I Bought 100 Fruits in 1st Sea Vs 2nd Sea in Blox Fruits

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does higher SE give you better fruits for their Blox gacha a question Blox players have been trying to answer for years I'm going to be buying 100 fruits from the Block gacha in both the first Sea and the second sea to compare what fruits we get in both and find out if being in a higher sea really gives you better fruits and obviously we're starting off in the first C if we can start this off first C really good this will be the first I never get anything good first C let's see and yeah this video is no different we're starting off with chop and we got a count number two over here you know what I'm saying good thing for me I grinded up like 50 accounts for this but spin number two let's see that would be so crazy if we got like a legendary right now and you know what that's not bad be your fruit for the second raw 98 more to go count number three third times a time you know what they say boys if I like the video right now we're going to get a mythical 3 2 1 let's get it and you know what bro two rares in a roll not a bad run not a bad run so far this is the one spin number four block shs gotcha you got to get me good something good at this point man huh only a spin all right you know what man we're back down the trash haven't got anything good just yet but I feel like this time I'm feeling kind of lucky I feel like we're going to get a legendary I'm feeling like a like a spider or something oh you know what that's actually that's actually not that bad a light fruit all these rares I feel like it's building up to a legendary let's keep it going n say num say let's see what we get for the six Spin and back to spike we were kind of cooking with these rares back to back but back to Comon got my bunny Luna here for the seven spin we get some W bunny luck in the chat come on Luna don't fail me now the bunny Luck's got to exist so let's go ahead and do the seventh spin let's see what we get and the bunny luck does not exist first SE look a garbage so far I ain't going to cap even if first SE is bad hopefully second SE is 10 times better lucky number eight let's see what we get ohg it's another common I don't know why I act so surprise according to this video you already have less than a 10% chance of getting a legendary fruit and to get a really good mythical you have like less than a 1% chance you guys can see right here but that ain't about to stop us boys we're on the ninth spin what if I did reverse psychology I'm going to get something bad from this spin boys watch we're about to get something good now that just literally did not work whatsoever rocket or is fruit in the game man account number 10 now this account will put us at 10% done with the first SE and what we have to show for it is a bunch of Commons and rares so yeah we're not off to the best start but let's see if this account will be any different boys and it it wasn't any different okay the 10th fruit is a spin we're actually building a collection over here 10% done with first SE and we haven't even got a single legendary let's keep it pushing account number 11 and we get a spring first one of the video lucky account number 12 and this one's actually an angel race bro I got to give you extra luck let's find out Angel luck another barrial okay that's the first rare we've got in a while come on gotcha give me a legend give me a legendary for fruit number 13 damn another rubber bro we're getting a ton of rares but nothing above this next one is the one count number 14 I'm feeling lucky about this I think we're going to get a Mythic this time matter of fact let me type in chat SL witer clouds luck oh a light fruit you know what maybe this whole type in in Chat thing it actually does something now this time let me type in slash Mythic fruit luck yeah this did uh this did not work at all because I just got a chop so far first C has been nothing but bad fruits maybe it could change right here right now boys right here right now oh a good rare magma fruit and the closest thing we've gotten to a legendary number 18 come on come on come on we just got a magma hopefully we can follow it up with something good never mind we got a falcon oh my God I hate this fruit so bad bro I would rather get a rocket than a falcon to be honest look at me Zeus do it looks like I'm playing around give me a Mythic bro before I have to come to your house show up to your door and ask you for a fruit in person bro I don't want to have to do that so just give me one now I almost just punch my monitor count number 20 we're now 20% done with the first seaches again one again 10 more spins and not a single legendary or Mythic but that could change here you know just to add extra potential luck Mythic clouds luck yep just like I expected I wonder if people actually do that and actually get a Mythic all right we've already gone through 20 let's go ahead and go on a little speedrun boys dark