I Avoided the Dentist Until it Was Too Late

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suddenly I felt a sharp pain in my mouth it got so bad that I ran to my manager and said Sarah my mouth really hurts can I please leave early to go to the dentist my manager took one look at my face and told me to head straight there the next day when I went back to work my manager came up and asked me if I was feeling better I decided to tell her all about my trip to the dentist so I've never really cared for my teeth and I've always had a problem with my left molar but this time it really started to hurt it got so bad that I couldn't even sleep I wasn't able to eat anything without being in immense pain but even though I was in a lot of discomfort I didn't want to see a dentist all I would do was take painkillers to help numb the pain which seemed to work for a while because every time I took it the next day my tooth wouldn't hurt anymore this time however was different even if I took painkillers it only got worse to the point where I would wake up in the middle of the night in agony my gums started to swell up a lot and there was a huge yellow lump right next to my tooth it was so big that I decided to pop it but when I did gooey yellow pus oozing out it was so painful and the pus went everywhere in my mouth it tasted disgusting and made me want to throw up because of this I knew that I couldn't handle it any longer or else it would get worse I told myself that I had to go to the dentist and get it fixed straightaway I laid down on the chair and a dentist came and started to check my teeth but when he opened my mouth he exclaimed oh my God why didn't you come in straightaway I felt embarrassed and didn't know how to answer the dentist went on to explain that because I let the infection get worse it was deep into my gums I had to do an x-ray which show that the root had become so rotten my whole tooth needed to be taken out I was in complete shock I didn't think that my tooth could get that bad I told the dentist that this tooth had been a problem since I was in primary school as I love to eat chewing gum all the time because of my obsession with gum my tooth had become very worn out I also explained that I never went to the dentist unless my parents forced me to I would also eat sweets all the time and never really brush my teeth I also ate a lot of hard foods and oftentimes the food would cause some of my teeth to break off if anyone else had chipped their tooth they would have rushed straight to the dentist but for me I didn't really think anything of it and would just leave it eating as many sweets as I could after my left molar chipped it was never the same again it became super-sensitive always aching when I ate cold or hot foods but I still didn't care enough to get it checked out until yesterday when it was so painful that I knew I needed to go to the dentist if I didn't come to see the dentist now it would have gotten even worse I felt very guilty that I didn't look after my teeth and because of my carelessness this is going to cost me a lot of money as well all up it cost me twenty thousand baht to fix I went through all of the options thinking how come it is so expensive maybe I should just take the whole tooth out because it only costs a hundred baht but as I spoke to the dentist he said that if I take it out completely in the future my other teeth will become unstable too so I decided that the best option for me is to put in an implant but it is going to be a long and expensive procedure I always thought of my teeth as nothing important and only taking painkillers to fix the problem because of my carelessness I will have problems with my teeth for the rest of my life so please remember that it is not just your teeth that you should take care of but your whole body as well you only have one life to live and teeth are very important so please remember to brush twice a day and go to the dentist for yearly checkups after my manager listened to my story she went straight to the dentist to have a checkup they found out that she also had an infection in her gums and because she didn't wear her retainer her teeth had started to become wonky if she didn't go this time she would have had to do braces again because of how walking her teeth would have become luckily we have both started to take care of our teeth properly if you ever start to feel unwell or have sudden pains in your mouth please make sure to always go to see a professional it's important to take care of your health you
Channel: MinuteVideos
Views: 1,094,554
Rating: 4.9127378 out of 5
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Length: 4min 46sec (286 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 30 2019
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