I Bought 10 Broken iPhone X's - But Are They Fixable?

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I bought ten very broken iPhone tens let's see if I can fix them now before we start fixing these I do need to set some expectations first of all there's a good chance that most if not all of these are iCloud locked and not actually usable now I am hoping that there's going to be a few that are not so we can actually fix some that are usable but I did buy these in a salvage lot which means there's no guarantees on anything I am NOT an iPhone technician I've repaired a few iPhones in the past probably like one or two per year so I'm a little bit familiar with some repairs but I've never done anything like the iPhone 10 I've never done any of the newer phones so the reason I did this is basically just to get better at repair I'm a game console repair technician but I want to learn how to fix other stuff as well so that's why I bought this lot of 10 iPhone tens so this is my attempt at getting better represent a 'king you along for the ride let's get started now the first thing we do need to do is just kind of take an inventory of our phones here and see what we think might be fixable what might not be and then we'll have to plug them in and see if any of them turn on I know nothing about the condition of these phones other than what we see here obviously most of them have a cracked front and back screen but I don't know anything else about these so I'm gonna plug them in one by one I'll make some notes on them so we know what we need to fix and then we'll see if any of them are fixable and any of them are actually usable when they are fixed now I paid one thousand six hundred and seventy dollars for all of these iPhones so that comes out to one hundred and sixty-seven dollars each great news on this first one we actually see an Apple logo woah look at this okay let's see so far great news on this one let's check and see if Find My iPhone is um looks like it's not set up so great news on this first iPhone 10 I don't think it's locked I'll have to check the carrier lock and see if there's any carrier lock but the Find My iPhone is turned off so great news so far hopefully we can get more like this one this one's gonna be a problem frames broken here broken their back glass is shattered hopefully not too much damage up here definitely got some problems also it doesn't turn on doesn't get warm so we're gonna have to check into this one a little bit more no power on that though so no power on iPhone number three oh hey here we go we got a Apple logo what are the chances of this touchscreen even works well the touchscreen does work Wow so far i phone number four actually looks like maybe it'll work still have to check if it's blacklisted or anything but so far it looks good I mean looks good as in it's not iCloud locks so far we definitely do have a bent frame on this one shattered front glass the back glass so far actually looks pretty good which is amazing but it doesn't do us too much good since the frame is bent but still could be a lot worse than number four looks good so far and here we go with iPhone number five this one is also just shattered Apple activation lock it looks like so that's not good news but let's see if it turns on so iPhone number five definitely doesn't turn on no signs of life and number six has no power as well let's move on to number seven number seven I don't know what that's from but that definitely does not look well we actually have a battery signal on it I'm not even sure I should be plugging this one in with the looks of that but I can't believe the screen actually turned on for a second number seven we'll definitely have to take a look at before we do too much messing with it because this definitely doesn't look good but it did turn on for just a second oh here we go look at that it actually just needs to charge up I I think I'm still gonna take it apart more just to see how it looks on the inside because this definitely can't be good I'm afraid maybe there's some motherboard damage or possibly even the battery so I'm not gonna put any more power into it than I have right now just because I really don't want it to start on fire and here we go with iPhone number eight we've got a Apple logo good news okay and here we go oh this is no good an update is required to activate your iPhone I'll have to look into this most likely this one has been locked but we'll look into that one a little bit later and just a reminder I am NOT an expert on fixing iPhones I know very little about fixing iPhones I've replaced a few screens a few batteries here and there over the years but nothing is new as the iPhone 10 so if you guys have any ideas of what might fix these be sure to leave a comment and let me know what you think and maybe I can revisit them at a future time let's move on to iPhone number 9 and number 9 does show power on the screen but unfortunately the screen is in too bad of shape we can't do anything so we'll need to try this with a new screen to know whether it's iCloud locked or anything like that it did buzz just now so I am hopeful and iPhone number 10 great news so far ok Oh unfortunately the touchscreen does not work on this one so we won't know any more about this until we put a working screen on it so there you have it we have the very first diagnosis diagnosis whatever we know what was wrong with most of these at least initially so now it's time to order some parts and everyone's favorite part it's time to take them apart I'm gonna start with number one the one that has Find My iPhone turned off hopefully we can actually make this into a working iPhone so let's start with that one and see if we can get a quick win this one definitely needs a new back glass and it's got a mark on the screen and a mark up in the corner