sand light fruit smoke fruit and a bomb fruit next up another chop and a diamond and another chop another chop barrier and we get another magma that spin 29 this next one will be spin 30 slowly building up her ction of fruits here and with this next account this will be 30% done of first SE lowkey is looking like the higher SE better fruit gotcha may be true after that or I just have trash but let's see what we get for spin 30 30% through with first SE come on zist if you haven't given me anything please give me something now man please another damn Smoke Dog I already got like four of these now come on 32 count luck please another Diamond man smirking at me like that like he's good such a trash fruit bro get out my face I think it's very ridiculous to out of 33 spins about to go on 34 we haven't gotten a single legendary yet but this is just Blox Ro man Blox Ro got you right here nah scam gotcha bro scam got it you straight scamming people bro like look at this spring fruit on the 34th spin I say 34 for that last one that was 33 this is Count 34 doesn't matter either way though we're almost done with first SE or at least coming close to it and for this one we also got a spin but nevertheless spin number 35 hopefully we get something good here and never mind we get a bomb you see how it just exploded right there that is how I'm feeling with each common fruit I get count number 36 is a mink got to give me some sort of luck mink luck let me type in the chat mink V4 luck you know kind of fitting for mink to get a spring fruit but that's just not what we wanted then again when is the game ever giving us what we want boys maybe it will this time though oh first time of the video a flame fruit I think this actually our first uncommon of the videos too oh no we got Falcon earlier come on zeas I'm not even asking for a high tier legendary just at least give me like a quake or something bro and he gives me something that's close but just not it another magma we're almost at 40 let's see what we get for a count number 39 I'm not losing hope we still got 72 magmas back to back okay that is actually kind of nice that is not bad that is not bad count number 40 I need y' boys to comment down Cloud's luck in the comments below boys so I can get this damn mythical please you know I'm getting tired when I start yapping like this all that for a spin you know what boys let's make these next 10 quick spin number 41 we get another Diamond next up count 42 and we pull another spin lucky 43 next and no luck with a spike running up next count number 44 and it gets another smoke what about count 45 let's see what we get here another chop spin number 46 another Spike number 47 losing hope and 47 pulled a chop number 48 and an ice fruit the first one of the video number 49 49% out of first SE another magma this next spin is spin number 50 boys just in a blink of an eye we're already halfway through first c not a single legendary yet by the way which is kind of ludicrous this has to be the one there's no shot at the 50 spins we don't get a Mythic like the video subscribe do all All That Jazz boys cuz we about to pull a damn Mythic and oh oh we actually pulled a legendary we pulled a legendary for the 50th spin this right here is 50 fruits all on the ground boys and only one legendary to show for it seems like the rumors are true first C definitely does give crap luck for Goa but we still have 50 more fruits to go through so let's get to it there's no shot right after I just said I hope I don't disconnect the server shuts down we just lost all those fruits in seconds how does this even happen after reconnecting I speed ran through the next 30 spins and the best thing we pulled was a magma 80% of the way done with first SE this right here is 30 fruits boys and we've only gotten a quake that's the best thing we got we disconnected right after hopefully we get a good one here and we definitely didn't get any good here we got a spring next account at this point I've lost all hope for first C hopefully second C gives us better luck man let's just get through these next 19 and we get a bomb no surprise there the drippy outfit account please give me some extra luck man because I need it we like we're almost done with first zebra we're literally oh we actually got a legendary that time this is the best route we've got in the first SE even higher than Quake so I'll actually take that the lucky drippy fit worked man next to count that love got me a little hype man first legendary we've seen in a while keep please keep it coming keep it coming you know what that last account didn't give me better luck but what about this one man come on we got to get more legendaries at least one mythical we got to get at least one mythical I don't even care if it's gravity bro at least one oh another legendary we got a he no let's see what we can for this next one man this is the mink account that's got to give us some extra luck bro okay that's just okay we're going back downhill