I Bought $100.00 in Tech Loot Boxes From Wish.com

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so you know what's a really good idea buying a lucky box off of wish.com what do you expect to be in a lucky box from wish.com that's a good question when you look at all these pictures you see all these cool shiny gadgets um you keep looking and you say oh those look nice that looks nice you know these look like nice brands like that looks awesome a laptop oh yeah sweet yeah sd cards that are probably scammed because a terabyte sd card is like 400 um yeah super with the photoshop logo on so based off the images that you're shown uh this is probably gambling um if i were to take a guess though there's no gambling this is more like you're paying for probably a fake sd card likely um so my money is on before we buy it but we'll see what happens so basically they add this etc on here we don't know what it is they don't tell you what the minimum is or what the maximum is i would be willing to bet that if they're making money off of this you're probably going to get like 15 off of it so we're going to buy a couple of them um 10 a 15 or an 18 a 23 and a high end so just going to be stupid as heck and it's going to blow my money even more what's in a loopbox from wish.com everybody let's go through and add each of these to cart ah my wallet hurts we're done well howdy ladies and gentlemen it's been a fat second um quite a few things from wish has arrived i do not know which is the gift box or the gift uh let's see yeah this is all that i'm provided with at the moment so i would assume like it doesn't even say what it is so i ordered a bunch of or a little was it surprise boxes or loot boxes whatever you wanna call them i think this is a watch okay um well uh high quality oh random high quality uh random low quality times one so this looks like it's a uh something from uh the box okay let's see what we got here so it looks like there's a high quality and a low quality okay so you have a oh great you have a fake uh watch apple watch um [Music] great um the back is plastic everything is plastic and the screen is scratched up and all it does is uh an analog display so um like this isn't even any uh anything special it's just an analog display so this is really just a uh i think i paid like 25 30 for this if um this is like something you'd get out like uh maybe for a dollar at the dollar tree there are no best products only better products enjoy the best quality this looks like this is earbuds of some kind um these are also plastic and um i have never seen ear buds that look like this i mean i guess we gotta do a sound test right okay boys we'll uh we'll do a sound test in a second yeah that's complete and utter crap um don't buy stuff don't buy stuff from wish duh if my channel hasn't taught you that by now then you probably are a little uh naive not worth whatever the high quality surprise gift thing was but oh yeah this is such a plastic oh my gosh it doesn't even work yeah you can't even mute it it's supposed to let you um i think slide it oh my gosh yeah so it looks like in order to actually um increase the volume you have to slide this slider and it's only upper positive or negative and i can't even slide this so um that should tell you all you need to know i don't know what is up with the design on these suckers heck there's someone's fingerprint halfway on here like what the heck it looks like the black paint with a fingerprint on here okay so let's break out a laptop and try to list some of these these are like so this is something i feel like you'd get like in an airplane like you know the cheap earbuds the earbuds that they give people and like the airplanes yeah this is the vibe i'm getting let's see i've rated a fair share of earbuds in my time guys i used before before this channel got popular into scams i uh i was an earbud connoisseur so i will tell you how this rates on the sound scale i'm also getting ear herpes so if you subscribe right now um it might be worth it so i'll tell you i'll make you do you subscribe i'll put uh wish earbuds in my ear um so i'm listening to this guy play uh a cello sorry i'm not a musically inclined cello whatever you want to call it um i know the commons are gonna roast me for that one i know i'm not musically inclined how whatsoever um and uh the best way to describe it is this is obviously a an instrument similar to a violin so you've got you know strings and stuff and uh you know it's got a stringy sound is the best word i'm so getting rusted i got the comments anyway point of the story is uh it sounds like someone's sitting on the other end of this um and going yeah that's uh that's the most accurate way i can i describe it is uh sound quality i think is uh the worst i've ever heard in my life so um in total i'm expecting maximum a dollar for the cost of these complete garbage also going in the garbage pile i have no idea what this is so let's give this a shot it's a random box there's a chance i'm going to open something up from another video too and then i'm just gonna have to cut this so just so you're aware what we have here we have uh i7s tws so it looks like we have fake apple airpods that are also black why is it so scratched up and they're not even white oh these are huge like everything is like scratch this is 100 been used before and like the other thing too is they don't even fit what the heck like this is the lightest thing ever like i cannot stress and these are like absolutely massive also i think these are five dollars tops um but like complete and utter garbage let's see how bad these sound so first off um looks like we're doing an earbud review everybody so do you guys want me to try out your herpes number two okay like this is so funny is how this looks on the box compare