I Did NOT Want To Catch This While Offshore Fishing! (Catch & Cook)

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well we got all our fishing gear we got our camera gear our captain over there but we do not have a boat we got here an hour early we thought the marina opened at six they open at seven it'll be a little bit of a late start this is uh my first trip back in pensacola since being down in fort myers for a week this will be interesting brian and i are gonna go offshore and we're gonna try to do some sort of a catch and cook there she is and guys that's a 30-foot cobia with twin 300s for those of you that are new to the channel we fished out of this boat a lot i think we've made like 50 videos out of this boat so it's been a big part of the channel this is about the nicest day we've seen to go offshore in a very very long time i'm super pumped and guys today's video is sponsored by carl's bait and tackle so when we go offshore like this we use a lot of yozuri crystal minnows and stuff like that which i do get from carl's bait and tackle they're an online retailer where uh we get a lot of our stuff from check them out they'll be linked in the description below uh really good group of guys and uh you know i highly recommend them we're gonna see some topwater fish today all right we're definitely gonna see some topwater fish where we can throw those josuris too maybe cobia mahi who knows guys i want y'all to look how beautiful it is out here we just uh we're headed out and we stopped because we saw a little floating structure right here and we're going to cast on it there's fish right out here in front of us guys i'm not 100 sure what it is oh he's on it oh we hit it dude look at there i got him whatever it is oh it is mahi dude look yeah we're just headed out guys and there's uh oh look there's a bunch of them down there look at them they're right under the boat with this little guy see him that's kind of cool we were just headed out and ran them over a little chicken this is like that day uh me and lisa were out here all right let's keep on looking so guys there's a huge floating board that we're just coming up on now and anytime you find floating structure like this you've got a good shot that there being fish around it but i'm not sure oh yeah there's fish around it i don't know what they are uh it looks like jack's i figured there would be uh mahi or triple tail or something but not seeing that man that's disappointing i figured there'd be fish all over that thing so the bottom looks pretty good right here guys i'm gonna drop a couple pieces of squid down just to see if there's anything here real quick then we may drop a big bait down for an amberjack or something because it is amberjack season as soon as i got soon as i get down there i'm getting bit oh there he is now first first drop he i got something small though i think i think you know what this is feeling like a little scamp it's as soon as you get to the bottom whoa look at this oh i got your line brian guys check this fish out that i just caught check that out guys now that is some sort of a rasay okay and and i'm not exactly sure the correct name for it but is that not a beautiful beautiful fish right here all right y'all let's try that one more time i'm gonna drop down that was kind of a unique catch right there i got hit as soon as i got to the bottom look at this guys the second it gets to the bottom i'm getting smacked now none of those are big hits yet i'm waiting on like a good hit yeah i'm old oh come on i mean that was the literally there's just there just must be just thousands of fish down here this is something that you can do if you have kids and want to take them out here and just have a blast to catch edible fish double up that's why it felt heavy a ruby red lips and a vermilion snapper that's a ruby red lips you can see why and this is a keeper vermilion snapper but he's a little small i know we'll catch bigger ones so i'm gonna let him go all right let's try this again except this time get something bigger here yeah i've got a small guy as well oh i don't know mine's better than i thought okay uh he just started fighting this is uh this pretty decent one here i think whatever i have if it's not like a red snapper is gonna be a probably a keeper fish nope yeah wait hold on oh giant giant that may be one of the biggest vermilion we've ever caught on your boat brian that's kind of what we came out here for right there that is a giant giant vermillion snapper look at that's gonna be tasty too we may do a catch and cook with this guy i don't know let's try that again all right i'm go this time i'm going down two pieces of cut bait we want another fish like that there he is oh that's a good fish that's a good fish he was just sitting there with it in his mouth oh yeah oh yeah oh my goodness guys this fish right here has some if it's not a red snapper then i do think it's a red snapper though unfortunately oh he came off right there no i mean he was right under the boat you are not going to believe this guys the fish that i just had on he apparently got had so much air that he floated to the top and we're about to be able to net him i