it looks like some type of Mike Tyson punching bag or something it's got the tiger on it like Tyson is this worth anything honestly no probably not but the memories and the lessons that these gloves will teach my brother those are Priceless lessons my brother will learn so much from this we're getting down to the end here folks and this is interesting this looks like some type of uh like something you'd put a barrel on and it's got some Wheels it's like casters and it's circular it's like you put a barrel on it and you can roll it around so I mean who's ever going to want something like that but maybe somebody's somebody will this is got me a little excited got to be honest looks like we got a whiteboard here so I got to be real careful as I cut it I don't want to cut too deep this is actually a pretty nice whiteboard kit maybe 30 bucks at best I mean maybe honestly probably not even that so it's probably not worth selling but it might be worth keeping this is how the hoarding begins you can always just become a hoarder instead of writing off the losses just keep it and then you don't feel bad and then and then you'll have [Music] it okay getting a weird feeling about this one I'm getting that feeling that I might have just bought $300 worth of trash that's the feeling I getting looks like some type of support beam so we got another one of these weird this is actually looks like it's in pretty good shape to be honest it looks like it it's not doesn't even really look like it's been tested too much so it might be working all right so we're down to our final handful of items it's a sad State of Affairs we're almost done we're almost finished with all this fun it's like a green screen kit these actually sell pretty well I think we got a calender or something oh wow this is actually really kind of nice I mean you could hang something nice in here my brother one of my brothers is an artist and I bet I could hang a nice nice piece of work from him so I keep I'll keep this maybe I'll give this to my mom actually oh it is diapers okay well at least they're not used oh maybe this goes along with that bar we had earlier it'll take some real investigation to figure out what the heck that was you know and what it's for but I'm sure if we do figure it out it'll be a really nice treat so that's about that's about wraps it up I'd say we probably made a little bit of money on it I'll go over to my final thoughts all right so final thoughts on the pette I'm really glad you guys got to see me unbox this one because this is a really accurate representation on how these generalized palettes go I've done a lot of these before and it just kind of goes like like this you're going to make a few hundred bucks but it's going to take a lot of work you're going to get a lot of junk and it's going to take some time to resell everything if that's something you're signed up for uh you know maybe you work from home or it's easy for you to do sales on on Facebook or Ebay then go for it it's totally worth it and it's a lot of fun however don't order stuff online don't order the pallets online because it'll be a ton of shipping cost and it'll eat all your profit in my experience the only way that online works is if you get a full truck load at a time my neighbor does that and it works okay for him but personally my preference is find a place where you can go in person and pick up the stuff yourself and you'll save a bunch on shipping and you'll actually be able to make a little bit of money the second thing is don't expect to get retail value for items you know you'll get about 30 to 40% of what an item is worth on Amazon and that's if you're lucky but if you like the idea of these General pallets go for it give it a try see if you like it and maybe you'll find something specific to hone into after you start these General pallets and you'll be able to make more money anyway so thanks for watching the video video I'll probably do another one of these it was pretty fun uh and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: T Pallets
Views: 3,304
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Amazon return pallets
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 4sec (904 seconds)
Published: Tue May 28 2024
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