Hypnotized to Think a Giant Rainbow Horse Statue has Come to Life | Full Uncut Street Hypnosis

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cool alright let's do this alright revver what I'll do is I'll have you take your hand I'll have you take my hand look right here look at the center of this game as your eyes go let let your mind focus on the sound of my voice and as you do let this other hand get loose and limp and relaxed that's right doing great more relaxed as your eyes focus there's your mind focuses on me and only on my voice tuning out any other noises thoughts distractions focusing on me and only on me as you take a deep breath in let it out that's right in a moment I'm gonna say the word sleep and when I do you're simply just gonna lie your eyes too close and let yourself drop into a sleep-like state of relaxation concentration when you focus only on the sound of my voice you know any other distractions that's right let yourself sleep eyes closed all the way down focus in the sound of my voice loosely relaxed again just let yourself drop is this arm drops you drop deeper now that amazing state of relaxation all the way down that's right this arm just sways as you sway sink drift and float always staying balanced on your feet but letting yourself get as relaxed as possible now an amazing state of relaxation and anytime I say that word sleep that word sleep just sends you even deeper in this amazing feeling of relaxation you're experiencing now sleep just helps you relax even deeper sweep helps you concentrate on my voice even more and sleep helps my voice become the only thing you concentrate on and in this state of relaxation concentration you'll find that any idea any belief any suggestion that I give you instantaneously immediately becomes your reality next time that you open your eyes you're going to find that you completely forget your own first name the more you try to remember it the more you completely forget it the more you try to say it the more it gets stuck on the tip of your tongue you cannot remember your own first name next time you open your eyes good let's go one two three awake good I know we did the intro at the beginning images imma get your nameless you notice how the more you try to remember the further it gets right the more you forget you told me earlier your name is watch if I shake your hand your name comes back watch now you know it was Trevor there you go if I shake your hand again it goes away now your name is gone here was what dude what all we have to do is we just take your name forever it's floating around you just toss it straight up now you know what it was there we go pretty cool it's weird but it's using the mind in a powerful way Trevor right here take all the way down that amazing relaxation focusing on me and only on the sound of my voice tuning into any other thoughts distractions noises focusing on mean only on me next time you open your eyes your name is returned and you can always remember it however next time you open your eyes you're going to find that any time I say the word hypnosis the word hypnosis is the funniest word you've ever heard next time you open your eyes 1 2 3 a week good don't get now you never know any hypnosis before Trevor that words no longer funny now it's an ordinary word now surprising hypnosis now there's no - you have to be confused you just have to sweep all the way down the concentration focusing on a sound of my voice to an amazing view incredible all the way down loosen up relax drop all the way down next time you open your eyes you're going to find that the words no longer funny of you things now return back to normal however next time you open your eyes I have immediately and suddenly transformed into your very favorite celebrity the person you've always wanted to meet I have now become that person I look like I sound like I am now your favorite celebrity next time you open your eyes 1 2 3 awake oh I know not everybody knows who I am but I know who I am yeah hey you can ask me anything what do you I know I know I can't I I don't even know what to say hey you want to get a picture here actually they told me you're a really big fan so I thought I'd come out and surprise you and meet you and how'd you actually like to sushi all right sounds like a plan all right Trevor well then I'll see you for sushi later so so nice to meet you so nice to meet you sweep all the way down an amazing state of relaxation all the way down next time you open your eyes I am no longer that's the first I'm no longer your favorite celebrity everything's now turned out however next time you open your eyes get somebody to either put him inside or do something thank you next time you open your eyes everything is now turned back to normal however next time you open your eyes anytime that I snap my fingers I become completely invisible and you cannot see me I literally disappear in front of you if I snap again I reappear but I'm completely invisible whenever I snap my fingers next time you open your eyes 1 2 3 a week good all right I feel like pretty good yeah yeah cool experience so far yeah but no this acting thing is you can see me standing right here all right but watch what happens if I do this what you can see me right here over over like by the chair right so watch dude where did he go cool man cool there's a chair floating okay that's all right here we'll put this put this back I don't know