boys next bacon hair account I believe this is 87 and we get a rocket lucky number 88 and we get another flame I feel like I had a little burst of luck but now it seems like it's doing Ling out man spin number 89 reeling in on the end of the first C spins boys we have yet to get a Mythic and now we still didn't get a Mythic but we got a good rare account number 90 in all fairness the past few spins haven't been too bad we've gotten two recent legendaries a good rare let's see what we get here another flame oh my God 91 nine more to go after this block just gotcha please give me something good man I've been patient I've been patient damn chop fruit got to be kidding me next one 92 the rocket fruit another Spike next up another chop goes next first of the video and back to another spin next up another spring and we get another sand another barrier second to last another Spike and now for the last spin of first SE boys the final spin come on what do we get what do we get and I don't have enough money okay hold on that's actually kind of embarrassing I didn't think I think I didn't think I wouldn't have enough money on this alt account bro there we go got the money now and once again you're not going to believe it boys 100 spins at first C and we got a bomb these were the top three fruits we got in first SE love being in first place Quake being in second place and magma being in third place that's the best we got out of first seat now it's time to move up to Second C do 100 spins and compare the fruits we got from first to second for my sake I'm hoping second C is better all right we are now in second C and the first spin is going to be none other than from my boy mariz ooh light for the first SP that's already off to a better start than firsty well I'm going be honest I got my friend fer in here let me say Fufu do you got your gotcha off cool down he said nuh all good though boys because I've got another trick up my sleeve pinging my Discord of course need your help with some block scotes again join second CM Mar getting single line and dual got and drop the fruit to me let me send the message put the private server link she bro within seconds there's already just like tons of people joining all right let's see this guy the random guy he got a spring spring for number two sh thank you my boy this guy right here no one cart fan third spin we got another light by no one Carter fan thank you my boy what do you got exotic what do you got for me o we already got a ghost this early yo this is already looking way better Frosty BOS what's good my boy cool down all right get out the server man man's reset on impact all right we have Niche 4,000 oh Falcon okay that's kind of down that's kind of down that was fruit number five based off of my count we have this guy right here he's also cool down oh my God what what's up with all these people on cool down he about to be spin number six from solid go ahead roll the fruit my boy and we get another Falcon next spin oh there's no shot legendary already oh oh yo rip bambo he already pulled a legendary on spin number seven dog it took us like 50 spins to get a legendary in first seed this is crazy so far boys I don't going to lie we got like three rares a legendary and the the uncommons we're getting are not that bad looks like the rumors may be true already man okay next spin here spin number eight we get a chop and this is going s we Zoom it through it next person over here shock which you get oh another legendary huh there's no shot legendary's back to back for spin number nine another legendary that is crazy next up we have Crimson flame I believe this is for spin number 10 he said bruh and then he dropped the spin hey man that's cool that's cool already 10% done with second seed and we've got two legendaries to show for it boys next up we have doggy at no no no no there's no way there's no way I refuse to believe it I refuse to believe it man is capping man is capping man is capping he said faking oh okay man's got my hope up for nothing bro come on man wait someone rolled pain someone roll paid who he said me three legendaries already boys there we're only 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 that was the 11th spin kolan Joy zero okay what do you got what do you got my boy why is he slow turning like that he must have got something bad cool down bro all that hype build up just for him to have cool down oh my God still on spin 11 another guy just joined Bounty Leo oh and he pulled a spike for spin number 12 I just got an interesting private message boys someone named blink said yo I'm lucky today tell me when it will be the last one you know what I got somebody that's already taking spot for the last spin so I'll save him for last next up though for spin number 13 we have one and and he gets a spin this guy got a chop so that's spin 14 next up we have YTP the man I don't even know what that man's name is but look at that face man is is serious he said oh CR Spike spin