I’ve been challenged, New Husky 288xp vs my old 394xp

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[Music] so [Music] nice shot post from the other day friends that was it i ate it for this oh okay friends oh good afternoon everybody i hope you're all well it's we're we're in a we're in a hot hot time of year here um pretty pretty surprising um well well not surprising surprising but kind of surprising um so friends i received a saw from uh uh matt his name's matt and he sent me uh it showed up unbeknownst to me i never asked for it it was a gift and uh it i'll be honest it it it took me off guard because i don't i don't i'm not a 288 guy i've said it many times on the channel people have asked me uh for years why wouldn't you have and i've explained many many times on this channel that 288s for me were they're great saw i've always said it they are a good saw they're a good work horse not a lot of fallers use them uh they're a good strong firewood saw uh milling even uh that application i have found i don't like a real top heavy saw i've never like that's why i like my nine fours and they got the slope back and the and the 72s i deal with the 372 highback uh and plus when harvey sends you one it's a freaking ripper so you just run with it and get excited and you get you just start running it and you kind of get used to that that top thing and why i used to like the flat back is because of filing you see that it's flat so i put my chest on it boom this thing it sticks right in your guts and it's awful i'll be i'll be honest it's awful to file so anyways this is a lovely saw by the way matt very nice saw uh i haven't run it i'll be honest i i fired it up okay friends listen just a quick interjection nothing crazy but friends this one caught me off guard it did a few years know that it's here now um but but it's kind of funny it was a challenge to me in the email matt when he said uh i think this all take your your lunch your 394's lunch money that 394 i'm sentimental with 394 friends okay yeah i'll tell you right now i've been it was with me on my accident okay that sauce been through you know what and back a couple times with me by my side sitting there idling while i was crushed wondering what was gonna anyways so when someone says and that that saw's not nuts friends the the 94 you must understand this as we go forward in this video you must understand that these songs are i think are six cc's different they're not like size-wise they're not a a lot of difference so when in the email matt said that this thing's going to hand your 394 it's hand over its lunch money i kind of thought wow i i sure hope it does i mean you would think it did they did a whole pile of work do it i reckon like a lot whereas my saw like i says i say it in here a couple times it's got a gazillion hours on it i've had it before hogan was born i've had that saw for 22 years i think 23 years took it to camp with me my first camp anyway so i thought you know what hey he's given me this saw i'm gonna put it on the channel i'm gonna run it so he matt knows where he's at with his with his builds um or whoever built the saw so my 94 is just i think bear claw went in it about 15 years ago and just uh i think just polished the exhaust in the intake nothing bear claw doesn't use timing wheels or nothing like that he's just been running them forever and does this thing so short interjection but this is kind of a a situation like that where somebody challenged my 394 friends i'm gonna check it out let's get back at it matt and your buddies thank you again for the saw uh it needed tuning it the tuning was was very fat they sent it to me fat um i don't know any of these guys i don't talk to any of these guys they just sent me the saw so again fellas thanks uh there's one on here it says rattler saw works rattlers work saws rattlers work sauce so thanks rattler's work saws as well so it was funny matt had put in the uh in the in the email or the the letter that he sent me that he figures it would take my 394's lunch money and to be honest it i would hope it would if it doesn't we got a problem because this 394's got about five gazillion hours on it it was the first saw i ever took to the bush with me uh i put a bunch of hours on it then i got hooked up with bear claw and he opened it up one day we went in there and he just did his little thing that he does with the intakes any uh uh exhaust port just cleans it out slight bit of uh probably no transfer work he just he likes things to run for a long time and that saw has done that all his saws do that actually so bear claws not a machining guy or nothing like that he's my old fallen partner you all know who he is and he just clean saws up and he runs them so that's my 94. so i'm hoping this thing takes it out this thing should kick this thing like take its lunch money like matt said it should i hope it does so we'll see we'll see so today we're going to kind of check that out and what i got believe it or not what i've got it's crazy how the world works this 288 came to me by gift then this thing showed up it's a stock saw it's a 288 from 1994. it's an old looks like a camp ouch it looks like a camp saw see it's got the date on there it's got the cork boots on the gas you know how guys step on them with their whatever probably an old dry land sword saw or something you know buckerman saw uh it's a 394 it's stock saw probably similar stuff that um that bear claw's done to that has been done here because that's where it come from bear claws so i thought why not get it off bear claw and and see what the difference is for you guys on a ported apparently there's been a lot done to this saw matt uh olson sent it uh i forget the guy's uh rattler's name i think it's sh shelty shetley maybe uh i for i don't know you so i i don't know your name but i think that's something like that but it's rattler work saws i think he did the port work i know nothing about it uh but we're about to find out how it cuts and i'm hoping it rips because i i'm thinking it it should it does have a lot of compression so i'm just tuning it right now to make sure that everything's on too [Music] yeah good great [Music] okay so i tuned that the other day and i just wanted to make sure that everything was still good