I Ate Like TABITHA BROWN~ Carrot Hot Dogs?! Vegan Devilled Eggs, Vegan Mac & Cheese!

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it's a carrot guys okay you know what we're using a blender [Music] hey guys it's rose and welcome back to cheap lazy vegan and another video so today guys we are trying out someone else's recipes once again i love doing these types of videos where i try out someone else's recipes for a video so i can tell you what i think and i can also enjoy someone else's creations that i created but you know what i mean anyways so today's person of interest is tabitha brown who basically blew up on tick tock i believe she is super famous on tick tock and she also is an actress i believe i don't know if she still is acting but anyways she's like a big deal okay and she is a vegan kind of cook type of person on tick tock she makes a lot of different delicious looking recipes so i'm really excited to try out her recipes so i picked a few that piqued my interest okay so i'm going to try out three of her recipes in today's video so by the way if you're not following me on tick tock follow me it's cheap lazy vegan yes i am like officially on tick-tock guys i'm actually using it it's become a thing we're gonna have to just get used to it okay so today guys i thought i would try out her carrot hot dogs because i've always wanted to try out the concept of making hot dogs out of carrots yes i know it's a thing if you've been vegan for a while you've seen this okay you've seen this happen and if you're anything like me you are skeptical okay because it's a carrot it's a carrot it's like when people try to make you know cauliflower rice like that's not rice that's cauliflower but anyways i still want to try it i wanted to try it for a while so i'm going to try it and um i mean it's a carrot it can't hurt okay so we're going to try that out and the second recipe i'm going to try is going to be her mac and cheese her creamy looking mac and cheese every vegan has their own method of making mac and cheese okay and i think i'm sure they're all delicious but i'm always looking to try out different methods of making mac and cheese i'm going to try out her method and this is the one that's like really interesting to me i'm also gonna try out her deviled eggs recipe which i'm gonna have to film on a different day because i did not come prepared okay but um i will show you guys in this video the deviled egg recipe that she makes out of like mushrooms and chickpeas and it's a whole ordeal anyways i'm very excited let's give this a try we're going to start out with the carrot hot dogs okay let me get my ingredients so we're gonna get started with the carrot hot dogs her carrot hot dogs yes we're gonna make hot dogs using carrots i know sounds weird but if you're vegan you've heard about this and if you're anything like me you're skeptical as all hell okay so we're gonna take a pot you know what let's use a wok they'll definitely fit in there okay so first what you want to do is mix together the kind of broth we're gonna make like a broth for the carrots to like simmer in and the reason why i really liked the look of her recipe is because a lot of other recipes like they make you like marinate the carrots like overnight and ain't nobody got time okay i just want to make it today and eat it today and be done with it so there we go so that's why i kind of wanted to try her recipe because she just boils the carrots in the broth and then you can eat it on the same day okay first thing we're gonna have some water i don't know how much water we need i'm just gonna add one cup for now and then we'll add more if we need more okay so we have a one cup of water we might add more later and then she adds one cup of soy sauce or like coconut aminos i have probably not enough soy sauce so i'm gonna mix it with liquid aminos which is like a gluten-free soy sauce yes my friends so i'm just gonna mix these two to create one cup all right guys so let's add a cup's worth this might take some time okay sorry to angela my roommate there's no more soy sauce so now we can fill the rest up with some liquid aminos so we're gonna add the one cup into this mixture and then she adds about i don't know a few tablespoons of a1 sauce now i've not tried a one sauce i've heard that it's kind of like hp sauce i don't know what country this comes from maybe the united states i'm not sure yeah it smells like i don't know just a steak sauce so i'm just gonna measure i'm gonna do maybe two tablespoons of the a1 sauce again i think you can just use like hp sauce or something okay so two tablespoons of that and then let's do two tablespoons of maple syrup now tabitha uses agave but i ran out of agave and i'm also canadian so canadians represented okay so we're representing the canadians we're using two tablespoons of maple syrup although maple syrup is kind of expensive so maybe use something cheaper we're gonna use that i don't know what this