Hypnotizing Jacob Sartorius, Baby Ariel, & Zach Clayton | Entire Uncut Hypnosis Video

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so you guys had a couple questions about hypnosis yeah so what do you guys want to know you mentioned you were kind of nervous oh all right what are you nervous about getting stuck alright so this is not like get out I don't know if you guys have seen that movie but so many people yeah DNA they're like okay yeah so many people like what if that happens whatever works but the thing is that hypnosis isn't mind control if it was mind control yeah then you'd want to be afraid of getting stuck not coming out of it but it doesn't work like that it's not like the movies where it's like oh I have these superpowers or now you're gonna get stuck in this date no matter what but as a hypnotist I give you the instructions to facilitate going into that state if you don't listen to the instructions or if you just decide to stop listening to the instructions halfway through nothing happens right so you're not gonna get stuck any more than you'd get stuck falling asleep and if you fall asleep at night and you go in you start dreaming which is very similar to what hypnosis is is you get into a dreamlike state where the suggestions of beliefs and ideas that I give you even though they're not real they seem real and you experience them like they're real just like in a dream you know what's happening in your dream isn't real because it's a dream but it feels real in the dream doesn't it so the same thing is in a hypnotic state I'm getting to the point where what I'm saying feels real even though it's not you're so immersed in that idea that it feels real but just you could be in a super deep dream and you'd wake up if you hear the fire alarm in your house because you're still always totally alert and aware of what's going on even in deepest sleep so same thing with hypnosis if at any time you felt unsafe uncomfortable or if you were like now I just don't like this you would just stop listening they may stop focusing on me and you just be able to do your thing right now I know the point of this is to have fun so I know you guys want to let yourself stay in the experience but if I already hypnotized you and then just get up and leave your house you'd know you'd stop hearing me and you'll be like okay wait no this time is over and you'd you naturally come out of it totally be the first reported case in human history of anyone ever getting stuck in hypnosis because it's impossible well and sometimes well and sometimes people will actually like joke around with that like there was one one case where a hypnotist was like trying to get somebody out of hypnosis and they weren't waking up and they weren't coming out of it until I got what's going on and tried a couple times and finally he's able to get this guy out of hypnosis and he was like what was going on like why weren't you coming out of it I think I was just like oh I just wanted to see what happened if I didn't wake up like he was just trying to mess with the hypnotist it's like okay it doesn't really work that way so same thing right yeah you're totally still conscious okay yeah because here's the thing if you're blacked out how would you be able to hear what I say and if you didn't hear what I say how would you be able to yeah so the way so the way works is like it like a dreamlike state even though you know it's not real you experience it like it's real right you just step outside you're already swimming like how much it's raining isn't it is water really that's another video for another time send me all right so again it's not mind control so the more you open yourself up to the experience the more it'll work if you try to prove to yourself that you can't be hypnotized then nothing will happen okay so just give yourself complete total permission to let it work sort of like even though you'll still hear other noises hear the sounds think your own thoughts in a way if you let your voice your internal voice become my voice or let my voice become your internal voice where you just focus completely on me and on nothing else that's what will help the experience work the most all right excellent like the sound of that no I want and and you guys to see my videos but the premise of what I do and the way I do things differently than that are hypnotist is for me I don't think entertainment should ever be the expense of another person so I don't humiliate anybody I don't do anything where people like regret it goofy stuff right like you've seen the videos are like none of the stuff that Jayden did was ever embarrassing he was like oh my gosh can't believe I did that but it was fun and it was cool of like whoa how did I see an alien or how did I forget my lyrics or how did this happen you know like if you watched all the way to the end of the video he was like what happened but that's that should be the goal for people to be like whoa that was so cool that was crazy versus like oh my gosh I can't believe I was humiliated sucks well alright fantastic you've tuned in to the right channel yeah alright yeah could you have you ever done one it's just or like hypnotism or like it's three people but you've hypnotized them to think like they're talking to each other like oh my name's ray but we don't think she's like somebody else and she thinks she's actually meant to is that a thing and Christian making her think like she's Felina goal is and we've all think she is yeah yeah my Billa try