I ALMOST GAVE UP!: Cyberpunk Diorama, the most COMPLICATED project I've ever done

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this video is sponsored by skillshare in this video we're going to make some amazing cyberpunk terrain and I'm going to show you how I go about starting a new project what I do to get inspired and how I go about designing a new build and it's not as easy as you think hey everyone my name is Neil and this is realtorian hobbies and in this video we're going to make some crazy cool cyberpunk terrain for your tabletop games your DND sessions and whatnot so one critical component for any cyberpunk train and diorama is of course the lighting the LEDs and we're gonna go all out I got a huge box full of stuff and I'm going to be using something called Arduino and that is a way to program your lights and make them do insanely insanely cool lighting effects I'm going to be doing some kind of chasing lights and a lot of different stuff on here it's going to be packed full of LEDs we're gonna come back to that a little bit later I'm gonna push these to the side and we're gonna start off making our base I'm gonna have some water features in here as well and some other cool things to kind of set this apart from your typical grungy cyberpunk uh scene that you might typically see [Music] [Music] all right and we're off to a good start here so I always find the beginning of a project to be the most daunting maybe the most frustrating uh just trying to figure out an overall design that works well looks good and it's gonna be something that you can be really proud of for me on this particular project the bass came to me fairly quickly and it wasn't such a big deal but later on you'll see building design buildings are something I haven't done much of and that is going to be a key focus on this entire project so I found that to be a quite a difficult challenge reference images go a long way in particular something I've recently discovered called a mood board and this is incredibly helpful for trying to come up with new ideas um basically what you do is grab a whole bunch of images from a specific genre so in this case cyberpunk you can see we got a good spread of buildings of the different styles and things and you can take different elements from each of those images and sort of combine them into something that you can make your own and that's really important instead of just trying to come up with things in inside of your head or whatever which I'm not really good at I find a mood boards to be an incredibly effective tool remains away all right so something I should mention about the video here I'm going to be changing up the format just a little bit I'm going to be talking uh quite a bit less and actually using a lot less music and the point of that is to sort of bring you into the environment of what I'm kind of doing kind of pull you in how I'm working and just kind of make it feel more real it's something I've been wanting to really do and try out anyway uh there's going to be some background stuff some background noises and things and the kind of various stuff that I'm listening to and all that uh tabletop time in particular has become one of my new favorite channels and we're gonna actually be talking a bit about a bit more about them uh and a bit here actually but I hope you enjoy this format anyway I'm it's still going to be very instructional I'm gonna break in when I can and when I know I need to uh so I really hope you enjoy the format and just let me know what you think down in the comments below about all of it [Music] right so what I'm using here is actually snow flocking this is I think Army painter snow flocking it's a little bit more grainy and this I find is a perfect mortar substitutes uh the graininess really gives it a nice texture that looks like concrete and mortar so I just brush that in spray it down just to get it wet and then apply some watered down PVA glue and then after that apply some washes in there to you know give it that more natural weathered look rather than a nice crisp white and it does the perfect job foreign [Music] moving on to the concrete sidewalks and curbs and I'm going to be using cork board again for that and this is exactly what we used in the Jazz build he's got some cork board in his Mega minis box and it actually is the perfect material for concrete I absolutely love this stuff for concrete particularly that it wears and chips Away really nicely and gives it a very believable and realistic concrete feel so you'll notice that I give the glue a little bit of a spray here after I've applied that's actually called an accelerator and it causes the glue to harden crazy quickly it's an amazing amazing thing I have that and all the other products that I'm using here in this build on my website almost all the other products and those are our affiliate links here that you can use and by using those it gives me and the channel a bit of a kickback and just helps me out that way so just a quick mention of these teeny tiny little LEDs here I got them the idea for them from Luke toans Gold Mine video and other amazing little lights I got a ton of colors I got pinks purples Blues greens Reds a couple other ones too and obviously the soft white and they do a really really nice job and they're super tiny but I'll put the links down for those I'm going to be using those quite heavily in this project [Music] so now it's time to give a quick thank you to this video sponsor skillshare skillshare is an online learning community with thousands of inspiring classes for creative and curious people explore new skills develop existing interests and get lost in creativity for this project we're going to be getting heavy into Arduino for all our lights and our lighting system and you better believe that skillshare has a course specifically for that which I took it's called introduction to Arduino creating interactive projects by Mark fronefelder and for me being a complete beginner and noobed Arduino this was a perfect primer for getting into it understanding the basics at really being able to tackle this stuff with confidence and skillshare actually has several courses on Arduino this is just the introduction I'm going to be taking more as I continue on with the project so not only that skillshare offers so much more whether you're looking to fend off boredom focus on self-care through creativity or join a similarly creative Community skillshare is the place to keep you learning and the first thousand people to use a link in my description below