I Animated My Driving Routes in Adobe After Effects | GEOlayers 3

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so i recently got my french driver's license um and i had to do a couple hours of training and you know one of those like student cars because um the rules here are different than in the united states where i'm from and i wanted to visualize where i was driving because my driving instructor had said hey the final test is going to be in this particular area of the city so all of our practice driving routes are going to be around that particular area so you become familiar with that area and since i just moved to this city about a year ago i've been you know wanting to get a better lay of the land so on today's episode of monday maps i'm going to be visualizing these routes i recorded them i recorded a few i think five um and i have these gpx files i'm gonna bring those into adobe after effects and create some animated maps using the geolarge three plugin [Music] okay so i'm inside of adobe after effects i've got geo layers 3 open the first thing i want to do is bring in some of these data files now as i said before i recorded these on the strava app from my phone so i'm over here at strava's website and under training my activities i can see all the recordings that i made so i'm going to click on one here and then this little button over here i can click on this and select export gpx and then inside of geo layers there's a little plus icon here i'm going to click on this import file and i've actually already downloaded all the gpx files here i'll grab this one click ok and if i double click on it it's going to automatically zoom in on the route give me a preview of the route i'm going to zoom out a little bit so here's kind of like the center of the city and i'm going to go ahead and create a new map comp i'll call it my driving routes and i'll make it ultra hd 4k and i'm going to make it 60 seconds timing for these animations is going to be kind of important but we'll get into that in just a minute so i'm going to click on next and for map comp imagery um i'm going to go ahead and use esri because that should be available to everyone even if you don't have the map tyler plus data plan there's also this map tyler light but the road options are just not so great for that one this is going to create the map comp get everything all set up so if you're new to geo layers you're going to notice it's really low res so to look at it in its high-res version or to download the actual high-res map tile imagery you have to click on the finalize button and if you hold control you can just finalize one particular frame which helps a lot okay so that's what our final kind of map will look like but i'm going to go up here click on the settings button of this particular map comp and then under edit imagery there's a style drop down menu for esri and i'm going to choose gray canvas okay that's more focused on the roads however it's super kind of washed out and you can't see much so a lot of the times when i'm working on animations i'll apply effects to the main map comp here so i'm going to apply a curves effect like if i want to desaturate it it's easy to do that and then make all of your elements pop real quick so i'm just going to grab the curves effect and maybe bring this down to just make those roads start to stand out uh if you're working with a map tyler data plan you get a ton of advanced uh imagery options so you can go into rows you can turn the roads off you know go in and edit everything in a really really advanced level so that's why i'm doing it this way so that just everyone can follow along and even even if you don't have that premium plan okay so now i can see the spaghetti route of roads here and what the way i want to visualize this is i want to have little map marker icons and i want them animating along the routes all at the same time so you can see how fast each one's going and i'm going to use markers from today's sponsor envato elements with a subscription to invited elements you get access to over 56 million assets including all kinds of content you might want to use if you're creating a map animation or a still map they have motion graphics templates they have doc video you can find any country you want with the boundaries if you want to create a cool animation of a specific country it's available in envato if you want an animated map marker if you're looking for some 3d map markers they offer a nice and clean simple lifetime commercial license which is good even after your subscription ends following the link in the video description is going to give you 50 off when you select an annual subscription which will be accessed to everything on the site for under twenty dollars a month so over here on envato elements if you go to graphics and you just type in map marker there's a bunch of cool options and i'm gonna grab this one here high quality solid icons you can see right here there is a car icon okay so i've opened this up in illustrator and now i'm just gonna simply bring this over into after effects here using the power of overlord okay that just brings it in as the shape elements i want to create this uh i want to create a custom label template for this that way geolayers can take it and use it and geographically place the label and animate it as um you know at our heart's content so to do that i need to create a new comp so i'm going to pre-comp this and i'll call it car icon and then i'm going to open up this comp you can see this tiny little icon here i'm just going to change the composition settings to something real real small 600 by 600 pixels doesn't need to be big you know what i'm going to leave i think i want to go for a really small icon so i'm going to leave this as is one thing that i am going to do is i'm going to change the the anchor point so i think if i grab the anchor point tool and i just snap that to the bottom there and then kind of center that up okay so i've got this car icon uh comp now and i can see it over here in my project panel what i need to do to make this a label template that geolayers can use i need to open up the geolayers three items folder and then here you see label templates if i just drop that car icon into label templates that's all i got to do now if i go over to the geological panel and open this up it's going to show up under label templates these are all label templates and you can see the new one that i created right here is car icon and i'm going to delete this one because this one's not geo-referenced so what i need to do now is i'm going to animate my first route so i'm going to grab the route gpx file here i can see it here i'm going to go to the label templates i'm going to select car icon and now i'm going