something like that have you ever hypnotized like a family member I have yeah actually my brother was one of the first people i hypnotized when i I started getting into it not sure what that was but all right last breaths of oxygen all right nothing to be scared about nothing to be nervous about just let yourself become open are we really sure we don't have the same name but that's right that's true there we go now we all on the tick-tock so we have a tick-tock cleaner take that but tick tock all right cool let's go you ready yes okay so what have you do is actually sit up if you will all right we're already doing the opposite all right so instead of four more I'll have you do is take your right hand and put it out directly in front of you just like this I don't you to close your hand into a fist and just look right at the back of your hand just right at the back of your hand and as you focus on that spot let your eyes stay locked on that spot almost you could imagine like a laser beam from your eyes locked on your fists locked on your hand locked on your arm and as your eyes are locked on that spot you can allow your mind to become locked on the sound of my voice where you focus on and listen to only my voice and nothing else because my voice is what will help you to experience the state of hypnosis here today is your eyes focus and lock on that spot as your mind locks on my voice that's right continue to concentrate continue to focus and you might already start to notice it the more you focus the more you can already begin to get relaxed physically mentally relaxed and in a moment I'm going to pull down on that arm and say the word sleep and when I do you're not gonna go to sleep you're not gonna fall asleep you're simply just gonna let yourself drop into a sleep-like state of relaxation concentration where you focus only on my voice and on nothing else that word sleep just lets you get as relaxed as possible you can allow your eyes to close and let yourself focus on my voice and only on my voice as you focus right on that spot that's right just sleep all the way down an amazing state of relaxation focus on my voice and only on my voice right there doing great and sleep all the way down an amazing state of relaxation loose limp and relaxed focus on my voice and Ollie on my voice and just sleep all the way down just focus on me and only on me you can still hear other noises you can still hear other sounds but those noises those sounds don't distract you don't bother you they just allow you to focus on me even further now that's right focus on my voice tune out any other thoughts any other distractions such a shelf get even more relaxed and the more relaxed you get the more you focus on me and the more you focus on me the more relaxed but you get deeper now that's right and anytime I say that word sleep sleep just helps you go even deeper relax even further that's right that word sleep when I say it the deeper you go the deeper you go the more you relax the more you relax the deeper you go and the deeper you go the more you focus on my voice as you sleep all the way down that's right and in this state you know you're not actually asleep you just know you're so relaxed and so immersed and focused on the sound of my voice that nothing else matters in this state but sleep focus on being on the sound of my voice and in this state you'll find that any belief any idea any suggestion that I give to you immediately becomes your reality without question without doubt any belief any suggestion in this date becomes your reality as you sleep even deeper even further that's right and next time that you open your eyes are going to find that become really really heavy almost in fact as if you're so heavy you're completely stuck to the couch that you're sitting on right now so stuck that the more you try to get up the more stuck you are you're completely stuck to where you're sitting next time you open your eyes doing amazing doing incredible good let yourself one-two-three awake eyes open doing good all right hey guys feeling pretty relaxed pretty good yeah right yeah I feel good awesome and the thing with hypnosis this is about the idea that you focus on the idea becomes a reality experience and notice what happens if I ask you to try to sit up or stand up notice what feeling that creates right now if you would really really try notice what feeling that creates you notice that feeling what does that feel like yeah really try notice that the more you try the more stuck that you get that's kind of strange isn't it see idea you focus on the idea you create the experience I hope all of you actually just look right here look right at the center of this hand for me if you will deep breath in breathe out just let yourself sleep eyes closed let yourself go all the way back down then amazing state of relaxation focus even deeper even further now sleep twice as relaxed places relaxed again even deeper now all the way down that's right and next time the true open your eyes are going to find that you're no longer stuck to where you're sitting completely free everything's now returned back to normal however next time that you open your eyes are going to find that your nail is now stuck and the more you try to remember your first name the more you find you actually completely forget it you cannot remember your own first name next time you open your eyes go in literature of one two three awake as open and good all right there was kind of a strange experience feeling