I ate ABSOLUTELY The BEST FISH & CHIPS away from The COAST off a £120,000 TABLE!

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Hey listen to this right Nottingham shive basically the Nottingham post okay who I used to work for now this caught my eye because it's about a fish and chip shop and I've been known to like fish and chips now and again Nottingham's best chip shop according to readers now the owners say they have been the most supportive customers now listen to this here already a family run chip shop loved by locals and visiting football fans alike has been named the best in a poll of more than 3,000 Nottingham shive readers lady Bay Fish and Chips near West bridgeford which is near the Nottingham Forest Football Club just pipped bestwood Fisheries uh to the Post in a vote absolutely the best fishing chips away from the coast now that that's quite interesting that's a little bit I picked up on because normally you would think that fish and chips are the best near the coast however we've on this channel we' found out different because they're in daire now uh anyway it says said one glowing uh review another said I have been going to Lady Bay fish and chips for years because of work nearby and their standards have never dropped now that is interesting to hear because you do go to different fish and chip shops sometimes they good sometimes they bad it's a bit hit and mess so if it keeps consistently good that is a good sign the shop is run by Kevin and Cayman ya who took over in 2007 from cayman's parents her dad Steve ya uh can still be found busy at the frer after learning the result of the poll mother of two came and said we are really pleased we've done so well uh we are the second generation my parents began in 2001 and the Chip Shop has been established for around 50 years um despite Rising prices Cayman said customers haven't complained everyone understands uh that costs have gone up and people have been very very supportive in that sense it's difficult gas electric even potato Poes last year we going absolutely crazy it's a struggle being a business right now uh it's a lot more difficult than it would have been 20 years ago so we're going to head over there oh it also says as well as the golden chips freshly cooked hadock and cod are served so I'm think I'm going to go for hadock actually but we'll see I don't want skin on my fish and chips uh along with usual chippy Fair of uh pies sausages uh we always cook our fish to order now that is good so it isn't left dry in on there um and we don't pre fry any so there's always a weit whenever you come in don't mind a weit so long as I get it fresh now we're going to head there today it's over in Nottingham in in West bridgeford we're going to mark this out of 10 we're going to be the judge of it we're going to judge it on cost we're going to judge it on taste you can judge it on my facial expressions so if you're new to the channel make sure you hit that subscribe button click that little bell for notifications if when I upload new videos now without further Ado my friends let's go [Music] he [Music] are you coming or what come on get [Music] in [Music] the best fishing chips away from the coast now that my friends is a bold statement to make I have to say the best fish and chips away from the coast I mean I've experienced as of late that the best fishing chips are at tollbar fishing chips in darbishire in Stony Middleton uh but you know Coastal fishing chips are good you've got the magpie which we went to uh in Whitby and they were fantastic they were really really nice Mr Chips over in Whitby when I went to review them were really nice but for me darbishire Stony Middleton tall bar fishing chips that now is the gold standard uh to go to I gave that a 10 plus plus however what I will say is okay this is a review by the Nottingham post I know the lady that works for the Nottingham post that does all the food reviews as well and um she's she's got she is very good I have to say she is excellent she knows her stuff so um I'm looking forward to this one because I've got a funny feeling that it is going to be good however you know me and I know my fish and chips I mean I must have had more fish and chips than any than Dave pornoy has had pizzas so um we're going to mark this out of 10 anyway I'm looking forward to this don't forget just as a bit of fun you're going to mark it out of 10 as well on looks and on cost and on my facial expressions and you should know what they are by now anyway come on [Music] onwards [Music] right the only thing that concerns me is they are in Nottinghamshire now I grew up in Nottinghamshire I was born in Nottinghamshire and I know that Nottingham Shire don't make the best fish and chips because nine times out of 10 I've said it before you can walk into a fish and chip shop here maybe 10 times out to 9.9 times out of 10 and behind the counter there will be a donic kebab and then it's game over for me once I see a huge elephant leg a Don Kebab behind the counter in a fish and chip shop I know the fishing chips are not going to be up to much because if you're going to do fishing chips concentrate on what you're good at you know in naam they have kebabs they have pizzas they have pies and they have fish and chips and it's amalgam it's too much you cannot be a jack of all all trades jack of all trades master of none and that's the only thing that worries me so please don't let there be a donni kebab behind the counter please come on [Music] homewards I tell you what else as well in Nottinghamshire skin on fish eight times out of 10 you're going to get skin on fish in Nottingham Shire and it's wrong it's just wrong I've seen people put comments on this channel and saying oh it's the best part it's got Omega 3 in it you don't want to batter in with skin on nah come on that's just wrong it's awful