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today I'll be upgrading this baby sword into a god sword that can slice through all of my enemies welcome back ladies and gentlemen today we're going to be playing this brand new game called cursor blade ooh we're going to get access to upgrades but first things first we are stuck with my baby blue Noob sword okay how do I play this game do I just slice these dudes it seems like it yeah that's pretty easy in the top left I do see that we have four hearts and also a special ability every time that I complete one of the rounds we'll get access to an upgrade there's a shroom an ice bucket thing and also a laser gun if you ever in your entire life have the opportunity to get a laser gun you do it laser gun it is oh wo W okay so it looks like these guys actually get angry at me which makes sense because I am slicing them out of existence but I will be slicing my way to Victory I will not let these tiny red blobs get in the way of my baby sword becoming a God so far this game seems easy enough we can get a bubble Shield an onion or a snail let's do bubble Shield oh woah check this out and also we get fire this is amazing oh wait there's upgraded enemies too all right you little Green Goblins I do not care that you're a Green Goblin I will slice everything in everybody in front of my face I'm going to name my baby sword Jerry nice try there little guy oh we have invincibility you can't damage me this game is amazing let's check out our upgrades oh we can get a shukin chance to throw a ninja star that bounc between enemies epic we're going to go ahead and grab that oh gosh okay okay there's upgraded enemies again what are these like witches okay be careful careful Jack don't do anything too stupid we did it awesome choose another weapon we can get fire higher chance to inflict burn or let's get a shroom that creates a toxic Spore around me I'll use the mushrooms to poison them and then I'll use magma to burn them and then finally Jerry will slice them oh gosh okay okay there's a lot more enemies every single round's getting a little bit more difficult okay okay oh my gosh I took damage oh God okay okay all right all right we need to Target the upgraded dudes the little blobs I'm not super worried about honestly okay there we go slice these guys nice well done and then I have my blue bubble to protect me a gift increase the number of weapon options by one or I can get cake to recover all of my hearts I guess I did leave out The Onion let's go with my gift so that I can get an additional weapon slot wo porcupine chance for enemies to fire out bills on death that sounds really painful for my enemies let's do it yes oh God okay okay careful careful oh okay don't get near the Thundercloud thunderclouds are deadly okay careful that's right you really are pooping out red balls at me oh why would I do that I thought I had invincibility what am I thinking okay I desperately need health now I got to be extra super duper careful let's get an additional laser gun upgrade I can really use some health oh gosh dude this is definitely the hardest round yet this side looks fine careful let's get the upgraded guys first I don't want to worry about the blobs too much oh Health yes there we go Dodge that ball oh gosh I took it I took damage oh Flip Flip Flip Flip Flip Flip okay we got an extra Health back and we somehow passed the level guys I know this game doesn't look difficult at all but let me tell you it's a lot harder than you think either that or I'm just really bad okay let's see we can go ahead and get an upgrade of our magma I feel I feel like the magma is really really overpowered my enemies will get burned holy smoke dude no I'm taking too much damage okay okay you can't panic in this game as much as I do love panicking we cannot Panic okay never mind I'm going to start panicking more because I now have all of my hearts back how did that happen hourglass longer invincibility time after taking damage or heart potion restores two hearts when you pick up a heart let's go ahead and do a heart potion ooh and another upgrade let's go ahead and upgrade our laser gun of course the most best upgrade in the entire game a oh gosh okay it's a it's a complete bubble round die die die ow don't ever touch Derry again okay okay good good good so far so good and there we go dudes I did it let's go ahead and get an additional laser gun up oh my God see that's what I mean what the flip can they teleport why are there dudes from the hidden ninja Village didn't realize I'd be going up against Naruto today and let's see what happens if I just like Dodge in there okay dodging does nothing do not Dodge and we'll just kill the little baby one perfect what about an apple ooh adds two Max hearts or a magnet Let's do an apple I like that and of course we're going to upgrade our porcupine named Gerald okay all right careful careful Jack careful careful careful let's focus on the Big Daddy Mustachio slimes I wonder if the slimes are going to eventually get any bigger I really hope so what I do know is that I do not care why they're angry I will destroy I did it so