"WITNESS ME!!!" Anya Taylor Joy and Nicholas Hoult on Mad Max: Fury Road, tiny cooking and The Menu

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so early this year the lady saying to your I'm going to say right nailed it uh told me that she would be more than happy to play Elsa in the live action Frozen yes I'm thinking I'll do it I was about to nearly insult you with hands but Olaf works I'll I'll do Olaf I like it I think you do good you can play both the man has range I can do both It's Tricky for me to start this interview without acknowledging the imperator and War Dog in the room and by War Dog of course mean War boy have you guys chatted about this yet yeah we haven't debriefed yet it's not yeah the debrief hasn't happened but during the filming of this movie yeah Nick was definitely a confidant and someone that was uh helping helping prepare me for what was um ahead like a fan as well also like obviously a Mad Max fan originally from the old films laughs [Music] which I was like this is amazing this is fun this is insane and then a fan of yours and then knowing that you're going to play that character I'm like oh this is all great things coming together so it's gonna be good I like the idea that she met you and went witness me yeah which is the only way to greet me yeah it's so brilliant to see in that film by the way he's absolutely heartbreaking outrageous do you get a lot of witness me's to this day uh not really no uh surely there's a secret side I love that I would love it if like drunk people across the street screamed at you witnessed at the End of Time the only time that people did that was when we went maybe to Comic-Con at one point we're there with X-Men and people did scream at then and did the V8 sign that is yeah you know on the front cover of the Blu-ray of Fury Road it says oh what a lovely day yeah yeah so they're quoting your character on the front of the whole thing yeah I was quite proud of that oh what a day what a lovely day I was like you must have said that line okay yeah yeah I think I think you did an all right job an all right John over the next few hours you will ingest fat salt protein and at times entire ecosystems we're eating the ocean we're eating the ocean talking about the menu rule of thumb you don't want to be in a movie where you have to eat a lot because if you need to take the 10th 11th 14th take no matter how delicious the food is it's like oh God classics you have to try the mouse feel of the minionette please don't say mouthful I've said this like multiple times today just like tip my hat to this fellow right here because I didn't actually have to eat that much and Nick attacked every take with that so much Gusto and uh forever and you really you nailed it Manny Willy also I did not throw up the whole time I was watching him and I was like this time this kid's gonna go it's gonna be in the mouth and then out the mouth straight away yeah did a very good job just a glutton I'm not saying your job is mine in coal or you know SAS missions but that is work and you've got the background conversation so if there's a foreground chat with some other actors whoever they are you have to be in the background blah blah blah how was your day he's not just a chef he's a Storyteller the game is trying to guess what the overarching theme of the entire meal is going to be you won't know till the end like maybe the first two days we you know we're really in character we were improvising and like really like down to do it by day three we're just getting to know each other by like weird acting exercises like we would tell each other stories and then at the end of the take be like which part of that is true like what actually happened blah blah blah and say yeah we got to know each other really well I would have immediately gone to my never met that person before listening to any good podcasts lately like I would have I would have straight away been like do you like music you think I asked you if you like cheese at one point which I think is that she's the man reference do you like cheese well why yes I do my favorite's gouda I'm pretty sure I was like do you like cheese yeah I like good too see what we're flowing we're talking about cheese so what flow is blue when I went off yeah a completely random story yeah yeah sometimes it's the weird stuff that works punished with cheese so tell me though um how have you been describing this film to your friends and family like how are you warning them this entire evening Jesus Christ it was just theater it's stagecraft we're leaving now has been painstakingly planned because you can't you can't quickly encapsulate it someone said someone said it really well meets Master Chef yeah which I thought was great any questions it's Bergamot I'm getting a chef yes it is it's doing a lot of this sort of Love is this funny I think that's the brilliant thing about this film yeah reading it I read it more of it more more as a comedy yeah but then occasionally being in the room watching some of the horrific things I was like well maybe this isn't accommodate it's a great comment beneath one of the trailers for this movie which says everything becomes a thriller when Anya Taylor joys in it does that mean I'm like frightening or does that mean that I look frightened it's one of the two no no I don't think it's that I think you bring high stakes to the storytelling that's it I'm dramatic it's essentially no no no no no I mean have you seen Emma it gets really yeah I mean seriously like that is the Thriller of the ages yeah um [Music] by the way how pleasurable was it slapping this guy I'll tell I'll talk about that yeah you do it very pleasurable you do it like I definitely deserved it but that also that wasn't in the script it wasn't in the script so okay so here so here's here's here's here's the thing yeah I I will um I have a thing about feminine Rage which people think um for some reason and this is no you know with no disrespect to any racer I get a