I am Albert Flamingo in Roblox Now

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i am albert flamingo roblox i am him he is me that is me me is him okay so funny story like a couple of weeks ago maybe even a month ago roblox added this thing called display names they were exclusively for people in germany so naturally i switched my location over to germany and uh changed my display name to my good pal albert's name mr flim flam just to prank him a little you know so about a day or two after that even less than a day actually they removed the feature from the site so you can't change your display name anymore which uh means i can't change back i'm stuck as mr flim flam so you think that after they removed the feature from the site they'd remove it from the game too right they'd remove it from all the lobbies you can play in the game no they don't they don't do that they i'm stuck as mr flimflam i i can't change out of it and it's so convincing like look here's a screenshot my friend temprus took of me just in a roblox game see that you see how it says mr flimflam that's me that's me i'm stuck as him so yeah i got albert's permission before making this video because i would be an awful person if i didn't and i am going to pretend to be him i'm gonna trick people into thinking that i'm him because i have nothing better to do i'm gonna be honest with you how do you spend a wednesday not identity theft you're weird you are weird for that so yeah like this video if you want something like this again ah here we go time to just trick people trick people into thinking that i am albert because i am that's me guys it's me albert i have something million subscribers guys that's me that's me let's go into tower of hell i feel like the people in tower of hell are gonna be more gullible than not see the strategy here is that i'm gonna first go in with my normal avatar so it's just my normal avatar with the name mr flim flam definitely not suspicious a hundred percent not suspicious an error occurred trying to launch the game please try again later okay roblox but yeah i'm gonna go in as me so people can see the name and then see my avatar and be like you're fake you're an awful person die give me 200 roblox is uh not letting me play roblox this may be a roadblock for the video roan block roblox it's funny i'm funny that's my thing i do comedy i do jokes alright so it looks like tower of hell isn't working apparently okay i found a game that worked i had to like join from the server list or something really awesome that roblox is having a stroke and breaking the second i try to make this video but guys look she's me mr flim flam guys it's mr flimflasm you guys know mr flimflasm right lovable content creator i'm gonna go up to these people and say hello i am albert oh never mind this game doesn't even have bubble chat i can't even see what the people in chat think about me like a dan lol who says hola xd me when i ola xd all right i'm leaving this game now that i actually know how to join games i think i'm going to try it out in tower of hell because i did a video sort of similar to this in the past except my name was very very obviously fake now it is uh not so obviously fake in fact now it is shockingly realistic which i'm honestly shocked roblox would ever think this was a good idea i don't know what the hell was going through their interns heads probably something like i'm not paid enough to care about this all right it took a while but i also finally found a tower of hell game that works why is roblox just breaking right now watch there be like a massive hacker on the site and i'm just here completely clueless guys it's me albert this person just stopped in their tracks demon ix just stopped what they were doing to look at me and now they're going back to the parkour very slowly all right so for the most part literally everybody's ignoring me for the most part nobody cares they are literally all just doing the parkour couldn't give a care in the world about me i think that's because my avatar isn't for the role yet you know i'm not convincing enough yet i'm just a dude doing parkour with the name mr flimflam people aren't gonna think that it's me no but i can change that i can change that oh boy i've downloaded a few roblox accessories some hats some clothing you might recognize because it is just somebody else's let's put on these very cool looking overalls just normal farmer attire come on let's get some awesome boy legs i love having roblox boy legs that is a strange thing to say now that i'm saying it out loud let's get some muscular arms you know what i'm saying get rid of that pesky narrow head and hey who needs a shirt who needs my binary shirt you know it's such a bad shirt no one would ever wear it right right it's very good merch okay it's really really good let's take off those pesky hats that always get in the way take off that giant sword that's on my back for some reason i don't know why get rid of that pesky chill face how about we put on this awesome cowboy hat instead you know what i'm saying this goofball face is so lighthearted and fun skin tone let's make it more realistic you know and now let's reset my character in this game so i can enjoy my new awesome avatar oh well would you look at that i've accidentally copied awesome youtubers outfit mr flimflam this person is trapped underneath the stairs amy what the hell uh oh it appears i've been recognized by xxx neo column they go oh and are jumping around me wow i feel so famous guys i feel just like albert flamenco linda jarquin really likes me this girl is just sort of following me around but doesn't speak a liquor english so i'm assuming she knows albert wait why am i in an entirely spanish-speaking server what about roblox made them join me into an entirely spanish-speaking server literally no one here speaks english hold on let's get into an english lobby but before we get an english lobby it's the middle of the video that means it's time for me to thank you to subscribe to the channel so uh subscribe if you want to i guess i would understand if you didn't want to subscribe after this monstrosity of a video but yeah i always like to ask at the middle of the video because like by now you know if you want to subscribe or not it's your choice you can subscribe if you like it unsubscribe if you don't like it report my channel if you hate me do it do it i dare you oh cool i joined a game where i vanished i'm not here awesome of course somebody bought the vanishing perk on tower of l the only perk that quite literally ruins the video but yeah you start code laugh at check out i'm done with begging middle of video subscriber minder over i am now completely invisible which is very very inconvenient all right i'm probably just gonna leave this game and go into a different one i don't want to be in a tower of hell game where i am just not even able to be seen there we go we found one that worked roblox is breaking right now it doesn't want me to join games but here we are finally in a server that speaks english guys look it's me mr flimflam guys come on guys you gotta believe me it's me please please just believe me glizzygobbler371 please you're the only one i can trust glizzy gobbler i don't think that anybody cares uh oh someone's taking a notice to me one potato eggs omelet one pretty sure they're following me around yeah they are no one else cares though the only explanation is that i am better than albert i laugh ability and better oh another person recognized me oh i'm growing a small crowd down here i'm just gonna try and do the parkour while everyone's following me around guys look it's me albert flamingo wow guys look i'm i'm famous guys i have a whole trail of people following behind me none of them are speaking at all i feel kind of like i'm being stalked by a group of hitmen that don't want me to know that they're there but you know what it's fine it's okay look at all these awesome people they are being completely silent and following me around like slenderman which is uh kind of upsetting i'm going to be honest with you hold on maybe we should go into a different game maybe we'll get more luck in a different game than tower of hell more people swarming me seeing just how famous and amazing i am right because i am famous and amazing right right guys like this video but hey guys i'm famous and amazing right i'm famous starting to come to terms with the fact that nobody likes me why does nobody care about me i am begging you to care about me please kayo rico says what laughability no it's not laughability it's albert it's mr flimflam mr flim flam why why do they not see it why would you say laugh ability it's not laughability that's not me i may be albert flamingo i don't want to be albert flamingo anymore there is no display name option i'm stuck this is hell living hell i can't take it anymore i can't take this i can't take this abuse i can't take it so yeah subscribe if you liked it die if you don't i am so sorry for slandering you albert uh goodbye [Music]
Channel: Laughability
Views: 148,639
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roblox laughability, roblox, laughability, laugh ability, laugh ability roblox, laughability youtube, roblox youtube, roblox flamingo, roblox albert, roblox mrflimflam, i am albert flamingo in roblox, i am albert flamingo in roblox now, roblox display names, roblox display name, display names, albert flamingo, roblox usernames, roblox username, roblox challenge, roblox funny moments, roblox trolling, funny roblox game, roblox funny, funny roblox, no swearing, no cursing
Id: 7l5rpB2TgSM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 49sec (529 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 10 2021
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