I Bought $10 "Cosplays" From China

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This is easily the dumbest fucking thing I've ever done. What is up my beautiful weebs? It is I, CDawgVA I hope you all are doing very well. I just wanted to talk with you today about one of my favorite topics, which is cosplay. Now the one thing that we all love more than cosplay is great cosplay. Now, I don't know what that is. But I do have $100 and I know a Chinese website So, let's see what happens... When I buy as much cosplay as I can, for as little as possible on a Chinese website. *BREATH* So Aki's gonna help me review my cosplay with me and tell me if you feel like it's a success. All right. Aki: I don't know if I'm the one that's qualified in the cosplay community. Aki: But I'll do my best I don't have Jessica Nigri on Disc- ok, What could possibly go wrong? So, let's stop dilly-dallying around and wear some fun cosplay, shall we The first exotic treat from China is this lovely maid outfit from a certain show that I really like I'm sure some of you can guess what this is. But yeah, this is gonna be a mess oo jingly things What is this Oh my go- oh these are the arm pieces, okay. Well, that's not That's not gonna fit me That is not gonna fit me. Oh god. This is gonna be hard. All right, let's give it a go Holy shit, how am I supposed to get this on? What the fuck? What are these women's clothes how do they do this? How do women wear this shit? I actually can't get it over myself. Oh shit. I feel like gonna rip it. Oh god. Ok. I- Oh god. I'm like hotboxing myself Okay, I legit think I'm stuck. If this doesn't fit I don't think any of the other stuffs gonna fit me but Maybe we can call it watch me struggle for 15 bucks at a time Fuck me. Hey guys It's me, it's me Rem Subaru. Personally I'd say this is a great success for cosplay number one Uh do you guys wanna get a Feel for it. Alright, so this is my this is my my Rem costume Aki:What the fu- Aki: Dude no that- is that really as well as it fits- or as good as it fits? That's as good as it fits Aki: oh my god well yeah that's not even Rem. That's just disappointment My day is ruined and my disappointment is immeasurable So I'd have to say that cosplay. Number one ran from Rem from reZero was Was not successful, so I can't recommend you purchase that unless you're you know the actual size it's made for And not a man This is the other one. I bought and it's a medium So after the last one I have zero faith that I'm really gonna be over fit this around my pinky Okay, I'm digging this. It has a little nice zipper This is not gonna fit me Oh shit, I think I just broke the ripper lala I broke the zipper If I could get it over my ass I'll be good Pushing the stitching to the upper limit of its capabilities C'mon ass, just make it over the ass, make it over the ass Made it over the ass boys. Oh Oh that zippers fucked Feeling- I'm feeling kawaii Hey guys, welcome back to cosplaying with Connor where today I'm gonna teach you how to make your own good cosplay. First off, buy from China that's like I look like a fat asshole Although I know how to improve this KAWAII Hey guys it's your magical school girl this is What's the pose like they do I don't even know, Hi This is my school girl one, okay you're going to give me a minute. Aki: Oh God Aki:Dude you gotta put that on Twitter Aki: Dude, like, use that for your Patreon When someone fucks with your senpai Aki:These should be like exclusives to your Patreon like full HD and then like in the top tier you can cam with them Aki: Oh my god, this is amazing My youtube channel is insane, let's be honest here this should never have happened. We've got more cosplays to go. Oh Oh, no, it's genuinely stuck. I don't know how to get it off Fuck me Ah that fucking hurt , I'd say that was a success. That was well worth. I think the $7 I paid for it I think I deserve that for $7. I Yeah, let's hope the next one is such a tiny bit better. I'm feeling I'm feeling good about this one I know that we've got a hit on our hands and it's gonna happen and no I didn't just buy all girl cosplays before you ask I did buy some male cosplays. Yes. I like dressing as a girl sometimes in my videos I don't know why maybe there's some deep-seated issues that I need to talk to myself about but I'm never gonna approach them Oh god Let's do this Wow this fits me. Oh hell yeah. Who'd have thought the male cosplay actually fits me. Oh this is- Oh this is gross material. What the fuck? I'm King of the Saiyans. Please don't stab myself in my ass. Ow I just stabbed myself in my ass I'm gonna get all the dragonballs, Mum. It's like a carpet, what the fuck? It's like aspestos. What the fuck? It's like the strongest form of bleach I've ever smelled in my life. Jesus Christ step aside, Jessica Nigri My *fumbles*. Step aside Jessica Nigri. The new cosplay gods are in town And we're going to super saiyan This is the dumbest fucking wig *Goes Super Saiyan* This is fucking awful This is so bad I don't know- I don't know if I'm like, mad Aki:Eh that's not too bad you just look total like weeb trash Aki: I Gotta gi- like I gotta hand it to you though. The positives is at least this one fits. Right, right Aki: You know? So at least- Aki:Like you could go on this and I'm probably not gonna think twice about it I probably will be more concerned about your wig though. Your wig It's a carpet. It's a carpet. It's basically like a carpet it looks like you took like sponges and like stretched them out So next time at a convention you see a great Goku cosplayer. Yeah, feel free to shout: Hey Conner, how you doing? Cuz that's 100% gonna be me God every time I breathe breathe in the wig, it's fucking gross Like I'm gonna get this off my head it's disgusting This one 100% isn't gonna fit me I just saw it and I thought it's the funniest shit So I