so it doesn't need a new front screen as well and then I want to use this screen to test some of the other iPhones that have faulty screens so with iPhone number one the first thing I'm going to do is try and get all of the shattered glass off the back now keep in mind all the parts and tools I use and all of my videos are available in my Amazon store with the link down in the description below this is an affiliate link so I do get paid Commission whenever one buys something from Amazon using my link so the back glass on these iPhones is incredibly difficult to remove let's try this first and see how it goes so you can see I am getting it in little chunks but it's just taken forever it's just ridiculous and even then a lot of the adhesive isn't coming off with the glass I have to scrape it off separately also you can see the condition of this back case from all the scratching I mean it's not bent or anything but it's just scratched up like crazy so this is definitely not a good way to go probably just get a new entire rear housing it takes a little while to replace all the guts into the new housing but it's a way better option than doing it this way now I have to wait for the parts to get here for that so we'll move on to the next iPhone let's check out iPhone number 2 it has no power so let's see if we can figure this one out it's another white one but it also has a broken frame right there so let's see if we can figure this one out okay there we go iPhone number one we have the screen off just need to remove this bracket and then we can get it all the way off now with the screen for my phone number one we can hook it in to number two and see if number two a power on [Music] bummer so it looks like iPhone number two is still dead I'm gonna take some more parts see if maybe the motherboard is cracked just from this it could have cracked a logic board on it so let's take it down more and see if we can figure out why it won't power on at all now first things first let's see what kind of voltage this battery has on it my meters saying three point zero nine six so just over three volts it needs to be three point eight one so the batteries definitely discharged but it doesn't make any noise or anything when we plug it in to a charger so I'm assuming it's more than just a battery issue and here we have a battery tester it is definitely discharged but according to this the battery voltage is three point zero nine seven so we were reading it correctly I'm just looking at this I don't think the logic board on this is bent or broken if you can see the logic board goes up to about right here or so and the main Bend is right here so I mean that could have bent this very end but I don't think that would cause it to not power on so I'm kind of wondering if maybe we have a problem down here in the dock area now I do know that I have some good docks on these so I might swap the dock out with another one just to see if that gets it working now we know that number eight powers on but it is unable to activate so since I can't activate this one anyways the first thing I'm going to do is take it all apart and use this one for parts so I'm going to swap the dock from number eight into number two and we'll see if that gets number two working hey we got it okay no this whole battery comes out hey there we go and now we have the battery out Wow look at that the dock ribbon cable goes under the motherboard right there well I guess we're taking this one apart anyway so let's get the motherboard out and get this whole entire dock ribbon cable out so here we go the motherboard for number eight is loose okay so the dock connector is this one right here okay dark connector is now loose I hope I didn't ruin the ribbon cable here that's extremely difficult to get out from under those two machined pieces into the side case I think everything is okay though I'm gonna try unplugging the dock connector from here and plugging this dock connector in yes discharged battery okay this is great news this means I think it means that we just need a new dock connector in this I don't know for sure as I'm not an iPhone technician but so far this looks like it might be good news I'm gonna try letting it charged up for a little bit and see if we get any picture on the screen there we go Apple logo so just to be sure I plugged a dock connector for this iPhone back in and it actually shows the Apple logo now so I'm not convinced the docks in that connector is actually faulting I'm gonna let it charge for a little bit and see what we get so for iPhone number two I was able to get it to connect to itunes it's supposedly downloading an update right now so hopefully that one will work for now we're gonna move on to iPhone number three an iPhone number three has no power so let's see why not and so the screen is not even connected so I think what I'm going to do is connect a known-good screen right now so then we can tell whether it's a screen problem or not and here we go let's see what happens okay we've got battery charging symbol that's good news while number three is charging let's check out number four the notes from the diagnosis say it turns on that seems to work I need to finish setting up and test it more to see if there's any other problems well so far so good on this one this one we just got an Apple logo so we'll see what happens here okay great news here so far and also this one's looking good okay so number three does have power but the digitizer on this screen is broken so I can't check the rest so we'll need to get another screen on this one to be able to check that let's go back to number four and see if it'll continue setting up and if there are any locks or anything on it so iPhone number four is set up with my account and everything looks good on I will make sure that it's not carrier locked