really heavy and stuff and now notice what happens you don't feel stuck anymore do you a little lazy but you're not stuck if you try to get up you can right there alright you can sit back down for me if you will it's pretty cool what do you thing so far it's pretty neat experience yeah you're relaxed right and I know we did like the intros and everything earlier but remind me again you're nameless you told me earlier your name is we did have a whole talk about it I know it but interesting your watch so then what when you shake my hand you'll find it comes right back and now you know what it was that's right your name Zack my name's Zack that was Zack and Zack but watch watch this Zack imagine I reach in and just take out your name Schuester now I've taken at your name you completely forget again now if you try to think of it your name lose what you're like if I can't if I can do your name here take your name take your name just put it right back as soon as you put it back you remember you do it there we go yeah there we go what do you think of that scary of what I like it I guess that took notice is in a nutshell right it's weird but it's fun yeah that's kind of weird I what happens we try think of your name though your name was alright but you notice that feeling for a moment but when you remembered you did right yeah yeah but what if you were instead of focus on remembering focus on forgetting now what if you find them or you try to remember the more you just completely forget and the further and further that name goes now if you try to remember it it was there you go last in the mind control so I can't make you actually forget your name if you don't want to forget it but if you focus on the idea of forgetting you find that that you can you forget it but even though I'm the hypnotist not a mind-reader I know the exact thought that when your mind was like oh no I know my name and I can remember it yeah right but if you don't focus on the thought of remembering if you focus on the thought of forgetting then you find you would write what happens if you were to switch over to that thought now could you tell yourself that you forget yeah tell yourself you forget and I the more you try to remember the more you forget even more there you go right but now because you forget and the more you forget the more you try to remember the more that you forget and now when you try to say that name it was there you notice how now you're forgetting and the more you try to remember the more you forget that's kind of cool right all we have to do is imagine our just reach in midair and just grab your name and imagine I just toss it straight up and as soon as it comes back down you remembered and now you remember it was there we go kind of cool right yeah or do you think yeah what do you mean you don't know if it would work on you man what happens if he were to not know your name what happens if you were to just completely forget it now and now the more you find you try to remember the more that you forget even more and now when you try to remember your name it was he told me just a moment ago here I'll do is Arielle as soon as you just tap him on the forehead and he just remembers his name ready now you know what it was there we go that's pretty cool right but did you notice how when you focused on actually forgetting you notice that feeling of forget it it wasn't just oh oh no oh no no my name it's not right because you could pretend you don't know it but pretending is just an initial feeling but the actual experience is pretending without realizing you're pretending to the point that it feels real right does it make sense yeah all right of course bars straight bars the way we do it all right one deep breath in breathe out look right here and just let yourself sleep let yourself go all the way back down that amazing state of relaxation focus all the way down that's right focus only on my voice every single way focus only on my voice that's right next time you open your eyes no longer forgetting your name you can always remember it it's not returned everything has now returned back to normal however what you'll find is that the next time that you open your eyes any time that I say the word hypnosis whenever I say the word hypnosis the word hypnosis has become the funniest word you've ever heard in your life the more I say it the funnier it gets and the more I say it the more it makes you laugh for the strangest reason but that words the funniest word you've ever heard next time you open your eyes good let's go one two three awake eyes open I'm good all right feeling good gonna relax right and that's the thing with hypnosis is actually pretty pretty pretty relaxing experience that's what hypnosis is all about actually is what you focus on becomes your experience in the state of hypnosis is a pretty fun fun experience isn't it yeah because that's the thing with hypnosis right is that whatever you focus on becomes what you experience right and if I were to ask them to pretend to laugh you couldn't really have a real laugh like you would with hypnosis when you focus on the idea of being really really funny right and that's a you know something's actually shifted and something different is going on in their mind when they think of hypnosis is the experience they're creating through that focus on that word being really really funny all right watch deep breath in breathe out that words no longer funny now all right it's landing at the final lap right yeah all right cool