this thing's screaming right now they came it came to me fairly fat and i i tuned her up so this thing's ready to go now i'm gonna get a bar and chain i think maybe maybe we'll go here first we'll run this one first uh i run long bar so i'm just gonna run a long bar i fell that tree out the back of my yard the other day with an axe on the live feed if you haven't seen that it's kind of fun let's get bars on these and check them out back in a flash okay friends i'm just going to take a few minutes and prep this log up get some of this brush out of here and get it set up for buckingham [Music] wow one [Music] wow [Music] [Music] but i cleaned that all out and i propped the wood up over there it's propped up because we got air there see that friends and that wood is starting to get sound now and it's very even okay it's very even so i'm going to tarp start my tests right past that little knot there we're going to be able to tell friends you guys are going to do your times okay friends you see all that crazy naughtiness right there on that cut that slows a chain down big time i'm just going to annihilate that i'm just going to cut that off there [Music] starting [Music] [Music] i like that the other okay uh oh what's happening here we're losing a stud oh oh oh okay have you ever had that happen to your friends you gotta watch that i don't i guess just in assembly they you see the you see the stud there on the saw and that black saw right there see it there look i'll show you i want to show this because this happens sometimes it's not that big of a deal but but see this that that'll push right through and drop into the buck into the oil bucket friends if you're not careful it if you see look see that that's not you don't want that so you gotta try and find little spot where it's not the greatest actually is that it there it is there it comes here i think huh that's weird oh oh huh well the nut will bring it out but i don't want to oh there it is no that's not it neither huh is that gonna be it there it is okay we got it it's out you just find a square little spot it fits in a slot friends like that okay so we're back out she ended up right on the money look at that boom bang so it holds the bar on and see if we can start these threads again so i'm going after this black saw of mats it's is the fella that sent this saw let's see how it does i'm sure it's going to do well and then we'll go 394. so so let's see let's see how we do should be good the wood's still the same it's it's actually very consistent you can see it it's kind of falling apart but it is what it is it's the same ordeal all the way through as long as you change saws right so here we go i should have to probably choke it oh [Music] that definitely took care of bear claws old stalker let's see how it does [Music] not here [Music] wow [Music] hmm [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] very nice okay let's go swap out i just wanted to see how it would do if i like dug the dogs in and played on it you know what i mean that was beautiful matt nice cutting saw very nice cutting saw i forgot about it let's do the 94 just because we're right here right on it 94 could be lean you know i don't know i was playing with it a little while back good old 94 it's kind of like that 88 o'clock it's got a gazillion hours on it friends so we'll see let's see let's put the bar on oh we got one of them on there take that off put your put your bar friends right up against your clutch right up against your your sprocket when you're putting your chain on don't don't try and you know like like get it get it right up against it that way you can put the chain on like this right get on your sprocket and boom look it you'll fall right on the tip see bang there it is with all that slack in there so you just pull up and bang you're on here we go actually we're right on the money you go i uh i'm pretty attached to this power saw it's been with me in a couple accidents it was with me the day i almost died um so i'm kind of attached to it friends okay this chain's good we're still we're cutting good friends i've trimmed down a little bit friends i've dropped five pounds all this sweat lately okay let's check something i'm gonna try it without a joke [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Applause] they seem pretty close friends they seem pretty close which is a testament to my 394 because that 88 should kill it there's only like five or six cc's difference so [Music] uh [Music] [Music] ah [Music] [Applause] [Music] that's pretty close that's pretty fun friends this old saw's got a gazillion hours i love this whole thing [Music] [Music] well you can definitely feel the strength of that ported crazy ported i think they've decked the heads advanced the timing all kinds of stuff on that big 88 none of that's been done here friends so just bear that in mind they're basically in my mind the 288 and the 394 are actually i like this saw better i just do it's got a better layout better better better look i don't like a high back i never have i deal with it with the 71's and twos just because i just do i i started swapping them out back in the day like i would i would have a low back and i grew up on the low backs you know what i mean friends that you know what i mean there's a high back right there i i i just like the low backs what's that oh my water like an hour ago i know what a terrible person my wife's looking after me okay now that was fun i'm telling you okay bring it out push it back to the drum push it right back to the sprocket and then you've got all this space just just roll it off the tip it's done there you go drop it off leave it there okay that's it i love my 94. burnt my finger i was thinking about maybe doing a little something to this saw again but it runs so good oh [Music] [Applause] hmm [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] sauce got a gazillion hours i love this whole thing [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Buckin' Billy Ray Smith
Views: 87,389
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: AFfvhWcvx-g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 16sec (1636 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 24 2021
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