is going to taste like so far i feel like we have a pretty pine amount of soy sauce we're gonna add a couple splashes of liquid smoke liquid smoke if you guys that don't know liquid smoke is basically liquid smoke it's like liquid and it tastes smoky you want to add this into things that you want to give a smoky flavor there you go and she says she just added a couple splashes so we're gonna do that this is quite like potent if you will so you don't need a lot this i actually found in the barbecue sauce section of the grocery store so i would recommend looking there if you're looking for liquid smoke and now she also added a little bit of ketchup so you know what let's just do two tablespoons i have a love hate relationship with ketchup because the bottles are so annoying anyone else agree i don't know they always like splash out too much good job okay so and she also added of course garlic powder i feel like this is like her thing and it's also my thing gotta love me some garlic powder we're gonna just kind of eyeball a tablespoon beautiful there we go okay so now i'm just going to whisk it i don't know why there's floaties there's some floating floaty things in here and then what you want to do is bring this to a boil so we brought this to a boil and now you want to throw these carrots in for about 10 minutes all right guys so it's been boiling like this for about 10 minutes and now i have to cover this up and boil for another 10 minutes so [Music] there we go all right guys so it's been 20 minutes total 10 minutes with the lid off and then 10 minutes with the lid on it's kind of reduced a bit it smells very like soy saucy very strong i'm gonna poke i feel like it needs to be softer what do you guys think i mean i don't know maybe it'll work you know what i'm gonna do another five minutes with the lid closed just to make sure that it's cooked because some parts are just not going in as smoothly as i would like so let me cover this up again and let's do another five minutes all right guys so we have now been it's like really reducing it likes to reduce there's a lot of reducing going on i think it's pretty much done guys so now what we want to do is you want to take a pan she used a what did she use a cast iron skillet i do not have that because i'm not a professional cook so i'm just gonna use my regular pan here and i feel like i don't need to grease it so look at that yeah it definitely doesn't look as sexy without the the beautiful cast iron skillet situation but it's looking nice and caramelized so now guys that you can prepare your toppings for your hot dog so i have here a hot dog bun how do i dog bun ooh this one's like really soft sponsor and i think i broke it why now i know how to use a hot dog bun there we go it's a little fragile my friends it's not my fault okay and another topping i'm going to use is veggie ground this is the eaves veggie ground yes this is the italian kind yup it's caramelizing or burning it's charring okay so i'm just gonna turn this off let's remove these i'm gonna use this is all burnt is this even a good idea so i'm gonna take a plate we have here hot dog bun which i think i opened correctly i'm going to add this carrot dog i mean it looks kind of like a hot dog doesn't it not so carrot dog like i kind of want to try it on its own like this but we will add some more stuff so i kind of want to heat this up but i also don't know if i should use this pan but i also don't want to get another pan so this is gonna have to do i'm gonna add some ketchup into this i feel like it needs some ketchup i don't know why but i feel like it does and we're gonna what am i doing i'm gonna add a little water to this because it seems to be uh obviously you don't have to add this but i also feel like i need some protein and this is kind of high in protein because the problem with these guys the problem with these like carrot dogs is that it's just a carrot in a bun so you're not getting any protein really not much protein anyways so i'm not going to be full if i eat a carrot in a bun [Music] okay let's add this into our carrot hot dog oh my god [Music] maybe i needed more veggie ground that's like a very sad amount of veggie ground but you know what we'll add more toppings okay come on this ketchup bottle does not like me there we go let's also add relish big fan of relish [Music] i'm not some mustard mustard bottles also don't like me so no well that's ugly the final touch banana peppers we're just gonna oh my gosh i'm just more curious about what it tastes like look at that carrot hot dog is that real it's time for the taste test i added lots of things in here let's see what it tastes like i mean here's the thing it's tasty it's very tasty but i'm tasting like all the toppings let me taste the carrot the carrot tastes like a carrot cooked in soy sauce but with all the toppings it's tasty you know [Music] if you eat everything together it tastes like a hot dog right the carrots are a little