I Asked Diesel Repair Shop Owner What Is The Most Unreliable Diesel!

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so diesel mechanic what kind of truck do you drive 96 lincoln town car it's not a truck oh i think you guys are going to love this video bonus footage at the very end make sure you watch it as i interview eric with that gym all right so here we go we're gonna go ahead and head over to ryan shop i'm gonna ask ryan the hard questions what vehicles coming to his shop with the most issues just as a little disclaimer here i'd say like 90 of the vehicles that come into his shop are duramax trucks only because in that area most people drive gm pickups and then maybe hit on that topic in this video about what may be the worst diesel engine ever made in a duramax power stroke or cummins i don't know we may touch on that a little bit without further ado let's just get right into this video stay tuned [Music] welcome back guys to another episode on the channel thank you guys so much for stopping by you all know my good friend ryan he's the owner of ryan's diesel service i'll leave a link in the description as well where you can check out his website he sells some awesome turbos probably the best turbos on the planet you can also use my discount code i'll leave all that information in the description so i would say in this area about ninety percent of the trucks diesel trucks around here are pretty much duramax don't be wrong yeah you got power strokes you got common stuff but it's just a very heavy saturated area of duramax i know like we got other dealers that we deal with a lot through the country and like for example kentucky seems to be a lot of power stroke and a lot of coming so in this area that's what we see a lot of as far as truck wise coming through here engine wise i would say a fair majority of my loi and actually starting to be a lot of lml stuff a lot more i think as they are going out of warranty we're starting to see a lot more of those start trickling in here if you're seeing this real world all the time every day what is the biggest issues that you're seeing with those two trucks that you just said that come in the shops so the biggest thing at loi especially now starts starting to become electrical issues obviously your head gaskets we're still seeing a lot of those um but mainly like you say they're now starting to be electrical issues uh as far as the lml stuff goes what everyone's gonna jump to and think is cp4 and that's actually pretty far off um like in this case right here here's a prime example of a truck this truck actually came to us from northern illinois this truck here uh the owner got it brand new it's uh 2015. strix only got 75 000 miles on it i want to say it was either three or four uh cylinders or actually the gaskets were completely blown out head gaskets were out of it down and over as far as like you know everyone say oh cp4 cp4 is kind of in my opinion i might get flame for this but an over over exaggerated situation and roughly about the last 12 months was just going off memory we've probably had two of them that i can think of off the top of my head right now that actually had no starts they were driving down the road the trucks just died and we pulled the regulators and they just looked like a chiapad basically so it's not like this is an everyday hear about these on the forums and stuff like that you may hear about the hundred of them that have an issue you don't hear about the three million of them that are running down the road that have no issues every single day so it's kind of my opinion now again i mean don't get me wrong they do have some emissions issues again you know we get guys that'll call us and all you know i want to delete the truck unfortunately it's a thing of the past these emission system once you understand them they're all in all not really that bad sure you'll run into knock sensor issues you'll have the def tank heaters this i can say for certainty in the last 18 months we haven't had one of those lml's come through here that's actually needed a gtf assembly replaced we haven't seen it and again i mean we work on hundreds of trucks a year and we're not seeing this like in every day so you're keeping up with the truck running death you know keeping up on that i like running personally the platinum def some guys say oh you can't run that in there i ran it for the last couple of years and one of our lml shop trucks we've had no issues with it whatsoever what about the hyper tough death that you could buy at walmart i'm i stick to more of the uh yeah i stick more to the platinum def um either that or if you know if you're using your truck enough and it's going through regen enough you could get it just from the gas station you know using using the stuff the fuel island that way again i haven't had issues we actually keep it in bulk here in the shop we keep bulk 55 so as long as you're using it you're driving the truck and it's going through active regens it's really not too bad so to answer that question lmls and lois what's the worst of the two that you've seen or is it very even i don't know which one do i see more of yeah i would say still oh why the lilies guys it's they're older that's why don't give it time i don't want people hating on me now don't dislike the video if you have one guys this is just we're talking real world and thanks for answering these because these are tough questions as far as the duramax line power stroke duramax cummins i know that you're saying you see more duramax coming in the shop i see a second gen dodge right here i also see a was that a 6-0 power stroke with the cab up i'd imagine it's probably something serious or head gaskets or something um what is the i guess the majority that you see coming in between the ford or the dodge diesel trucks um honestly i would say it's a pretty good even match um as far as that goes which one would you prefer honestly i'm not gonna lie i definitely would probably rock a six seven like 15 plus six seven or so like a plus platinum or something oh yeah something like i don't know like i mean i totally wrong you know we got we got the new l5p up there but i definitely uh i definitely would still rock a six seven if i if i had to so he just bought a brand new 2022 gmc denali guys this is like the best of the best that you can get right now with the other than the fact that it's not a dooley because the dualies of course are way more expensive l5p or lb7 oh man you know my love for lv7s yeah so big fancy 90 000 pickup truck or you're uh i mean i'm sure in this economy your lb7 is probably worth 25 grand let me report back on that let me get this let me get this on there see what magic corey worked up no no no no no you can't do that i'm going for luxury i'll say the l5 he's got it but i don't know man i i don't know how uh we'll see how it holds up the old lb7 so what are the main issues you're seeing with the power strokes i mean the early ones those early ones we still do have six hoes coming through here um we like to say again what about six fours oh scott i won't even work on those the six fours we see we still do them we got a couple of fleets that still have them out there they all seem to at about around a hundred thousand crack pistons on them uh we got a couple we actually got a six seven out there right now 2015. uh they actually lost an injector in it cylinder went down it's going to actually end up needing a motor so it's again not every day uh turbo issues we'll see them especially 11 