mean, let's give it a go It's got boob pads, what the fuck so this is my diva swimsuit it looks like it's made for a baby It's XL that says XL you guys can't see it but it says XL Holy balls, oh those not meant to be on me Nerf this am I right Mum, leave You know I said I was gonna leave my channel early I think I'm gonna do that now, actually. These cosplays are too tight for my balls. Holy shit So don't laugh at me too much for this one. But this is this is my Aki: It's been hard, so far You know, it's getting- the summer spirits coming out and I thought I'd get a swimsuit. Whatcha think of this one? Aki: And you told me you didn't know what to post on instagram These are like all four days of AX Do you ever just feel proud You know, like you found that one thing that you were meant to do in life? Because I don't know what that feels like Yeah, I mean maybe one day but I just feel that a measurable amount of disappointment not only in the in the costumes But I shouldn't be surprising this one's like five bucks. But in myself for thinking this was a good idea. This is terrible What am I gonna do with myself? I just- This is easily the dumbest fucking thing I've ever done And I've done a lot of dumb shit, oh my god Why is it packaged within a package with the fuck Why the fuck do I buy this shit I was pretty drunk when I ordered this shit. What the actual fuck Connor why did you buy this? Why So apparently I bought- I don't even remember buying this thing but Let's try it on. Did I buy this? There's no way I bought it. I am not that dumb. Ok well a little bit. Oh my god, why did I buy this? I am such a fucking idiot. I actually paid money for this shit This is so fucking weird how the fuck are my Women how do you wear underwear? This isn't gonna fit on me at all. My god, yeah. Hey guys I'm I can only get this part on but that's probably a good thing Haha, that is an abomination that shall be burned Never again. Hmm, oh you guys didn't think I was gonna buy this, of course, I was gonna buy this, please See this one I like this won't a success I'd say I can breathe pretty well on this You know, I don't feel like my junk is gonna come out and I feel like a pretty free guy in this one, you know I feel like I'm a virgin killer wearing this, this is This works. I like this. I feel sexy. This is coming to a con with me for sure for sure What do you guys think? Do you guys think it- it's like Steve Jobs-y, isn't it You know, like I look kind of stylish like Yo, this is really a itchy tho if people like wear this naked, oh my throat I feel like I'm gonna have a rash So here's the full full range Virgin killer sweater not like I like you or anything baka Let me think of which one is the most fitting to send you Aki: Haaa, get the pun? Because none of them fit? Okay, whatever. Anyway, this is the this is the my favorite honestly Aki: Oh hell yeah dude hell yeah. hell yeah Dude like you versus the guy she tells you not to worry about right Love the touch of the sunglasses too. It's like you're just being proud of it. I mean it is the summer Pasty legs. Yeah, let's go You gonna shave your legs for this cosplay or are you just leaving it I just- I don't know I'm thinking you're putting this one on Twitter and being like two thousand retweets and I'll wear this to AX Aki: dude I'll help with that, I'll help with that Ill like retweet that Maybe I'll just wear this to work just sit there Enjoy the world. I feel like this is the best one Like I feel like I've nailed it, you know, like I feel like this is my my my Piece De Resistance, You know, it's Mm. It's everything I'm feeling like a 10. I guess we have one more to try on and then That's it. Really? Feel like I've made enough mistakes for a day. Let's I don't wanna take this off. It's really nice actually. So I guess without further ado. Let's put the last cosplay on Are you kidding me? What the fuck? Is there a face thing? Ok let's hope this doesn't kill me Where the fuck is my microphone. Hello? That's a big dick. Really That's about it. Guys this is Kirito here the biggest blackest dick in SAO I have no idea what i'm doing Yeah here we go So hot in here. That probably looked extremely underwhelming. I imagine I can't imagine this looking great It just- It just looks- it just feels like its shit, so it probably is If I had to give my honest ratings out of all the cosplays the Rem one gets a 2 school girl gets a five the Goku gets a two for destroying my sense of smell the diva swimsuit gets a 10 out of 10 because I mean, why wouldn't it? The weird cat thing that I bought for five bucks? It gets a zero. Virgin killer sweater. That was a solid ten. I don't know about you, but I felt like that was a real ten And this thing Cuz the pump is so shit. I'm gonna give it a 2 So yeah, if you guys want to see more cosplays on a budget Let me know down below and I'll pick up some more cosplays for under fifteen bucks If you have any suggestions, let me know and I'll try to figure it out. I will see you beautiful weebs next time Holy shit, it's hot in here. Am I fucking serious man? This is boiling. My ass is my ass is roasting in this dick. I'm done See ya guys. Bye!
Channel: CDawgVA
Views: 1,433,069
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Reacting, Cosplay, budget Cosplay, cosplay budget, cheap cosplay, bad cosplay, funny cosplay, cosplay fails, cosplay anime, anime cosplay, manga cosplay, Dragon Ball Super, Dragon Ball Z, cosplay wigs, cosplay wig, cosplay hacks, cosplay tips, hilarious cosplay, costumes, bad costumes, Anime, Manga, CDawgVA, CDawg, reacting to, trying on, cheap cosplay guy, funny, reaction, akidearest, Cos, play, cosplay cringe
Id: eTXAxUYep8s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 0sec (960 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 16 2018
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