will get free trial of skillshare Premium membership and after that it's only around 10 bucks a month so go take that Arduino course as there's so many cool things you can do with that as you're going to see in this project [Music] foreign sent to me by Woodland cnx which is really nice of them and these are kind of an older style as you can see so I kind of wanted to go uh for a mix of the cyberpunk mixing kind of new with old and sort of add a little bit of a Twist to your typical cyberpunk this would be more upper class on this side of the little Channel anyway the other side maybe not so much but I think they're going to look really nice and add a lot to the overall build foreign so we got those little barricades up now we're just gonna fill this road in and it's going to be asphalt again and the best method I found for this actually using the same method from the jazza build the jazza project there that collaboration uh if you haven't seen that check it out just above here is just using some sand so I got the sand from a Sandbox I I used some watered down PVA some fairly thick watered down PVA first and then you soak it afterwards with a sprayer just like this just water and then use some water down PVA again on top of that and it just gives such a good effect I go really heavy with the watered down PVA on top of this afterwards and it kind of evens out the bumps a little bit and uh actually adds a bit of variety in there too and it really gives a nice convincing asphalt effect foreign so here we are with the project and this is one day's uh worth of work so I got quite a bit done and I'm actually quite happy with what I was able to do we got all the little tiny brickwork done here I'm really liking that I use the same style that we use for the uh Jazz uh collab there for the the stonework on that and this time I actually applied it directly onto big styrofoam pieces and I'm really loving how that turned out and again we used the sand too just like the Jazz build I think that's the perfect way I it gives off a really nice realistic look we're doing the roads it still needs some weathering and stuff it's pitch black right now so we'll fix that but yeah I'm actually at the point right now I'm at a bit of a Crossroads as to uh where I want to take the project I can do two things so I've been playing a game called backbone crazy atmospheric uh film Noir type 50s Vibe and I just really really love the setting and the atmosphere in that and so it still entail a ton ton of LED lights but we also got the cyberpunk clean that I really want to do too and speaking of that the reason why I want to go cyberpunk or one of the reasons is I'm actually following Jazz's new channel tabletop time now I'm loving tabletop time it's really reminiscent of critical role and they got a really big campaign going which is what I'm enjoying the most they got the three players jazza Rob and Jen and then Dave is the narrator and you can see they also do things like miniature painting they got uh mini Mondays and then they got to one shot Wednesdays where they just do a One-Shot uh campaign d d session and then there's Saga Saturdays which is their big cyberpunk campaign and that is heavily influencing my project as I move forward here and there may be some sort of cross something or another between us and them maybe in the future kind of coming up maybe in part two we'll see but uh anyway go check them out and subscribe described her an awesome Channel and you'll love it so it's a toss-up you're gonna find out right away which direction I go but right now I don't know and I actually took the question to my patrons I took it onto the Discord on the patreon uh there so if you want to be a part of the decision making through all of this you can sign up on patreon not only can you be involved with this but you're also supporting the channel and helping me grow and all that stuff and I'm really trying to build up those Patron members to help me with this and help me get full time but anyway the point is you can help steer the course of these projects as they go I I'm updating the patreon there too depending on your tier five dollars and up you get to see some behind the scenes and see the updates on these projects as they go so those guys are going to help decide where we're gonna go with this for now I'm going to start boxing in the buildings and the general layout and yeah so I'm excited for this and hopefully I'll get an answer from patrons soon as to whether we go either the film Noir or the cyberpunk foreign foreign we're kind of at that uh tricky stage where we gotta figure out exactly how we're going to design this never found this stuff before but I was actually able to peel off one layer of the paper and then you can actually put carve a texture into the side as only one side I wasn't able to do it on the other but that's pretty cool knowing that we've actually got that here I haven't been able to find that before I did that on the Jazz build but so I'm gonna put the wall back so it'll be some seating areas here but then I want the roof to kind of maybe come out and up and then we can actually put some fake rooms in here so you can see into the windows and stuff even use some different shapes like these this box here just to try to figure out what reference images really come in handy um so that's what I'm going to be trying to figure out here I think this is one of the hardest parts is just figuring out your design and then once you got that nailed down then you can go ahead from there shop locally [Music] tonight bother looking at pain [Music] ful little bit of contrast to the model and showed off that he was holding that black was sitting there with no highlight and I was looking at those eyes into some areas that are less detailed and less visible with the brightness of the most exposure line is being cut scheme details the first area I paint is the meaning [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] again that time lapse that you just saw I actually did not get as much done as I was wanting to I basically got this done and that was kind of it which is supposed to be my building and there's not much there um I'm really having a tough time getting this design on this building front figured out generally cyberpunk they're more kind of concrete buildings this is actually the storefront sign for like the nightclub kind of thing but today I actually ended up going out and grabbed some of this cork so this is some cork here and I'm going to be using this maybe even to panel the whole building