number 15 out the way this next guy right here R this is going to be spin number 16 what do you got my boy another Spike okay okay looks like our luck is kind of slow simmering down but I ain't going to lie getting three legendaries in the first 10 spins is kind of crazy this is already like 10 times better than first he was next person we have Rich he pull the spin my boy go oh Joo what did you roll for the 18th fruit man man just left on number 17 right now Monster Hunter just pulled up next M pulled up with the spiffy tuxedo and he pulled a bomb and he left before dropping it okay Ms just stored the bomb and dropped it and left I can't even cap that we're still on spin number 17 we have yui in the server this guy right here pulled a sand so that's number 18 right there that man usually been at the Goa for a long time bro just standing there and he left what's up with these dutu kaisen players just leaving not even doing the Goa so no worries though we got Ben J do bro he going to bring it home he going to bring it home for number 19 and it is a light almost 20% done with second C so far we already got three legendaries which is a lot better than first C oh this dude just roll a quake yo there's no shot you roll a quake for the 20th fruit oh he actually did he actually did he rolled a quake for the 20th fruit boys we already have four legendaries also I think someone just rolled this we're at 21 technically spin number 22 and nuclear gets a spin very fitting number 23 and beans gets a sand another sand okay not bad not bad for the 24th spin this guy red moreco just rolled a dark for the 25th fruit all right Del Del rolled a quake huh that's the 26th fruit right there this guy said I I'm a roll and he pulled a chop hey winter watch me get a dragon after this dude you going to get a Mythic my boy hold on hold on hold on he said well okay yeah that is not a dragon we are zooming through these boys I could barely even keep up we're on spin number 28 I think you're up next rip lazy you haven't spun yet go ahead man's walking up to that gacha like he him look at that give me something good are you going to end like uog damn he he threatened he threatened in this oh no shot no shot no shot no shot there's no shot there's no shot this man actually pulled sound he said oh there's no shot you pulled that there's no shot you pulled that bro oh oh he actually did bro that actually worked this man just threatened zeolis and got a legendary out of it for the 29 spin bro what this man is saying Leo right here I like the confidence of these people and he gets a flame okay flame for the 30th spin I'll take it I'll take it next up we have kizaru he said bro bro is that good or bad no cash man get your broke out of here man okay let me stop it next person rip hum 31st fruit and we get chopped yeah man that's not that good but uh let's keep it moving let's keep it moving 302 fruit we get a life okay next up we have STX no oh wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait whoa did he just actually pull control for the 33rd oh my God yo we pulled a Mythic already we pulled a Mythic already boys and for the 33rd we have a spin 34th we get a chop we're only like 33 fruits in the second SE we've already got a Mythic that's insane out of what 100 fruits at first SE we haven't gotten anything he said oh my God I'm a big fan by the way hey W big fan bro you the MVP of the video so far shees okay spin number 34 this guy pulled a magma Mr Pop 35 spin number 35 we get a spring also boys I just did a recount and I have 40 fruits so I I I'm off by like five sand for 41 two people doing gotcha at once I told them to do one at a time this man saying winter clouds on top he it's a flame proof for spin number 42 okay a flame not bad not bad but chave just rolled a barrier for spin number 43 my time to shine now hey let's hope man let's hope for spin number 44 you get something crazy I rolled the boot there's no shot I actually shined he says that man's not about to drop oh yo yo that's what the 44th and this guy right here Roan V just dropped me this spin for the 45th he said can I get the budha back o yeah go ahead bro go ahead you can take it back you can take it back Cloud's luck real yes Sor let's see what you get ooh a rubber first one and second C next up we have junk and he gets a spin 47 ha to win Dragon Fighter 7 hey you better pay to me win this me this what am I even saying bro just drop me the fruit bro almost 50% of the way done with second SE we already got another legendary bro a love bro but this guy right here king of doe 787 for spin number 49 let's see what you get why you have to cap to me like that man he said for real yeah you're Captain drop real quick oh what what what bro we actually just witnessed a kid to name be rolled for the 49th spin of the video second seat is 10 times better than first SE and you know what boys for the 50th spin I'm going to do it on none other than my main account the clouds account let's see what