to go click on this label features button and there's two options i could just add a label or i can animate the label along the feature which is exactly what i want to do and it's important where your playhead is at this moment because it's going to add a bunch of keyframes based off of the data in the in the gpx file and it's going to start at the playhead i think it should i don't know if it's settings in or the preferences in my particular project but just be aware of that so i'm going to animate label along feature now i can specify how many seconds i want the animation to take now this is important because um each of these if i go back to my activities here you can see each of these routes i have five of them they're all slightly different times you know this one 36 minutes this one 43 44 42 so i want them to animate you know relative i don't want them to all match so an easy way to do this is i'm just going to convert the minutes into seconds since they'll all be under one minute if i do that so this one was 42 minutes so i'll just do 42 seconds create the animation and now you can see i've got a little map marker here and you know it's looking pretty terrible i don't let me if to get this to pop more let me delete that i'm going to go back and let me just change the color to maybe white 42 seconds okay and now i can grab this map comp and just bring the opacity down to like 75 just to make it pop out a little i suck at design now check it out we've got our little icon moving and if i grab the label template hit the u key you can see the keyframes [Music] very very cool so i'm not liking this whole you know first maybe i can zoom in a bit here now you notice as i'm zooming in this is kind of scaling down so this is an actual 2d layer so there's a lot of customization options here that we can do to get it to look the way that we want i want this to be uh slightly give it like a 3d look so i'm going to go to the map comp here in the dealers panel i'm going to hold the right mouse key and grab it and that and that way i can change the pitch here so i'm going to pitch it down like this and change the bearing a little bit now you can see it change this however if you look our marker is still sticking up here that's pretty cool it looks it gives it like this 3d look but it's actually a 2d layer you know we change we're we're pivoting the map comp um but not that particular layer so if you go to the effect controls panel and you grab the label so you have scale with map rotate with map rotate along path so if i click on scale with map you can see that scaled that up and that's because it's um keeping that when i applied the actual label it was a bit zoomed out so scale with map if you want it to stay the same size relative to the map so if the map's scaling up you want the label to scale up with the map click scale with map and then you can rotate with map as well and rotate a long path but as i click those you see nothing happens that's because you actually have to turn this into a 3d layer to make those take effect so if i toggle the switches here click this to 3d now you can see something's going on it actually rotated with the map it's flat with the map and it's actually rotating like auto orienting with the path here so check out what we can do now this gives you a little more leeway here so if i hit the r key for rotation i have all these different rotation options i'm going to set x rotation to 90. that's going to pop that up like that so now i have this label that's kind of cranking along so if we want it to turn you know if we had like an actual little car like an actual car we wanted to move we could rotate along the path but i don't actually like it rotating along the path so i'm going to turn that off and what's cool about this is we give it more of a realistic 3d look and if i want it to spin if i want to change the rotation here you know make it offset it a little bit i have the power to do that now very very cool i could even have it looping rotation on the y-axis it's not always going to be like a flat 2d layer pointing at the camera unless that's what you want so it's all it's all you know preference here so now i've applied this one i can uh if i like the look and the style of this i can apply all the others the important thing is that i look at this one and make sure that it's the right size make any changes to that custom label template so that when i apply the so that way it just makes life easier when i'm going to apply when i'm using all those other gpx files to animate the labels i don't have to go in in and make changes to each individual one like scale or whatever it may be okay you know what i'm going to go ahead and delete this one now i'm just going to go ahead and bring all the other data files in so i'm just going to quickly reference these let's see animate labeling feature this one is 42 seconds okay this one is 36 seconds so after finalizing i realized that i really didn't like the look of this map profile so i quickly switched over to another one to get some different looks and as a final step i added a vignette some noise and a little fake depth of field look okay so there you have it those are some animated routes uh using geo layers strava adobe after effects very very fun i created another tutorial where i did like a walking tour using strava and animated that because i wanted to show the boundaries of like old town limo and these are really fun projects i love i just love visualizing different parts of the city because again i i just recently moved here and it's so much fun just looking at a map or creating these animated maps to help see you know what's going on where if you want to see more tutorials like this where i go out and i record some data and then and then animate that data let me know down in the comments section i think i'm going to kind of start gearing the monday maps more towards this type of content where i can actually go out more field based all right i'll see in the next one [Music] you
Channel: Boone Loves Video
Views: 414
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: boone loves video, boone, after effects tutorial 2021, adobe after effects geolayers 3, geolayers 3 tutorial, animating gpx file after effects, animate map gpx, import gpx after effects, adobe ae gpx, how to animate a map in after effects, after effects map animation, map animation, how to create map animations, how to animate travel map, map animation after effects, after effects tutorial, geolayers tutorial, animate route after effects, animate map path geolayers
Id: TJqbaONV5nQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 0sec (780 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 20 2021
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