crunchy crunchier than you know a hot dog would be all the toppings delicious i'm gonna have another bite [Music] it's a carrot guys okay vegans i love you but this is a carrot not a hot dog but it's good [Music] all right guys so the next recipe i'm gonna try from tabatha brown is going to be her creamy mac and cheese so i feel like every vegan has their own kind of like special way of making mac and cheese it's like a big thing to make vegan mac and cheese it's a thing okay i've never had so much mac and cheese until i went vegan which is funny so anyways i'm going to try her recipe based on her tik tok now this one's going to be a little bit more challenging because she doesn't have any like measurements but it's going to be more fun so first i'm going to boil some water and what we want to do is take some butternut squash now she uses i believe she uses fresh butternut squash but i'm just going to use frozen because that's all i have this big like lump of butternut squash here it's been sitting in my freezer for some time okay so i'm gonna use this and then we also have some potato i have one potato i'm just gonna chop it up into smaller pieces and then we're just gonna boil it so we wanna basically boil both the butternut squash and the potato but because i'm using frozen butternut squash and it's pretty much ready to go after you thought out i'm just going to cook up the potatoes first and then i'll throw in the butternut squash at the very end when the potatoes are almost done cooking so that's the plan so we've got some water boiling here and we're just going to boil the potato [Music] okay so now that's cooking potatoes are cooking we're gonna let that cook and in the meantime i'm actually going to cook up the pasta okay so let's make some pasta we're using shells because that's what tabatha used yes and i'm just gonna make one serving so i'm very particular about um measuring out my pasta i don't know if i'm the only one but i always measure out the serving so usually it's 85 grams perfect 85 grams of pasta shells so we're going to cook this up all right so what tabitha does is she also adds the seasonings while the potatoes are boiling so we're gonna do that i'm gonna add some garlic plus seasoning she uses garlic and herb and i feel like that's this is probably the same thing okay let's just add that i don't know how much she adds we're gonna add like a generous amount maybe like a teaspoon half a tablespoon so again we're just gonna wait to add the butternut squash so let's just bring this to a boil let this boil until the potatoes have cooked and then we can add in the butternut squash all right guys so i poked the potato and it seems to be almost done so i think it's time to throw in this big block of frozen butternut squash i'm just gonna throw it in okay i think it's working all right friends so it looks like it's cooked i think she normally would drain it but i'm actually gonna keep the water and you'll see what i mean okay i'm gonna keep it because we're gonna need to add veggie broth later anyways and i have a veggie block cube so instead of using veggie broth i'm just going to use whatever the water is in here plus some veggie broth cube yes so let's set this aside on the pan i'm gonna add some butter vegan butter that is um i'm gonna use maybe about a tablespoon of vegan butter [Music] okay i'm changing things up a little bit i'm just gonna throw it in here maybe i should remove some of the water just in case i'm doubting my my thought process so i'm gonna add this mixture all right next thing she adds is some plant-based yogurt yes i'm using this president's choice cultured coconut milk yogurt in plain this is my new favorite plant-based yogurt it is very tasty and it works so well it actually i've been using it as like sour cream for like tacos and it's so good so we're just gonna add i don't know how much she adds let's add like a quarter cup pretty generous a third cup ish the next thing guys she's gonna add some nutritional yeast so i'm gonna add a pretty generous amount i'm pretty generous with my nutritional yeast that was probably like a quarter cup third cup i don't know how she mashes this guys like she didn't seem to use a blender and i'm going to use a fork to mash but it seems a little difficult you know what we're using a blender we're just going to use a blender because ain't nobody got time use a blender we're gonna mix this um you can i think mash it with a fork like tabatha did but you can also blend this mixture all right guys so i'm just gonna blend this quickly in a blender i'll be back all right you guys so i blended it up i'm gonna add it back to the pan so i'm just gonna add about a quarter of a veggie broth cube i feel like i should have just blended it up definitely should have just blended that up it'll melt it'll it'll blend and she also adds a ton of vegan cheese so we're gonna do that too but if you wanted to keep it like super healthy you could probably