but now II noticed the difference now when I say hypnosis now I notice there's no reaction because their mind has shifted out of that idea right even though the word of gnosis is just kind of an ordinary word when you were focused on it being really funny you created the experience of being really funny okay and that's what those is all about cool all right cool deep breath in breathe out just let yourself sleep eyes closed all the way back down an amazing state of relaxation sinking drifting floating even deeper now sleep even more focus now even more immersed on the sound of my voice now all the way down that's right take all of this amazing relaxation you're experiencing now and double it even more relaxed even deeper relaxed in every single way that's right even deeper now all the way down now that's right next time that you open your eyes the words no longer funny everything is now returned back to normal in every single way that's right doing amazing do incredible focusing on the sound of my voice and only on the sound of my voice however next time that you open your eyes you're going to find that the person sitting next to you has become a total stranger you do not recognize the person sitting next to you the person sitting next to you is a complete total stranger and you don't know who they are next time you open your eyes girl interest off 1 2 3 awake good alright hey guys good good feeling good yeah awesome and you never doing hypnosis before hey but you know who these guys are yeah yeah you do yeah yeah you sure I think so you think so hey who is this that is that that's back and that was yeah right interesting you know these who they are right you think so much the more you try to remember the more you forget that more than just total strangers now you said you know you said you know them or you don't so what are their names there Yeah right interesting for a moment it seemed like you didn't though that's kind of strange yes yeah yeah interesting yeah it's kinda weird you know who they are right this is REO are you watch can you forget both of their names that was ready watch now you do that's right completely cool all right all good can i deep breath in breathe out focus on my voice let your eyes close I just let yourself sleep all the way down that amazing state of relaxation focus only on my voice did an amazing and incredible in every single way even deeper even further now that's right even deeper now all the way down now that's right doing amazing and incredible tuning and any other noises any other sounds any other distractions focusing on me and only on me now that's right that's right doing amazing doing incredible even deeper now double all that relaxation now and again in this stage you'll find that any belief any suggestion any idea that I give you immediately becomes your reality without question and only the person that I'm touching on the shoulder right now only the person I'm touching on the shoulder next time that you open your eyes you're going to find that I've immediately and suddenly transformed into your very favorite celebrity the person you've always wanted to meet I look like I sound like I am now your favorite celebrity next time you open your eyes only the person I'm touching on the shoulder go and let yourself one-two-three awake good all right eyes open again yeah I seen right listen good how are you great yeah he can you know get I remind them who I am yeah let's go and you met me before right you have you haven't okay sorry I must've been think about someone else yeah but it's exciting to meet you man I know we're both both both doing big things and then even been a fan for a while so and yeah I know you do some music as well - yeah yeah so yeah how would you like to maybe play some of your music it what am I show some time yet cool awesome that sounds great man hey you could ask me any question what do you wanna know are you scared to get the coronavirus oh man I think I mean you know well yeah tour tour is the thing but you know at the end of the day just kind of keep going - doing what you're doing and of course you get it you know take the protective measures washing their hands making sure staying safe but at the end of the day I don't want to let fear hold me back from doing what I love you know man yeah you wanna make sure you get a picture with the cameras here yeah Alice let's do that awesome bring it in here awesome they got some cool because I know they might be before one time let the song one time see it actually hey it's so good to get to meet you man okay they get to meet you sleep all the way down an amazing state of relaxation focus on the sound of my voice even deeper now all the way down that's right focus on me and on my voice only on my voice yeah that's kinda weird isn't it kind of cool all right deep breath it read it asleep eyes closed focus on my voice all the way down that's right even deeper even further focus on me deeper now immerse yourself even more now all the way down next time the jhope in your eyes you're going to find that I'm no longer a celebrity everything's now returned back to normal however next time you open your eyes anytime that I snap my fingers and make that sound I'll become completely invisible I literally disappear and you can't see me in front of you if I snap again I reappear but I become completely invisible and disappear in front of you and ever I snap my fingers doing amazing doing incredible good let yourself 1 2 3 awake eyes open alright I