think it's a giant trigger but i don't know no it's it's a red snapper didn't it what the crap oh dude no look something got him oh that's the fish i just had on that is a giant trigger fish check that out right there folks that's one of the biggest triggers that we've ever had on on the boat and i was wondering why it came off and now i know the man the tax man got him i had to pay my taxes let's see what we're going to catch this drop it's like a box of chocolates down there today folks every drop something different happens which is kind of cool oh brian's got a good one on over there on the jig let's go see what he's got i'll set this bad boy in the rod holder for a second definitely got to be at the vermillion oh i don't know i think you got a shark you just got you just got sharp [Laughter] whatever you had is definitely oh i just got shark too i think on my big rod my big rod just got sharped brian oh really yeah i don't know you're just kind of coming up to the top maybe it's not look at this another trigger bring him up look at this y'all we are straight up paying the tax man [Laughter] lee today done playing games we brought a spanish mackerel from the freezer at home i'm done paying taxes we're sending him down yeah oh there's he just got popped he did he definitely is getting hit let's see if he'll take it he just got whacked here guys i just don't know if he's gonna take it all the way or not let's see oh oh there he goes there he oh come on come back guys it takes some real talent to catch two remoras at one time but brian landry just did it right here [Laughter] oh yep i'm on i'm on dang that's a big fish here i don't know what i got i don't know what i got this is a heavy heavy fish and i got him on pretty light line so i just want to be nice and easy this is a big grouper brian i think man i hung him on my vermillion snapper rig and so these hooks will straighten out in a new york second guys if i can get this fish up he is gonna be a big big grouper the only thing i'm worried about is i'm having to put very light pressure on him but and so that gives a shark a chance to eat him if don't let me down don't be some foul hooked ruby red lips oh he's coming he's coming i'm putting very very light pressure on this guy because of the uh tackle that i've got him on oh don't run don't run there it is brian oh no that's like the disappointment of the century right here it's a shark it's a shark i did not want to catch that when you think you got a grouper dude they he no head shake no head shake at all super smooth i'm like i got a big grouper giant scamp that's like the fake out of the century right there like there was literally the smoothest fish i'm just going to tell you the title of this video right now i did not want to catch this while offshore fishing because that's exactly how i feel look at that hey hey hey see ya well nonetheless nonetheless it's it's a pretty good day so far that's a pretty fish man let's see oh there's about a thousand of them with him look at that oh look at them all look at them all oh they're they're all behind the boat come on come on there he is i got him oh you stupid come on they're following the boat ooh yeah i got one i got one there he is these aren't bad these are definitely uh a little bigger chicken dolphin here there there's a bunch of them here though oh you're on there yes these are such pretty fish and there's no size limit on these guys so we'll keep a few of them just to make some fish tacos even though they're not big ones you are allowed to keep these which is cool and they're they're all over right behind the boat here they're kind of getting fired up and i'm what i'm oh there's a little bit bigger one what i'm hoping happens is we get a real big one to come up because that sometimes is the case look at them all down there guys i don't know if you can see them there's just uh just a ton of them and a little trick is if you leave them in the water they'll all stay around the boat like this so i'm leaving that guy in the water hooked and the school's staying with the boat so you probably don't even have to drop it very far you're on yeah that's kind of cool that's a a good size right here to uh to make a little fish taco with it's every cast guys when you get into them like this it's it's kind of cool i mean they're not big but like it's so much fun i'm gonna throw this one back because he's small and the big ones will come up even if they're down a little bit yeah good gracious golly he got some air look at there that actually it looks like a pompano dolphin that's that's what this is guys and so this right here these are pompano dolphin and i didn't realize it until just then and a pompano dolphin is actually a different species than a that's a pompano dolphin and he's a different species than like the big dolphin that you see and usually pompano dolphin don't get much bigger than this y'all can go google it and when you see these pompano dolphin they usually run in big schools and they you don't ever usually see big ones with it which is kind of interesting oh look there's more this is this is crazy there he is there he is look at him look at him google pompano