I Accidentally Found Justin Bieber's Futuristic Rolls Royce

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all right guys so we are taking the mercedes with the brilliant exhaust now word on the street is that this mallow country mar weekly sunday show it's not even an official show it's just a impromptu and impromptu get-together so to speak word of the story is that this show is slowly being canceled a lot of police enforcement security blockading off the uh the parking lot not a good look oh easy there it's like the alpha club nice with a random ag gt gorgeous weather it's raining this weekend uh yep a lot of cops a lot of enforcement security mr sheep is none too happy about any of this anyways let's go check it out guys this is a sad sight to behold hate to see it guys a lot of nice cars rolling through nowhere to park a lot of cops hold on boom oh yeah i don't know man oh no he's thinking about it forcier's in trouble [Music] oh he's you turning he's you turning [ __ ] he was undercover that's wild under cover cuff he's in uniform and everything too pull up pull up oh wait there's nowhere to pull up everything has been blocked off oh yeah where's that cockpit he uh he totally dipped out but that's the one we saw on rodeo about a week and a half ago i believe that's nice looking avorah in there and some poor guy in the lexus is receiving a ticket of some sort not really sure what the infraction is yikes security guard and high-heeled boots whoa what i don't know man who's it looking at oh look at this thing whoa that's pretty sick it's like an electric uh go-kart bronco oh no what it's so strange seeing them pull over just like regular non-sports like cars it's really bizarre and we have people here trying to park in this lot here and just no dice no dice whatsoever did he pull over this golf cart right over here hold on wait wait wait wait wait wait i don't know man dude nobody is safe here at the malibu countryman oh yeah look oh no we got the honda two jeez i mean this this porch over here has plates on both ends i don't know what i don't know guys let me know in the comments below if you think this is an absolute cash grab that revenue in this i don't know in the county malibu is down uh yeah a lot of cars sports cars and regular cars getting pulled over left and right oh look at that dog pretty sick is this a cash grab or are they just trying to prevent people from coming to the show and just pulling every imaginable person over for the slightest of infractions let me know in the comments below this is this was our one show that we could depend on every sunday and unfortunately it's rp anyone is watching this video right now how to kill a car show 101 take notes ladies and gentlemen the sheriff's here at the malibu country mart are not taking any prisoners today gotta get out of that first gear now boy man we're about to go home and then this guy pulls over the volvo no who is he getting [Music] why do you feel the need to exchange two dollar bills for a couple of minutes a wise man once told me those star notes that you can tip lower with twos and still come away clean because your waiter or waitress will perceive the value as higher because of the special oh that's right you told me this once yeah firmly believe in that maybe you tip 15 said 18 and you get away with it because that person goes well this guy just boned me but i have a two dollar bill i've now got two dollar bills like buckwheat and little rascals where he's like i got a dollar i got a dollar just so stoked on the bill he doesn't care about the value it's the bill itself that he said okay i see i see it i mean i'll be willing to part with like a couple 20s or 10s or something okay guys we just pulled up taking the bozo car out for a little ride the battery just died and we found this one off rolls royce west coast customs one of one for justin bieber i think he said it was yeah i'm pretty sure that was that was definitely justin bieber i didn't recognize him because i'm not really into celebrities but my goodness what in the world is going on with this this is super dope dude wow that's crazy dude and it's a real rolls-royce this thing is absolutely nuts what is going on with this car dude first things first let's just put it this way i like what i see and i appreciate it i do like the build because we were in the bozo car with alec we were in the bozo car and we and he was driving past and we locked eyes because he was probably thinking i got the coolest car around and then we pulled up in the bozo car and the tables have turned but i'm going to give it to him i like the wheel covers though and the front oh yeah and then the front grille is funky super futuristic look at that it's super flush unbelievable this thing is nuts is the spirit of ecstasy lit up or is that just like tripping oh yeah that's sick the funny thing is that like we were driving in the bozo car and he looked at us he's like what the [ __ ] is that and we looked at him and he was like what the [ __ ] is that that was hilarious this thing is so flush it's got cameras and no side mirrors and the door handles are hidden as well what is going on here you guys know me i like a good wheel cover that's just my personal preference i do like a good old wheel cover but man i guess it's justin bieber's brand new car what do you guys think let me know in the comments below yay or nay i'm going with yay futuristic cruella de vil mobile for the island the island that will be in the future with even mcgregor oh yeah that's i wonder if the interior island he he opened the interior earlier but like i didn't really get a good look at it but it looked pretty sick what do you guys think about this brand new one off west coast customs rolls royce super flush wheels wheel covers tail lights i mean i'm not really sure what else to say but dude this is the spot of the year if i could i would have pulled the bozo car in actually you know what it's not that bad hold on it's not that bad i think i can make this i can make this maybe yeah let me go get the car real quick i i have to try i gotta try for bieber i'm saying i gotta try for bieber we literally left the bozo car on the street running because we're having battery issues so just get the gears going and stuff you know but man boys and girls we gotta do for bieber let's see if i can make it dude we made it yes sir yes sir let's go let's go now that is a combo ladies and gentlemen oh my goodness look at that wow what do you guys think left or right one off west coast customs rolls royce or the bozo car yes sir yes sir we got it for the gram all right let's back this car up so we don't disturb anybody dude that's pretty wild man unbelievable guys that was absolutely nuts let's put this old puppy away we got to get a new battery and i think the valve stem on the rear left tire needs to be replaced or at least looked at so anyways dude oh yeah and we got the prius [Laughter] so this red light on top of the ceiling do you install it yourself i don't know every single [ __ ] cop car has it so i have carted with it so i went up to a cop and i was like hey why does my cop car have a red light and he's like oh we learned that in training and if we use a red light especially during our night watch yeah and we have to read papers our eyes don't get blinded i just don't i also asked the same guy hey why do cop cars always like pull into parking lots and like turn their headlights off and act all sauce and like leave their headlights off all the time and it was like oh when cops are supposed to pull up to stations yeah especially when their stations have hills they turn off their [ __ ] lights whenever they drive around the station so they don't blind other people there's an explanation for everything with these cops well here we go just a little bit boom oh brush fire it's pretty cute what the hell is going on over here i don't know [ __ ] chopper bro oh my god and do they got him uh not really sure what's going on here but apparently the guy assaulted someone or there is some sort of commotion at a dispensary up there let's do a little zoom in boom this guy's tripping out man i don't think he's all there but there's a lot of cops and yeah what is that it looks like an art piece i don't know i'm just gonna put that out there for you guys oh grayson do that again now boy this thing's so funny it's it's pretty it's a heavy boy it's a heavy boy dude look down there it's the [ __ ] abyss bro oh my god oh my god the magic full pressure blasting your face oh my goodness some ding dong [ __ ] knock this fire hydrant out oh man the car sounds so good let's roll this other window down real quick yes sir a lot of you guys were wondering and be very concerned regarding the check engine light the one to five the six to ten bank and of course the check engine light right over there ladies and gentlemen it's nothing to worry about essentially the last owner basically took the valves off so every time you start the car it's just we've essentially cleared the codes multiple times it just keeps coming back so it's something that you just got to get used to it's not a big deal so i do appreciate the concern and mr sheep just chilling right over there but so the whole novelty of these mcdonald runs in a supercar let me put the parking brake on here guys i don't really understand it it doesn't feel any different than any other mcdonald's run at three in the morning so with this new camera guys the zb1 in low light the quality is absolutely amazing it's just overall better so let me know if you guys like the new camera system if not maybe we'll go back to camcorder
Channel: effspot
Views: 945,002
Rating: 4.8668799 out of 5
Keywords: effspot
Id: peGLGj0kz9A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 21sec (801 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 01 2021
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