lot of like men doing really terrible things and women sitting silently was like one tier like slowly Falls and I'm like oh no no no no no no we get mad and angry and I remembered like pulling Mark aside and saying I'm really sorry but the only way to play this truthfully is for me to like attack him and he was like Oh you mean like this and I was like no no no like I'm gonna how about him and uh luckily everyone liked it and Nick was game and I didn't like it so you're gonna keep doing that what happens inside this room is meaningless compared to what happens outside Ray fines though is is one of those isn't he he's he's one of them he's one of those actors where you can convince yourself I'm going to be cool this is going to be chill he's just another human being but he is all caps right fine yeah how was it trying to become his best friend it went well we are best friends oh sweet you know he just peer straight through to your soul with those eyes and he looks at you and you go um please slap me I'd we just fell into like a very easy quiet like comfortability it sort of felt like this sounds like a really weird analogy but I felt like the air between us was like a warm bath we felt very calm and then he'd do this thank you and suddenly it's not fun anymore no you know the only issue with that is I made it like a choice I was like I want to sit this way because I want my back to be to the chef and like I have to you know turn around and whatever that essentially meant three months of like the worst neck pain you could ever possibly imagine because I spend the whole movie Just Twisted I like the idea dad might get an injury off that but not furiosa that's that's kind of what would really please me I got whiplash no no not from that one yeah what comfort food cookery shows are you watching and you can't answer the bear because the bear is not a comfort food show thank you we're firing 76b 34 chickens okay so that is comforting hey 12 french fries 12 match recently introduced a tiny kitchen it's not a show but it's so cute I could never do it I I could never do it but I I enjoy watching it it's very satisfying I saw Jeff Goldblum go to the set of tiny kitchen and it's one of the best things I've ever seen okay here goes and action there's Mr Hand he's frying a little bacon I just trust me when this interview's over enjoy yourself thank you oh this is terrible you see what's happening oh I see the whole table's moving sorry uh can we talk a bit about our director here because I'm amazed that the posters don't say from the director of Ali G into house I actually visited that set what I visited that set it was they were filming it just after we shot about a boy and they invited me down to watch the filming of energy in the house that's how I got this part uh years you know things pay off 21 years later things pay off I mean Mark's an incredible director isn't it yeah um on the topic of directors and Direction what is the most memorable piece of Direction you've ever been given that stuck with you because you're thinking hang on that's pretty unique I'm not going to hear that again I've got mine have you got yours no no you go I I I uh I've worked with this director called direct Doremus a few times and he gives me a nice Direction sometimes which is do nothing and I always liked that direction I'm like oh yeah like what am I out here doing act less and like absolutely yeah just don't worry exist it's so weird exist I've heard I've heard exist before or I've said like so I'll just exist in this moment fabulous wonderful could you exist better that's a question I ask myself every single day like constantly I'm like can I exist better there's my new tattoo no I got told once I think it was like one of my first really big emotional scenes and Night Shyamalan was like I've seen you cry and these are your own Tears Don't be selfish give the character her own tears and that completely changed the way that I acted forever because before then I'd always thought that it was about mining yourself for experiences and in that moment it was like oh this is a person that I take care of and I have to feel their feelings through empathy and that actually means that you can cry or at least I can cry like all day long because it's like your sister or your mum or your best friend what a trip literally just like don't be selfish give the character her own tears and I was like whoa that really boom yeah could you split your psyche please yes I can I mean you can see the different levels we work out here exactly I will do nothing come on do nothing become another human um can I briefly ask about Renfield because everything about that tell me just being in the same room as Nick Cage was worth it alone oh yeah yeah being in the same room with Nick Cage is I mean that that's a trip um but being in the same room as Nick Cage whilst he's dressed as Dracula and tormenting you as Dracula and you're his you're his kind of servant is really it's it's it's it's some of the most fun I've ever had on screen whilst being tortured it's like it's really brilliant please I can't wait guys tell me he does the full I've owned your blood there's not a full Transylvanian accent but it's really interesting he draws from so many fascinating places like he'd be like doing a scene he'd be like uh it's a bit like Anne Bancroft and the graduate in this moment and stuff and you see him like just take all these little elements he loves film he loves acting and so he's a wonderful person to be around he brings so much and ironically what caused that was somebody saying exist exist yeah guys what a pleasure thank you so much thank you have a great rest your day thank you as well yeah I really hope so
Channel: BBC Radio 1
Views: 1,042,907
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: LwHOqEvr6m4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 8sec (788 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 17 2022
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