I am a parrot with a vocabulary of over 1000 words! - (Reddit Ask Me Anything)

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read it ask a parrot anything I am an African Grey parrot with an estimated vocabulary near 1,000 ask me anything what is the meaning of life go to bed smart bird how many men have you slain coughing noise that's disturbing what are your thoughts on anarchy we knew one day rule the world go to go potty it's worse than I feared we must bow down to the rightful rulers before it is too late tell him I love him he offers some kissing noises in return or how will the world end goodnight go to bed shockingly insightful did epstein kill himself good night love you who's a pretty boy he must have something incomprehensible then burped ask the question again do you really want a cracker buddy buddy buddy buddy this is the best ask me anything I've ever read will you be running for president in the next election hi buddy love you well he has my vote woman shrugging what's your favorite thing do you like your owner what's going on here what is your favorite toy good night good night buddy likes bells and will violently ring them exclusively when I'm not paying attention just to scare me if these kinds of pranks are pretty common with parrots and I've known plenty who will go out of their way to scare people for kicks does your parrot know what Victoria's Secret is yep wanna come out the first five notes of The Andy Griffith fever what are the working wages for sitting on a pirate shoulder he just laughed at this to the person doing the typing how did you acquire this parrot with such a large vocabulary what is the name of this parrot what is this parrots favorite food to the parrot what's your favorite thing to do I ended up with buddy through dumb luck I work with a local bird shelter and someone had surrendered a 45 year old African Grey because they were no longer able to care for him that 45 year old label would have made it significantly harder to adopt him out and would have made the stress of the shelter significantly harder on him so the shelter reached out to me and offered him to me waiving any adoption fees because they wanted to her home in ASAP his vocabulary is as large as it is because he's an African Grey I highly recommend looking up videos of Einstein Alex and Petra all very talented african greys for a scope on just what these birds can do they're known to be lifelong learners to put that into perspective bunny can sing both The Andy Griffith theme and a spongebob theme most parrots only learn new words within their first year of life and don't continue to learn from there Gray's are smart his age definitely plays into just how high his vocabulary is he has been learning all his life and continues to learn even as an old man he likes a wide variety of vegetables as well as nuts and pasta noodles I don't think he has just one favorite food his response to your question is wanna go outside should I go to bed buddy good night love you do you have any toilet paper you can spare what's going on here I asked myself daily do you like your owner pretty pretty bird I think it means that the owner is a pretty pretty bird ask him what's your fetish he just muttered something suspiciously how does it feel to cheer the entire Internet up for real I love this ask me anything for the parrot is saying Polly want a cracker - a parrot equivalent to saying in to an African buddy has decided to respond to this question by showing off his microwave noises I hope this answers your question what should I do with my life go to bed love you are you jealous of how famous Alex was go to bed have you taught it the word coronavirus I've made a vow not to teach my parents anything that will be dated in a year or so I'm hoping that Corona isn't going to be relevant for long enough to justify teaching my parents to say it do you like your over love you what is your religion buddy buddy buddy buddy ask him his opinions on other birds such a chickens n pigeons kissing noises can you please broadcast him on our /pan I have three times now I go on with him and my cocoa too and teach people about birds buddy is a little camera shy so he doesn't talk as much when we're streaming but he still makes for good company and will occasionally show off a microwave beep or - hi mr. parrot any advice on how to stop eating I've been eating like crazy these past days I feel like puking good night go to bed do you support president Trump fart noise how does he feel about being grey incoherent whistling what would you name your rock band burp noise why I gray pretty pretty pretty bird Polly want a cracker hi buddy do you know any cuss words or is it strictly PG also do you have a favorite snack good boy if buddy swears he has yet to do it around me he also eats a wide variety of vegetables and nuts along with standard bird pellets hi little buddy what are your thoughts on TV watch who we want for the typing human what's an interesting perspective on something that buddy has taught you it's interesting how much smarter than my other parent is when buddy has an 8 on his face he'll scratch himself with one finger much like a human when parco my other bird has an itch in his face he'll go in with his whole hand and awkwardly claw at his face I think that's a subtle thing that shows just how differently they think greys are seriously intelligent in the intrigues me on a daily basis can you fly away fly away fly away I'm sorry are you happy goodnight go to bed till the parrot what's your favorite thing to say to the human what's the process to teach your parrot a new word hey buddy repetition is key they don't really practice so you won't really know if they're picking up on it until they blurt it out one day if you want to associate a word with an action only say it in that context like saying step up when you want to pick the bird up they'll learn the context for the word and begin to make the association only saying that word in certain scenarios they're super smart what is your favorite song fart noise for the handler does buddy like music for buddy who do you want for president buddy doesn't really dance to music but he will whistle along to the right songs speaking of his answer is the first four notes of The Andy Griffith theme what are your current views on American politics what's going on here trans rights incoherent high-pitched babbling how do you take care of him and also do the words he say often mean that he wants to do that to the owner obviously how do you take care of him is a pretty broad question that I don't think I can answer in one post I will say that I don't recommend parrots for people with full-time jobs especially not african greys they're highly intelligent meaning they get bored easily bored parrots will hurt themselves and parrots who hurt themselves often enough will develop a habit out of it that is very hard to break unless you are willing to put everything else on hold I don't recommend them buddy associates different words and phrases with different scenarios so there's things that he's able to say but will only say in specific scenarios he knows how to ask to come out of his cage and how to ask for water he will say gotta go to work if he sees me getting ready to leave and most of his answers here have been goodnight go to bed because he knows it's bedtime he will not say goodnight during the day because he knows what scenario that word is associated with and won't use it outside of out scenario he means what he says a solid 90 percent of the time and that fascinates me on a daily basis have you gone to bed but he definitely keeps asking to go to bed might need to continue this in the morning what's your name fart noise when will the world end go to bed Flo you made it to the end you're ducking Beast I'll cut you a deal smash like and subscribe for more curated content brug it's free and that's a great price
Channel: Sir Reddit
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Keywords: reddit, askreddit, askreddit funny, top posts, top posts of r/, r/, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, top posts of all time, askreddit question, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, askreddit reading, subreddit, reddit stories, best of r/askreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, emkay, ToadFilms, sir reddit, doctor reddit, reddit and chill, giofilms
Id: Vj3LFCQmlnA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 1sec (541 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 21 2020
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