dolphin you'll see the difference they kind of have a little rounded head and uh whoo there he is yeah oh yeah oh he got a oh there he is that's a little better one there there we go come here baby what i am hoping happens though is that a big giant bull dolphin is in here or a wahoo or something it comes up to the boat that's in here feeding on these guys and that's very possible so we have some big rods ready for them if that does happen look at all the weeds out here guys there's just grass sargassum for just miles out here today and there's all kind of fish there's a little almaco jack we just caught off of it what a day man we caught some good fish i'm gonna walk up here and see what ron's up to they just got back in town from south florida they stayed down an extra day for the wedding oh there he is what's up my buddy there he is what's going on oh man you missed a good day out there dude you would have caught your pb mahi because you've never caught one ever i'm definitely a little disappointed that you caught mahi but i'm happy for you and brian i'm glad you guys got on them but yeah we got to get back out there so i can catch a mahi it's definitely a bucket list fish are those packages for us those are packages for us that's why i called you to come over today uh first off did you like bring some fish to cook because i did i brought you some mahi little known fact i've never had mahi ever you're about to i know so i'm i'm stoked about that but yeah these are packages that have those are our p.o box packages guys it came while we were gone let's open them up so we're gonna start with one at a time and as you all know we did get a p.o box because we get so many people asking us to send us things this is the first one right here and it's from gulf shores alabama gulf shores out there you could have drove that over there that's not very far from us yeah gulf storage is really close to us so wait what if something bad is in these that's why you're opening it they have a letter oh a handwritten letter yeah i already know what's going to be in here yeah read it go ahead and rate it bryant and cameraman rob [Laughter] hopefully you guys can finally catch some fish in the surf love matthew that's from beaches it's from bama beach right he got anything a bomb what a shameless sponsor plug matthew ismail just sent us some beach bomb just sent us some bomb bites dude that's hilarious so he just snuck his way into our video like he's not here beach was still over on the east coast fishing and he found a way to sneak in our inbox well you know what we'll go catch some dink whiting with your with your bum bites i'm a little concerned about this one i mean first of all they did not spell my name right they did not know which nobody does that's true so i'm going to block out his name but check it out guys no we don't have to get that no that's why i'm covering that address up so but he did spell brandt's name and this e-r-a-n-d-t and this is from scooter peter parish he's a subscriber so before we say thanks we're gonna make sure oh wait i know who this is from okay his youtube name is mr i told you so okay we i don't know what it is but he did reach out and told us that he sent us okay bubble wrap an individual that's just his okay that's his information you open yours first are you scared maybe what if scooter's out to get us we've had some people out to get us late yeah well stay tuned for that in the next couple of videos and talk to you all that are like angry some hate we've been getting angry but you know what you don't like kate that just means you're ruffling feathers you're getting bigger and you don't get hate when you're small that's right and you're getting you're getting engagement oh look oh we got lures dude check it out these are nice lure these are flat fall jigs man so i'm guessing these are his homemade flat fall jigs which we can definitely use when we go offshore fishing like uh the video you're watching right now look at that so you got it so apparently scooter makes his own baits is what is what it looks like yeah for sure these are uh so these are these feel like either six this feels like an eight ounce flat fall which if you watch uh any of our offshore videos with brian we use a lot of flat falls which are really really cool so um and then ron got him a bunch of little trout baits and i'm gonna tell you what i'm gonna have to i'm gonna have to share these with matthew because this is up his alley like this is a matthew babe it is man beach bum loves the swim bait so we will definitely put these to good use we'll make sure we feature these in the video so so before we open the last thing i got something for you hold on one second oh lord let me let me chug this beer real quick y'all cause anything can happen right now this this right here is mahi mahi and ron has never had mahi [Music] i'm glad this didn't come in the mailbox because i'm about to get down on this did you bread it in cheese balls we should have a cheese we actually have a cheese ball breading video coming out on beachbody we do on beachfront channel the smell is it any good dude what did you bread that in seriously so hold on let me see