i became a stream sniper..

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shrim sniping alright some backstory say me mate Lachlan was trying to film a video and he was streaming with fresh yeah well I saw this and was like I'm gonna stream snot now this is when the NFL skins were still exclusive so he knew it was me major top someone's going talk with me and yeah basically I beat the crap out of with the pickaxe he whinge to bet it point being it gave me an idea streamers are always killing me I think it's time for me to go into their domain I mean I can't actually kill them if he streams not someone and kill them you you get banned shrimp sniping I am I am there to dance I guess and see how they react see if we can melt their hearts of ice but I don't know this is a stupid idea it took 11 hours to film stream sniping side yeah gonna start with cry cry he's been chatting some his streams not him can you please play with laser beam I don't know I'm kind of in the mood to win quick disclaimer everything in this video is done for fun do not go and hate on anyone in this video if you're gonna go check out their channels go say g'day be nice make me look good I'm pretty sure we're in the same game but streep snappy get butt look for their skins well I see him I'm pretty sure that's great I'm going in I'm gonna spank him did you know what a main chat planet touchdown fly me cry why me why me cry stop come here come here buddy [Music] [Applause] there is I see him I'm coming in cry get your pickaxe ready bright plannin I'll see you here buddy I will see you here let's do this let's do this crack let's do this bro hey let's go let's go crack [Laughter] that no no no why don't he bludgeon you then you should it doesn't count fruit that does not count I'm pretty sure it kills you no no you ready you ready you see me boy you ready the guy we're gonna have this pickaxe battle twenty haight how'd you like that Landon how'd you feel look I'll feel a lot better when everyone in the chat uses code laser beam in the arm shop all right this guy's IDUs looks like we're in the same game well land on him directly I want him to like I want to be able to dance with him a bit give him a bit of a fright no no no no what dude just wait for it Laser laser is that I said I saw that skin I just sort of cou you did this is uh this point alright we're in the same game again I'm gonna give him a second chance honestly all I really want to do is pick axe battle streamers all I really want to do what's he gonna do is he gonna game end me again what's he gonna do do we befriend him big axe battle come on come on pick axe battle me come on oh let's do it pick axe battle I say pick axe pedal yes get it let's get it yeah yeah twitch stream up let's get it oh he's insane he's insane come here come here ya big ox battle come here I'm jumping up dude I'm jumping off dude come on stream up yeah let's get it come on streamers can beat me with guns but I can beat him with pickaxes Oh GG's GG's look I'll give that guy credit he was very gracious in his ultimate defeat ladies and gentlemen next target geordie x3 don't shoot me bro don't shoot me why is he doing this is this awesome YouTube video what do you want me to do you want you want me to be some clickbait for a YouTube video yep no this guy's got respect he didn't immediately kill me I just wanna say what he does what should I do you need an idea here guys I just made him blow himself up with an RPG on accident let's just try to build a wall sorry I did not intend to kill you sorry didn't intend to kill very good like what the goal here was not to kill twitch streamers be I look I can't stop him from our page a in himself in the face now like that guy he didn't straight-up shoot me on sight I respect it alright good typo apologies don't know name correctly and McCree me where no is a youtuber I'm just probably gonna dance and we'll see if they passed the stream a test stream test is when you dance near a streamer and if they straight-up kill you they're soft all right like down there they're not seeing me I'm struggling here imagine imagine it wait Laser laser day they didn't even let me they didn't let me dance all right shorty we are in the same game geez she's currently a chair so if she kills me straight up it's gonna dance upstairs and see if he notices he's gonna dance if she looks up oh now you're done you're done chief it's not even nutty oh my god that's just disgusting yeah now I'm gonna uh streams not fresh cuz he just went alive oh I see him he's a sweaty guy on that house right there that's a void there I'm gonna get looting like mats and stuff like that and then I'll meet fresh at some point and what do we reckon we see how good of a dance of fresh shoes I got that gingerbread man you see me there's no way he doesn't know who it is there's no way this is awkward no yes dance with me boys well at least I made freshh dance feel oh whoa what I'm gonna do I'm gonna shadow crystal and squishy out of this fresh scared you didn't I fresh pickaxe me he gets me pickaxe me fresh he gots me let's go let's go let's go let's do it let's do it you guys to death big axe the death you know doing this run fresh she's scared he's scared fresh you scared this pickaxe battle yeah yeah he's made me an actual poornatva key baby the pickaxe boy yes yes he can yeah say the reason I died there is because I didn't want to get banned I could have easily killed him are you gotta be careful if you stain taming you'll get banned SRAM sniping I'm just wait until I wait until I can see freshly flush and I'm gonna run at him in a quad crusher I'm gonna try and crush her only the best player in Australia buy it now turn up is that it gingerbread is that it that's no fresh fresh I'm down here bro Oh chill chill hop on up on fresh a bomb bro whoa all fresh I know about this one chief Oh know about this one bro what's getting a circle friend this count is teaming if you find your friend in solos and you do memes together does that count as teaming wowee we're probably not gonna survive this bro I don't think we'll survive this war rash we might be going too far dude fresh I think we've gone past max fire it's going higher and higher I know from my playground memes that there is a height limit in the game we may be approaching that I think fresh is trying to kill me I think we might be don't too hard dude no no you're not supposed to kill me fresh it's supposed to be I supposed to be streams nothing for them we literally went to max I we just killed me I'd be happy fresh I'd be happy like our maeĆ­n fresh you're so in sync I shot with the quad crasher he immediately knows to take me to the sky and kill me all right I've been streams no Ivan for 11 hours this shit's hard I have a lot I have a lot more respect for streams no up his near not really sure what the point of this video was but uh oh my Bible it's funny when you spend eleven hours doing something and you still not sure what the point of it was subscribe delays beam use code laser beam check out me boy fresh check out that guy that a force to rpj himself check out cray I'm so dead I'm so exhausted [Music]
Channel: LazarBeam
Views: 47,104,993
Rating: 4.9282956 out of 5
Keywords: fortnite, fortnite battle royale, gameplay, lazarbeam, stream, sniper, ninja
Id: iNWHHhIsE00
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 1sec (601 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 11 2018
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