what do you reckon pop it in the comments section and I tell you as well I said is there a north south divide well I tell you where there is a north south divide because London right you try and find mushy peas or curry sauce or gravy in London they have rocking chips and I mean that is wrong my mate Damian over in the states who used to live in London he's he's had rocking chips he says oh I love it it Rock and CH no thanks I'll stick to hadock um I'm more of a hadock man now however growing up in Nottinghamshire again it was always Cod but didn't really have hadock until uh I went up to leads and um got with my girlfriend and then it's hadock she just she she will never entertain Cod at all what's your favorite let me know I tell you what that's put me off Cod since I've been doing these reviews I did one the other week and I was on about Cod having worms or maggots in it and um somebody put in the comment section said I used to work in a fish and chip shop and my job was pulling out the maggots or the worms whatever they are and they were in them all the time uh but when they fry it it kills them and don't worry it do harm you but I thought oh no that's put me off and um apparently Cod is well known for that but had it not so much so that's why it's I'm more turned on to hadock now than uh than Cod I don't want maggots or worms awful if you're watching in London and you're Dan sth do you actually have any fish and chip shops with peas curry sauce or gravy CU there's that sketch isn't there all that joke with um pet K where he goes in his mate goes into a chippy or something and his mate knocks on the in he says has to got out moist it's I mean what do you have down there if you don't have curry sauce you don't have mushy peas and you don't have gravy what did you put on your fish and chips to to to moisten it up I mean you got to have put I'm sure I've had I've had peas before mushy peas in London it's not a massive thing though is it it's not a really a massive thing to have mushy peas at a fish and chip shop down south H let me know anyway mushy peas you got have mushy peas AR you mushy PE I mean I'm not sure about gravy I tried tried gravy the other week it's just a bit odd that isn't it gravy goes with like meat not [Music] fish hey here's a thing for you for all the uh electric car subscribers that uh have subscribed to the channel for the electric car so uh I'm on colic loot Road here I think it is and there's bus lanes either side here and I can drive in those bus lanes if I want so like on a on a busy evening in rush hour when the bus lanes are empty me in my electric car can swan by all smugly looking at the people in their petrol cars going ha I'm going to get home before you because uh you Les uh you you ultr low emission vehicles and if you got like I believe anyway just check it up it says on it little green thing ultra low emission vehicles uh so there you go check it out online it'll tell you so I can drive so there you go there's a bonus if you got an electric car about the only bonus I guess anyway right where are we going over here see one second right I tell you what I'm working up an appetite now need this l yeah it says uh ulv ultra low emission vehicle so I can ride in that lane I can drive in that lane in my electric car being smug I might just actually have to come down to Nottingham even if I don't want to be here or need to be here and just drive in that lane wafting by all the people in their petrol and diesel cars looking smug I mean n you can't really look smug in an electric car can you it's very difficult you look more like a well what I've said it before a swinger or somebody who uh hangs around blood with bottoms anyway where are we we're almost here .9 Mile and over there you've got Nottingham Forest Football Club proper football team you [Music] Reds [Music] right so we're here um just got to try and find somewhere to park now not the easiest of places to park where are we right park in front of somebody's house hopefully they won't mind turn this milk float off uh let's get in there don't forget we're marking him out of 10 and if you've not seen it head back have a look at the one that I did in Stony Middleton where Liam gallaga went to that is the gold standard that we have to live up to now now that was a 10 plus plus wonder what this is going to be come on right here we are lady Bay fishing chips now then there's a Burg there have I done that one before have I reviewed that before anyway lady Bay fishing chips looking forward to [Music] this [Music] [Music] a right so I've ordered I've ordered hadock hav I I've ordered a large hadock large chips I've ordered a mushy peas have any ordered a small mushy peas and a small curry sauce I need to get a taste of it uh because you've got two different sizes there uh I've also ordered a dandelion and berock and the good sign is there's no skin on either the Cod or the hadock and there's no donni Kebab at the back of the chippy there as well so that's another good sign so so far so good my friends I'm looking forward to this right my friends well I've got to tell you this looks good now I can't find a table anywhere uh so I've gone one better this is my table my electric car 120 Grand electric car so there you go I've gone hey if you're watching rate my takeaway this is a this is a more expensive table than yours anyway there we go I like rate my takeaway by the way before anybody else starts uh so come on anyway although I know I know my my fish and chips I know my fish and chips I am the Dave poroy of fish and chips right this looks excellent by the way she was a little bit nervous she's all broke the fishing office I says don't worry about it don't worry about it it looks good the chips are cut there on the premises in the chipper so they're not actually uh Frozen or bought in or anything like