guess doing good pretty relaxed yeah this is a cool experience and again it's the idea that whatever idea you focus on becomes a reality experience and notice that you can all see me standing right here right but notice what happens as soon as I do this No what's that again yeah look you can you can see me right here right watch this what's going on okay yeah that's good was anything happening for you what's gone no you could see me you could see me right yeah you could see but what you can see me now you can feel not ghostery yeah yeah you nervous yes sorry but never never never nervous apparently not some pins your have you set up for me if you go all the way yeah all the way sure right here well move this you don't don't worry about sitting on RA thinking sit back down if you want oh yeah you know actually another another kind of strained experience that was kind of strange right here else is really strange those did you know that your nose is made out of rubber watch if I grab your nose it'll stretch watch watch their their watch in a moment I'm gonna let go and when I do my thing broke it's not broken watch look at it in a moment I'm gonna let go it'll snap right back it won't hurt at all bonus snaps back it'll put you right back to sleep watch three two one all the way down an amazing state of relaxation even deeper all the way down that's kind of strange wasn't it yeah focus on my voice yeah advice just focus on me focus on me even deeper tuned out any other distractions noises laughs focus on me and only on me going deeper now that's right it was kind of strange right yeah but again in the hypnotized state whatever idea you focus on will be what you experience whether you think you can see me or think that you can't whatever idea you hold in your mind will be so if you're like oh well no I know that I could see you that'll still be what you experienced but if you could actually switch or flip the switch and be like oh well actually what if I couldn't and you actually just completely believe that like you did you would create that experience even though I not actually invisible if you convinced yourself I am you create that same experience kind of like if you've ever had that experience where maybe you're like holding your phone and you're like where's my phone where's my phone you're friends again hey it's not that you didn't know where it was but in a moment your mind actually made that invisible because you were so convinced you'd know where it was you couldn't see it so it's that same idea you're kind of confused that make sense yeah so all it is is simply just allowing yourself to just completely believe whatever I tell you without doubting it without second-guessing it and when you completely believe it in that way just like when you were stuck just like when you forgot your name you just completely believed it without any doubt you actually create that experience or what the word hypnosis being funny cuz the words not actually funny right but you notice that when you focus on it being funny it felt funny same thing if you just completely focus on whatever idea that I tell you you'll find that will become your experience cool all right okay okay well we'll keep going alright so let's it back for me if you will thank you idiom before great deep breath in breathe out let your eyes close and let yourself sleep even deeper focusing on the sound of my voice even deeper all the way down that's right and let yourself just relax deeper and what that word relax deeper means is just focus on my voice even more if you have other thoughts other things going through your mind distracting you thinking about how other people are responding thinking about how you're responding just tune out those thoughts and distractions in order to give yourself complete and total permission and freedom to experience this state to the fullest extent possible to the point that anything that I say without question without doubt immediately becomes which you experience by giving yourself permission to let it become what you experience and that doesn't mean that you're just pretending or imagining it but it means that you're actually imagining and pretending it to the point that it doesn't feel like imagination to pretend but to the point that it feels real and when it feels real you experience it just like it's real as you sleep even deeper focus on my voice deeper immerse yourself even more that's right focusing only on my voice and on nothing else for nobody else we're in this moment my voice becomes all that matters in order for you to give yourself this amazing experience of what hypnosis it's like that's right an amazing doing incredible and next time that you open your eyes you're going to find that the two people filming with cameras in front of you the two people with cameras and phones the two people filming have both become aliens next time you open your eyes you're not quite sure how or why they've become aliens but the two people Fitz you see filming next time you open your eyes have become aliens doing amazing doing incredible good let's try one two three awake eyes open and good all right it's feeling good what's gonna oh yeah get your weird he looks weird what's he look like he looks scary there's your friends all right what are you seeing right now you can't what well you look interesting watch they look normal now you guys good outside you gotta go yeah okay that's kind of strange though wasn't it oh really different people have different ideas