hmm not so much dang son that's money that might be the best fish we've ever eaten all right so let me tell you what i did per block brian landry's request and brian is a insane yeah that's what i was getting ready to say brian landry is honestly probably the best fish cook hands down with the small mahi he said the best way to fry them is to go egg yolk flour back in the egg yolk flour but season the fish before you put them in the egg yolk the first time so that's what i'm tasting so you heavily season that season the fish first and then throw them it's really really good all seriousness that i promise you that of all the stuff we cook that's gonna be the best thing we've ever had taste that's could you imagine with some tartar sauce dude that may be the fish i must eat the whole thing that may be the first fish you do need the breading because the breading is where it's at for the fish holy crap no the breading's phenomenal but the fish that's i mean that's good yeah i don't know if i'll give it back that's really good i mean that's all right we got one more one more let's throw it up here guys i kind of cut it open so it would be easier but i think i know what this one is ron may not but i think it is exactly what i thought it was who is this from first before i show you who is this from it's just from amazon fulfillment nobody didn't put their name it's anonymous subscribers what is it we appreciate it y'all oh y'all this is a hole look at this look at this is that a hole it's a whole case okay i got me some snacks dude no you don't know what that box has what i'm gonna take a couple of those you're not eating cheese balls and you know what those are mine literally everything else has had bran and cameraman run this one just has my name on it [Laughter] we appreciate you watching these videos if you want to uh participate in the p.o box and and send us some stuff that's linked in the description because i know a lot of you guys have asked but uh we appreciate you watching the simple florida series we do and two things that i want to add one we love getting stuff that you guys make and try because as you guys know we're all about people being creative and whether that's making videos or making your own bait and tackle we love to see people exercising their creative outlets so when we get stuff like scooter sent us today we love that yeah you know we're going to go out and we're going to try it out which is what we kind of are building this channel on and i know you guys have noticed over the last three or four months we're doing things differently but here's the thing we're still fishing just as much or more in catching more fish than we ever have but we're just making our videos longer we're adding more to it adding uh you know a personalized feel with the dinners uh when family and friends we're throwing some comedy and they're doing whatever like when we feel inspired that's what that's what we do and i hope you you pick up on that and enjoy what we're doing because i mean and we're working hard i mean we really are like it's it's the easiest part of these videos is going out and catching the fish the engagement and the feedback has been 99.9 positive and we are blown away by your guys support for what we're doing absolutely 100 guys we can't thank you enough for all the support but there are a few people that don't get it there are and you know you guys see it in the comments and 99 percent of times you guys defend us and we are grateful for that as well but there are people that don't get it people that are just miserable humans to begin with like i got a voice message yesterday on his personal personal phone with somebody which for the record he thought i set up i mean no i would i don't know it was weird it was definitely it was weird that i got that personal message blocked number with somebody just wanting to give us a voice message as to how much they hate what we're doing and that's the thing which is awesome because that means we're ruffling feathers and i'm going to ruffle some more feathers we feel inspired we're making a video that's right and if you're going to call us and hate on us at least have the guts to leave your nose to leave your number because that is about as low as you can go to call and leave a message like brent got yesterday from what we are going to do we are going to turn that into a skit so we saved the voicemail oh yeah yeah that's coming you all going to see us y'all going to see us never seen i'm going to make him a grilled cheese sandwich and he's going to be in the basement you got to give me some mountain dew and doritos all right cool guys thanks for watching the video as always shoot us a thumbs up if you enjoyed it be looking for the fish fry tomorrow night well it's not gonna be out until friday but we are filming fish fry tomorrow night here at ron's house y'all have a great week
Channel: AnglerUp with Brant
Views: 57,934
Rating: 4.9606209 out of 5
Keywords: catch clean cook, catch n cook, catch and cook
Id: rE__18_NY28
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 56sec (1496 seconds)
Published: Wed May 26 2021
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