by someone not paying their bill or something like that but so far iphone number four looks great I mean other than the screen and the back case actually looks amazing but unfortunately it's broken right here so I'm gonna go ahead and put a new back case a new screen on this and get number four looking nice but before I do that I'm gonna use this screen on number three to see if we can get that one set up and working as well all right now I have the working screen from number four in number three let's see what happens all right Oh touch still doesn't work okay that's a bummer and this is the screen I was just using on number four so first thing I'm gonna do is check out those connectors and see if there's any problems there and then we'll go from there alright it didn't verify this is the digitizer connector so that's the part we need to inspect now let's take a look under my microscope see if we can see any problems here so just looking at this connector I don't see any problems at all there's a little bit of like gunk right here and maybe a little bit right there this part has been bumped right there that component but overall I don't see anything wrong right now to really test this we would need to take all this black gunk off here and test to these these components so for number three with no touch I did some looking around on number three and I found a video by Jesse Jones and if any of you don't know who Jesse Jones is she's an amazing iPhone and iPad repair person she has a YouTube channel I highly suggest it if you're trying to fix something on an iPhone and you get stuck or even if you're just trying to learn a little bit more about iPhone repair but she has a video about this very same problem and shows how to diagnose it so I'm gonna get under the microscope and show you what I found so the way justice said to diagnose this problem was to put red probe on ground this is using diode mode and if you test this first pin here it should be at 0.41 and this is the known good board so it does show 0.41 and the next one i think is about the same yeah 0.41 so now we're gonna go to the board that does not have touch so now let's look at this board we're gonna go to the same locations red probe on ground and check the first pin and see what kind of reading we get see how we have that oh L open line that means there is no connection between that pen and where it's supposed to connect same with the next pen so the problem with iPhone number three is the logic board on this it has three layers and unfortunately the readings that we got means that there's a break between two of those three layers or maybe all three layers in the main lines between the chip that gives the touch power and the touch connector itself so unfortunately this is one that I'm not going to tackle I don't have the tools the knowledge or the patience to do something like that so unfortunately number three is gonna be not fixable next we're going to take iphone number four and put all these guts into a new back case and then we're gonna put a new screen on an iPhone number four should be working great and looking great after that you [Music] you [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] that was pretty intense that took a long time there's a lot of super minor details in this I still do have to put some adhesive under the battery but I'm gonna plug in a screen and see if this thing turns on I really hope it does cuz that took so long and if there's something I did wrong way underneath it's gonna take a long time to fix so let's test it and see if it'll turn on all right the screen is in battery's plugged in let's see what happens okay good news so far let's see if the screen works ok does touch work yes it does okay Wow so far everything looks good let's see if it charges and here we go please charge yes great news so far this one is looking great now we need to get the new screen on and then we can close it all up and hopefully we'll have a nice working iPhone 10 now from the little bit I know about the iPhone 10 the true tone display will not work unless you program the serial number from the original screen into the new screen so we're gonna try that next I have this programmer let's try it out I've never done anything like this before so let's see if it works so we're going to read it okay I think that means we're good to go now we're going to try and program the new screen and we will right data verified correct okay so we need to transfer these components over to the new screen then we can plug it in and see if that worked [Music] so how does it look is there anything I forgot I think it looks pretty good okay the moment of truth let's see if it turns on and if the touch works well sure looks nice good this touch work yes true tone we've got true tone so number four is turning out to be a beautiful phone I do need to put adhesive under the battery and then we can close it up and have a look at the finished product [Music] [Music] and how about that we have a working I phone 10 it's all set up that is beautiful now the numbers four is done I've got a couple updates on iPhone number two so if you remember number two came in with no power I thought it was the dock connector as when I plug this one in it seemed to be working better unfortunately I found that it's not actually the dock connector there is a problem on the motherboard it seems as it continues to boot loop sometimes it'll actually boot up and I can use the touchscreen for a minute and then others turn all the way off so I think what's probably happening is this motherboard is bent just like the iPhone we looked at with no touch so unfortunately a number two is also not gonna be something we can fix let's move on to the next iPhone I wanted to look at number 10 since it powers on but has no touch I want to try a