of what an alien might be but what do you look like you like sit back for me if you will sit back focus on the sound of my voice deep breath in breathe out and just let yourself sleep eyes closed all the way down even deeper even further again even deeper and more immersed more focused only on my voice in every single way that's right doing amazing and incredible relaxing even deeper focusing on my voice that's right just follow my voice focus on my voice go even D relax even further that's right and the next time that you open your eyes the person that I'm touching on the shoulder right now only the person I'm touching on the shoulder right now next time you open your eyes you're going to find that for the strangest reason you cannot remember any of your song lyrics at all even though you have many really great songs out just you completely draw a blank any time you try to think of your song lyrics you completely forget all of your song lyrics next time you open your eyes 1 2 3 awake everybody eyes open doing good all right hey you guys feeling good feeling better feel relaxed and now you said that you saw the video I did with Jayden right were you like forgot his own lyrics that's kind of strange and you said that like what's actually one of your songs that people really know know you from oh do you know one of his sons no what's one of the songs called sweatshirt you know what's the course - sweatshirt it's your it's your song right could you write it yeah so the put the words where yeah you should alright maybe a difference on what's a different song maybe then bingo is that one of your songs yeah yeah what are the words to that one brothers cameras good you know no that's kind of weird a you have some songs that you actually write yeah what's the song that people really know you you from what's like probably your bit your top song no you don't you don't know either do you know what's what's her biggest song you'd say do you know porsche-uh first one goes to Gasol or Gucci on my body uh-huh Gucci on my body no what was the first one do you my body what's the first one never know though you know oh no I sorta got it what was it it was confused can't even move her socks interesting alright trying so hard so if someone the first one it's coming huh ah right okay well what's the course of that son I think it's just oh that's alright easy knows all your son's alright actually this is kind of a strange thing so this this remote control is actually the magic remote control when you're holding this you can remember all your lyrics not your songs but when you're not you forget like you are now so you watch if I hand you this you can remember it now right yes stretch it what's the course of that yeah right but watch as soon as you hand me this watch the course was what watch here and and if I hand you this now you know it was your chorus oh yeah there you go right but what did you but now that's his song that's not your song it was nice ah there we go okay that makes sense yeah okay gotcha all right cool all right oh yeah all right sit back for me if you will deep breath in read out sleep eyes closed all the way down even deeper than amazing state of relaxation next time you open your eyes all the memories of your songs and words have returned everything's now returned back to normal in every single way that's right doing amazing doing incredible but next time you open your eyes only the person I'm touching on the shoulder right now only the person I'm touching on the shoulder I have now become your very favorite celebrity the person you've always wanted to meet I look like I sound like I am now your favorite celebrity next time you open your eyes 1 2 3 awake eyes open good everybody else awake eyes open how's it goin what's gone they told they told me you're a big fan so I wanted to come over and surprise you how's it go any come here good - good no it's all right I'm good hey we might remind them who I am though in a fan for a while oh my goodness hey you got a good pic there there we go awesome hey it's so sweet I know they told me you're a fan for a long time and so I came over as a surprise guest I thought you were doing it nervous but yeah I know right that was kind of the undercover I hey we're gonna film those this video but then on my show I was like yes yeah that was a surprise reveal at the end of it hey and you could ask me any question what do you wanna know what was it like um don't call me by your name you know there's a lot of fun it's a really cool opportunity for me to be able to film that movie I got a lot of work with a lot of really great co-stars it was really fun but I was actually so the reason that is here was partly to surprise you and like it's good to meet you but I actually have another movie that I'm working on that I was wondering if you were willing to to work with me in that movie it's a good yeah yeah awesome it's gonna be and it will be with me that's it wow this is so great yeah I like it so if you get to meet you [Music] alright hey it's all good alright here you guys have to see before me have a seat watch I'm myself now you get yeah yeah deep breath in breathe out let yourself sleep eyes closed all the way down even deeper than amazing state of relaxation deeper now all the way down focus on my voice and only on my voice even deeper all the way down that's right even more relaxed every single way focus on me only on me that's right that's right all the way down next time you open your eyes everything's now