at this point in the game it seems like most of my upgrades are just getting upgraded even more and there's really nothing new to add the shugan just went back and forth that was amazing eat that blobs every time you see the laser gun you must get the laser gun oh okay I see a new enemy they have a laser alien and they do some serious damage stop it stop it I feel like I'm being targeted oh God okay careful careful careful did your mother ever teach you manners oh there's only two left now there's zero oh look at that laser gun level eight is the max level yes wo wo wo okay oh my gosh dude did you guys just see that okay so they have shovel Knights that do some serious damage okay let's focus on these guys over there we need to be very tactical with my attack oh God I do get kind of confused by some of my attacks like sometimes I think that my lasers are actually lasers that are trying to hit me and then I don't really know what to do okay we could Target the shovel lights right there oh gosh okay okay careful wait for it wait for it and 3 2 1 die yes we did it let's go boxing gloves deals one more slash damage for every 10 combo I think I like that one however I am really low on health so we will be grabbing extra cake and in the meantime we might as well uh oh increase the amount of sheroans that bounce around who okay okay careful Jack careful careful slice through the middle just one at a time and slice through the middle okay good good good good oh my gosh okay there's a brand new dragon mob that does some like serious Gatling gun attack that is really difficult to dodge okay oh there we go a lot of my combos did some serious damage right there let's focus them right there let's get the dragon okay there's only two more goblins and then now it's just Blob City got him um let's see I I believe that Gerald could use an upgrade let's go ahead and upgrade Gerald the Pokemon oh my God okay okay they're everywhere careful Jack careful careful careful all right what I really want to do is just start slicing and dicing everywhere I would love to slice my way to Victory right now however that's what they want me to do I need to be tactical about this especially when I break up a bunch of the giant mustached blobs I need to be careful because there's just a lot more guys that I need to worry about we'll take out sections at a time that seems to be the strategy that's working got to take this one at a time there we go okay that that's the quadrant up there yep we got top left and now it's just bottom left oh we got this in the bag dudes just a little bit more and we squish them to death which means we can upgrade our porcupine wo oh God okay careful okay okay there's lasers that I need to worry about there's electric clouds there's the the mace guys the shovel Knights and we also have the hidden ninja Village dudes that teleport all over the place dragons dragons yep got both of the dragons and now it's just one of the shovel Knights slice slice and dice oh we got another item okay puffer fish deals damage to All Enemies after taking damage I actually kind of like that let's test this out oh and we also get an upgrade let's upgrade Gerald now he's max level Gerald is now a God okay somehow that Strat actually worked okay now that Gerald is Max upgraded let's go ahead and have flameo ketchup okay okay all right all right I see everybody I see you guys what what you guys up to okay oh God slic and dice Jack oh God I I have literally one heart left okay okay okay now is not a time to panic do not panic oh God I'm panicking I'm panicking a no dude I got hit out of nowhere luckily for me we got 4 60 diamonds which I think means do I get enough for an upgrade I am so close so the next sword that I can unlock is 500 gold diamond things I have 476 ooh we unlocked a brand new item the Halo revive with one heart on death I could have used that last round shooting star chance to drop a star to attack random enemies I don't think I've seen that one either okay okay careful careful Jack careful oh wa check that out I feel like I've been chosen by the sun Gods oh this is awesome I'm killing them with the power of sparkles Sparkle power chance to release a lightning bolt that jumps to nearby enemies oh sweet dude I'm getting some different upgrades this time around W okay careful careful No don't touch me don't touch me don't touch me got him Target chance to deal triple damage heck yeah dude I love triple damage I mean I like quadruple damage even more okay oh wow okay some of these upgrades are actually a lot better than others chance to attach a bomb to an enemy um yes bomb time o okay okay these guys came out with a Vengeance I will not be okay never mind never mind I'm coming back with a vengeance even greater than their Vengeance I will not be defeated magnet p in nearby Hearts I don't know if that's actually good because I'm really good at getting the hearts I just I don't know if I want to waste an upgrade on a magnet those to Sheed enemies take longer to attack that honestly could be good because if I upgrade that enough then I could just go and attack them before they even attack