guys let's compare so it looks at least somewhat similar only you would think it would be of accurate size right like holy crap this is so cheap like i don't even think there's a battery in here yeah apparently there is time to get some viruses through uh uh through bluetooth guys you subscribed right this is some crusty i think they even have ear wax on them yeah dude um well on the bright side they're louder at the same volume i actually gotta say the sound quality is at least three times higher than those which i is actually not saying a lot but it's uh it's at least louder and surprisingly synced uh let's see if we can listen to some like people talking though oh let's watch some star trek yo oh there's a reason why i should have been waiting so i'm going to start talking holy crap there's a like a second delay between what actually goes on here and this so while yes it may actually be of decent not really it's not decent um it may be somewhat uh manageable uh the the the quality which is still abysmally garbage um i think these are the world record though so that's a impressive feat on its own they at least are synced together which knows what radiation they're putting off and while being completely massive and hot why are they hot that's a good question which i mean i don't know why it's so scratched up it looks like someone dropped it out of the car going like 50 miles an hour like like so far i think we're talking maybe if we were pushing it let's say maybe we spent like in total like seven dollars um okay here's another one another i think this is i lucked out and got the gift box back oh more truly wireless earbuds does it say what it was no oh it's the this pair the if that tells you how what the quality is it's the magical pair that they keep promoting everywhere that's got like all the information this heads-up display on it i'm betting this is about as cheap as it looks too okay we at least came with a cable this time i mean these i would say are at least ten dollars they they've upped the the quality quite a bit and we've got a now uh well i haven't checked out the earbuds themselves now these are absolutely low quality oh so we've got that display okay well at least the display is on there so okay so i'd say maybe this is actually 10 this might be worth 10 or something okay you've got a battery heads-up display okay that's kind of nice that's kind of nice i mean out of everything this is at least of somewhat reputable quality this one smells like sharpie i don't think i have sharpie on my hands the other thing too is this one actually has substantially more weight to it are like super cheap plastic the case is super cheap plastic and you can apparently charge connected i'd say this one we've evolved to about maybe point you know maybe a fourth of a second delay so it's still uh still a manageable but uh i'd say out of everything here these i would say are probably ten dollars compared to some of the ten dollar earbuds i've reviewed in the past or ten dollars um but that's you if you of course to buy them new um i think this is like a nearly identical pair so i'm not going to actually bother with that um they have no information on them whatsoever we can plug them into itself let's see what happens this is gonna be a bad idea actually so it is it is charging so it's charging itself i don't see infinite power oh and i already went through like four whole bars worth of battery uh just by like testing them apparently so so pros of these because these are the only ones i would actually seriously consider reviewing yeah so the the display is kind of nice uh something you don't see everywhere um so i mean like that's probably where the whole budget went because the actual earbuds themselves are not glossy or anything like in the picture and um i mean overall i just think could use some work great i think all we got was wireless earbuds which none of which are actually usable oh another pair let's go also beating the crap out of [Applause] these are also like super you like i can't stress enough how scratched up and looks like already used a lot of this stuff is what did you learn from thewish.com um gift box extravaganza might have gotten 12 or 15 worth i'd say these these are probably seven dollars to be honest earbuds here um get my award on this channel the first ever um most crap sounding pair of earbuds i've ever heard so congratulations um sounds like that kid if you guys can take a quick thought experiment back to high school where you had that one kid that blasted his poor stereo so loud that you couldn't actually understand anything um it's almost at the levels of uh meme uh ear blasting is what i would expect this to sound like but even there that is pristine quality compared to the sound in which these produce so if you want to uh not even really understand what's being said these are definitely the way to go and you would think they actually have like a rubber cord it's actually kind of nice i uh i'd say if you really need a pair of earbuds uh get something nice you can get something nice for forty dollars um i don't even know what you're expecting i didn't know what i was expecting more than i would have liked to spend
Channel: Jays Tech Vault
Views: 100,149
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: I Bought a $355 RTX 3090 From Wish.com #shorts, I Bought A USB Bitcoin Miner That Fried My PC from Wish.com, I Bought a $40 GTX 1080ti From Wish.com, How Bad Is It?, wish.com, wish.com scam, wish.com loot box, loot box scam, gift box scam, wish loot box, wish gift box, loot crate, wish loot crate, wish.com graphics card, wish gpu
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 34sec (874 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 22 2021
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