all right here's what we'll do actually know what else is kind of strange enjoy your nose is made out of rubber watch my grab your nose it'll stretch watch strange question a moment I'm gonna let go and when I do it'll snap right back it won't hurt at all when I snap it snaps back it'll put you right back to sleep watch three two one all the way down an amazing state of relaxation focus next time you open eyes I'm no longer invisible no matter what however next time that you open your eyes this giant colorful horse unicorn thing whatever is behind you has become a real-life unicorn colorful whatever it is the giant statue behind you has come to life every time you open your eyes 1 2 3 a week that's pretty crazy isn't it it's a freaking unicorn I thought these weren't real you guys have one at the house here Bello is really weird it's cool watch it's back to normal what were you saying about this it's not real it's not real you were like petting it like it wasn't I'm gonna go alright anyways that's all right sweep all the way down an amazing state of relaxation next time you open your eyes that's not real everything's now return back to normal however next time you open your eyes everybody else here except for me everybody else here has become a zombie every other person here is a zombie except for me next time you open your eyes one two three awake we don't want anyone to fall in the pool but just sleep all the way down an amazing state of relaxation focus all the way down focus on the sound of my voice only understand of my voice next time you open your eyes nobody is aaahm be severed our return back to normal however next time you open your eyes everything's returned back to normal but you forget what just happened and you wonder why you're over here now one two three a week good all right you like ran over yeah we're doing stuff over here and you ran over to the side of the pool for some reason are you getting here let's come back over on this side I know I was like why did you just what are you confused of it this year you were just here look that I was over there and then you're just there yeah I don't know do you think hypnosis is real yeah you do you know why sleep all the way down that amazing state of relaxation that's why focus on the sound of my voice doing amazing doing incredible next time you open your eyes everything is now return back to normal every single way except next time you open rise you sing every word that comes out of your mouth every word that comes out of your mouth comes out only in song next time you open your eyes 1 2 3 a week thank you good yeah is that good I do why are you singing I don't know what's your favorite thing about this it works clearly yeah we've never done any hypnosis before pretty cool pretty cool all right that's all right hey focus here asleep all the way down an amazing state of relaxation next time you open your eyes everything's now returned back to normal you no longer sing anything at all ever next time you open your eyes we'll get ready to wrap up and finish up the hypnosis however next time you open eyes you completely forget that you were hypnotized it's as if it never happened it's as if we just got started no memory of getting hypnotized at all until the moment I shake your hand when I shake your hand then it all comes back you remember all the fun you had being hypnotized but you completely forget until I shake your hand kind of from 1 to 5 each number count from 1 to 5 less relaxed less hypnotized releasing yourself from the Signet I stay at the final number 5 it started with the number 1 begin to gather up that amazing positive energy into the number 2 being a stand-up now feeling more full of energy full of life into the number 3 into 4 did an amazing incredible getting ready to open your eyes releasing yourself notice the final number 5 eyes open wide awake doing good alright good yeah what's your favorite part about getting it the best I didn't get him in - we were starting yeah we did we started then we did it and it's so as your favorite part no we didn't yeah we just we just did right yeah how long how long have we been filming for 12 it's not 25 minutes how about 12 minutes yeah what do you what do you what do you remember from the past 12 minutes nothing nothing I thought we haven't even started yeah here maybe this will help watch what happens if I do this you remember now what would you say to people watching this video they're probably like ah he faked it he acted in pretended hypnosis is grill this is real fun experience probably right anyone think about getting hypnotized should they do it yes should I dude appreciate it [Music] you
Channel: Zach Pincince
Views: 80,262
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hypnosis, hypnotist, hypnotize, hypnotized, hypnotizing, hypnotic, hypnotized horse, horse statue, horse statue has come to life, hypnotized to come to life, hypnotized to come alive, giant colorful horse statue, giant colorful horse, giant horse, giant horse statue, colorful horse, street hypnosis, street hypnosis 2020, full street hypnosis, full uncut street hypnosis, uncut street hypnosis, street hypnosis uncut, real street hypnosis, impromptu hypnosis, hypnosis on the street
Id: ASd22XAMb5E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 4sec (724 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 10 2020
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