I bought 18 broken Xboxes - Can I Fix Them and Make Money?

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How to recoup loss: Strip working hard drives and power supplies, format and sell separately. Close em back up and sell “broken Xbox” for $60

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/YOUREABOT 📅︎︎ Jun 17 2019 🗫︎ replies
I bought these 18 Xbox ones to see if I can fix them and if I can make money let's get started now the total buy cost on all 18 of these units is one thousand one hundred and two dollars and fifty cents and as I said there's eighteen of them which works out to sixty 125 per unit about 16 Xbox one SS + 2 Xbox 1x consoles so how we're gonna do this is we're just gonna diagnose them one by one and then we'll get all the repairs done after we figure out what's wrong with them we're gonna start with these five right here so let's take this one first and figure out what's wrong you know you got it when you hear the click after we get all those tabs we need to rotate it to the front and then get the tabs down for the front case and there we go got the bottom cover off now we just take all these screws out then we can take the guts out of the top case for time sake I won't show you removing all these screws all of these arty tens with the exception of these four which are t8 now if this screws out we can pull the top case away from the rest of the console just like that then we'll remove this board and this board also using t8 now we just take the top cover off and start pulling out the guts you go with the hard drive first well this would be the first problem power supply is completely disconnected so the first thing I'm gonna do is just plug that back in and then we'll plug it in again and see if it works do you want to put this hard drive back in it will turn on without the hard drive but - we'll just put it in since we have it here we need to put the power board back on so we have a power button now let's try it again what do you think is it gonna turn on whoa don't think I caught that on camera had a little bit of smoke come out right here yeah so we got a problem in this power supply for sure but is the problem in the power supply or is it a problem on the motherboard what's cut is causing the power supply to short out that's the question so then do I dare plug my known good power supply in and take the risk of it burning out that power supply as well let's just look at the motherboard first maybe there's something obvious on the motherboard that will tell us whether there's a problem there or not actually I'm looking at this down here look at that that sure looks like there could be a problem there let's get this motherboard all the way out and have a look under it okay now I have the motherboard out I'll get you guys a close-up look and let's see if we can figure out what's going on with the motherboard so right here is where it looks kind of like burned in black I think you can see that on there also I need to get this fan off so we can look at all the power rail MOSFETs and check those out anytime I show this part of me taking the clamp off ever I always get all these comments Steve doing it wrong you don't know what you're doing you're a [ __ ] well you know I don't really care got to do what works for you is what works for me right now so that's what I'm doing just wait you read the comments after you watch this video you'll see what I mean okay now what do you think is there gonna be burned-out components under here let's check and I see nothing obvious so these guys burn out a lot right here these are MOSFETs and I don't see anything obvious from here and I also don't see anything obvious here I think we need to focus right here for a second so looks like we got a problem here I'll show you why I think that does all of this black right here is you know look at this black feel like that's coming from the layers down in here see how black that is so I think the problem is right here and not in the power supply should be why this power supply was disconnected so I'm guessing we must have some sort of short right here it's a very odd problem I also need to get my meter out so I can meter this and see if there's pins here that are shorted out or what exactly is going on here so let's see what we have here okay so we've got a direct short on this board right from the power rail so we know power is shorting directly to ground and I'm not sure how this has anything to do with it I feel like they're I mean maybe there's layers that shorted out here but it seems unlikely that they're gonna put a layer with full power to a layer of ground so I don't really know for sure on this so I have all this all the masking cleaned off I'm just gonna pull up on this this layer on the top I mean it's clearly the power layer there's definitely I mean all under here it's just black so there's definitely a problem there but I mean if we have to we can just take this whole part of the layer off if I think that'll fix it then I'll do that let's peel back a little bit more of this look at how black and that is so I've just been peeling back this layer more and more this top layer you can see that there's another layer here possibly another layer down here I need to peel this part back more to see if I can get to this black it until this black stuff is all gone because there's obviously a problem right in here where all the burned marks are so if I can get down to the bottom of that I might be able to figure out where the short is coming from so we've got a lot of burn marks under even under this second layer here so I'm gonna clean that out and peel away more this top layer so we can get down to it as long as I have a good circuit race from here over here then I don't really care if I take a bunch of this part out because we've got to get down to the source of this this burning or else we're not gonna be able to figure this out I don't think I think there must be some sort of defect down in here that we have to get to let's get this on our microscopes so we can really see what's going on so I went ahead and scrape back all of the layers that had burn marks on them and got that all cleaned up and made sure none of those little layers we're touching each other then I put on this green solder mask now let's see if we got it all and if the short is gone okay I have one probe on ground these are the ground pins those are the power pins great news there's no shorts on the power pins okay this is great news so it looks