I accidentally bought 2 storage units. $30 for both

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all right well hello everyone so I bought a storage locker this morning has a bed frame or bed a headboard which uh I don't know if that I don't know exactly whether that's new or not it's I'm confused has a little table there or some kind of glass TV stand and has some trash here um it also had this uh this tool box has some Ryobi tools in it it's a Ryobi tool box I haven't even been down into the bottom of it to see what's in here I guess I can try opening it up I'm kind of a little scared there's been some weird stuff going on in this Locker ooh this is probably a mistake doing this here all right so yeah there's some tools uh you know that's not going to go back together but anyways there's there's something in there I don't know what but anyways I bought this whole entire Locker here for 20 bucks and I really was like this is kind of a crap Locker I'm not going to post this and then right in this area here oh hold on here there bam right in this area here there's this white bundle of and I thought maybe it just a tarp well I opened it up and there's this like claw thing it's missing a skull I don't know if it's in the bag or not but is this claw thing I'm assuming these are some kind of toy blunder bus like pirate stuff there's a little crossbow there's a bunch of guitar stuff in here and and then there's a big I think these I'm pretty sure these are called blunder buses so but yeah so it's a cute nice little surprise on this Locker um so I bought this one here for 20 bucks and I bought another one that has a mattress a dining room table with some chairs a sofa and I I think there was one of thing in there I can't remember I bought that one this morning for $10 now I did not come out here to buy a whole bunch of storage units uh they only had four of them and the 2 i1 is like I was trying to help out the auctioner just trying to run some numbers up for him and I did get the other guy to spend $85 but cuz it was only me and him that was it so anyways um yeah I I end ended up uh bidding $20 on this one and 10 on the other one and he never bid over it so I ended up with him it wasn't my plan but just cuz of the toy guns and if I can find the little skull face for these claws you know plus with the tools you know I'll do okay and I figure I can get uh the dining room table and everything I could probably get 50 50 to 100 out of that that was out of a $10 locker and the sofa I can probably get I going say 30 to 50 bucks for that so and there's a battery here which that's a $10 in scrap right there so but yeah um I got to go through all the I'm this is the actual stuff I got to bring the trailer back for these two items and for the uh the other stuff I'm going to go hook up the trailer and come over here tomorrow and knock all this out so but yeah I paid $30 for two lockers and ended up with some pretty interesting stuff I I think I did see a machete in here somewhere but I don't know where it went I could have sworn i' seen a machete but I don't know what happened to it see now that's freaking me out a little bit cuz I know I've seen a machete yeah I have no idea where it's at but it's yeah it's just interesting stuff there's a lot of like guitar C cables and music cables and I'm kind of scared to be showing this cuz I really don't know what all is in here some apple stuff microphones I'm really trying to figure out what happened to the machete or maybe it was that maybe I saw this on top that might have been it so I remember seeing something similar to this and I posted on Facebook talking about making macaroni and cheese or something with it I forgot it was some kind of thing that I said so but anyways uh yeah I bought a locker I wasn't planning on it and again I win so on that note Peace Love Money I'm out
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Id: rV3kfrHBrDA
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Length: 5min 20sec (320 seconds)
Published: Fri May 17 2024
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