and give it it's got a really nice texture that looks a lot like concrete what I'm going to do I'm going to design this sign and I need to put all the lighting and stuff on here first before I attach this and hopefully I can get this figured out because this is causing me uh stress maybe a little bit because I I want to get this going a little bit of stress a little bit of frustration and I just once I nail it down I know it's going to be good so I got to get this nailed down so let's do that and hopefully things just come together magically you know hopefully uh fingers crossed [Music] [Music] good morning [Music] foreign [Music] foreign here you can see that I added a new material I ripped off all the cork that I put on there and that was because that just was not working out the grooves that I wanted these lights to fit in these guys here uh uh was not working at all this is what we've got now here and I'm using these foam sheets maybe two millimeters or something like that thick and this is the big giant pack I got here the stuff from Michael's and this is working way better so you can see here's my lights right here and they fit in those grooves perfectly so I got two of these now the problem is with these is this is basically this is basically like a silicon material glue doesn't stick to these I tried using uh Crazy Glue super glue and it didn't work at all and I tried using the hot glue gun that didn't work either came off I'm almost thinking that maybe I gotta like clap it in place somehow with some wire or something I'm gonna make a few of these signs I think I got to make them separately with all the wires hanging off and I'll do something to manage those wires some proper so the wires aren't everywhere yeah so it's gonna be a bit of work but it's gonna be good I'm excited to make some signs and get this going so yeah let's do that [Music] [Music] foreign so here we are with uh the building right here got a bit more of the structure together but one thing or maybe more than one thing here that I'm doing is uh something that's actually very similar to Jeremy from Black Magic craft and if I think about it there's probably actually at least three elements that I'm taking from Jeremy's build so if you haven't seen his build go check it out I'll put a link up in one of these two corners here and you can look at his build but ah he had such such good ideas one of them is going to be uh Trent from miscast I got some uh little elements that I'm going to be using uh to print out that are some sci-fi elements that I'll be putting on here and printing those out so that's one thing the other thing was these fancy little lights that I got they're similar to Jeremy's but they actually work much better and then the final third thing maybe there's gonna be more I don't know I'm taking this from Journey sorry Jeremy this is such a good idea so he printed out these signs on some clear acetate paper that's what this is so supposedly you can actually use an inkjet printer and print these out yourself uh I couldn't find any of the actual blank pieces of paper so I did the same thing that he did and went to Staples and printed out my own and here they are so as you can see it's clear and transparent paper and this is a different signage so I'll be using some of this signage here looks awesome and you light it up from behind hopefully it lights up fairly well and that's what you do with those so I got a bunch of these it's gonna look awesome I'm gonna put some signs on here and elsewhere and yeah so that's what this stuff is and super cool and I'm excited I have to throw these up and on here so these are actually in a link down in the description I got these off of the art station each of these signs designs uh so I think it's like five bucks for a whole bunch of these and you can check it out in the link below [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay so I've been uh 3D printing overnight here this is another day and um yeah so these are actually some sci-fi components that uh Trent from miscast uh if you don't know his channel check him out one of these Corners here so he and his dad designed a whole bunch of these cool uh sci-fi parts and I printed a bunch of them off and you can stick them onto the building to really sci-fi up the building and add you know a lot of character to that this is another thing that Jeremy did in his build his cyberpunk build is use these exact uh models here so I'm going to be using these I got one more batch printing on the other printer there and yeah this is really going to make this really look give it that cyberpunk kind of futuristic look and it's going to be awesome so let's get these things cleaned up sessions where they encountered some of the terrible poverty that exists out there um they then proceeded to visit the new Warehouse that will become what seems to be some kind of a super kitchen and their base operation that's organized hello do you require assistance because you've you've said the standard rub and also I'm going through a personal crisis which we'll go through later I just shake my head it looks like uh it's quiet and subtly and uh make a deception check that wasn't a persuasion that's persuasion I was going to suggest persuade I am going to suggest deception because you are while you're not objectively lying to her you are misleading her through this entire thing but am I because what if my character is intentionally actually looking at potential you can't use the argument of um I'm going to tell half truth to get away from deceiving people because deception definitely deception it's a it's a classic hey little tip for all your role players out there don't let the bad always use perception if they're sorry you're like yours obviously mostly production will be offshore but uh would you have any areas on some of my eyes going through a very do they know they're dead like we don't know that you don't know anything rubber stamped approached right they are very illegal plan of action yeah skill checks that involve the infinity things with your fingers correct ability which is reflex and I'm grabbing a screwdriver not screwing some electrical components though it's not like humor [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music]
Channel: Real Terrain Hobbies
Views: 419,521
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: qPG4aXKzybQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 22sec (1942 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 05 2021
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