Hyprland on Arch Install script -V2

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what's up guys welcome back today we're going to talk about hyperlane again this is going to be the second video I'm making about hyperlan and this is basically an improvement on my previous video on how to get hyperlane up and running a little bit easier a little bit quicker and a little bit neater in my opinion so let's get started um Sol let's do Tech first thing I want to say thank you to all the support you guys are amazing thank you very much for all the positive feedback and for supporting my channel by subscribing I really appreciate it with that said there were some negative feedback as well uh mainly with some issues with the script I hopefully took all those negative feedback and packed it into this V2 version that I'm hoping is going to be a lot better for everybody um I added some additional error checking and additional um functionality to the script to make it easier for the installation process so I hope you guys like this new version and I just wanted to Showcase it real quick before we jump into the actual work all right so let's take a quick look at the hyper-v2 project as you can see a very similar directory structure I'll go ahead and run the script as you can tell I've cleaned it up a little bit so it's easier to follow I'm also going to check for yay in the script and if it's not installed I will install it for you so you don't have to worry about that part anymore same thing for the packages when uh we install packages I will first check to see if they're installed if they're installed I will skip them if they're not installed I will install them and confirm that they actually have been installed before we move on um similar thing for the configuration files I know some of you are going to run this on existing systems with configs I don't want to override your configs so I will check to see if the configuration directory is there if it is I'll back it up and then I'll copy the config into script over to the location but there will be a backup so hopefully uh this takes care of a lot of the issues that they were happening with the script and uh here let's go ahead and go into the config directory because I did have an installation here and if I do an LS you can see that those configurations have been backed up with a dash back all right so let's get started with installing Arch I'm not going to cover creating a bootable USB in this video I will link my previous video where I describe that process uh in the description so feel free to check that out if you need help with that uh but moving forward we'll assume that we're booting off that USB and we're starting the installation of Arch Linux all right so here we are all booted up and ready to go now if you are connected to the internet with an ethernet cable you can skip this next command this command is for people that are using Wi-Fi so if you're using Wi-Fi we have to connect the system to your Wi-Fi network and we'll use the iwctl command and the first thing we want to do after we enter this utility is we want to make sure that we can see what's going on so we'll use station WLAN show so we can see what's happening and the first thing is after that is to scan so we'll up key and we'll change show to scan and as you can see it's scanning now and now I think we're ready to connect so we'll just up key and change scan to connect and we'll type our SSID over here so for me it's a sol.stack dash wi-fi and I hit enter and now it's going to ask me for my Wi-Fi password I'm going to go ahead and punch that in there we go and hit enter and as you can see we're connected so we're ready to go we're sending packets we're ready to go and next we'll type quit and hit enter all right so now we're ready to update the keys so we'll type Pac-Man Dash key dash dash init and now it's going to grab the list gpg keys that we need just to make sure the installation goes smoothly after that we'll up key and we'll change the init to dash dash populate Arch Linux and now it's going to grab everything that we need and once that's completed uh we can just type Arch install and hit enter all right so this is going to actually kick off the arch install script which is a really nice utility and there it is so first thing is our language and it all looks good English and then keyboard layout us it's fine and now we pick Army origin so we can scroll up and down in here in this list or we can just uh forward slash and start typing for me it's United States so here it is and I'll hit enter and that sets up all the locales and now I'm going to pick the drive that I want to install too so click on that all right here's a list of all the drives in my system as you can see the USB that I'm booted from is also listed there I'll go ahead and pick my internal SSD drive and hit enter and now I'm prompted to decide a disk layout so I'm going to pick the wipe all uh if you're following along just be careful this means that I will delete everything off your drive so I'm going to pick white ball and hit enter and I'm prompted for which file system I would like to use and I like to use ext4 you can use whichever file system you like for me it's going to be ext4 and now it's going to ask me if I want to create a separate partition for home I'm going to say no to that again it's your preference if you want to do that you can leave the default it's up to you I'm not going to use this encryption and for bootloader this time I will use the systemd so I'll I'll just leave the default I like