I Ate Only AVATAR Foods for 24 Hours

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for the next 24 hours I'll be only eating and making food from Avatar The Last Airbender the new liveaction Netflix adaptation just came out and I've been feeling super nostalgic so I thought it would be the perfect time to live out my childhood dreams and eat the fictional foods from my favorite TV show I feel like the show gets better with every rewatch and part of that for me is the Incredible World building specifically how distinct yet interconnected the nations are how they draw from actual native and Asian cultures and how it's even evident through their Cuisine also I just love how prominent food is in the show and I'm excited to see what that looks like in the live action as well are you going to finish that I was going to save it for later anyways let's start with breakfast you can't talk about foods from Avatar and not mention the Cabbage man he's everywhere and always losing his cabbages which is hilarious but honestly someone please check up on him I hope he's okay my cabbages this place is worse than omashu but since cabbage isn't actually a dish I decided to turn it into a topping for irose choke in book two rice porridge is a common breakfast food and it's something your parents make you when you're sick for the choke bring a large foot of water to a boil I like to toss a few slices of ginger in mine and we'll fish those out later but it's because I like the taste but hate biting into actual pieces of it in my porridge and once that's boiling stir in the washed rice and let it simmer on low for 20 minutes in the meantime we can make our toppings heat a large Skillet with a bit of sesame oil over medium Heat and gently fry the green onions until they're slightly softened and brown you can remove them and toss the Cabbage directly into the delicious scallion oil and finish it with some soy sauce and sugar and at this point the rice should be fully cooked but to get that signature thick and creamy consistency whisk it for a few minutes with a whisk or a ladle would work too but yeah just whisk it until most of the rice is broken up and it looks like this then you can serve it up with your toppings I also added a soft oil egg and chili oil o to [Music] mine this is just so nostalgic and cozy and comforting my dad would literally make this for us every morning on the weekends especially if we were sick so I know exactly why Zuko was craving a bowl of this as Uncle iro was was making it what a great start to the day a few hours later I was craving a little beverage so I never thought I'd say this but let's make some onion banana juice it tastes like onion and banana juice that's because it is Yum Yum okay I'm doing everything in my power to make this one taste good but this is just the price we pay for clean chakras as an onion lover I'm pretty sure I won't hate this but to make the onions a little more tolerable I'm caramelizing them in a pan over medium low heat until they're soft and Jammy I'm also using the squishiest ripest ripest banana I could find because hopefully that means it's super sweet but for good measure I'm baking it with some brown sugar and hopefully that does the trick to make the actual drink toss the onions and banana in a blender along with water milk and Ice I recommend blending this on high for quite a while just trust me you don't want want any chunks and I guess there you have it some delicious onion banana juice this one I'm a little scared of I feel like it's not going to be that bad every time I get close enough to drink it I smell it and not again not not great smell cheers I feel like the flavors keep developing in my mouth I'm going to say it's not bad would I make this again for enjoyment no but could I finish this potentially the weird part is getting the banana first and subtle hints of onion as you keep drinking it my stomach honestly doesn't feel great but maybe that's just my chakras opening onion banana juice unexpectedly Pleasant I definitely wasn't hungry after that but I started prepping for lunch what is this that's our new Festival Food unfried dough may we eat it and be reminded of how on this day the Avatar was not boiled in oil while developing the recipes for this video I saw that most people have made actual unfried raw yeast or cookies resembling the on from the show but I wanted to make something that was both visually similar and also edible so I'm making my EGS into thick cut noodles and I think they turned out so cute into a large bowl add flour a pinch of salt and warm water combine the ingredients thly until it forms a ball and let it rest for a few minutes before kneading it again this time until the dough is super smooth once it's ready cut off a quarter of the dough and then cut a tiny bit from that as well we're going to leave the large portion white for his body and dye the tiny bit black for his eyes and the r blue for his Arrow also make sure to use gloves for this because my hands were stained blue and I started looking like the other Avatar I rolled the blue dough as thin as I could and proceeded to spend the next hour cutting a bunch of tiny arrows which ended up being a complete waste of time but after that I rolled out the regular dough again as thin as as humanly possible and made little guides with my cookie cutter of where the little EGS would be turns out all this work was for eight noodles so if you decide to make these please multiply the recipe accordingly on each head I placed an arrow and two tiny bits of black dough underneath it for their eyes and after everything was in place I gently rolled over the entire thing so that I was left with a single sheet of noodle finally you can cut out all of your little LS and boil them for 3 to 4 minutes and technically we're not cheating here because he's being boiled in water and not oil okay look how cute they turned out you can totally eat them plain but to make this an actual meal I turn them