I AM SPIDER-MAN! (Spider-Man Remastered)

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[Music] welcome to Spider-Man remastered that's right one of my favorite games ever came out for PC and you betcha I bought it yeah so I beat this game when it came out a few years ago so this isn't going to be like a full story playthrough yet I just figured we could web swing around beat up bad guys collect backpacks and all around just have a fun time being Spider Guy alright so first things first there's crime happening right there I don't know what it is serious hey what's up guys down there oh no that does look bad press R to scan environment oh no hey man debris is trapping someone inside there you need this cabinet off you oh my gosh that was a little much I think yeah you're welcome I think I just injured someone over there I just threw a door at them okay uh where's the other guy oh there he is hey how you doing another day another dollar am I right all right you can you can start walking there you go am I gonna throw the car am I gonna throw the car people all right yeah don't put it back don't put it back on its wheels just just throw it over all right we got we got Prime tokens that wasn't a crime it was just a car crash all right all right so throughout the map there's some backpacks and apparently they're my backpacks that I purposely left throughout the city I don't understand that but we're gonna find them mainly because web swinging in this game is my favorite thing to do of all time look at this you kidding me you like Zip and dash and jump and zip and some more all right so the backpack should be like oh sorry pigeons should be like right here oh there it is dude look look at me go all right what's in this backpack what I got that is the worst drawing I've ever seen oh wait a kid drew that okay I was saying that because I thought I drew it I think a kid drew that for me it was a great drawing it was really good look how heroic I look after looking at that drawing oh there's a crime again and by again I mean the first crime I've seen today because the other one was a car crash oh we're well running okay that was terrible what up it really makes you feel like Spider-Man all right I'm just gonna just dodge like that okay and then oh that's not working that is not working oh right I gotta web these guys up I think okay made quick use of that press that to activate suit power now I'm energized oh can I just foreign moves on three enemies how was I supposed to know that I was supposed to do that whatever dude I'm mad take that sewer and see what everyone's ducking I don't know if I'm a good guy in this game right now oh there's also these radio towers that will like unlock the whole map dude let's web swing over there and there's backpack on the way I like backpacks man I cannot wait until there's like mods in this game like I want to be Dwayne The Rock Johnson flying around New York City you know that's when video games will be the next level I'm gonna land on top of the backpack check it I literally did that's cool I like that I kind of want that in real life okay so the radio tower is like right next to me I'm pretty sure so let's just run up this building shall we oh it looks so cool it looks so cool this game came out a few years ago and I'm still like yeah when I play it all right here's the radio tower we got a zip up here de-scramble okay we gotta hack the Mainframe real quick so that looks about right perfect oh my gosh oh my gosh not only am I a super guy but I'm also a pro coder man look at that as a as a tower if I've ever seen one I wonder if I can unlock a new suit yet oh that one's cool I can't yet okay we got work to do we're gonna collect these backpacks and defeat evil oh this one's like legitimately on top of me why okay what what was the purpose of me scattering backpacks around everywhere work life balance for idiots that's what I need oh here's a crime oh that's how you look at the bonus objectives I'm stupid all right it's a break-in attack three enemies from behind easy web three enemies to a wall that might not be easy I'll try oh my oh wow did you see how cool that looked dude I'm gonna I'm gonna literally dive on top of them hello how you doing man all right I have to web them to a wall this guy's running what are you doing chill okay I'm trying to push him into the wall there we go it worked oh they're running away [Music] hello my friend all right so I need you to kind of push that way just a little bit Perfect all right one more we'll zip to him oh I'm not near a wall I need a wall hey could you go like 35 feet that way can I do it can you can he get zipped to the don't you guys that was incredible oh I didn't get that other bonus subject that's okay because there's a guy taped to the side of a Brinks truck yo what up man how can I help you uh [Music] uh I feel like I should save him I don't think he's okay all in a day's work all right there's one more backpack in this area and then we're gonna get our hands dirty dude I don't know what that means but we're gonna is this in this sorry wow no one noticed that there was a backpack taped up there wait can I like run and do like a full loop oh I can't like Tommy Hank Pro Skater that'd be sick all right I'm gonna have to aim that's how we do that all right what's in this one science trophy because I'm smart nice okay so we might delve into some story stuff occasionally I think that's what this might be there's also a radio tarot right next to us let's go there uh I don't think I've ever seen better traversal in any video game ever dude anytime I try to go anywhere a crime is happening Welcome to New York I guess whoa I don't even know how I just did that what's going on I see red dots on my mini-map hello Prime oh there you are trying me hello all right throw three objects of enemies I can do that one oh no did you see that dodgic would you let hey stop stop it I think I just uh failed the challenge because there's no more objects oh yes there is all right here we go there it was did it two three there we go uh okay combo