to use grub but um for this installation let's just do systemd and see how well that goes all right I'm not going to touch the swap leave it exactly the way it is for hostname I'll keep hostname the way it is you can change that later I'm not going to set a root password so that's fine and now we have to create a user so I'm going to click on that and I'm going to click on add a user and I'll type my username so soul and my super complicated password and I'll repeat it again and I want to make sure this is a super user so I'll switch to yes and everything looks good so I'll go ahead and click on confirm and exit next is the profile so we'll click on that and there's four profiles desktop minimal server and xorg this is going to be a minimal installation so we'll click on minimal and I would pick an audio server so we need to pick pop wire for that and leave the kernel the way it is nothing to change there additional packages we do need some additional packages the first one is git we do need git to be installed we'll hit space and then I like to use neoving you can use any editor you like but neovium is the one I like to use so I'll type that in there and hit enter and then next is the network configuration so we'll click on that and we want to use a network manager so we'll select that and time zone same as region you can scroll up and down in here or you can hit the forward slash and start typing your zone for me it's going to be Los Angeles area hit enter leave automatic time and optional uh repos we do want to use the multi-lib just in case and everything looks good so we'll hit install all right so what's going to happen now is your system is going to reach out to the Internet it's going to grab a bunch of package and install it that process could take some time so I recommend to get a nice cup of coffee and watch it make sure everything looks good there's no errors I'm going to fast forward you can pause the video right now if you're following along and we'll catch up once everything completes all right so once we reach this stage that means everything is already installed and ready to go at this point I'm going to click on no that's going to put me in the command prompt and now I'm going to give the system a command to reboot I'm just going to type reboot and hit enter foreign so here we are in a fresh uh new Arch installation and uh don't worry about the error on the screen that has to do with my capture card so you'll most likely not see that uh let's go ahead and type in our username and our password hit enter uh so we are logged in now the first thing we want to do is we want to make sure that we can access the internet if you're connected with ethernet cable most likely you ready to go uh we just have to make sure the DHCP and DNS did what they're supposed to do so one way to do that is to use the pin command so we'll just type ping and we can ping uh Arch linux.org now as you can see on my system uh that did not work because I am on Wi-Fi so to connect to Wi-Fi uh we'll type this command and mcli device Wi-Fi connect and I will put in the SSID of your Wi-Fi network so for me it's a saltas tech dash wi-fi now we'll type password and we're actually going to have the actual password for the network so mine is going to be blurred out and then we'll hit enter and it's going to give us a confirmation there it is it told us that it was able to connect and now if I do a ping again um I'll actually get a response back so we'll just make sure and here we go so it's giving me a reply back and I can go ahead and Ctrl C to exit out of that and I'll clear my screen so the first thing you want to do is make sure that we're sitting in our home directory we can verify which directory and by typing PWD if we're not in our home directory we can just type CD and hit enter and that's going to put us back in our home directory and next we want to clone the repository so we'll hit get clone https colon forward slash forward slash github.com forward slash solder stack uh forward slash hyper V2 dot get and hit enter and that's going to clone the repo to our local system and let's take a look there it is and let's see the Intuit and let's take a look at the file system so now we want to make the set hyperscript executable so we use jamod plus X said hyper and let's verify okay it's executable and now we can go ahead and run the set hyperscript all right so now we're setting some expectation uh this is not designed to run on a virtual machine so just take a note of that also Nvidia gpus are not fully supported so make a note of that and now we get the option do we want to continue or we want to exit I'm going to continue so I'm going to say yes and now we see a reminder that this script does use sudo so you will be required to enter your password at some point and the script notice that yay is not installed and it's asking us if we would like to install yay so yay is required I am going to say yes to that and now it's going to prompt me for my password so I'm going to type that in and hit enter and now the installation of yay had started this may take a few minutes now it's asking me if I want to disable the Wi-Fi power save since I'm using Wi-Fi this is actually going to improve my connection so I'm going to say yes to that so now it's letting me know it created this file and it's restarting the network manager all right now it's going to ask me if I want to install the packages which obviously I do so I'm going to hit yes and it's going to start the installation process uh this is stage one there are three