into my favorite chili oil noodles it's super simple in a bowl tossed in chopped scallion and garlic along with chili crisp soy sauce and ponzu do I have a lisp anyways pour over hot neutral oil and then toss the noodles in the sauce until they're fully coated and enjoy your leveled up unfried dough this might be my greatest accomplishment in life they turned out so cute they're so floppy you're kidding me I think this is the best thing I've ever made not only are the unfried dough noodles freaking adorable they're the perfect thick and chewy texture and the chili oil I don't even have words now I don't know about you but snack time is probably the best part of my day and I'm even more excited for it today because I finally get to try flaming flakes best in town I'll take them flaming fir flakes hot what do you know unlike Saka I do love a spicy chip so I'm super excited to try these I think I already said that but let's make them into a large bowl pour your cornflakes and toss them in a bit of sesame oil and set that aside while we make the seasoning powder which is paprika garlic powder salt sugar and chili powder seriously this combination of spices is so addictive but you can go ahead and sprinkle that over the Corn Flakes and toss it until everything is evenly coated then we're going to pour that onto a tray and bake them in the oven at 275 for 15 minutes and once they're slightly cooled they're ready to eat but a snack isn't complete without a fun drink so today I'm also having some cactus juice okay it's actually just Cactus flavored sparkling water but you get the idea FL hoodman I don't know if it's my age but cornflakes are actually delicious what the heck the seasoning on them is amazing it's slightly spicy a little garlicky a little sweet a little salty I feel like this is the one thing from the show that I always wanted to try as a kid so I am so happy right now cheers the flavor is super light and almost a little floral but it's super refreshing or should I say the quenchiest okay I'm cringing so hard on myself right now but let's make some dinner this dish actually makes multiple appearances in the show and it's the first dish to appear in the series but first I must finish my roast duck if you've never had duck before it's like a more Savory gy earthier chicken and it pairs really well with sweet flavors and warm spices I'm cheating a little bit here and I'm using this pre-cooked roasted duck from Costco but we're making a beautiful glaze for it so in a small bowl add brown sugar five spice powder black pepper soy sauce sesame oil and freshly grated garlic and ginger also I can't figure out how to use this microplane for the life of me so if you have any tips please let me know before I slice a finger off anyways mix that all together and brush half of it over the duck and place it in the oven for 10ish minutes so that the duck can start absorbing all of those delicious flavors then base the duck with the remaining sauce and let it cook for another 10 to 15 minutes until the skin is caramelized slightly crispy and dark golden brown ey Rose Ducks seem to be chopped into small pieces so I did the same and served it on top of a bed of warm steamed [Music] rice this smells incredible cheers what the heck the duck itself is super succulent and moist but the skin is the real star it's a little fatty a little crispy but it has that caramelized glaze on top which is perfection okay at this point it was getting a bit late but I was determined to make a dessert from this series and there were so many to choose from but this one caught my eye because growing up and seeing the foods you ate appear on a Nickelodeon show was just so special so hungry is that egg custard in that tart again I'm cheating a little here and I'm using some store-bought puff pastry for the tarte shells just to make things a little easier to prepare them roll the puff pastry out on a flowered surface and cut out 3 and 1/2 in circles take each disc of dough and mold it gently into your mini tart molds making sure that the dough comes up a little from the sides and then dock the bottoms of each one with a for and you can chill them in the fridge until we make the Custard in a small saucepan heat the sugar water and cinnamon stick until the sugar is fully dissolved to make a syrup remove it from the pan and set it aside to cool but in the same saucepan over low heat we can whis together the flour and milk until it thickens up like this turn off the heat and mix in the sugar syrup egg yolks and vanilla strain the custard to remove any any clumps that may have formed and pour it into the prepared tarch shells about 80% full before baking them for 18 to 20 minutes at 400° until the custard is just set and the pastry is golden [Music] brown you can enjoy them by themselves but I can't resist having mine along with a cup of tea I'm making a cup of my favorite which is oolong but Jasmine would be even more fitting as it seems to be [Music] favorite hello I'm honestly so exhausted from cooking all day so I'm super excited to have a little treat before bed so let's try it no cheers the custard is just set and the pastry is so flaky and crispy but these also pair perfectly with a cup of tea cheers I love tea so much I can definitely see why Ang was feing over these egg Tarts and why iro loves tea so much egg Tarts used to be my favorite dessert growing up because my family would go to dim some every Sunday so having it with a cup of tea is so nostalgic and the perfect way to close the day and now I can finally say that I fulfilled my childhood dream of eating foods from Avatar The Last Airbender thanks for hanging out with me I'll see you next time good night
Channel: Michelle Meng
Views: 173,890
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: shorts
Id: NKUclVrI56Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 43sec (823 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 24 2024
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