that there's no skin on the fish which is good we've gone for had it we've got the mushy Peas the curry sauce gone for the smaller portions there now this actually come too I got oh and I got a dandelion and berock as well which is there look there we go dandelion and Burdock um I'll tell you the price in a minute before we go any further though just take a closer look my [Music] [Applause] [Music] friends [Music] right okay first things first let's go in for the fish now the batter wow the batter is very crispy there let let's have a bite of this picking up with my fingers very hot H oh oh who okay yeah they've got my attention now wow hang on a minute oh my word no that I'm lost for words can't be right surely that is absolutely fantastic the batter the taste of the fish good grief that is hot that is really hot no skin on the fish very very tasty very meaty there you go check that out oh my word that batter is wow absolutely beautiful wow that's very impressive okay right the batter is nice and golden very crispy it's got that taste to it like I say I always say that uh brings back memories flooding in from my childhood and that's has got it i' I've got something in my head I'm going to tell you in a bit you're not going to believe this actually right we're going to go in for the chips now here we go oh look at that nice and golden on the outer and just look at this potato look at that inside there look at that you see that look at that beautiful those chips are absolutely spoton I am very impressed very impressed I wasn't expecting this because as I say growing up in Nottingham sh they're not we're not renowned for making the best fishing chips let's just say that but these my word right mushy peas first not too fluorescent there you go don't want to drop them on my roof beautiful mushy peas beautiful wow very impressed very impressed with the mushy peas nice curry sauce let's going for curry sauce good consistency there you go has it got any kick to it let's find out yeah here comes the cake that is wow that's a nice curry sauce okay but these chips Fantastic look at that look at them beautiful not too anemic cook to Perfection crispy butter I tell you what I was wanting really to be just look at that I was going to be really pedantic about this because anywhere that gets an award or has been awarded the best of Etc nine times out of 10 never is but this beautiful right so meaty and the batter perfect right I'll eat this spark open my dandelion and berock now then here's a question for you dandelion and berock or Shandi bass what's your preference with fish and chips these are gorgeous honestly [Music] wow [Music] he [Music] [Music] right I've got to tell you I'm not going to film any more angles with me filling my face with these fishing chips because I'm just going to enjoy them off the roof of my car at least I've found a uh a purpose for an electric car being a table for fishing chips oh dandelion and birdog is great these are absolutely spot on I'm going to eat the rest of them I'll let you know the price of what I paid for them and also we'll mark it out of 10 I mean they really are up there they are fantastic but there is one thing uh that I've got to say about him and I'll tell you in a minute let me just finish off and I'll I'll see you over there wow right okay so first things first that came to14 uh I had um large fishing chips curry sauce mushy peas didn't have the large mushy peas or the large curry sauce cuz I didn't want that much curry sauce so mushy peas um and I had a dandelion and berock so that was £14 now let's get down to business the chips were Exquisite really really nice cooked to Perfection golden on the outside fluffy on the end how they should be the batter was nice and crispy again it was golden it wasn't overly greasy the fish was meaty it was tasty it gave me that throwback to my childhood as I normally say you know when it's good fishing chips when uh when it does that uh when it triggers memories Etc um I've got to say uh if my dad was here and my dad had a tasted them do you know what my dad would have said I said oh what do you reckon to them what did you reckon to them then and he would have said rubbish could eat them again that's what he' say my dad would be impressed by them he loved his fishing chips and I've got to say they're the best fishing chips that I've had in Nottinghamshire uh hands down um Nottinghamshire never been great at making fish and chips them without a doubt fantastic and uh I've got to tell you I mean I can now say I've eaten fish and chips off the most expensive table in the world um for me score-wise I'm going to give them a 10 plus cuz I think that deserves it they were fantastic you've really really got to come and try them yourself definitely the best fishing chips uh away from the seaside so there you go uh come and try it out for yourself I'll put their details in the description down below and uh thanks for watching I hope you enjoyed that one I'm I'm shocked um and it all went really well no donik Kebab no elephants foot behind the counter and uh no skin on the fish so well done uh um I was hoping to uh sort of like um come along and score it down a little bit and be a little bit pedantic but credit where credits do fantastic well done keep up the good work I'll see you guys in the next one give us a thumbs up and uh also if you're new to the channel hit that subscribe button bye-bye
Channel: The MacMaster
Views: 28,616
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fish and Chips, Award Winning Fish and Chips, The Best Fish and Chips, Voted The Best Fish and Chips, The Best Chippy, Best Fish and Chip Shop in UK
Id: T5NAfpM74qw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 29sec (1589 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 10 2023
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