like maybe it looks like that short is gone so now with that short gun let's plug the power supply in and see if it still works it may be too damaged I don't know but let's plug it in and see if it works and we'll see if it works on TV as well also interesting note I think the reason that was damaged is because this pin right here on the power supply goes right through that hole and if it's misaligned and you screw it down with the screw that goes in here or screw it down with the screw that goes in here it could smash those layers together enough to possibly cause exactly the problem we had so it could have just been a matter of somebody reinstalling the power supply incorrectly and helicopter it's always handy when you're filming okay and now it's time for the moment of truth I'm gonna plug this in hopefully nothing shorts out hopefully nothing smells burned whoa whoo [Music] okay definitely have a problem on the power supply they're actually now that I look at it it might not be this power supply let me get you guys zoomed in on this if you look right here you can see more burning more shorted spots and I know I had that completely clean before I thought that the damage was from someone pushing down on the power supply and creating a short right here but it seems like maybe there's something else going on between the layers through here let's see if that shorts back now - yep so I thought it was fixed unfortunately there's still some sort of shorter than that layer I would have thought that that that it would have shown is short when I was testing it before I plugged the power supply in so there must be some more of a short somewhere in one of those layers I guess the only thing we can do is just dig it out further and see what we find okay so I dug out a whole bunch more around here make sure there was nothing touching that shouldn't be I think I've got it dug out enough so there's no shorts I don't see any shorts on our power connector this is the ground plane so that should have continuity and this has shows open-loop there on all of those which is good but we're gonna do is plug this in I'm gonna leave this part open so if it does anything cool we can at least watch it and let's see what happens we've got our power supply plugged in here this is there we're gonna want to watch hopefully it'll work but if not hopefully it'll do something really cool let's see what happens yeah nothing happens okay good Wow and we've got a white light this might be fixed I'm not totally sure what's going on the first time but I think we might actually have this one fixed now we're gonna put our solder mask back on make sure everything looks good there and then we'll put this all back together and see if it works or if it needs anything else and of you who are wondering this is the perfect amount of thermal paste so anyone anytime you see something in the comments saying that's too much or that's too little that is the exact correct amount of thermal paste that you need now we've got it back together enough to test the entire console let's so let's make sure it shows up on the screen and the disk drive works okay and the moment of truth do you think it's gonna work nothing shorting out so far no funny smells let's see if it comes up here though oh this is good news okay we've got a disk in here Rainbow six so we'll just put this back in and see if it works yep it's got all the normal noises so that disk clearly works here we go now there is a few more things that I'll test off-camera like making sure the Wi-Fi works making sure it's updated and then I will factory reset it before I put it up for sale so one down 17 more to go now we have console number two the one that's got some rattling going on this one has partial power so let's get it taken apart and see what it looks like on the inside [Music] [Music] [Music] now that we have the motherboard fully out I'm gonna be inspecting it for any sort of liquid damage or burning or anything on the board to see if I can figure out what's going on honestly a lot of times these ones that turn on partial and turn right back off a lot of times they're not fixable because a lot of times it can be this South Bridge right here or that it main APU and many times the solder joints under here can go bad or the chips themselves can go bad I personally don't do reball I don't think it's a good way to repair them as many times they're they still don't will work after you take all the time to reball them so I'm gonna be taking a look at the motherboard to see if I can see anything that looks like it might be causing this problem so I'm going to check and see if there's any shorts to the power rail from the power rail to ground and there is not so these are the power pins and these are the ground pins I'm also going to check these chips right here to see if there's any shorts on those no no no so all of these chips in this area and capacitors seem to be working normally with this particular board I'm guessing it's probably either a problem with this main APU or the Southbridge I'm thinking maybe I'll replace this just to see if that might happen to fix it I don't think it will I can also try it with a different power supply just to rule out the power supply so I'm gonna do that now and we'll just see if that happens to fix it I don't think it will this is one of the big problems with Xbox one s is the powering on and then off problem and since so many times it's caused by the main large chips many times unfortunately there's just not a really good way to fix them but let's try what we can and see if we might happen to get lucky on this one now we have this chipper place let's see if we get lucky and it will work now and let's try it what do you think is it gonna work I don't think it's going to nope okay let's try it with a known good power supply and see if that happens to work now do you think it's gonna work I still I'm pretty skeptical nope still just nothing we do have at least the light will come on now so unfortunately without a schematic there's just really nothing else I can test on this that I know of if you know of something that might work let me know in the comments section and if I still have this then I might be able to try that on camera but for now let's move on from number two and go to number three so number three is actually a partial power it's actually pretty much exactly the same as number two so I'm actually gonna move on to number four we're gonna save this one till a little bit later see