me and then the round will be over before it even starts I am a genius oh okay I was so ready to kill uh let's also get a saw blade chance to create a saw blade I like that attack yes dude check it out okay that has actually a really good upgrade okay let's just finish this off bom Time Bomb time is the best time and we got him dumbbell deals one more SL damage when you complete a wave but stack is lost on taking damage oh interesting I like that okay so I just need to make sure not to take damage now let's upgrade our lightning once again and attack okay okay careful just don't take damage Jack so far so good so far we are CH oh God okay all of them got angry at the same time I don't know how they planned that so well guys are cute and adorable but I must slice you in order to win it's not my fault I swear let's go upgrade our triple damage oh okay they came out of the bat swinging okay good and we're killing we're killing we're slicing and we're dicing and we're destroying what else can I do let's do a saw blade upgrade we'll get more saw blades which actually are really big and powerful oh God okay no I took damage how the flip am I taking so much damage okay okay okay okay okay okay okay just keep slicing just keep slicing don't stop slicing just keep slicing why so angry okay not a problem slice and dice them boys okay let's see spawns an orbiting Shield that that blocks incoming projectiles yes where was that when I needed it like a round ago upgrade our lightning ability woah wo okay slice now slice slice okay careful careful don't slice now and then slice okay don't slice and then slice slicing time slicing time is the best time sometimes I get a little bit ahead of myself and I forget that I need to stop slicing or else they're going to bite me ow just like that okay I could really use an upgrade that gives me back all of my hearts excuse me fellas I have to kill you seriously it's nothing personal I have to do it contractually I'm obligated to slice wow dude there's so many I oh God okay okay dodge dodge dodge they're actually really easy to dodge they just scare me the sound effects are really really nerve-wracking but I am the best I will not be bested we have the lightning if I hit the lightning right at the start it's actually super effective it spreads like wildfire and just like that boom beat the round let's see okay so we can now get the boxing gloves let's do it and we can get max level lightning as well yes dude that's just what the doctor ordered I have a PhD and dealing pain okay all right we're going to slap you and let's go ahead and get more Saw Blade action uh-oh uh-oh it's the round it's my favorite round yes dudes and I think my upgrades are a lot better this time around so if I do like one slicing pass through it ends up being super effective I get swords I get blades I get lightning and all I have to do is tap them in the butt I feel like th every once in a while it just electrocutes like 12 blobs why so serious and yes dudes we did it this is awesome I get the porcupine oh I forgot I got the porcupine welcome back to the Team Gerald there's a heart in the center yep grab that slice them dice them okayy careful careful there's just oh God two aliens and boom deaded Apple two extra hearts restores two hearts or snail see I really want to slow down my enemies however I could use the extra Hearts Let's get two extra hearts and we'll go shooting star as well to get extra shooting stars careful Jack careful okay this is the most projectiles we've dealt with yet luckily I have my shield it'll protect me from anything let's get a saw blade upgrade as well oh gosh okay okay all right now we we are fine we fine it's okay I mean they all just want to kill me right so I mean it's not that bad could be worse I guess okay oh careful okay let's try to knock this guy out boom got him the alien is now down aliens are so stupid ah slice W nice try Flawless Victory boys we are killing you right now all all right chill chill chill good good good good so far so good scared I'm really scared it's fine it's fine it's fine oh how did you hit me I can't believe I took damage from one of the aliens that should like never happen the aliens are trash I'm actually mad at myself I let them damage me okay let's see next up bubble Shield come Invincible every 10 seconds which is amazing and we can now officially Max upgrade our saw blades as well so we're going to have tons and tons of saw blades I saw Zero saw blades what the flip okay good I need to be extra careful because now I have invincibility bubble but that'll make me feel like I have a really good chance of not taking damage I need to make sure not to let it get to my head okay I have VCI ability so I'm good I think we're doing better this time around and we're for sure going to get an upgrade after this an upgraded saw blade okay careful good good so far so good yep we're slicing we're dicing we're not taking any prisoners just like I was trained to do ah okay seriously no damage wao yes dude I think my shield actually like protected me for a second there too and I'm Invincible oh quickest round in history we are