stages of the installation I kind of divided the packages up to three different stages what it's doing is it's going to check to see if the package is installed if the package is not installed it's going to download it and install it and then it's going to verify that it actually was installed and if it finds it after the installation and everything looks good it's going to give us an okay if it wasn't able to find it it will give us an error and it will exit the script if that happens you can run the script one more time or you can also check the install log which it does create to see where the error was as you you can see it already installed hyperlan and now it's moving on to Kitty and next is the way bar so again this is three different stages and it's going to take a while so just let it run and if it finds anything it will actually tell us that it found it and there's no need to install so it will skip it so this is okay to run an assistant that already has packages in it it's not going to try to reinstall your packages please note that this process can take a while to finish what it's doing it's actually downloading large packages from the internet and compiling and installing them onto your system so it can take some time uh like I said there are three stages we're on stage one I'm gonna fast forward to kind of show stage two and stage three but on your system it's obviously going to take a little bit longer uh than the video so just keep that in mind and let the script do its thing so here we are on stage two of the installation again this is going to install additional packages so it will take some time and here we are on stage three which is the last stage of the software installation all right so now we're going to start a couple of services and then it's going to ask me if I want to copy over the config files I'm going to say yes to that and just a note this is safe to do on a system that already has existing configs as it will back up your configs and uh the next thing is it's going to ask me if I want to install the Starship shell and I do want to do that so I'm going to say yes it's completely up to you if you want that customization I think it looks neat so I'm going to go for it and then um if you have an Asus Rog laptop you may want to install the supported software from Asus linux.org great utilities for your ssrog laptop so I'm going to say yes since I do have Rog laptop and I would like those tools to be installed so it's going to go through and add the repo and actually update the system and install the software all right now with everything installed the script is going to prompt us and give us the option to start hyperland if we say no here it's going to put us back in the command prompt but I do want to start hyperlens I'm going to click yes and that's going to give me the login screen via sddm so now we actually have a graphical login screen which is going to make it a lot easier to get into hyperland so I'm going to type in my password and hit enter and if everything works hyperlens should come up and there it is and as you can tell it's a little bit different than the first version of my script I did change some things around a couple of surprises I'm going to go over them in a second all right so let's take a look at this config because it's a little different than the previous config I did move some things around and also added some functionality so we'll start with the far top left corner where I added an icon for a launcher so when you click on that icon which is the arch logo you'll get the graphical launcher so you can still use your keyboard commands which will be super space for my config to actually open up the launcher or you can use the icon so it's up to you next are the workspaces I moved them around so they're a little bit closer to the launch trick makes a little bit more sense easier to follow then after that we have our CPU usage so this will show you how much CPU you're currently using and as well as memory so this is how much memory is currently being used when you Mouse over it shows you the amount same thing for this space so when you Mouse over that it will show you how much this space is consumed and when you click on any of those just a regular click uh it would launch b top uh b-top is a resource monitor kind of gives you a nice overview of what's happening with your system and then to Exit B top uh just hit the q key on the keyboard and next are the the window title goes over here so when you have a window that's open it will show you the title and next to the clock right in the center there there's the lock so when you click on that it will lock your screen in between the lock and the and the clock there is actually an updater shows you how many updates are available and then when you click on that updater it would actually start up an update session using yay so I'll just type in my password here to demonstrate and here are my updates and I'm going to hit enter and it's going to ask me if I want to install I'm going to say yes and hit enter and when it's done it's going to close on its own now the number up there will update eventually but right now it's still sitting at four next is the clock when you Mouse over it'll show you the date and next to the clock uh we have the power button when you click on that it will let you lock the screen log out suspend reboot or shut down the system and next is our temperature for the system so this shows you one of the zones and when you click on that also opens up the b top because there is some more thermal