just eat it like this okay so next up we're gonna add some vegan cheese i'm just going to use what she used which is deja this isn't my favorite vegan cheese but we're going to add it anyways i'm just going to add a bit some of the dia mozzarella but i actually have it in the stick format just gonna break it up and of course you gotta add some garlic powder generous amount maybe about a tablespoon and then i'm just going to let that cheese melt oh i'm going to close this up and let it cook a little bit okay guys so this is the cheese situation it's looking nice and fabulous and bubbly and delicious and thick and it looks promising i don't know what do you guys think it looks it looks delicious so um i have the pasta finished here i'm just going to throw it in here i would throw it in there but i feel like this is more than one serving so okay i think this makes whatever i just made made about two servings so ooh guys oh look at that ooey gooey goodness okay let's mix this up first don't want to over sauce it you know save that sauce all right so i'm just gonna add a little bit of paprika just for the aesthetics look at that parsley guys i just added parsley not paprika now we're gonna add some paprika so that was parsley and now we're gonna add paprika yes all right guys so here is the delicious looking mac and cheese by tabatha brown made by me and i'm gonna give this a taste all right guys so now it is time to try this it is time for the taste test it looks super legit it looks really delicious and can't wait to try it it's good it definitely needs more um salt i think i didn't add enough but it's tasty i think that i also could have added more vegan cheese she added a lot of vegan cheese and i didn't add as much but it's really tasty it's creamy you know what else i would add cashews add that in with the potatoes and then when you blend it blend it all and it would like add a creamier element so there you go guys there's tabitha's mac and cheese made by me yay all right you guys so it is a new day it's a new day and we are going to test out the final recipe by tabitha brown and i could not do this video without making her deviled eggs now i'll be honest i don't think i've ever actually had deviled eggs so i'm not sure if i can tell you if it tastes exactly like it but either way it looks and sounds delicious so we're gonna make the vegan version of the deviled eggs by tabitha brown and i'm very excited so the last time i couldn't do this because i was unprepared this time i am prepared my friends i am prepared i have a jar of pickles i bought pickles for this occasion i took some out because i needed to soak some white mushrooms overnight so i soaked the caps of white mushrooms which i will show you so i have to take a bunch of pickles out and there's a bunch of these lovely white cap mushrooms yeah i think this is going to be the egg white portion of the deviled eggs like the bottom part and then we're going to stuff it it's very exciting i'm just going to leave it in here for now while we do the other part so this part is going to be the most labor intensive part which is basically processing the chickpeas yes and then mixing together the ingredients it's a very easy recipe actually so first i have here a can of chickpeas which i've drained and rinsed so i'm going to put it into the food processor and then i'm just going to process it so that it's nicely mashed so let's do that now so now we have a food processor we have the chickpeas in the food processor so let us do this process start and voila that's it beautiful perfectly mashed all right so now we just put the chickpeas in the mixing bowl here we go so now first step mustard let's do about a tablespoon of mustard next um she seems to add quite a bit of vegan mayo so we're gonna use the hellman's vegan mayo which i love i'm gonna say approximately two tablespoons yeah she didn't provide measurements which is totally fine maybe about two tablespoons yay all right next up some relish again i'm gonna probably add about do i need two tablespoons i don't really know let's stick with one for now and see what happens you can always add but you can't subtract okay next of course we need garlic powder so we're gonna add i don't know free pour a tablespoon of garlic powder okay fantastic next guys we're gonna need some black salt this is going to give your mixture a bit more of an eggy flavor this has like a sulfur taste and when you mix it into other ingredients it really kind of gives the essence of egg flavor so we're going to add some of this i mean if you don't have it i don't think it's necessary i'm sure it'll still taste really good but if you want that eggy flavor then i recommend trying to find this so i'm just going to add some of that so now i just simply stir is this like the yolk part for deviled eggs i think i don't really fully understand what deviled eggs are i don't like the smell of black salt but like it tastes good when you put it