to 14s still still do see a lot of 6os and a lot of gaskets and what do you see more common of with the thumb is i know the 12 valve 24 valve and the common rail 24 valves and then the six sevens so what are the most problematic ones you're seeing coming in i would say the newer emissions trucks are the biggest things we would be quite honest you generally don't work on a lot of the older coming stuff but a lot of the newer stuff with the emissions we see a lot of i mean we got a couple big trucks medium duties back there right now uh chip trucks that got six sevens in them uh cummins and four chassis and we see quite a lot of emissions issues with them so those cases though with those trucks they're idling 10 hours a day you know so it's not exactly fair to throw that under the bus but it's one of those things we still we do still see a lot of issues all right well i appreciate you letting me be your punching bag today for just a couple dudes just being real with you guys just talking kind of what we see out here in the diesel industry and hopefully this adds some value to you guys but hey let me know in the comments what you guys think about this overall meeting and you guys let me know what is how do i say you know i'm gonna go for the throw what's what's the worst unreliable most unreliable diesel engine that they've made so far gets paid on that one i think well i you know me personally i like them all i don't really i don't want to personally answer that question actually well can you answer that can i interview you now and ask you which one's the worst the worst diesel engine like as far as the like if you were to line up the duramax power stroke and cummins that's not very fair though because you have different generations um what's the worst definitely not a 12 valve i'd say the 12 valve is the best and i think you need to understand different brands um for example some guys are hardcore 6-0 power stroke fans because they get it they get the engine how it works what to put in it to make it better stuff like that um for example him and i we get it with the lb7 duramaxes so many other people get it with the 12 valve cummins um whoever wrote that article about the 73 they probably did a lot of homework and which is [Applause] you get that one guy that's gonna chime in and be like man i got like five hundred thousand on my six five you're gonna get that one guy gary you're doing something pretty special with this truck i know here in the near future i think you're gonna run one of your rds turbos on this l5p duramax right so yeah so actually yeah tomorrow we're gonna be coming in here on the weekend and we're gonna be putting actually one of our drop in chargers on here the goal with this truck what we're doing is uh we're trying to get some see how much horsepower basically we can get out of it with full emissions intact we've been working with cory over at ppi corey's a phenomenal dude over there and really is really smart with these things um especially making big power out of them fully emissions intact so we're gonna see we got some other things up our sleeve right now that i'll hold off saying right now but we got some pretty cool stuff that we're gonna be doing with this thing um corey's actually uh right now he's been tuning our shop truck our lml that we got that's actually got one of our 64 drop-ins uh with this switch on the fly tuning trucks making about 600 to the back tires so for a full emissions intact it's definitely a fun truck that's for sure basically and i know some of you guys probably see it's missing the actuator on here because we're uh testing some different stuff with actuators and that sort of thing basically they say we're going to drop this unit on there um with the tuning then that's on there the guys over ppi helped us out with we're hoping to see like i say about six 650 out of this thing my goal is 650 um and i know with corey's tuning i'm pretty confident that i think we can get there with it be a fully emissions compliant still taking you know the ef the whole nine yards truck so unfortunately guys this is the thing it's the way of the future what's going to be coming the deleted things are definitely a thing of the past and as much as guys don't want to accept that it's just the reality at this point this is this is what we got and this is what we got to work with also have a different unit that we're actually coming out with right now that's actually proto prototype testing right now i'll just say this it's going to have some modified bigger turbine yet and i have a modified cage another company out there that came out with a similar unit but we decided to go a little bit different route with the cage as far as that goes and i i really think it's going to make some big power that's for sure so what are your most common turbos that you sell here i would say 64 mil sizes are pretty much are common across all the boards so we do everything for the power stroke stuff actually we just released our six seven power stroke stuff here uh the reman version i've actually have those about a week ago um 64 mil still always been the most popular across like i say all of them coming stuff duramax stuff so that would be like you say if you're going across board all three that's it i think i want to follow you on this right here and see how all that turbo the new stuff that's pretty historic stuff i think that's really cool what you're doing i do want to follow this heavily and see how this goes but again ryan thank you so much for your time appreciate the uh straight up hardcore facts make sure you guys check out kyle rust belt mechanic on youtube he's doing some pretty cool stuff as well but hey that's it for this video thank you so much for watching stay tuned stay tuned no that sounds creepish no no i'm not saying that i already looked three points so diesel mechanic kind of truck do you drive 96 lincoln pound car it's not a truck oh are those truck tires she's got a lift kit wow so what facebook special trailer park did you buy this from no this came from my friends let's race the gambler oh she got nice plush leather seats yeah man man this looks like a couch it looks like a living room in here super nice man good job very nice purchase executive series top of the line is she rear wheel drive oh yeah so she can do a bernie oh man can she do a bearing look at all that rubber the other side's even better dude dude this is costume man this side's got the rubber opened up oh yeah you did do a burning look at that heavy hauling yeah oh yeah look at that you can put like a pontoon boat back there trailer home annie theft man look at that what's the passcode no idea what's the story on the a full-size horn and not have bull horns on the front i mean i'm pretty sure that's illegal so what did you pay for the car thousand dollars that ain't bad i would have given 10 for it guys let me know in the comments below would you daily drive that let me know we want to hear your thoughts he does oh he's putting the jacket on that's what we should call it you have a name for her yet actually the name it raced under was the stinking lincoln [Music] foreign
Channel: Truck Master
Views: 1,540,459
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: LMM, Lml, Lbz, L5p, Chevy, Dodge, Ford, Diesel, Truck, Duramax, Power stroke, Cummins, 2500, Chevrolet
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 31sec (871 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 17 2022
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