information inside b top I'll hit Q to close and over here this is uh from the Asus Rog software uh I have a way of switching uh the power profiles here so when I click on them they switch around and then next to that uh this is the battery indicator as to how much battery I have on my laptop next is screen brightness so you can use the scroll wheel up and down to increase or decrease the brightness of your screen and then it's the volume for the speakers same thing we just scroll wheel up and down and thus will increase and decrease your volume same thing for your microphone input use the scroll wheel up and down now when you click on it it will mute both the microphone and you can do the same thing for the speakers another click will unmute and then if you right click on it it opens up a graphical interface to manage your audio inputs and outputs and I'll do super F4 to close this next is the systring and in here we have couple of applets running first one is for Network so if I click on it I can see some Network information and I can actually manage my Wi-Fi networks from there from a graphical interface when I click on edit here it is and again I'll do super F4 to close this screen and uh right next to that uh we have the Bluetooth manager same deal so right click on it and here's some information and same thing if I want to actually see your devices I'll click on that and that will show me um devices that are available over Bluetooth and same thing here I'll just do super F4 to close it and next is the weather so this is a little weather script and it kind of shows us the weather and pretty nice day and the next icon this is a little fun icon that I added I thought it would be fun to have so this is going to let you have uh different kind of themes so when I click on it it's going to switch to light mode and it changes the background it changes the the way bar and it also changes the the drop down menus I'll actually open up the file browser funner here with Super E and as you can see if I click on this switch back to dark mode it changes the theme on that as well foreign the next item is we need to install a browser so I don't install a browser with my script because everybody has their preferences my preference happens to be chromium so I'm going to show you how I install chromium once I get system up and running so I'll do super Q and then I'll type yay Dash capital S chromium and I'll hit enter it's going to ask me for my password so I'll type that in and hit enter and here's all the dependencies and I'm going to say yes and hit enter and it's going to install everything for me and then I'll use my graphical launcher to launch chromium there we go one of the first thing I like to do is open up the settings and then head on over to appearance and make sure I'm using the gtk theme and the next thing is uh over here on the top I'm going to erase that I'm going to put Chrome colon forward slash forward slash flags and then the search bar I'm going to type Wayland and these are two things we need to change so the first one is for pipe wire we're going to enable that and the next one I'm going to make sure it's set to Wayland and then I'll click relaunch now even with that being relaunched I like to close it and reopen it okay so now that we're ready uh let's see if the theme is going to work and here we go so theming is also working with that uh that's one of the reason why I like to use chromium because it does theme pretty well all right next let's talk about the config because that's really what drives hyperlink so we'll take a look at that I'll go ahead and launch Kitty using super Q Let's do an LS and take a look at the home directory so you see we have two files here the first uh is directory which is what we downloaded from GitHub the second file is the start hyper file this would actually is the file that launches uh hyperland so let's open that up and as we can see we have some exports in here and it's very important that we don't delete this file because this is what sddm is referencing so if you delete this file your graphical login will not work uh down below there's an area for you to add your own exports and all the way on the bottom there's some experimental uh environment variables that you can use to try to get Nvidia GPU support to work uh again there's no guarantee there's a link to the wiki there but uh you can give it a shot if you have a Nvidia GPU all right let's do an ls-la to see everything and as we can see we still have a few other directories in our home directory but the one we want to focus on is the dot config so let's go in there and let's do an LS in here and here's all of our config directories for the various software that we installed we're going to city into the hyper directory which is the hyperland configuration and we'll take a look in there and we have a few files in here uh here's the backgrounds there's some scripts folder uh the main hyperlane.com file so this is the main configuration file and then we also have our Rog g15 specific binds configuration file so we're going to focus on the hyperlane.com file so let's take a look at that all right so on the very top we have our monitor set up right now it's set to Preferred um I did leave some information below to my monitor setup so you can use that as a reference to update uh your config to have higher resolution and different refresh rates that's down here below one thing I want to note is to kind of get an idea of your output if you open up another screen here inside hyperliner you type hyper CTL