it's combo time so we gotta go up in the air just like this Dodge oh dude that is how I do we webbed up oh wow I have a combo of 20. we whipped up the uh the gun guy there's no way I can talk and fight like this at the same time I realize [Music] and both bonus objectives so you are you slapping my socks right now that's nuts oh I can get like the classic suit I don't already have that I don't have that all right well let's unlock it there we go this thing has a really really cool suit power leap into the air and web everything in sight uh yes please this is the Tom Holland one I think hey man I hope you're I hope you're doing good now don't know why you're on a roof but you know none of my business all right last radio tower and then we're doing that yellow thing whatever that is I'll be there in a gif s literally or Jeff like I'm here oh that was satisfying did you see that that Precision all right just de-scrambled right there okay perfect what can I say I'm the descrambler guy I'm gonna oh dude we gotta take down this construction site what are they doing what are they doing I'm gonna go find out what you don't even know you're gonna beat them up just got a text from Doc looks like he attached an idea for a spidey Gadget I like Spidey gadgets wait can I just I can just make it right now I'm downloading a gadget I would hope so all right impact web let's see what this does oh awesome I see what it does okay bonus objective was perform 10 finishers web five enemies to walls okay well we did one enemy tool wall right hmm okay I'm trying to find someone next to a wall that guy's next to a wall hello my friend wait what one out of five why did it count the first one oh no someone sees me someone sees me get out of here uh finisher finisher okay is this a finisher no you don't you don't have eyes oh he has eyes that guy has eyes hey man would you chill chill bomb Oh gosh this isn't going well this is not going well all right so what you know what I gotta do you know what I gotta do first off Take Out The Gun Guys oh wow I forgot I had my impact the webs ite all right and now we gotta get our finisher meter up because I gotta do like 10 finishes oh yeah I also have to get more guys on the wall okay cut come to the Wall come to the wall over here please you're kind of near wall ah didn't work all right here's a finisher very painful finisher I just went underneath his legs that was sick oh no I'm flashbanged that's some of this simple what oh let's slam him on the ground [Music] this is so fun oh it's so fun I'm violent all right uh there we go there we go how do I get my finisher meter out quicker more of them oh there's one there's a finisher all right now it's like no rules I can I can do whatever I want I just gotta get these finishes let's see what I can do to cut down dude he just hit the tower I don't think he's okay oh oh no I don't think I'm okay dodged it because I'm awesome wait can I swing I can I can swing because I'm I'm a spider guy I need more finisher juice dude ah there's one am I a wrestler I think I'm a WWE wrestler it's official ah I gotta heal myself I barely healed myself oh okay got lucky got really lucky wave four how many waves are oh six your new suit comes with a suit Powers two pairs give you special abilities activate your superpower okay [Music] okay glad I used it glad there was literally not one person around all right we gotta take up that a gun guy oh throw that back yep there we go there we go gun guy is gun gone am I right yeah oh hey I missed I tried to drop the thingy on it but I I didn't you know sucks already what what is he talking about live Spider-Man just kind of says stuff you know he's like hey man sucks oh up there up there okay we're right there that works too how many more finishers you have to do no I'm spider dead oh we're back to wave four that's nice thank you video game all right we got it we gotta do that oh he is off the roof oh no he's done let's fix that oh he's out there oh man whoa what was that uh he is in the bricks it's official he's in bricks oh I didn't even I'm not gonna lie I didn't mean to do that I wonder when Spider-Man is beating up people if he just does cool things all right now I gotta finish her eat it oh my gosh I need six more it takes forever to get to finish up okay this is my plan this is my plan it didn't work my plan it worked my plan worked there we go the gun guy I don't I want you here [Music] oh okay sure just bring a rocket launcher oh this guy is so confused he is so confused he's like where am I who am I who do I work for he's interrogating himself ow ow dude chill that was sick that was this is sick that was the coolest thing I've ever done I think it's just this guy left am I right oh that was sick that was really cool yo duck I saved the day captain or Yuri I saved the day actually webbed down well I didn't get all 10 furnishers but it's fine I'm not mad at you man I'm a little man all right guys that was Spider-Man remastered I got a bad guy ball I hope you guys enjoyed that video I loved this game so much so if you want to see more episodes of this let me know but I hope you guys enjoyed it if you did give it a thumbs up hit the Subscribe button click the notification Bell to never miss an upload I have another Channel you can check out by clicking the card right there and a store at samtaperstore.com that's all I gotta say I'm gonna punch this that went well [Music]
Channel: Sam Tabor Gaming
Views: 835,780
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: spiderman, spider-man, spiderman remastered, spider man, remastered, fun, funny, hilarious, sam tabor spiderman, sam tabor gaming spiderman, samtaborgaming spiderman, spider, man, samtaborgaming, sam tabor gaming, sam tabor spider-man, sam tabor gaming spider-man, sam tabor spiderman remastered, sam tabor gaming spiderman remastered, crazy, swinging, pc, spiderman pc
Id: 3JX3e7Sar6U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 15sec (855 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 17 2022
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