returned back to normal in every single way no longer celebrity everything is now returned back to normal however next time that you open your eyes are going but fine with it the strangest thing has happened is that next time that you open your eyes I have suddenly become a giant real-life Chipotle burrito for the strangest reason I'm a giant Chipotle burrito that walks and talks and is alive I'm a real-life triple a burrito next time you open your eyes go and let yourself 1 2 3 a week eyes open good what what's up hey what's going on are you good what do you mean am i real you look scared something good I look delicious okay all right no you're not gonna eat me are you hey you can never have too much guac though right maybe I should have double wrapped it or something yeah another tourtière something I smell good thank you I appreciate yeah that's no it's a watch I look normal now everything's now turned back to normal yes good I was kind of a strange experience wasn't it no no no I hope you like don't don't eat me or anything is strange but all right cool all right doing great deep breath in breathe out let yourself sleep eyes closed all the way down then amazing state of relaxation focus on me on my voice that's right and next time you open your eyes I'm no longer a burrito everything's now returned back to normal every single way and next time you open your eyes we'll get ready to wrap up and finish up the hypnosis feeling good and amazing in every single way that's right focus on me on my voice so kiss on my voice focus on my voice that's right focus on the sound of my voice tuning out any other distractions no other noises those don't bother you just focus on me and only on me that's right and in this state you know you're you're not asleep but you're just relaxed focused on me and every single way and in a moment I'm gonna count up from one to five each number I count up from one to five feeling less relaxed less hypnotized releasing yourself from the hypnotized state when I reach that final number five however you completely forget that you were hypnotized you have no memory of what you did what you saw what you experienced in this hypnotized state until the moment that I shake your hand when I shake your hand then you remember everything all the good amazing wonderful positive memories that you got to experience in this hypnotized state I'll come back as soon as I shake your hand but until then you completely forget everything that happened it's as if we were just getting started no memory of the hypnosis sterlington number one begin to gather up all that amazing positive energy of your body feeling so good and amazing and every single way into the number two feeling so good and positive in every single way that's right number three more full of energy full of confidence full of life that's right less relaxed more alert more aware into the number four that's it as you prepare to release yourself from hypnotized day days you get ready to open your eyes at the final number five eyes open wide awake feeling good all right hey guys doing good feeling good all right you guys have fun getting hypnotized did you guys have fun with the hypnosis yeah we came here so that I could do something that was just right hypnotize you guys and then this is like the end of it so was your favorite part I got here what's your favorite part of the hypnosis have you been hypnotized before no no so what was your first experience like know what that's what I just did right yeah nice to meet you you know you remember now right here what watch if I do this it'll look like a burrito yeah I did are you sure we didn't do any hypnosis at all not at all we didn't bug in here watch where do you guys think yeah cool experience fun alright that's cool all right cool well let's just do like some sort of Gaucho to wrap it up with you guys think final final thoughts all right yeah final thoughts would you guys say to anyone that was thinking about getting hypnotized yeah and his nose turn into rubber I saw that is that all I forgot about that sweet girl well he was like I thought you broke my nose I was about to call doctor all right cool experience to your actress I literally thought that I like gapped up JB but I I was trying to confuse like how he got in my house all right what are you doing yeah so cool awesome well thank you guys for watching the video my name is Ben Zach Vincent I'll make sure to tag these guys in the description so you can follow them oh one single way hey I'll make sure to tag them guys make sure you guys subscribe to the channel if you want to see more and all that fun stuff and hey thank you guys for having me over to hypnotize you until the next video go back you look good daya bhabhi [Music]
Channel: Zach Pincince
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Keywords: hypnosis, hypnotist, hypnotism, hypnotize, hypnotized, hypnotizing, hypnotizing jacob sartorius, hypnotizing baby ariel, hypnotizing zach clayton, jacob sartorious hypnosis, baby ariel hypnosis, zach clayton hypnosis, entire uncut hypnosis video, entire hypnosis video, uncut hypnosis video, hypnosis video, hypnosis videos, getting hypnotized, chipotle hypnosis, hypnosis chipotle, real hypnosis, real hypnosis video, hypnotizing videos, uncut hypnosis, full hypnosis, zach pincince
Id: Xx36IbxYL3U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 27sec (2847 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 14 2020
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