new screen and see if it's a screen problem or if it's a motherboard problem alright and number 10 is powered up is touch gonna work I sure hope so let's try uh-oh bummer so that means that most likely this motherboard is shot at least for me technically it is fixable but just not something that I am capable of right now with the equipment and tools that I have or the knowledge and skill for that matter Wow ok so you can see definitely what's likely wrong with this you can just see how bent that is it's gonna be bent and twisted so that's the problem with this one almost for sure is just that the motherboard is bent and twisted and some of those connections are just totally broken inside so unfortunately number 10 is not fixable number 9 does power on we're gonna test it with a new screen and see if it works and here we go number 9 is the screen touch gonna work yes okay let's see what happens when we've got it unable to activate bummer this one says an update is required usually that means that it's not gonna be fixable I will plug it into iTunes and see if it'll work but most likely number 9 is not gonna work for us I'll update you guys if I find out something else but for now I'm considering this most likely not fixable so far we've only been able to fix one out of all these 10 iPhones unfortunately that's actually mostly what I expected I'm kind of surprised we could fix one although we do have number one right here that I think will be fixable as well I just need to change the rear case and the screen and I think that one will also be fixed we've still got a couple more to go though let's see if we can fix anymore while number five is charging let's take a look at number six it had no power I did put a another screen on it and I plugged in the battery so it does have power now but unfortunately it is also unable to activate I'll check this one with iTunes and let you guys know if it is fixable but unfortunately this one most likely is not as well number 7 is the last one that we haven't really looked at yet this is the one with the big hole in the back let's get this screen off and see what it looks like now this one actually did turn on for just a second and then it wouldn't do anything else so I'm gonna get the screen off have a look number 5 just powered up so let's check this out and see what happens let's see if touch works no touch now number 5 didn't have any power at all this is a screen that I know does have touch so unfortunately as you already know no touch is bad news so back to number 7 I'm gonna get the screen off take a look inside and see if we can fix it ok and number 7 whatever it was that went through the back shell right there hit right on the battery maybe on the motherboard first thing I'm gonna do is get this battery out of here as it could be damaged and we don't want to mess around at the damaged lithium-ion battery so I'm gonna get that out put the battery in from number eight that wasn't fixable and then see what happens all right look at this look at how much of a dent that is there it actually didn't really damage the battery much it doesn't look like at least from the exterior but this still not a battery I would use but that is just such a big dent right there let's see if it turns on okay we have power okay and it starts up but does a touchscreen work No so unfortunately number seven is also not fixable but we still do have number one I need to replace the back case and the screen let's get that done now and see how it looks when I'm done so number six and number nine the two I was hooking up to iTunes unfortunately are not fixable there's no way to restore them there was no way to update them and just can't do anything with them but the good news with that is I did notice number six has a really nice rear case and it actually has almost everything on the inside seems to be good as well so I'm actually going to take the motherboard from number one put it in number six and see if that'll work I do need to also install a new screen so I'll do that as well and then once the screen is on we'll test it see if it all works and if so we'll call it good now I am going from a white iPhone to a black iPhone but I actually don't really care about that I'm not planning on selling these I'm just gonna use them for cameras here in the studio most likely and I actually like black better anyway so that works fine now this video is quite long so let's just do this the easy way and there we go we got the motherboard in now we need to get the new screen on and see if it works all right new screen hooked up let's see if it turns on and works all right and there we go we've got a pretty decent back case I do need to clean it up a bit it's pretty dirty but other than that's a pretty good back case got a brand new screen I do need to obviously attach it fully and put the screws in but other than that it looks like this is gonna be a working iPhone so there we have it iPhone number one is also working so out of all ten of those broken iPhone tens we have two that are working it's actually better than I thought I was afraid I wouldn't be able to fix any of them so I'm glad at least got to working so I can use them for cameras or whatever I need around the studio if you want to see me try and fix all sorts of other broken stuff I'll put a playlist up on your screen now so you can come hang out with me over there thank you guys so much for watching leave any questions or comments down in the comment section below follow me on instagram or twitter at Tronics fix and I hope you have a good day
Channel: TronicsFix
Views: 2,495,360
Rating: 4.8784084 out of 5
Id: esfSQD5p33U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 28sec (1768 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 10 2020
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