insanely good at this actually getting like a lot better than I thought I would at this game feels double damage briefly at the start of every wave yes double damage oh I was I was so ready for that let's get Target Max there we go double damage okay all right all right I got a little bit ahead of myself there and there's a bumblebee trying to kill me okay all right seriously don't do that and okay all right good nail that nail that and boom We wrapped up the round wave 31 that's actually insane good oh oh God that makes me sick I see so many red balls that I actually I'm going to have nightmares about them later all right just chill chill out for 2 seconds yep we're doing great don't you dare touch me or else I will murder your entire bubble family cool we did it let's get the star upgrade okay all right careful careful careful Jack careful okay we have the Bumblebees okay all right just keep moving as long as I keep moving and I don't accidentally run into to some angry blobs feeling pretty confident about this good okay let's kill these guys over here don't have to worry about all right I'm finishing them I don't care anymore you're all dead you all all die increases the number of weapon options by one I think that's honestly what I need and let's get a shooting star okay we're starting out really hot hot hot and heavy ah okay everybody just chill everybody chill I'm being targeted I'm telling Mom oh God they're bullying me okay careful let's go through the center good good Jack good let's kill this guy right here we need to take him down by quadrants that's what I told myself at the start of the round and that's what I need to stick to that's the game plan boys and so far it's been working really well ooh another one okay let's see rage onion or hourglass let's do onion so that they have less Health overall at the start of every round and let's put that to the test yes yes dude look at that literally the round starts and they all basically die we're destroying them they don't stand a chance wo there is a boss what the flip dude oh my gosh oh my God okay careful what okay I have invincibility okay no more invincibility careful Jack careful careful careful okay that's a big bomb wo dude wo wo wo wo wo wo wo wo wo how much health does he have oh my my goodness we have to Bonk him finish him off Jack oh God oh God oh God oh God oh God where are my stars when I need them I bought so many Star upgrades oh no no no I keep taking more damage oh dudes scared I'm scared I'm scared I'm scared I'm scared here we have invisibility come on I don't know what this dude had for lunch but it's definitely not anything good and we did it dudes we beat the boss no way that is awesome okay be careful oh gosh dudes okay invisibility it really doesn't last for as long as I would like it to okay oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh okay careful careful careful careful careful careful careful careful invincibility yes okay careful I don't even know how I'm focusing right now I don't even know what to focus on oh gosh okay this guy right there we'll get the alien we'll get the Shovel Knight and we somehow didn't lose a single heart that round guys this is getting to be extremely intense okay I really just need to kind of rely on invincibility for like the 2 seconds that I have it and then I need to run with that careful invincibility yes we'll focus on these guys at the bottom we'll get the two aliens we don't have to worry about getting sniped in the booty cheek and yes oh my God guys we're amazing this is insane I definitely should not be alive right now dudes what the flip is happening okay let's get all of them hit by shooting stars there's like a million electricity things happening we just need to keep focusing oh there's a heart right there I got it somehow I got it I don't know how I didn't die oh dude dude D dude oh my God oh my God oh my God I also keep forgetting I I I technically have like a Dodge ability but I don't think I've used it one single time yes yes yes yes guys oh my gosh I too good at this game yes oh no no no no no why did I say that okay okay we're chilling we're chilling one heart one heart no wait no I forgot I have I have the Halo I have the Halo boys and I have invincibility no another heart oh my gosh I lost the heart but then I get it back okay boys okay okay one heart one heart challenge not a problem don't touch anything bad don't touch anything bad okay good this part's good touch these guys over here these guys should be good I need an upgrade to give me back my Max Hearts Don't Worry Jerry I'll protect you with my life no no Jerry we did so good and we can unlock a brand new sword HS with more max Hearts but deals less damage if you got want to keep playing this game and try out the brand new upgrades make sure you guys smash like and click right here for more
Channel: BeckBroPlays
Views: 136,533
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: bcmlHwmO0do
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 7sec (1027 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 16 2024
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