I Bought 100 of the WEIRDEST Items on the Internet!

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today about the weirdest items on Amazon starting with whatever this is these are Big Mama undies oh my gosh should I dream on yes try them on make sure we look good I feel like Coachella this year no they literally say you can turn it into a flat eye do you want to try I guess why not one small stepper man one giant pair Big Mama undies For All Mankind all right Keeley now we have to decide if this makes it to the weirdest item Podium on the podium it goes our next item is a cone head and froggy man how do I look you do not look good what oh my God don't look at me wait you know who you look like the one weird froggy creature from Dame Tu Casita what is that ah move and conehead Takes the Cake bionic Scissorhands these are creepiest heck looking okay I'm taking mine off I don't like it I love these no you use that I've got something better this is the world's tiniest claw machine and we're gonna race to see which claw can pick up three items the fastest three two one go and then grab oh no oh there's one and boom I got one I got one I'm so close to grabbing it no okay I got two I got it I got it you have another one I got two no three done done do you think either of these go on the podium Scott these go on the podium goodbye Conehead the next item [Applause] I need one of those no all right we got ourselves a bowl of water and the boyfriend the boyfriend is in the water and we're gonna come back and check it out but first like this video especially if you want a boyfriend this is dehydrated water I don't even know what that means whoa just Add Water okay we need a cup though to put this in the other mug this is like supposed to be a weird item but it's just like something I would actually keep in my kitchen you know all right we're gonna open it up and see what it is let's pour it in the mug I don't know what I expected like I paid 12 for a can that was twelve dollars yes buy Scissorhands no I think this is weirder than that you don't think so no I think this is cute I love this keeping this forever okay um our next item is here they're chicken finger keychains it looks like you just take a bite right into that stop it's a single french fry that's mine nobody else gets to keep that these though I feel like we should go gift to our friends around the office and get their reaction Brie I have a gift for you oh that is neat I love that okay so now we have to decide is the basket of chicken gonna Trump the dehydrated water I think these are strange but I don't think they're weird next item is fruit jellies now if you're on Tick Tock and you've seen these go viral all over the world okay so Scott we have different colors here let's try the Apple then all right I got it don't put the whole thing in your mouth I'm scared oh no it tastes exactly like those popsicles you ate as a kid but melted pineapple yeah you ready okay [Music] that one's worse I think we should do strawberry next I'm gonna do like a civilized person now why were these Bible Tick Tock these are gross what would you rate all of them together as a whole don't buy it I think the water stays up here what weirder than the water but these are terrible we all know and love him two guys this is a tiny version [Applause] good oh my gosh I love it when you just swap them down and just comes right back up I think it's cool but I don't think it's weirder than dehydrated water we love you buddy but the podium is not yours I think it's time we go check in on our girl boyfriend oh yeah okay let's see has it grown at all oh he's slimy now oh wait he has grown look how thick his cheeks are next item this room is being lit by Deez Nuts daddy these nuts yep oh both of these nuts candle it smells very it smells very good I think we should go ask people around the office what they think of this candle you want to smell these nuts potent you want to smell both of these nuts this isn't appropriate kiwi wait no you don't want to smell both of these nuts it's a candle it's a that's right can I have this yeah you know what it's yours take these nuts listen the fact I spent 20 on a candle called These Nuts weird this is a Bob Ross Potato Head this is weird I love it I think it's cool look how cute this is he's got like his little oh that means we're gonna take Mr Potato Head apart and I'm gonna give you one minute to see how fast you can put them back together this is for you go okay so that's just his shirt there you go okay that was good shoes oh yeah that looks good okay perfect perfect there you go now I know this half row that's an arm that's an arm okay where is it shoot shoot uh time's up you did the whole thing backwards I think this is really cool not weird I think the candle is weirder than this I agree thank you Amazon next thing okay Scott I have gifts for you all right ooh I just see a baby throwing up baby Shield you use it whenever you're changing a baby's diaper open the next box this is fake this can't be real child chucker child now launching up to 50 feet even though this seems really cool and like something I would do I don't believe it's real they're both child items he wouldn't do that like this no I'm kidding comment down below a baby Emoji if you think we got you you know these are not real items but these boxes are hilarious this should be a real item someone make this item I think these uh take the cake up here yeah they're very these nuts you're supposed to put your hand out okay Scott this is The Yodeling pickle it damaged the packaging oh it's okay [Music] hey wow this is so weird I hate this item I think that this is actually an incredible gift for somebody we know here at the office oh someone who's just as weird okay whoa whoa hello guys I'm kind of busy I'm doing Minecraft I have a guess for you what is this hold this and press the button [Applause] okay your only pickle is very weird and so is Chase time to check on my boyfriend let's see oh yeah he looks smaller in the water but when you pull them out see I'm telling you his back and cheeks are growing I think we're gonna have to wait a little bit longer before we go it does take 72 hours but it's okay we're gonna keep checking on him we'll be back in a little bit forever just picking up pieces of paper and gave yourself just a nice little paper cut and then you gotta use boring old Band-Aids Oil City oh God [Applause] managers the Federal Way talk is in Shakespeare get this old born Bandit out you need a nice little bacon bandage that was the wrong thing better this bacon bandages are perfect just kidding I'm kosher I can't use those bro oh look check out these bandages thou art a wretched a pooling pool a whining moment oh okay I'm putting this one on your head oh I gotta replace it now are as thick as twos could Berry mustard I don't think the shake through ones are weird I think those are funny the Band-Aids are really weird you think they're weirder than the pickle yep oh okay on the podium it goes we have two amazing pillows from Amazon's list of weird items we have this bread pillow I am obsessed with him this is a monstrosity this is not a monstrosity look there's a cowboy cat riding a pony and there's a cow there too I love the bread he's actually incredibly soft Phillip this one is not soft this one's like oh he's like a squish Milo I think that we should go gift these to Presta debris okay let's go okay Scott come here Gonna Leave This for her right here oh she's gotta have drinking smoothie oh you're just gonna leave it right there but it's so cute I'm gonna put it right here goodbye Preston we did nothing we did nothing wait she'll like it it's a good surprise won't he hate that gonna eat it so much okay those pillows were cool but they were not as weird as the bacon pancakes so they're not going on the podium that one's staying next item okay this is the pooping pooches 2023 calendars of dogs that are just pooping look at this guy you can see the poop you should um cut out some of these and slap them on people's desk you don't think they'll look at that anymore oh my God that dog's poopy he will love coming back to this [Music] Millie pooping dog okay Scott pooping pooches is on the podium I don't even want to look at it we are actually going to take a break for 72 hours and come back and check on our grow boyfriend and see where he's at okay it's been a full 72 hours let's see what it looks like slay I told you look I told you he was gonna have juicy cheeks he has grown but he's not as big as I thought he was gonna be disappointed okay Scott that was a I don't think it's as weird as the pooping pooches this is just so strange I agree I think that we have the winner of the weirdest animal Amazon item for this video to the cage thank you guys for watching bye the next item is retake
Channel: Keeley
Views: 340,920
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Weird Items, Amazon Items, TikTok Items, keeley, funny, keely, mrbeast, preston, brianna, unspeakable, jordanmatter, dhar man, sidemen
Id: hCCojpzCVKk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 22sec (622 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 18 2023
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