what ideas you guys give me and see if any of those will fix it so for number four it's stuck on the update screen it does seem to turn on normally and work normally other than that so let's see if we can get that one figured out okay so this is the problem we're having I'm guessing that at least part of it is because it's not connected to the Internet so let's try that first and see if it hopefully maybe this one we just need an update that would be awesome the fan noise is definitely annoying it seems like the fan blades may be hitting the heatsink or something I'm not totally sure but we got to figure that one out okay now it's going to check for updates let's see what happens so I'm gonna skip past all the updating and we'll let you guys know how it went after it's done we're about halfway through verifying once it gets to applying that's the critical part if it applies it then we're good if it doesn't then we probably have a hard drive problem but let's keep our fingers crossed hopefully all this one needs is an update okay so far the applying is going fine we're at 8% while it finishes applying let's put a disk in the disk drive and see if it plays normally and it does sound like a plays normally so on this one it's looking really good so far just hopefully it'll finish applying that update and we'll need to figure out this fan and hopefully this will be the second fix out of the lot 99% yes yes this is good I think we have this one fixed okay everything looks good on this one I'll go through and set up my account on everything off camera to make sure it all works and I'll update you guys if there's any problems but next let's see if we can take care of this fan problem so here's the thing with the fan listen carefully hear that anytime I press on this just a little bit you can hear that it changes it actually now that I look in there I don't know if you guys can see this or not there's like a little black thing right down in there let me see if I can get that on camera there we go if you look right there there's a little black piece down there I wonder if that's causing the noise or if it's a piece that broke off of this or something I'm gonna turn this off we'll get that black piece out and then we'll try it again [Music] okay this is like a piece of this foam stuff right here it looks like what do you think do you think that fixed it let's try it [Music] oh yeah that was totally the problem well that part was easy so I'm gonna call this one fix if I find any problems while I'm setting it up and stuff like that then I'll let you know for sure but I think number four is officially fixed let's take a look at number five and here we have number five it's got no power it looks like it's missing parts let's see what all it's missing I've already taken the bottom cover off so here we go and the bad news is that it's missing the disk drive unfortunately with the Xbox one s the disk drive is married to the motherboard so if you don't have the original disk drive there's nothing you can do you can't put another describe in there's no way to remarry at least that I'm capable of so unfortunately number five is gonna just be a parts console the good news about that is it does have a power supply it's got a hard drive and then we do have a motherboard that we can take parts off of so it's not a total loss we do have parts now but it definitely won't be something we can fix let's take a look at number six let's see how many parts are missing okay so we've got a missing power supply and a missing hard drive luckily I know right to where to find those parts okay so I was able to steal these from the console we just looked at hopefully these work obviously I didn't test them so you don't know we'll find out just in a second here though and it's a moment of truth do you think it's gonna work come on baby yeah [Music] definitely doesn't work oh this hard drive definitely has a problem hey listen to this yeah that's a bad noise let's try and put a new hard drive in and just see if that does anything else okay no one good a hard drive is in let's try it again nope same thing powers on then powers off okay well we have another one partial power I'm gonna look at the motherboard on this a little bit see if there's anything obvious but unfortunately this may be another one this would be number three that has the partial power that can be very difficult to trace down and sometimes impossible if we had schematics on this if Microsoft would release the schematics for other people to look at then these would be a lot easier to fix as we could just trace down where the power goes and the different pins is supposed to be on and it really wouldn't be that difficult but unfortunately they keep all that held tightly and there's just no way to get that information so unfortunately many of these consoles that could be fixed can't be because there's just no way to trace down the problem well that's what I was afraid of all of these components look really good I don't see any problems there so unfortunately this one is gonna be another one as a partial power that's just not fixable now that's one thing I knew about going into this purchase of eighteen Xbox ones is that they do have this problem so my hope is just that we can fix enough to offset the ones that have this problem and then we can use the parts from these and put them in the other ones that might have other problems so I'm hoping that's gonna work out the other thing is we do have two Xbox one X's so if we can fix those that will really recoup a lot of our cost but it's gonna be hard to know for sure as there's been three so far that I don't think are gonna be fixable so when we add those three to the other one that doesn't have the disk drive so it doesn't matter if we fix that one it's still not gonna work because it has to have the disk drive that means we've only fixed two out of six so far hopefully the next lot of six will go much better and you can find out about that next Friday in my next video thank you guys so much for watching I hope you have a good day
Channel: TronicsFix
Views: 6,924,559
Rating: 4.7313428 out of 5
Keywords: tronicsfix, broken xbox, do it yourself xbox repair, xbox one repair tricks, xbox one repair tips, fix xbox, xbox one x, xbox one s, broken xbox one x, broken xbox one, broken xbox one sync button
Id: IUjA7vCB8U0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 50sec (1610 seconds)
Published: Fri May 17 2019
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