into things oh i mean that looks pretty good i don't know about you guys but i think that looks pretty decent okay i'm just going to give it a little taste and see if i actually [Music] hmm that's really good okay i forgot to add dill so that's one thing i didn't add i'm gonna add some dill maybe like half a tablespoon or something okay and i'm just gonna add some pepper as well okay let's mix it i mean wow look at that mash i mean this would just be good just to put it on sandwiches and stuff all right now we can just put it together so we have these white mushroom caps which have been sitting in my fridge in this pickle juice overnight so let's just place some of these on here i'm so excited for this oh my gosh okay so what tabitha did was actually she added black salt into the pickle juice as well with the mushroom so that it would soak up that kind of eggy flavor i forgot to do that so i'm just gonna add a little bit of black salt just on top of the mushroom caps so let's just do that just a little bit i feel like we don't need too much since this is already quite uh eggy tasting all right and now for the fun part all we have to do is stuff these babies not very okay i don't know how much to stuff them this would make a really good party treat appetizer if we're having parties still which we're not i've seen people like i've seen non-vegans eat this and say that it's like really good so i'm excited for that now guys all we have to do is top with some smoked paprika which i don't have so instead we're using my korean thing which is gochugaru so this is korean chili flakes um it's kind of like a powder version of gochujang if you guys know what kuchitang is and i don't know it'll just work as a as a paprika replacement i think oh very nice i'm i'm impressed thoroughly already there we go i mean that looks dece that looks decent i'm really excited to try it so i'm also gonna add some green onions on top just for the aesthetics because i feel like um it'll just look prettier you know oh i mean that looks delish all right guys i think it is time to try one of these bad boys oh my i'm so excited anyway this is one beautiful vegan deviled egg situation now let me taste it i don't know if i'm supposed to bite it very nice and pickly the mushrooms are delicious it goes really well with the chickpea mixture again i don't know what deviled eggs are supposed to taste like but this just tastes good i'm thoroughly impressed this is definitely my favorite guys this is so good highly recommend trying this out it's really simple really easy very very cheap and that literally took very little time so highly recommend trying this out it is so delicious and let me know for those of you that know what deviled eggs taste like why don't you try this out and then let me know how much it actually tastes like deviled eggs because i have no idea but either way it's delicious no matter if you're trying to compare it to deviled eggs or not it's a really delicious little snack or a little appetizer all right guys so that is it for the trying out tabitha brown recipes video i guess that's what we're gonna call this i'm not sure but um yeah those were the three recipes i decided to try all of them really good on their own and this one is definitely my favorite so yeah that was so fun trying out her recipes don't forget to check her out if you haven't i mean most of you probably know who she is but yeah she's on tik tok and also on youtube i will link her accounts down below so you guys can definitely check her out she has some really awesome recipes she has a really fun energetic energy which i love so yeah you will definitely love her so yeah definitely check out her recipes she has some really unique ones as well so maybe i'll do another one of these because she has so many recipes so yeah anyways if you guys enjoyed this video make sure you give it a big thumbs up and if you're new to this channel don't forget to subscribe and if there's anyone else that you want me to eat like or try out their recipes let me know in the comments down below i will see if i want to try out the recipes anyway guys thank you so much for watching and i'll see you guys in my next video [Music] bye [Music] you
Channel: Cheap Lazy Vegan
Views: 81,181
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cheap lazy vegan, whole foods plant based diet, plant based diet, plant based, vegan diet benefits, what is a vegan diet, what can vegans eat, vegan recipes, easy vegan recipes, 10 minute vegan recipe, budget friendly vegan recipe, budget friendly, VEGAN, eating like tabitha brown, tabitha brown recipes, tabitha brown devilled eggs, devilled eggs vegan, vegan devilled eggs, vegan carrot hot dogs, vegan mac and cheese, tabitha brown recipe, what tabitha brown eats
Id: 0oRXY9pZ8aQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 36sec (1776 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 31 2021
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