we get boys let's see what we get and I I don't know what I got it must have just been a repeat he said can I have back yeah bro you you could take you can take it back but the fact that you rolled that and we caught that on camera is actually insane spin number 51 rip my bounty I don't think anyone could top that you already have like a 0.01 percentage to get in that and this man just pulled a spike for the 51st hopefully this man could pull us a fruit for spin 52 he pulled a diamond spin 53 rip queso queso we get a flame bro we get a flare spin 54 a barrier hopefully this could be spin 55 and another spin spin 57 a flame okay okay someone just dropped the ghost right here is that spin 58 he said nice meeting you winner hey likewise bro thank you for showing up to help for the video man it means a lot bro two more spins so we get the spin 68 let's try to speedrun this let's try to speedrun this spring bomb ice light fruit another light fruit smoke fruit another spin another chop seventh Le of the video next up sand chop and now for the 70th spin from RI p2w he pulled a magma 71 we have another spring 72 we get a diamond 73 we get a quake 74 a spirit that is our third mythical of the video 75 we're back down the uncommons we get a sand 76 looks like we got a bomb 77 we got a barrier 78 we got a rocket 79 another bomb and for number 80 we have the Riz Chain man himself he said 2 minutes okay never mind I tried to build that man up but he's on cool down spin 80 and we get a flame we are now 80% done with second C boys and so far we've already gotten 10 times better fruits than we have in firsty we've gotten a kitten a got a spirit a control a Buddha so far it's no competition and it looks like for 81 my boy Marise pulled a phoenix that's kind of crazy 19 more spins to go yo there's no shot this man just pulled the T-Rex he said what do I get you can get a perm if you drop oh oh yo yo oh my God oh my God bid 82 we got another Mythic T-Rex all right man all right man I'm a man my word I'm going to say what term do you want portal all right say less say less his name is dery weird name bro but I ain't here to judge I'm just here to deliver my word bro here you go permanent portal is now yours spin 83 we have a bomb also spin 84 we got a chop 85 we get a barrier only 50 more spins to go boys let's make this quick 86 we got a spin 87 we got a ice 88 I think we got a falcon here 89 another light now for the 90th spin of the video why is this man in my back bro get on my back get on my back help he said oh dang and man's pulled out a bomb 90 spin out the way 10 more to go 91 light 92 Falcon 93 we have a spin 94 we have another Falcon spin num 95 well well well I like the sound of that bro look what the cat dragg bro why you build it up like that just to pull out a rocket for spin Number 96 someone in the chat said can I get a perm if I roll something good yes you can get a perm spin number 97 another rocket spin number 98 let's see what this man's got this man's capping there's no shot this man actually pulled leopard I don't believe it spin number 98 we pulled the leopard you get any perm you want up to Legendary bro what you want he said perm portal okay two perm portals in the video all right enjoy your perm portal my man let's move on spin number 99 I'm saving the last one for the other dude that messaged me let's see what this guy EK 9898 gets a falcon now let me message my boy blink let me say it's your time to shine save the spot just for that man he better cook at this point man he better cook the final gotcha of the video SP 100 and we get o a sound fruit we ended off the second SE with a legendary sound fruit these are all the fruits we accumulated on the video we got a leopard T-Rex we got a control Spirit man all types of other legendaries like Buddha and other things man now just comparing the two in first C the best three fruits we got was love quake and magma and in second C the top three fruits we got was a kit a leopard and a control now I don't know if this 100% solidifies the question but I would say in my experience second C is 100% better than first let me know if yall enjoyed this video and comment down if y'all want me to do a second C versus third SE video next
Channel: WinterKloudz
Views: 308,398
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blox fruits, roblox blox fruits, blox fruits update, every fruit in blox fruits, blox fruits roblox, blox fruit, blox fruits codes, blox fruits best fruit, roblox blox fruits rare fruit, roblox fruits in blox fruits, blox fruits noob to pro, blox fruits kitsune fruit, blox fruits live, blox fruits race v4, 1000 fruits in blox fruits, blox fruits tier list, i searched 1000 fruit notifiers in blox fruits, mythical fruits in blox fruit, roblox blox fruit, blox fruits troll
Id: Vo89jPlgBVw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 27sec (1227 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 26 2024
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