space monitors and then hit enter it will show you the various ports and the Teflon monitors are currently connected so as you can see I have my EDP which is my laptop screen and there's a HDMI which is my capture screen running at 1920x1080 at 60 hertz all right let's close that all right moving down to list we have a section where we launch various applications on Startup and these various sections they're all very well documented on the wiki and there's links to the wiki still inside the config so you can use that if you want to make any kind of edits now in this section we have some window rules this is where I tell specific applications that I would like them to float and not be tiled you can replicate that for your various needs and same thing in this rule section where I tell it how to pop in or how to slide in and the opacity of different applications based on their application type or title alright so in this section we set our keybinds the first one is super Q which opens up a kitty next one is super and F4 which closes an active window the next one after that is super L and that locks the screen so let me demonstrate and you just type your password and hit enter to unlock one thing this will also do is show you how many bad attempts were made so here I'll punch in a bad password and when I attempt to type it again it will show the number one which just tells me that one bad attempt was made uh next one is the logout screen so when I do uh super M it will show me the logout options and then Super shift and will actually Force exit hyper land so keep that in mind um this is um Super E and I will open up thunder which is a graphical file manager and then super uh V will switch between tiling mode to float mode so you can uh basically make a window float around you can stretch it around move it around um I'll show with a second window here I'll open up another kitty session and I'll make that float and I'll make a little bit smaller and I'll move it around and then I'll switch between the windows here you go and I'll close this window out and go back to tally mode with Super V here we go next is our graphical launcher and I will be a super and a space key so let me demonstrate and let me demonstrate the super p and super J so here we go with super J you kind of flip the tiling mode around and now I'll hit a super P here we go the next item is a Super S and that allows us to take screenshots let me demonstrate hit Super S and now I can select an area of the screen and I can screenshot that area all right next let's talk about the way bar config uh that's obviously any point component of our deployment so let's take a look at that config file all right so let's open up kitty with super Q let's go ahead and CD into the dot config folder and into the way bar folder Let's do an LS and here is our config file for the way bar so let's open that up in the very top section here uh this is where we kind of set up our modules for the way bar so we have left Center and right pretty self-explanatory as you can see the various modules are called in there in their order and then below that this is where we actually specify the various actions for each of the module so a good example here is the launcher which is a custom module and as we can see we have the format which is basically the icon and we have what it's going to do on click so this is the one right there and this is where it's defined you can see it's the first one on the left and here's another example this is the lock screen module as you can see it's uh the first one in the center and there it is right there and we Define exactly what it's going to do so this is where you can actually go in and customize your way bar uh to function and look the way you would like it to look I encourage you to get in here and move things around and play with this and don't worry if you mess anything up you still have a copy of the config and it's always available on my GitHub so you can always get it if you need to go back to the original config all right next I want to take a quick look at what at the style file which is basically what uh allows us to control how things are looking on the way bar so this is where you will set colors and sizes of various things over here this is kind of an area where all the different modules get dissimilar look and feel so same background same opacity same kind of padding and then uh these two sections down here this is where they get their closing borders uh whether it's the left or to the right uh get those rounded corners so again just with the config I will encourage you to go in here and play around and change colors and change things around um and make this your own you know just make it feel the way you would like it to be and that's what's great about this um disk configuration it's very flexible and it will let you have a system the way you want it to look and feel thank you for watching the video guys I hope you enjoyed it if you liked the video please hit the like button please also consider subscribing to the channel and thank you for everyone that already has if you have any questions please hit me up in the comment section I do my best to answer all questions in a timely fashion thank you again I'm so wishing you a nice rest of your day
Channel: Sol Does Tech
Views: 101,639
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 8GmpCwBqHCA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 34sec (1834 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 04 2023
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